25 best recipes for Easter Easter cakes. How to decorate Easter cake?

25 best recipes for Easter Easter cakes. How to decorate Easter cake?

No celebration of Easter can imagine without a cake. Preparing such baking is very simple. It symbolizes on the festive table the presence of God in our lives. Each housewife has its own secrets of preparing such baking. In this article, we will try to reveal them.

Easter cakes: recipes with photos

There are a lot of recipes for baking for the festive table for the bright resurrection. Below we tried to collect the best of them. Such pastries can be prepared in a traditional way or using a multicooker and bread makers. But first things first.

Test recipes

Alexandria. Beat eggs (10 pcs.). Cut the oil (500 g) into small cubes. Fresh yeast (150 g) and warm milk (1 l) are placed on the eggs. Mix this mass and place it in a warm place for 12 hours.

Rinse and steam raisins (200 g). Put it to yeast and eggs. Add vanillin (to taste), cognac (2 p. Tablespoons) and sifted flour (2.5 kg). We knead so that a soft mass is obtained. Leave for an hour. Its volume should double.

Vienna. You need to mix eggs (3 pcs.) With sugar (200 g). Dilute yeast (20 g) in fresh milk (125 ml). We connect both masses, mix and leave for 12 hours.

Add soft oil (100 g), vanilla, zest (1 tsp) and flour (500 g). Mix and leave again to approach.

Kulich with raisins

With raisinsRecipe: Dilute the yeast (50 g) in a glass of warm milk. We fall asleep there flour (150 g) and salt. Knead. We rub the yolks (6 pcs) with sugar (2 cups). Squirrels (6 pcs.) You need to beat in foam. Mix butter (300 g). Mix all ingredients. The mass should be thoroughly kneaded and sprinkled with flour on top. We cover with a towel and leave it overnight.

Important: the temperature in the room where such baking should be prepared at least 25 degrees. In addition, you need to protect yourself from drafts in advance. They can strongly prevent you from getting lush and air pastries.

  • The remaining flour (800 g - 900 g) and vanilla sugar and knead with the opara so that the mass is not very thick. We are waiting for its volume to double and add raisins (150 g). Mix and lay out according to prepared forms
  • Filled by a third of the form, put in a warm place and cover with a towel. When the dough is increased in volume, it is necessary to lubricate the tops with sweet water and put in the oven
  • Когда куличи выпекутся их нужно извлечь из духовки, остудить и украсить

Kulich with raisins and centers

With tsukatiRECIPE: Cooking dough. We dilute the yeast (30 g) with milk (500 ml) and mix with flour (300 g - 400 g). We put dough for 3-6 hours in a warm place. After the dial is rising, add the remaining flour (600 g - 700 g), eggs (3 pcs.), Sugar (200 g), oil (200 g), ground cardamom, saffron and tsukata. We knead well.

Important: it is believed that baking will turn out if when mixing the mass of it “hit 200 times”. That is, to carry out this process for a very long time and carefully.

  • Put the mass in a warm place. When it rises 2-3 times, lubricate the molds with oil and fill it out half. We are waiting for when it rises, lubricate with yolk and sprinkle with chopped almonds and centers
  • We bake at a temperature of 200 degrees for about an hour. We extract, cool and decorate the cakes

Home recipe for Easter cake


  • Beat eggs (8 pcs.) With sugar (0.5 kg). Add sour cream (200 ml), cinnamon and vanillin (on the tip of a knife). Add softened oil (200 g). Dissolve fresh yeast (50 g) in warm milk (500 ml). Add to the mass. Mix everything and add flour (1.5-2 kg). Knead the dough
  • Lubricate a deep pan from the inside with oil. Put the dough there, cover with a towel and leave for 7-8 hours
  • Lubricate the table and hands with vegetable oil. We extract the dough and knead it. Leave for 1 hour under a towel. We repeat the procedure 3 times. Before the last collateral, we bring cockers (100 g) and raisins (100 g) to the dough.

Important: you need to engage in Easter baking on a clean Thursday. Before this, be sure to swim to sunrise and with a pure body and thoughts to cook delicious dishes.

