English bulldog: description of the breed, nature, features of care and rules of breed training

English bulldog: description of the breed, nature, features of care and rules of breed training

Strong brave and hardy is all about English bulldog. Let's take a closer look at this interesting breed.

Due to its extraordinary and impressive appearance, the English bulldog is today a very fashionable and sufficiently popular breed of dogs, which has been brought around by the middle of the 19th century. This name is translated literally as “Bull Dog”.

English bulldog: the story of the breed

The main purpose of the breed is to be a faithful companion, as well as a reliable bodyguard.

English bulldogs They consider the national dogs of Great Britain, because in every animal the qualities of a "true gentleman" are embodied:

  • Conservatism.
  • Thoroughness.
  • Equanimity.
  • Aristocracy.
  • Impressiveness combined with a share of brutality.

The ancestor english bulldog The old English bulldog, which has become today, is considered, which belonged to the type of grassy dogs.


It is not known exactly when exactly appeared english bulldogs. Most dog handlers agree that Alan was the ancestor of related Mastifa and Buldog. And he, in turn, led his origin from breeds of Molosses along with Brudasta greyhounds.

In the days of old England, the bulldogs were used as grassy dogs. They took part in the fun of aristocrats-mainly in the persecution of bulls, which was called “Boule-Bating”, as well as in contractions with other large animals (bears, horses, tigers).

Participation in such bloody battles presented special requirements for the characteristics of the bulldog:

  • Absolute fearlessness.
  • Willingness to follow in a duel with another animal to the end.
  • Immunity to pain.
  • Unquestioning submission to the teams of its master.
  • Increased malice.
  • Specific structure of the body: squat, stockiness and developed shoulder belt.

By the end of the XVII century, dog battles began to use interest among the public, and Bull's persecution lost its popularity, and then it was completely banned. To participate in fights with their relatives from dogs, slightly different qualities were already required - flexibility, speed and mobility. For these purposes, the bulldogs began to be actively crossed with terriers. Gradually, the purity of the breed of Old English bulldogs was lost.


At the beginning of the 19th century, bulldogs were brought by immigrants to European territories. At that time, the breed standards have not yet been determined. Therefore, dogs of this type had significant differences in size and weight. In addition, animals exported by immigrants often crossed with other breeds. Thus, French bulldogs appeared, which later became no less national pride in the country as their brothers in the UK.

The first standards English bulldogs The breeders were determined in 1865 (Filo-Counsky standard). These standards reflected the features that are important for the dog’s participation in fights with other animals:

  • Low growth so that the dog can instantly fall to the ground.
  • A big weight so that a large enemy can feel the weight of a bulldog and tired of it.
  • A large and massive head with a wide muzzle.
  • A pushed nose that allows a bulldog to breathe when the blood of a spent animal flows through his face.
  • A certain bite of the jaw so that the bulldog can cling to the enemy’s throat and not let go of the grip.
  • The shape of the ears was allowed, convenient for them to hold the dog torn into battle for them.
  • The tail is long with a narrow and sensitive tip in order to bit it (the owners of the animal often had to do this), it was possible to get a dog out of the duel.

The authors of this standard of the bulldogs were declared the country's national treasure, because they were the best associated with the old and good England.

Ancient breed
Ancient breed

After a short time english bulldog He became extremely popular not only among the British, but throughout the world. It turned into a kind of symbol of prestige, aristocratism and respectability.

These unusual dogs were kept in pre -revolutionary Russia. They were often used in bear poisoning. According to various sources, immediately after the accomplished revolution, the English bulldogs were unofficially banned in the Soviet Union, since they were considered frankly “bourgeois” dog breed.

Now in our country interest in english bulldog Extremely high, although the culture of the selection of this breed is noticeably behind America, Australia and European countries.

English bulldog: external features

Currently, several standards of the breed of English bulldogs are recognized by different countries and organizations. Due to the fact that their basis is the characteristics of the old Philo-Council standard, there are no serious differences and contradictions between them.

