Pitbul - Fighting Dog Killer: varieties, description and standard of the breed, character, upbringing, reviews of the owners. For what purposes does the breed of dogs have a pit bullier? As you can call a girl and a boy: the best beautiful nicknames

Pitbul - Fighting Dog Killer: varieties, description and standard of the breed, character, upbringing, reviews of the owners. For what purposes does the breed of dogs have a pit bullier? As you can call a girl and a boy: the best beautiful nicknames

Read the article about an interesting and fearless breed of dogs - an American pithalterier.

The Pit Bulterrier is a service and service dog. This breed of dogs can also be called a pit bull or Pete. The breed was bred as a result of crossing the terrier and the bulldog.

For what purposes does the breed of dogs have a pit bullier?

For what purposes does the breed of dogs have a pit bullier?
For what purposes does the breed of dogs have a pit bullier?

The dog Pit Bulterer is distinguished by good physical strength, it is fearless and strong -willed. For what purposes does the breed of dogs have a pit bullier?

  • Such a dog will be an excellent hunter and a wonderful companion during the hunt.
  • You can go with it on small predatory animals and wild ungulates: boar, ram, goat, saiga and others. Also, this dog will be a good assistant on game hunting.
  • In addition, the pithalterier is brought up for battles in the ring, as rescuers, search or just for exhibitions.
  • Such a breed is a companion is a close relative of the Staffordshire Terrier. These dogs will be everywhere next to the owner: you are in the swamp, and she is for you, you will go to rest in the forest or hunting, and she will run after you along the edge.

Despite its harsh appearance, this dog is kind and sociable.

Pitbul - Fighting Dog Killer: Varieties

Pitbul - Fighting Dog Killer: Varieties
Pitbul - Fighting Dog Killer: Varieties

Many people believe that the breed of pit bulbers has several varieties. But the standard of this breed is provided one, it is not divided into any varieties. The Albanian, French and bulldog type of pitbulas was bred, but among experienced breeders one kind of pet is appreciated - American Pete Bulterer.

  • Pitbul -This is the fashionable name for the pit bulter, which began to be used in the 90s.
  • Since that time, this breed began to be considered a fighting dog a killer, although in fact, if you correct the puppy from childhood correctly, then the dog will be kind and sociable.
  • Danger and psyche problems can be expected from rootless dogs. Uncontrolled and inept breeding leads to this. Therefore, it is important to purchase a thoroughbred dog from experienced breeders.

Pitbulterers can differ in the color of the wool, eye color.

American, Albanian, French, bully type, gray, red, black and white, black with blue eyes Pitbul: what looks like, color, photo

The color and appearance of the pit Bulterier depends on whether it will be an American breed, Albanian, French or bulldog type. Below you will see a photo of gray, red, black and white, black with the blue eyes of Pitbul. So, what does the Pit Bulterrier look like, what color is considered good?

American, Albanian, French, bully type, gray, red, black and white, black with blue eyes Pitbul: what looks like, color, photo
American, Albanian, French, bully type, gray, red, black and white, black with blue eyes Pitbul: what looks like, color, photo
  • The Pit Bulterrier is a short -haired dog. Her hair is hard and tightly adjacent to her body. There is no undercoat. There is no wool in the abdomen. On the face, ears and paws are “velor” wool, it is a little shorter than the main coating.
  • Pigmentation near the nose, lips and eyes can be any. But it is important that the color looks harmonious. White spots are allowed, as well as a completely continuous, tiger or spotted color.
  • They can reject a Pit Bulterier with the color of Merle. Such a color usually has Australian shepherds. This color characterizes the presence of a special gene, which is responsible for staining wools. This color is not welcomed by many dog \u200b\u200bbreeds, since the presence of such a gene indicates the predisposition of the dog to hearing and vision pathologies.
American pit bull with blue eyes: what looks like, color, photo
American pit bull with blue eyes: what looks like, color, photo

Description and standard of breed dog Pitbul - dimensions, weight, character of Pitbul

Description and standard of breed dog Pitbul - dimensions, weight, character of Pitbul
Description and standard of breed dog Pitbul - dimensions, weight, character of Pitbul

Pit Bulterriers are usually divided into two classes: worker and show-cathegoria. When the dimensions of the dog are evaluated, the landmark falls in weight, which is in the range from 12 to 36 kilograms. Growth can be different and depends on the proportionality of the body and weight. Often, when evaluating the dog, attention is not paid to its weight, it is important that it is harmoniously composed with the characteristic color.