  • Lubricate the baking molds with oil and put the dough in them. Its volume should not exceed half the form. Leave the cakes for 30 minutes
  • We turn on the oven to the maximum and bake the cakes for about 10 minutes. Then the fire must be put at a minimum and bake until the crust appears
  • We extract cakes from the oven, let it cool and decorate

Lush Easter cake


  • Mix hot milk (1 cup), warm cream (2 cups) and flour (2.4 cups). Mix everything thoroughly, and wait until the dough has cooled to room temperature
  • We dilute the yeast in a small amount of milk (50 g) and add eggs (2 pcs.). Mix and add to the dough. Knead it until smooth and put it in a warm place

Important: during the preparation of Easter dishes, you can not swear, lick and argue. All negative energy can translate to dishes.

  • Divide sugar (2.4 cups) into two parts. In one half we beat the proteins (8 pcs.), And rub the second with yolks (8 pcs.). Mix both masses from top to bottom and add flour. Again we knead everything. Waiting for the dough.
  • We knock out the dough. Divide into two parts and each put each in a greased form. Let the dough rise and bake at 180 degrees until cooked

Easter cakes with nuts

With nuts

  • To prepare such baking, we take raisins (100 g), almonds (100 g) and centers (100 g). We sort out raisins, clean it from twigs and other garbage. Pour hot water for 15 minutes. Then drain the water
  • Fill the almonds with boiling water for 3-4 minutes. Then we drain hot water, pour the nuts with cold water and clean the almonds of the husk. We dry the nuts for 2-3 minutes in the microwave, then fry in a pan and grind with a knife. Nuts for chopping nuts are not suitable

Important: only two types of nuts are mentioned in the Bible: almonds and pistachios. Therefore, in orthodox Easter baking, only such nuts need to be used.

  • Gray milk (500 ml) and dissolve the yeast in it (50 g). For this recipe, it is best to take fresh yeast. Add flour (500 g) and mix. The resulting mass must be put in a warm place and covered with a towel
  • We rub the yolks (6 pcs) with sugar (300 g) and vanilla (1 teaspoon). Beat the squirrels into foam with salt
  • Opara should come in 30 minutes. This will signal its volume. It should increase by 2-3 times. Add the yolks to dough, melted butter (200 g) and mix. Add proteins last
  • Sift the flour (1 kg) and add to the total mass. This must be done in parts, each time kneading the mass until smooth. Be prepared for what may require more flour. Its number depends on many factors
  • The dough should be placed in a pan and sent to fit in a warm place. Depending on the temperature, it is suitable after 40 minutes-1.5 hours. We roll raisins in flour and bring it to the dough. After which you need to add caches and chopped almonds
  • Again, knead the dough well and send to a warm place. We are waiting for it to increase by 1.5 - 2 times. Cooking forms. Lubricate the bottoms with oil and spread the oiled parchment along the walls
  • We spread the dough on the table and cut into pieces. We roll each piece in a ball and place it in shape. Forms must be put on a baking sheet, and wait until the dough comes. Then we send the forms to the oven preheated to 100 degrees.
  • After 10 minutes of baking kulichi, you need to increase the temperature to 190 degrees and the furnace is already ready. We pull out the forms with the cakes from the oven and leave it for 10 minutes. Then we remove them from the forms and decorate them

Simple cake


  • We heat milk (125 ml) and dilute the yeast in it (15 g). Pour into a bowl with sifted flour (100 g). Mix and cover with a napkin. Leave for 30 minutes
  • We rub two yolks and protein with sugar (100 g) and pour vanilla essence (1-2 teaspoon). Pour the mixture into dough and add softened butter (50 g). Mix well

IMPORTANT: by the quality of Easter pastries, our ancestors determined the future. If it turned out to be a good and beautiful festive bread, then the family was waiting for success. If the baking has cracked and did not come out, then it is worth waiting for the misfortune.