The English bulldog is distinguished by a specific extraordinary appearance, which are characterized by the following features:

  • Small growth. The height of the animal at the withers can reach only 30-45 cm.
  • A stocky and powerful, but at the same time quite compact, physique with well -developed muscles. Bulldogs-Suki are not as overall and massive as male.
  • Large, but proportional to the body, head.
  • The neck is thick, short and strong.
  • The muzzle is wide, raised above and quite deep from the corners of the mouth in the direction of the corners of the eyes. From the forehead to the muzzle, the transition is quite short.
  • Daggering and very thick lips with imbalance covering the lower jaw.
  • A large nose is deeply planted on almost the same line with eyes.
  • Square form massive jaws. In this case, the lower one is clearly extended forward.
  • Small and thin ears hanging on cartilage.
  • Middle size of the eyes, arranged widely. Their color is dark.
  • The paws are strong and very muscular. Between the front limbs, the distance is approximately equal to the size of the skull. And the hind legs are slimmer and higher than the front ones. The steps of the English bulldog are fast and short. The movements mostly look heavy and heavy.
  • Massive shoulders, and the forearms are excessively developed. When giving, the bulldog shoulders move forward alternately.
  • The back is short, arched.
  • Tightened belly.
  • Low -sympathetic dodgy short tail.
  • Smooth thick wool, medium stiffness. There is no undercoat.
  • Elastic and free skin.
  • The weight of the male is about 26 kg, in bitches - up to 24 kg.

The color of the wool of the English bulldogs is allowed to be different:

  • Colorful (tiger, spotted, red with white spots).
  • Plain (reddish, sticky, red and white).
  • Troubles (monophonic housing combined with a black muzzle).

Such colors of wool as black, black with tapalins and bodily, are not allowed with the standard.

The nature of the English bulldogs

English bulldog They rightly consider such a dog that is perfect for keeping in almost any home due to its compact size and temperament.


The main features of the character of the English bulldogs are:

  • Phlegmatic and poise.
  • Extreme devotion to its own owner and home in which he lives. Boldog is very difficult to change the change of family or place of residence. It is also extremely painful for them to transfer prolonged separation from the owners. He can even get sick with longing for them. Therefore, it is not recommended to start English bulldog people who have little time to communicate with their pet.
  • Good -natured and calm disposition.
  • Invincible laziness. English bulldog He loves to sleep very much and prefers to wallow on his couch for days. It rarely barks, only in exceptional and quite rare, cases.
  • Fearlessness. Despite the apparent slowness and slowness, the bulldog is able to show speed and may well provide protection to both himself and its owner. The dog in the battle goes to the end, without retreating and not experiencing fear of possible pain. Therefore, it is prohibited english bulldog Provocate, as well as shade with other animals for the sake of a joke.
  • Friendliness. It gets perfectly with the master's children, and is kindly treated by other pets. However, the English bulldogs will not stand too stormy active fun from the children. They prefer to go aside. At the same time, as a rule, they are not inclined to attack.
  • Sensitivity and sensitivity. Boldog is very worried if he understands that something negative is happening in the house.
  • Sociality. English bulldog It was taken out as a breed - a companion, so he needs to communicate with his owner. The dog tolerates loneliness poorly and suffers with a lack of communication.
  • Self -esteem and superiority over others, aristocracy.

Care for English bulldog

In the process of selection English bulldog He lost his working qualities, became quite vulnerable and turned from a fighting breed of dogs into a decorative.

Its characteristic external features by selectors were artificially exaggerated:

  • The size of the head is increased, and the muzzle, on the contrary, is shortened.
  • The front limbs are expanded.
  • Increased the sizes of bary and skin folds.