Below you will find a description and standard of the dog’s breed Pitbul, as well as what its sizes, weight and character should be:

  • Head - The form is square, flat and wide forehead. The cheeks are elastic, slightly sagging, without folds, cheekbones are wide. A pronounced characteristic bend from the forehead to the nose must observe. The nose bridge is even, but there may be a furrow between the eyes.
  • Teeth - Strong and deep jaw. In a closed state, creates a rectangular shape of the muzzle. The bite is scissor -shaped, the teeth are tightly located to each other, and close into a dense lock.
  • Ears - Planted widely between each other and high in relation to the muzzle. The ears are cut if this is not prohibited by law. In many countries, stopping is prohibited.
  •   Eyes: round, oval or almond -shaped. Eye planting is wide with each other and low in relation to the forehead.
  • Nose It has large and open nostrils. The structure of the nose is dense.
  • Torso - Rectangular, the neck is not too long, with good developed muscles, has a slight curvature. The shoulders are planted wide, the shoulder blades are slightly raised, the chest is deep. The back is wide, the groin area is tightened. There are no folds on the body.
  • Paws - Widely set, medium length. Wide bones of paws are added to the appearance of stability and roundness. Thanks to this, the dog’s stand is beautiful and confident.
  • Tail - Planted low, short. In a calm state, it is lowered, excited - slightly raised and continues the line of the back.
  • Wool Rough, undercoat is absent.
  • Growth -43-49 cm.
  • The weight -20-30 kilograms.

Despite the harsh appearance, the dog may be the best nanny for children. Pitbul loves to play with their children in their games, but for this it needs to be correctly trained and educated.

How to feed, how to educate Pitbul at home?

How to feed, how to educate Pitbul at home?
How to feed, how to educate Pitbul at home?

Pit Bulturier has its own characteristics in terms of nutrition. If you only dream of starting a dog of this breed, then read the Pitbul menu. How to feed such a dog so that it is healthy, well -fed and cheerful? Here are some tips:

  • Make a choice right away - feed the dog with natural foods or specialized natural feeds. You can’t feed the food from your table, it can be natural meat, a cereal that is suitable for feeding dogs, with the addition of vegetables and greens. Every day, the dog needs to give at least 400 grams of low -fat beef, lamb or rabbit. You also need to give cottage cheese (40 grams per day), eggs (1-2 pieces)-2 times a week. Be sure to have fish, vegetables and greens in the diet. Cheese - about 100 grams, 1 time per week.
  • Corps milk can be fed with a puppy excommunicated from the mother.
  • It is important to exclude flour products, sweet and animal fats (butter, sour cream, and so on) from the pit Bunterier menu.. The protein is replenished with natural meat. This must be taken into account, since Pitbula has special skin and they are prone to the formation of subcutaneous wen. If at least one education appeared, you should fundamentally review the dog menu, excluding fatty and sweet food.
  • Do not overfeed the dog, she will begin to gain weight and become lazy.
  • Do not starve, the pet will be irritable and restless.
  • Food should be warm - not cold and not hot.
  • In case of refusal of food, show your character. Perhaps the dog hopes to get more delicious food and begins to be capricious. At this time, it is important for the owner to show character and give the pet 1-2 days.
  • Dry food can begin to give Pitbul from 3 months. Such food is contraindicated in very small puppies.

Important: After eating, let the pet rest for half an hour. This is necessary to improve digestion.

How to educate Pitbul at home?
How to educate Pitbul at home?