  • We fall asleep the rest of the flour (200 g). We knead, cover the dough with a napkin and leave for 1 hour in a warm place. Rinse raisins (100 g) and fill it with cognac (30 ml). We besiege the rising dough and add raisins. Make the dough again and leave for 1 hour
  • We lay the form for the cake of baking paper. Lubricate with butter and fill in the dough. The dough should occupy 1/3 - 1.5 forms. Leave the dough in forms for 1 hour
  • We heat the oven to 100 degrees. We put the shape in the oven and after 10 minutes (when the dough rises), increase the temperature to 180 degrees. We bake for 30-40 minutes
  • After extraction, we wait for the cake to cool and cover it with glaze

Equacious recipe without yeast

Without yeast

  • Rinse raisins (100 g). We dry it and sprinkle with flour. Sift the flour (300 g - 350 g) several times. Grind the lemon peel (1 pc.) On a fine grater. Add soda (1 teaspoon) to kefir (300 ml) and leave for two minutes
  • Surrender oil (100 g). Add turmeric to it (1/4 teaspoon), zest and sugar (150 g). You can add vanilla sugar for smell. Pour kefir with soda and mix
  • Add flour and raisins to the resulting mass. The dough should not turn out very liquid. We check the consistency by eye. Add flour if necessary. We fill in the prepared molds by ½ - 1/3 of the volume. We put them on a baking sheet and place them in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. We bake until cooked. We extract and decorate

Recipe for cottage cheese cake


  • Sift the flour (1.2-1.5 kg) 2-3 times. Dissolve the yeast (50 g) in milk (70 ml), add sugar (0.5 cups) and cover with a napkin. We move to a warm place
  • We separate the proteins from the yolks (6 pcs.) And beat them with a pinch of salt. We rub the yolks with the remaining sugar (2 cups) and vanilla (1 g). Rub the cottage cheese (200 g) through a small sieve. Rinse the raisins (100 g), dry and pour flour

Important: in all Christian countries, a special “heavy baking” is baked on the holiday of the resurrection of the Lord. Such products include English cupcake and Australian Rayndling. Very satisfying and high -calorie pastries.

  • In warm milk (500 ml), dilute the approaching yeast. Mix and add the remaining ingredients: cottage cheese, yolks, sour cream (200 g), butter (250 g), vegetable oil (50 ml) and mix. Add whipped proteins at the very end. Mix everything thoroughly
  • Add flour in small portions, constantly stirring the mass. The dough should not become tight. But liquid dough should be avoided. We leave it for 2.5 - 3 hours to approach. During this time, it needs to be spent 2-3 times
  • Then you need to lubricate the forms, and fill them with 1/3. We leave the filled forms for 30 minutes. After the dough is doubled in the forms, you need to bake Easter cakes at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes
  • We decorate in a traditional way

Chocolate Easter cakes


  • Mix flour (200 g), water (100 g), dry yeast (1 1/4 teaspoon) and sugar (35 g). We cover with a towel and leave for 2 hours. We melt the chocolate (100 g). For this purpose, you can use a microwave or a water bath. Part of the chocolate (100 g) must be crushed into small cubes. We rub the zest of orange (1 pc.)
  • Mix the flour (200 g), milk (55 ml), salt (half of the spoons), yolks (3 pcs.), Vanillin, sugar (70 g), oil (70 g), yeast (3/4 teaspoon ) and leaven. At the end, add melted chocolate. The dough should turn out to be soft and homogeneous. The consistency must be adjusted by the addition of flour

Important: the first to add chocolate to baking were English bakers. Representatives of the Fran, Rounty and Kadbury are still arguing about who specifically did this.

  • You need to add pieces of chocolate and orange zest to the finished dough. Leave the mass for 10 minutes. Then we divide it into several parts, cover and leave it for another 30 minutes. After that, you need to fill the forms and leave them for 3.5 hours in a warm place
  • Bake chocolate cakes at 180 degrees. Когда корочка станет румяной нужно извлечь выпечку из духовки, дать остыть и украсить

Italian cupcake Paneton

PanetonIn Italy, a festive table on this bright day is necessarily decorated with a paneton.

  • To prepare it, you need to mix water with milk and add yeast (1 bag). When a small “hat” appears to the mixture, add flour (4 tbsp. Tablespoons) and sugar (1 tbsp. Spoon). Mix the mass, cover with a film and send to a warm place for 30 minutes
  • Beat eggs (3 pcs.), Sugar (100 g), vanilla, citrus zest. Then add the yeast mixture and again mix everything until smooth
  • Add flour (540 g), soft oil (70 g) and salt. To knead the dough, it is better to use a mixer at low speed with a special nozzle. After the mass has accepted the homogeneous structure, add the centers (1/4 cup) and raisins (1 cup). Mix again

Important: there are several versions of the origin of this recipe. According to one of them, Paneton was invented by one of the nuns of the monastery, located near Milan. She collected a small amount of already meager ingredients and added lemon zest. Which predetermined the taste of the future pie. And his further success.