These factors caused the fact that in the end the English bulldog is endowed with not particularly good health:

  • The animal gets tired quite quickly. He needs a long rest and sleep for his normal life. And this, in turn, can cause obesity. And subsequently, the bulldog may have problems with the liver and heart.
  • Respiratory tract, due to compressed torso, at English bulldog Strongly shortened, because of which the animal suffers from shortness of breath and is subject to colds. And for the same reason, the bulldog snore greatly.
  • Extremely suffers from overheating and can even die as a result of a thermal blow. When the temperature exceeds 30 degrees, the animal must be moved to the room with air conditioning. Especially risky for the health of the bulldog is wet and hot weather. His breath is difficult and he begins to puff. And this can lead to the edema of the throat and the formation of viscosity, which he is not able to clench. The English bulldog can lose consciousness for this reason and even die. It happens that the puppies begin to suffer from the heat just an hour or two after their birth. They are then wrapped in a wet towel. And in a box to grown puppies, they often put an ice box.
Care is important
Care is important
  • Females for the most part are not able to give birth on their own. Since according to the standards of the breed, the pelvic area in the animal should be narrowed, through it a wide head of the born puppy passes extremely difficult. In order for another small English bulldog to appear in the world, in the overwhelming cases, the breeders are used by a cesarean section.
  • The dog has often digestive disorders, so it is prone to flatulence.
  • Due to the specific structure of the muzzle of english bulldog, he is inherent in plentiful salivation.

In addition to these problems, English bulldogs are subject to various diseases, the most common of them are:

  • Eye diseases (“cherry eye” - an adenoma of the third century, dystyaz, the fall of the third century, etc.).
  • Interdalcial cysts.
  • Allergy.
  • Hearing problems.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Skin infections and dermatitis.
  • Brachycephic syndrome.
  • Lymphosarcoma.

On average life expectancy english bulldogs It ranges from 8 to 10 years, that is, they cannot be attributed to DOSS-dulates. But with a balanced diet and proper care, the English bulldog can live up to 14-15 years.

Therefore, the content of the English bulldog is required to approach with all responsibility. It should be noted that due to its specific body structure, this breed is much more dependent on a person than others.

Care is important
Care is important

The main features of the care of the English bulldog:

  • Bathing is not required often - once every three months. If the dog is to bathe too often, this can cause overdrying the skin and peeling.
  • Each time after eating and walking, it is necessary to rinse carefully and thoroughly filled the folds on the muzzle of the bulldog. Wipe them first with a damp cloth, and then dry. It is also very important to monitor the cleanliness of the area around the anus. Due to the fact that the tail can be strongly pressed to the body, and the animal is not flexible enough for independent hygiene, the occurrence of infection may occur there. Sometimes special tools are used to prevent it.
  • The eyes are wiped daily with a cotton pad moistened in a decoction of chamomile or a special tool.
  • The dog’s teeth are brushed every day.
  • Smooth wool english bulldog does not need special care. It is enough to simply monitor its cleanliness and comb 1-2 times a week. During the molting period, you can combine more often.
  • For english bulldogs Intensive physical activity is not required. On the contrary, they are forbidden to him. Therefore, the owners do not have to walk their pet for a long time. However, walking in the fresh air is necessary daily twice a day. Experts recommend walking in total up to 2 km. Keep in mind that the English bulldog is an inactive and quite lazy dog, not located to active movements, will not show his own desire for walks and may be stubborn.
  • Therefore, it must be motivated to small physical exertion. In winter, it is recommended to wear overalls on the bulldog in order to avoid hypothermia. In summer, it is advisable to take water for a walk in order to cool the paws and abdomen of the animal if necessary.
  • Street accommodation is categorically not suitable for English bulldog due to the fact that temperature drops are poorly tolerated. He needs to live in the room. Its bed is placed in a cozy and warm place where there are no drafts.

Feeding English bulldog

The main requirements for the feed are easily digestibility and high calorie content.

You can feed english bulldog high -quality balanced dry or wet feeds. Such food is quite balanced and does not require additional vitamins.


