We had a fight with my husband and do not talk, we do not sleep together: what to do?

We had a fight with my husband and do not talk, we do not sleep together: what to do?

From this article you will find out what to do if you had a lot of scolding with your husband and do not talk for a long time.

Each family has discords and quarrels. Of course, when you live with a person under one roof for many years, then feelings are dull. Some swear every day because of the little things, but there are also couples where conflicts are not so often, but it is much more difficult to settle the situation. The fact is that some wives or husbands prefer to just stop talking. Agree, it’s very difficult to do something to start a conversation and make peace? Let's find out how to act in such a situation.

We do not talk with my husband for a long time - what to do?

Disagreement in the family
Disagreement in the family

If you had a fight at home with your husband and now do not talk, then willy-nilly think about how to solve this issue. In this case, some tips will help:

  • First of all, do not dig in yourself. Do not look for who is to blame for a quarrel. Think better, maybe you yourself started a conflict, and your husband just supported you? As a rule, it happens that one starts, and the second simply continues. Remember what happened and analyze the situation. Wait a bit so that the emotions submit and try to talk if the husband himself does not show a desire to speak with you. Discuss everything that bothers you and do not try to blame him.
  • If you do not want to speak, then wait again. Most likely, your resentment has not yet passed. If you start a conversation now, he will still bother into the clarification of the relationship. Better take your attention to close people to get distracted. Well, when you feel that you are ready, then start communication. Remember that my husband is also difficult and he does not want to be in a quarrel with you, and therefore he is unlikely to refuse to communicate with you.
  • If you have no communication for a long time, then you should at least somehow defuse the situation. In the family, the world is the most important thing, and therefore it is necessary to support it. If it’s hard for you, then write SMS. Tell us about everything, but do not insult him. Men are also sentimental and melt from gentle words.
  • Do not try to look for the causes of resentment, if you do not understand them, then do not draw the wrong conclusions. Ask directly why the husband was offended. If he does not want to make contact, then call someone to visit, just warn that he should come as if unexpectedly. During general communication, you will definitely start talking, because no one wants to flaunt grievances, and then, when you start communicating normally, you can have a conversation.
  • It also happens that the wife communicates little with her husband and he is practically not interesting to her. That is, she is rarely interested in how he cares, she is more busy with herself and so on. Then, after a quarrel, it is more difficult to put up, because there is nowhere to find points of contact. There is a way to solve the problem - prepare a delicious dinner, organize a cozy environment. Do not remind in any way about your quarrel. You will have time to talk, and now your task is simply to return communication in the usual direction.
  • In some cases, it is enough just to explain to the man that you are offended and calmly talk. He will definitely understand that the situation is not indifferent to you and will meet you.

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Do not talk with my husband for 3 days - what to do?

Do not talk with my husband for 3 days
Do not talk with my husband for 3 days

It happens that when you had a fight at home with your husband, you can’t immediately make peace. And so, three days pass, but the conversation did not take place. What to do?

In this case, you should learn one main thing - men do not like, and do not want to discuss problems, because they believe that reproaches and pressure will be sprinkled on them.

It is better to act a little differently:

  • If you have problems, then do not try to get into a conversation, but it is better to just tell about your own feelings. Don't you like that he prefers to spend a day off with friends? Tell me about it, but only sincerely, for example, I love you very much and wanted to be with you in the evening, I am sorry that you are leaving.
  • Offer this option of solving the problem that is suitable for both of you. For example, today you let him go, and tomorrow he will be with you.
  • Do not forget that even in marriage everyone needs personal space and everyone has the right to their own opinion. If a person wants to be alone, then do not climb with questions. Just say that his opinion is important to you and you are open for communication if he wants.
  • If you have a quarrel flashed when you think that you are right, then let me make your own decision. If it is wrong, then he will understand that you need to listen to you. And in no case do not reproach him that you said. Everyone has the right to errors.
  • Respect his relatives. Never insult them. If relatives are unpleasant for you, then just keep a distance with them.

We have not talked with my husband for a week - what to do?

Do not talk to my husband for a week
Do not talk to my husband for a week

Very often there are situations when you had a fight at home with your husband. This is often happening because you are not even trying to hear each other. You express your thoughts, but in response your husband says that he feels. It turns out that you do not hear each other. And this can continue endlessly, and the conflict will only grow. Try to hear what they say to you, and not how it is done. It is important to understand and accept the arguments of another person. But only when you both listen to each other's position, you will have an understanding.

If already a week has passed, and you are still not talking, then it becomes very difficult morally. Your task in this situation is to simply bring a person to communication. Do not touch your general problems yet, you will talk later, but for now, just enjoy communication that has not been for so long.