In the morning, the dog should receive light food, at lunch and in the evening - more nutritious dishes. Thanks to this, it will be well gaining muscle mass, and will become a strong and strong dog.

How to educate Pitbul at home? Tips:

  • Adequate daily training and training will help to make a faithful pet out of a fighting dog. Remember that a cute puppy in a few months will turn into an active dog, and the sooner you begin to train it, the better.
  • From the first months of life, instill the dog skills that will help Pitbul to perceive all external stimuli adequately.
  • The pet must know who the owner is for him, and he must perform his teams implicitly.
  • In the upbringing of a dog of this breed, affection and patience are important. Aggression is unacceptable.
  • Enjoy your pet to yourself: feed him, walk and play with him. The “whip” method is not suitable for educating this dog.
  • Perform the initial training from 2-3 months. At this time, the puppy can perfectly learn the main teams: standing, sitting and so on.
  • Control the behavior of your dog. Prank or disobedience should be suppressed immediately, and a correctly executed command should be encouraged: stroking, affectionate word or something tasty.
  • The dog should feel the dominance of the owner. In the house where Pitbul lives, you need to establish certain rules: it is forbidden to sleep in the master's bed, you can’t bark and growl to the household. Control over aggression should be constant.
  • Constant energy consumption - Success in reducing the aggressiveness of the animal. You need to walk with the dog at least 2 hours a day. Physical activity, games are important.

Important: If you see that the dog is not amenable to training and does not obey you, then entrust the upbringing of the Pit Bulterier to professional dog lines. Listen to their advice, and your pet will grow up a kind and faithful friend.

As you can call a girl and a boy: the best beautiful nicknames

If you have already taken the puppy of the pit bolterier, then now you need to name the pet. The nickname should be selected so that you can pronounce it well. This is important in raising this breed of dogs. How can you call a girl and a boy Pitbul?

The best beautiful nicknames for the boys' nickels:

As you can call a boy’s pitbul: the best beautiful nicknames
As you can call a boy’s pitbul: the best beautiful nicknames

The best beautiful nicknames for the girls' pits:

As you can call Pitbul a girl: the best beautiful nicknames
As you can call Pitbul a girl: the best beautiful nicknames

Pitbul and Pit Bulterer: Is there a difference?

Pitbul and Pit Bulterer: Is there a difference?
Pitbul and Pit Bulterer: Is there a difference?

As mentioned above, the name of the “Pitbulterer” breed may have abbreviated options: “Pitbul” or “Pete”. Therefore, there is no difference between Pitbul and the Pit Bulturier - this is the same thing.

It's important to know: Professional dog handlers and breeders of these dogs argue that representatives of this breed cannot be called pits, since this word translates as a “war bull”, and this is considered wrong. Therefore, in the professional circles of dogs of this breed, only pithalterers should be called.

Pitbul and Amstaff or Stafford: what's the difference, who is better?

Pitbul and Amstaff or Stafford: what's the difference, who is better?
Pitbul and Amstaff or Stafford: what's the difference, who is better?

In Europe, the ban on dog battles replaced the pithallterers like a breed. In America, they, as participants in the battles, are banned.

  • At the beginning of the 20th century, a new generation of Pitbuli appeared - Staffordshire Terriers - Staffords. Dogs of this breed are also called amstaffs (American Staffordshire Terriers).
  • This breed differs from the Pitbuli appearance and other characteristics.
  • Staffords in 1936 were approved by the American Kennel Club as a standard.
  • Stafford is a larger dog compared to Pit Bulterier. She has longer legs and a different shape.
  • Pitbul aggressive dogas well as Stafford, but in the fight, the latter will losesince he has no desire to destroy the enemy.
  • Pitbuli intended for official work, a staffords or amstaffs - this is exhibition breed.

The connoisseurs of the Staffordshire terriers are still sure that the future of dog fights are behind this breed.

How much does the Pit Bulterier live as much as possible?