If the owner decides to feed his pet with natural food, then the diet must be thought out and include such products:

  • Loof boiled meat - beef, rabbit, poultry.
  • The fish of low -fat varieties. It is given once a week.
  • Nekrahmalic vegetables in raw or boiled form (broccoli, zucchini, cucumbers and carrots). Before including them in the diet, you must make sure that the pet does not have allergies.
  • Sour -milk natural products (fermented, yogurt and kefir).
  • Boiled chicken yolk - no more than three times a week.
  • Porridge from buckwheat, rice or oatmeal. They feed them a pet once a day, mixing with meat and a drop of vegetable oil.

In order to avoid diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is forbidden to feed the English bulldog:

  • Fried food.
  • Fat and smoked foods.
  • Sweets.
  • Flour products.
  • Salty and sharp products.

Experts pay attention to the fact that mixing two types of nutrition is not allowed. This is harmful to the health of the animal. You need to choose one thing: either natural food or production feed.

Follow the mode
Follow the mode

It should be noted that English bulldog Likes to eat well. Therefore, its owner needs to control the nursery diet and prevent him from overeating. Otherwise, the animal has obesity that can cause cardiovascular diseases.

English bulldog: Rules for training

In many ways, character english bulldog Depends on the quality of his upbringing and training. The owner of such a dog can only be a person with a solid character, since it has enviable stubbornness.

They do not conduct testing of working qualities with English bulldogs, but they need minimal training. Especially if their participation in exhibitions and competitions is assumed. A well -educated dog is the result of systematic training and classes.


Basic rules for educating English bulldog:

  • It is important to accustom english bulldog To early socialization, as some representatives of this breed can show aggressiveness. Therefore, the puppy must be trained to be in different unfamiliar and noisy places so that he gets used to maintaining calm among strangers and animals. And to the pets living in the house, it needs to be accustomed from early childhood.
  • English bulldog It has a tendency to dominate. Therefore, he cannot be allowed unacceptable behavior towards the owner and members of his family: bites, growls, begging, sleep in the bed of households, etc. If the English bulldog feels the weakness of the owner, he may become uncontrollable.
  • Keep in mind that english bulldog The new teams do not assimilate very quickly, but at the same time reliable. Experts explain the slowdown in the reaction by the fact that he prefers to think through the team first, and then perform.
  • Up to six months of age you need to train english bulldog Simple teams: “place”, “near”, “to me”, etc. Training should be started early so as not to encounter the innate stubbornness of the dog in adulthood.
  • Drive the bulldog enough time: play with him, talk, walk. Do not allow cruelty to him. Then you will receive a faithful and loyal friend and companion.
  • English bulldog Often shows stubbornness and waywardness. He can ignore the owner’s requirements if he considers it necessary.
  • You need to deal with the bulldog every day. Placks cannot be allowed, you need to monitor the fulfillment of the requirements. But it is important to know that by force and rudeness it is impossible to force the English bulldog to do anything. The dog needs to be persuaded in a good way.
  • Do not allow too severe punishments, as well as fights with other pets. This can serve as the development of aggression in the English bulldog.
  • For disobedience, it is allowed to grab him by the neck and shake it, as well as strictly report. You must show that you occupy the highest level in the hierarchy, that you are stronger and most important. Even if the puppy is small, and looks frightened during the thrashing, refrain from pity and soothing strokes. The puppy can incorrect your movements, considering them approval for what he did.
  • Especially naughty English bulldog It can be aged six months to two years. The owner in this period needs to show special perseverance and endurance.
  • For the correct execution of commands, encourage the bulldog stroking or treats.
  • Do not forget that it is necessary to encourage or punish it immediately after appropriate behavior.
  • English bulldog Peaceful enough. However, the owner needs to be careful in order to notice the manifestation of aggression in time. To fix this flaw, it is better to contact a specialist who, using training, will help to adjust the unacceptable behavior.
Do not forget about encouragement
Do not forget about encouragement

As already mentioned, english bulldog - The breed is quite specific, requiring special content and approach to education. Therefore, it is recommended to start such a dog, ready to devote enough time, effort and even financial resources to their pet.

Video: On the education of English bulldog

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