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We have not talked with my husband for a month - what to do?

If you had a fight at home with your husband and do not talk a month, then this is already a long time. So not far and before cooling relationships. Think why you yourself have not yet made contact? Perhaps you have already tried, but he does not want to talk to you?

In the first case, try to take the first steps to reconciliation. Arrange at home a festive dinner for two, the main thing is to have a reason. Perhaps not immediately, but communication will be tied and, most likely, you yourself will forget about resentment. Moreover, it is very difficult for a month to talk with a person, and both of you will fall from your chest.

When the husband does not make contact at all, it is already more difficult here. Some offer to collect things and leave for a while, but it is unlikely that this will benefit your relationship. Try to communicate a little with him-to say hello as if nothing had happened, ask how to do it, report some news, and so on. Perhaps a girlfriend will come to visit you and already in the process of conversation, communication will begin. You can come up with a lot of options, most importantly, show that they themselves are ready for communication.

For two months we do not talk to my husband - what to do?

Do not talk with my husband for 2 months
Do not talk with my husband for 2 months

When you had a fight at home with your husband and there has been no communication for two months, it seems that the relationship has already been completely destroyed and the man wants to leave. Understand, if he wanted to, he would have left. In this case, he just shakes your nerves.

This behavior does not affect the relationship. When he is calm, then talk to him and offer to set a deadline when you can communicate normally. First of all, you must try to find a compromise, but if nothing happens to you, then think about whether you need to constantly be a hostage to his mood? After all, he is not afraid to lose you, he is sure that he will be as he said, because you do not want to disperse. Carefully follow the situation and already make the final decision. Do not follow him, because we are all people and must respect ourselves.

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We had a fight with my husband - we do not talk: what to do, how to behave?

If you had a fight at home with your husband, then before reconciliation you yourself must forgive him. While you are accusing him internally in everything, it means that time has not yet come. So for starters you must recognize your own mistakes. It is important that the man himself recognized them. In this case, the reconciliation will turn out.

Do not think that everything is indifferent to a man. Believe me, he is no less emotional. Yes, he is waiting for a serious conversation, but only you should speak clearly and in the case, and not mumble something there under your breath. They do not like this.

How to make peace with your husband?
How to make peace with your husband?

Managed to make peace? Do not rejoice ahead of time. After large quarrels, relations rarely return to the usual direction, because both partners return to what happened in thoughts. So now the relationship will now have to be treated as seriously as ever.

Perhaps the quarrel is not so large, but still you are not talking now and you need to find a way to solve the problem so that the relationship is normalized.

There are many ways to make peace with a man, and this is what psychologists say about this:

  • Determine why a quarrel occurred. Perhaps you have accumulated a lot of discontent, but, as a rule, there is only one reason for all. Your task is to find it and not spray about minor trifles.
  • Do not threaten that you will be divided into divorce. When you do this, your man may agree and divorce. If you are not entirely ready for his such reaction, then it is better and do not talk about this scenario.
  • Control your emotions. Of course, this is normal when you want to shout and throw out all emotions, but it is better to restrain them. This is important because you eventually make up, but what has been said in your memory will be fixed. Therefore, it is better to leave the conversation for later, when all the emotions are already fucked.
  • Let your husband move away. Each person needs time to calm down. Perhaps you splashed all emotions and calmed down, but the man is not yet. So it’s better to wait a bit so that he can calm down.
  • Do not complain to anyone that have quarreled. You will definitely forgive your spouse and make peace with him, but everyone around you will remember the conflict. If you do not want relatives to hate your husband, then try to solve problems inside the couple and not to take it out of the "hut".
  • Learn to forget resentment. Of course, my husband must say how unpleasant the situation is for you, you can even pout. But only to save offenses for a long time and you should not throw out once.

As you can see, there are many ways to resolve conflicts. In many ways, they come down to calm down and try to establish contact. No one says that it will be simple. After all, you will have to pacify your pride, but if you want to establish an attitude, then in some points you can do it.

Video: Family conflicts: ignoring after a quarrel

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  1. Hello everyone !!! A familiar situation, burned for life. In marriage with her husband, they lived for 15 years, not counting that time of meetings before the wedding. I felt how our relations began to cool. Muzh began to linge from work, became colder in relation to me began to hide the phone. In general, his behavior has changed very much ... It turned out that my husband has another family in which two minor children grow up .. now it turns out, as it happens in life. I don’t convey in words the pain that I experienced. And I, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all Like many women loved and trusted ...

  2. The husband cooled down, he had a good job, and had a firmness of the same way. Oh, my husband has one thing, in which two little sons in which

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