The average life expectancy of pit-bombers is 12-15 years old. With good care, a dog of this breed can live 3-5 years longer. Therefore, the maximum Pitbulterier has been living for more than 20 years.

What is the power of the pitbul bite, how to unclench the jaws of Pitbul?

What is the power of the pitbul bite, how to unclench the jaws of Pitbul?
What is the power of the pitbul bite, how to unclench the jaws of Pitbul?

Pitbul has the strongest jaws. The bite of this dog is up to 126 kg/sq. Sm.

  • It is believed that to unclench the jaws of Pitbul, when it is almost impossible in the battle.Such a statement does not exist due to the fact that this dog is bloodthirsty, which cannot let go of the enemy, it has such a feature of the jaw.
  • There are many cases when in the fight of Pitbul and dogs of other breeds, Pete clings so much into the enemy that neither the strikes of the owner, nor gas from the sandstone, nor the current of electricalocules are helped.
  • It seems that nothing will help in such a fight and the enemy is doomed.

But experienced dog handlers have one way that helps to unclench the jaws of Pitbul:

  • Put the collar on the dog so that it is not on the neck, but a little higher to the head, almost near the ears.
  • Start slightly strangle your pet. Although it sounds scary, you will not cause any harm to the dog.
  • Tighten the leash until the dog lifts the jaw. However, still do not lose your health, and do not pull too much so as not to strangle the dog.

Thanks to this technique, the pet will sprinkle the jaw and release the victim. Look more in the video:

Video: How to unclench the jaws of a pitched, stuff in a fight?

Dog Pit Bulterrier: Owners reviews

Dog Pit Bulterrier: Owners reviews
Dog Pit Bulterrier: Owners reviews

If you are only planning to start a pit bulblerer, then you probably doubt whether to take a nurse or to give preference to a dog of another breed. Reviews of the owners will help to decide whether it is possible to start a dog’s dog at home or not:

Peter, 31 years old

As an experienced Pitbuli breeder, I can say for sure that it is better for beginners not to take a dog of this breed. She needs a special training, only so the pet will grow friendly and obedient.

Irina, 35 years old

Pitbul has been living for us for 3 years. But we gave it to an experienced dog handler for training. He showed us how to treat such a dog. He explained that it is impossible to beat her and even scream, the dog can become aggressive. We have two children who adore Rimbo (as our names). He is also friendly to them.

Svetlana, 30 years old

I always dreamed of Pitbul. This breed attracts with its strength and beauty exterior characteristics. When I turned to the breeder for a puppy, they told me that it is better for a beginner breeder to take a bitch. It will be more kind and not so aggressive. But it will be necessary to engage in a ration and offspring, since a girl-dog who is not taken by a moss and she does not bring offspring can become aggressive. Naturally, I fulfill all the recommendations of the breeder, there were already two broods of puppies. I can’t imagine that I did without my Bella - a beautiful and kind Pitbul. Yes, and I get profit from the sale of puppies.

Video: dog Pitbul - noble lion in dog skin

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Comments K. article

  1. I was given a dog, Pitbul was given by a tribe, she has 2 adult dogs. Kinder than dogs, I have not seen such Lizuna not only with us, but also with others, and it’s just nonsense when they call these dogs “bakers” and other monstrous names. We are walking in the park and who knows my Grett, all the owners of the games of my dog \u200b\u200bwith their own. People give heat to animals and they will give twice as much. And there will be no aggression. You need to start animals, only tolerant people. I went through dog training courses, but to hit the dog, why, tell her just stricter and speak with the dog, they understand everything. I love my Grett. She's just a miracle. Love dogs, caress them and do not offend them, and everything will be fine.

  2. I even burst into tears.

  3. I can’t say anything negative about the breed. We have a pit bull - and there is simply no more affectionate and friendly breed. And regarding education - everything is like with children, what you put, you will receive.

  4. What is the special work of the jaws? What strangulation when removing the dog from the other? Pete does not let go, because he does not want to. And the jaws are unclenched with a stack - a special plank, similar in shape to a knife. And Pit had never been a service breed.

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