  • Pour the table with flour, pour mass on it and imagine. Periodically, pour a mass of flour. The dough processed in this way is formed in the ball and is left for 3-4 hours in an oil-lubricated bowl
  • We heat the oven to 170 - 180 degrees. Put the mass in the molds, grease the surface with yolk and bake. 20 minutes after the start of baking, the surface of the cupcake is cut crosswise in order to get a traditional "crown"

Assed Easter cakes recipes

AcactiveSugar, eggs, milk and other ingredients that determine the taste of festive pastries are sons. By tradition, all preserved products were added to the first meal after the post. That is why SDBA turned out to be heavy and very satisfying.

The most skilled cake

  • We melt the butter (600 g) and wait until it cools down. We dilute the yeast (100 g) in warm milk (1 l), add flour (600 g), vegetable oil (3 tbsp. Tablespoons), salt and sugar (100 g). We put in a warm place for 1 hour
  • Yellow (12 pcs.) And proteins (10 pcs.) Separately beat with brown sugar (350 g each). In the yolks during whipping, add vanillin (2 bags)
  • When the dials rises into it, you need to add whipped yolks and melted oil. Mix the ingredients. We prepare raisins (400 g). Before adding to the dough, it needs to be tilted in flour
  • Add flour to dough (1.5 kg). Mix until a homogeneous mass. Add raisins and centers (400 g). Mix again. Leave for 30 minutes in a warm place
  • When the dough is suitable, you need to add whites whipped into a strong foam. Mix thoroughly and wait for it to rise again. We bake the Easter cakes in the traditional way

Easter cherry with cherries

  • Prepare dough and put it in a warm place. Pour saffron (1 pinch) with a spoon of boiling water and let it brew. When the OPA is doubled, you need to add salt, yolks (10 pcs.), Wrapped with sugar (3 cups), cognac (35 ml), melted butter (500 g) and saffron infusion. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed
  • Beat the proteins (10 pcs.) Into the steep foam and add them to the prepared mass. We fall asleep the remaining flour (2 kg) and knead the dough to the optimal consistency. Leave in a warm place. When it is suitable, add washed raisins (200 g) and a sugared cherry (200 g)
  • Mix, let it brew and place it in forms. They need to be placed in a warm place and let the mass increase in volume. We bake at a temperature of 180 degrees. The last 10 minutes the temperature can be reduced by 20 degrees

Kulich is custard


  • In milk (50 ml), pour sugar (1 tbsp. Spoon) and mix. We crumble yeast (40 g) and leave for 20 minutes. Boil milk (200 g) and fall asleep into it flour (1-3 tbsp. Tablespoons). Knead the mass of a wooden spoon
  • We heat the cream (200 g), add them to the liquid dough and mix. When the mixture has cooled to room temperature, pour the yeast into it. Put the dough in a warm place
  • Mix butter (150 g). Separate proteins from yolks (5 eggs). We rub the yolks with sugar (1.5 cups) and vanilla (1 teaspoon). Beat the proteins before introducing into a dense foam. Pour the yolks into the dough, oil and add salt. Mix and apply proteins. Knead the mass from top to bottom.
  • We apply flour (700 g - 1 kg) in several tricks, constantly kneading it with our hands. The finished dough is lubricated with oil, laid in a bowl and covered with a towel. The bowl must be placed in a warm place
  • We prepare the "filler" for the custard. To do this, cut into small cubes marshmallows (50 g) and marmalade (50 g). Rinse the dried apricots (100 g) and cut it in small pieces. We bring these ingredients to the approaching dough. We knead it. Leave in a warm place
  • Divide into pieces. We place them in forms and bake them

Creamy cake

  • We knead flour (3.5 cups), warm milk (1 cup), butter (200 g) and sugar (1 cup). Pour milk (0.5 cups) into the mass with yeast diluted in it (12 G-16 g). Mix. Cover with a towel and leave to fit
  • As soon as the dough rises, you need to apply eggs (3 pcs.) And leave again to approach. After 1-2 hours, you need to make raisins (2 tbsp.). Knock. Let go and divide into pieces. Bake in forms 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees

Kulich Monastic


  • Dissolve the yeast (15 g) in a small amount of milk. In another bowl, mix warm milk (0.5 cups) with melted oil (100 g), sugar (100 g) and salt. Mix and cool. We combine the contents of two bowls. Add flour (400 g), mix and send to a warm place for lifting
  • When the dough rises, add one yolk and a whole egg to it. Knead and add raisins (100 g). Mix the dough again and send it to fit
  • Boxing forms must be lubricated with butter and filled with dough. We are waiting for the volume of the test to increase and bake in the oven at 180 degrees until cooked. Monastery cakes are decorated with sugar glaze

Easter cake on dough

On dough

  • Properly cooked dough dough will help to fully activate the potential of yeast. Opra is a sourdough that helps to bake lush and air cakes from heavy butter dough
  • Impurus is quite simple. It is necessary to heat milk to 28-30 degrees. Dilute the yeast in it and add flour. For the preparation of dough, a full amount of milk and yeast from any recipe and half the amount of flour is usually taken.
  • Opra is bred in a deep bowl. Yeast, milk and flour should not exceed 50% of the capacity. You need to be prepared for the fact that the OPA is doubled in volume. The container with the opara must be covered with a napkin and send to a warm place
  • When the dial is ready, the rest of the ingredients are added to it
  • The mixed test should be allowed to come and bake sweet air cakes

Easter recipe in a slow cooker

In a slow cookerThe multicooker is an excellent kitchen device that will help cook not only various cereals and other dishes, but also bread and roll products. On Easter in a slow cooker, you can cook a delicious orange cake.

  • We sift the flour (450 g), add salt, vanillin and dry yeast to it (2 hours of spoons). Mix the ingredients. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs (4 pcs) with sugar (1 cup). Using a fine grater, remove the omnation zest (1 pc.). Cut it into two halves and squeeze the juice from one
  • Add a mixture of eggs and sugar, juice and zest of orange to flour. Mix. Then add the softened butter (100 g) and again knead the dough. We place it in a greased bowl. We cover with a towel and send to a warm place
  • While the dough is suitable (it usually takes 1.5 - 2.5 hours) you need to prepare raisins. To do this, it needs to be cleaned, washed and steamed. Then dry and roll in flour. The approaching dough is slightly crushed and mixed with raisins.
    Lubricate the bowl from the multicooker with oil and place the dough in it
  • We turn on the "heating" for 2-3 minutes. Turn off and leave the dough for 30 minutes. The slow cooker should be closed. After half an hour, we activate the “baking” mode. We set 150 degrees and wait 45-50 minutes.
  • Such a cake is decorated with a traditional way

Easter recipe in a bread machine

In the bread makerThe bakery is another device needed in the kitchen. If you want to bake delicious and aromatic bread yourself, then you can’t do without this device. You can bake in the bread machine and cakes.

RECIPE: We pour the peeled raisins (175 g) with cognac and let it brew for 20 minutes. We pour serum (200 ml) into the bread maker (200 ml) into the container. We fall asleep in order: salt (6.5 g), egg (1 pc.), Sugar (75 g), softened oil (100 g), raisins, cinnamon and cardamom. Sift the flour (½ kg of flour) and also add to the container. We make a place for yeast in the middle of a pile of flour (11 g) and pour them there.

We activate the “Acake Book” mode and bake the cake.

Pies on Easter

Malina pieBaking for the Easter table is not limited only to cakes and cupcakes. There are many recipes for pies that bake Easter.

Curd Easter cake

  • Mix flour (200 g), baking powder (1/2 teaspoon), sugar (40 g), vanillin (5 g), eggs (1 pc.) And chopped butter (80 g). Squirrels (6 pcs.) You need to beat in foam. Mix cottage cheese (1 kg), yolks (6 pcs.), Sugar (90 g), starch (90 g), vanillin and grated zest of one orange. Add the protein mixture and mix
  • Lubricate the baking dish and lay the layer of dough. We prick it with a fork and bake it for10 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Then we put the curd mass in it, grease it with yolk and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees. After 15 minutes, we make an incision around the perimeter of the pie. Before serving, the cottage cheese pie should be sprinkled with powder

Easter cake with raspberries

  • Dilute the yeast (30 g) in warm milk. Add salt, slightly sugar and flour. We leave the mass in a warm place. Eggs (4 pcs.) We rub with sugar (3/4 cup). Add butter (6-7 tbsp. Twes) and lemon zest. Pour the dough into the container, mix and add flour (2 cups) and milk (1 cup). Knead the dough well and leave to fit
  • When the dough is suitable for it, you need to knead and place it again. We bake in a hot oven for 35-40 minutes. We remove the hot pie from the mold, dousize with raspberry syrup (3/4 glasses). Place again in shape and leave for several hours
  • Warm up the raspberry marmalade and lubricate the surface of the pie. Grind the almond cake and sprinkle it with a crumb with a raspberry pie. We decorate it with berries

Easter cupcakes

You can diversify the Easter table with delicious cupcakes. Below are two recipes for this delicious confectionery. They can be baked in a large form for cupcakes or in small forms for muffins.

Classic cupcake

  • We take out the oil (250 g) from the refrigerator and wait until it heats up to room temperature. We warm up the oven to 200 degrees. We clean raisins (0.5 cups) and pour it with boiling water. Sift the flour (2 glasses). Add oil and sugar (1 cup) to it. We rub the ingredients with our hands. Add the baking powder (1 bag) and mix
  • Eggs (6 pcs.) You need to add one to the dough. Added, mixed and add the following. After adding the last egg, pour cognac into a bowl (2 tbsp. Tablespoons) and raisins flooded with water
  • Lubricate the cake shape with butter. We shift the dough into the shape and bake the cupcake at a temperature of 200 degrees 25-30 minutes. Then we reduce the temperature by 40 degrees and bake for another 30 minutes

Banana cupcake

  • We knead bananas (4 pcs.). Sift the flour (1.5 cups) and add sugar (3/4 cup), soda (1/2 spoon), baking powder (1 teaspoon) and salt (1/4 teaspoon). In the center of the mass, we make a recess and mix in it oil (1/2 cup), eggs (2 pcs.), Banana mashed potatoes and vanilla. Mix the dough until smooth. We spread it in molds (it is better to use forms for muffins) and bake

Such muffins can be decorated with glaze and pieces of bananas.

Easter roll

A bun with a crossThere is always a lot of pastries on the Easter table. If you want to surprise guests accustomed to the Easter cakes, diversify your menu with the help of delicate and aromatic Easter buns.

  • Knead flour (450 g), milk (210 ml), egg (1 pc.), Salt (0.5 tsp), sugar (50 g), butter (50 g) and dry yeast (1.5 hours . tablespoons). Add cinnamon, nutmeg, coriander and vanillin to the dough (if desired and taste). After mixing a little, add the steamed raisins (75 g) and dried apricots (25 g). Mold to a homogeneous mass
  • Divide the dough into several parts. We form buns from them and put it on a baking sheet. On each bun, you need to make a knife incubate crosswise. Leave the baking sheet for 40-50 minutes in a warm place
  • We heat the oven to 200 degrees. We knead flour (50 g) and margarine (2 tbsp. Spoons). We add cold water to the formation of pasty mass. We place it in a cornet and apply lines in the form of a cross on a pre -prepared place on buns
  • The buns needs to be baked for about 15 minutes. When they are entrusted to extract from the oven and coat with the help of silicone brush sugar glaze

Easter gingerbread

GingerbreadGingerbread is very tasty confectionery. They are historically associated with the festive table. There is an Easter version of gingerbread. They are prepared for this holiday in many countries of the world. Traditional Russian Easter gingerbread cookies are preparing this way.

  • The oil is melted (100 g) and honey (250 g) and sugar (250 g) are added to it. Constantly stirring the mass of a wooden spoon into it, you need to add a pinch of ginger, cinnamon and cloves. Let the mass cool
  • Beat the eggs into foam (3 eggs + 1 yolk) and add them to the cooled mixture. There you need to add flour (7 glasses), cocoa (2 tbsp. Tablespoons) and soda (1.5 teaspoon). Mix the ingredients. A homogeneous dough should turn out. We clean it in the refrigerator
  • Roll out the dough to a thickness of not more than 0.5 cm. Cut the gingerbread cookies of any shape from it. We spread them on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees
  • When the gingerbread cookies, we are waiting for when they cool down and cover ourselves with icing

Easter glaze recipe

GlazeGlaze is a traditional way of decorating Easter cakes. For decoration, as a rule, a protein version of the glaze is used. To prepare it, you need to separate the proteins from the yolks and place them in the refrigerator.

  • In chilled proteins, you need to add a pinch of salt and beat until thick foam is formed. Beat at low speed and gradually increase it. Without stopping the process of whipping proteins, you need to add sugar to the mass. The glaze will be ready when sugar grains are dissolved in it
  • Protein glaze is applied to cooled cakes. On top of the cakes can be decorated with a variety of sprinkles. For this purpose, crushed nuts, coconut chips, grated chocolate, cinnamon are perfect

Curd Easter

PasqueCurd Easter is being prepared only once a year. Traditionally, this dish is prepared in a “raw” way. That is, without heat treatment.

  • To prepare this dish, cottage cheese (2.5 kg) must be passed several times through a small sieve. Then add sugar (1 cup) and oil (200 g) to the mass. Mix the curd mass and add sour cream (250 g). Knead so that the mass turns out homogeneous, and sugar crystals in it dissolve
  • The consistency of the resulting mass should resemble a thick cream. Add salt to it and mix again. We place the mass in the mold for Easter, put it under a small oppression and send it to the refrigerator
  • In order for cottage cheese Easter to be delicate, instead of sugar you need to use sugar powder

Easter lamb

LambAlso on Easter, lambs are often baked. These animals are a symbol of the Lamb of God. They are baked from a butter, yeast dough. Add ground nuts, coconut chips and other ingredients. Sometimes such baking is decorated with white glaze. She imitates the animal’s hair.

  • To prepare such edible decorations for the table, you need to dissolve a spoonful of sugar in warm milk and add yeast. When the yeast (7 g) will begin to rise, you need to add flour (100 g) to them and knead the dough. Put the dough in a warm place. It should increase by about double
  • Mix butter (90 g). Add sugar (100 g), mix and add an egg (1 pc.) And vanillin. Mix everything again well.
  • Add the resulting mixture to the dough. We bring it to uniformity and fall asleep flour (500 g). The dough should turn out to be soft and elastic. Leave it in a warm place for a while
  • When the dough is doubled, it is necessary to roll it up and use the stencil to cut the lamb. From the rest of the dough, you need to roll out a rectangle, moisten it with water and sprinkle with poppy seeds and sugar. Collect the dough into a roll and cut it into small circles
  • We lay the lamb figure on a baking sheet. We lay on it “woolen” circles in the place supplied for them. We bake the lamb at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. When the baking color becomes golden, pull out the baking sheet from the oven and let it cool

Easter Bunny

HareAnother symbol of Easter is the hare. In Western countries, to decorate the Easter table, they make figures of a hare from marzipan, bake cookies and buns in the form of this animal. And let this symbol of Easter are not so common in our country, surprise the chocolate figure of the hare of your children and the guests of your house on this bright holiday.

  • The easiest way to make a chocolate hare is to fill in the shape of melted chocolate. When the chocolate has cooled, the figure will be ready. Today to buy a silicone form of a hare or other animals will not be difficult

Easter recipes: tips

Angela. When baking kulichi, it is very important that the dough is not liquid or, on the contrary, thick. Easter cakes from liquid dough will become flat, and from dense heavy and hard. And do not forget to fill the form with dough only half. If there will be more dough in the forms, then it will “run away” from them.

Kseniya. Modern factory eggs do not always give baking a beautiful golden hue. Therefore, I always add a pinch of turmeric to the cakes. This spice not only gives a persistent color, but also improves the taste of baking.

Video: Easter cake with protein glaze

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