Does iodine help with acne on the face and body? Can purulent and subcutaneous acne be smeared with iodine for the night? Iodine from acne on the face: reviews

Does iodine help with acne on the face and body? Can purulent and subcutaneous acne be smeared with iodine for the night? Iodine from acne on the face: reviews

Iodine from acne on the face: is it worth using, methods of application, tips and recommendations.

A rash on the face is not only an unaesthetic sight, but also very painful. In addition, the face is an open part of the body through which a whole crowd of infections can penetrate, and create problems for the body as a whole. In this article we will tell you whether iodine helps with acne on the face, and also in which cases it is strictly impossible to apply iodine to the face.

Why is it impossible to squeeze acne on the face and cover with iodine?

Most often, acne iodine on the face is used by people after squeezing the abscess on the face. Especially in the evening before going to bed, or in the morning in a hurry, going to work or study. This is categorically impossible to do!

So, let's immediately figure out the reasons why you can’t crush acne and then cover with iodine:

  • Insufficiently cleaned face and hands - foci of infections that easily get into the pimples;
  • Even if you carefully clean your hands and face and then “press” the pimple - you still risk harm to yourself. In order for whitish pus or yellow skin fat to come out, the skin needs to be burst. Because of this, there is a traumatic gap of the skin, which after decays and overgrows in the scar;
  • Iodine dries the skin, but getting into an open wound, irritates it, and on the contrary, slows down healing.
Various types of acne
Various types of acne

How to remove black dots on the face?

They wondered if iodine from acne on the face is needed? It all depends on what acne it is. If these are black dots, then the action scheme is this:

  • Cleanse the face of dirt, dust, cosmetics;
  • Treat your hands and face chlorhexidine to remove all kinds of bacteria;
  • Steam your face steamed or open the pores with gel;
  • With special tools for cleaning the face, remove black dots, if necessary, helping with sterile hands;
  • Wipe your face with chlorhexidine and apply an angal mask to reduce pores.

Important: at black dots, iodine is useless and can only harm.

Iodine for purulent acne on the face

But if you have an abscess on your face, especially with white or yellowish hats, they cannot be squeezed categorically. The maximum - by sterilizing the needle, pierce the hat so that the liquid pus can come out without tearing the skin.

If there are purulent formations on the face, it is recommended to apply iodine from acne on the face, both on the pimple itself and 1-2 mm along the perimeter around the pimple.

Diseases of internal organs are often the cause of a rash on the face
Diseases of internal organs are often the cause of a rash on the face

Iodine for subcutaneous acne on the face

Also, many are interested in how to get rid of subcutaneous acne and whether iodine will help in this. Yes, iodine is able to dry the subcutaneous abscesses and help the body regenerate faster and remove the traces of subcutaneors completely. For this evening, before going to bed, you need to apply iodine locally on the pimples with a cotton swab and go to bed so. In the morning, you can repeat the procedure if this does not interfere with everyday business, or apply a tonal base in 15 minutes in 15 minutes hiding pimples and iodine stains.

Contraindications of iodine on pimples on the face

Everything is a medicine, and everything is poison, Paracelsus said and was completely right. Iodine, like other drugs, has a number of contraindications. And if you observe one of them at home, change the method of treating a rash.

  • You were diagnosed with iodism. At the same time, the diagnosis cannot categorically allow iodine into the body, even applying to pimples;
  • Chemical burns from iodine. The first rule - iodine is applied locally, and not on the whole face. But even in this case, you can get a chemical burn. In this situation, it is necessary to immediately stop the use of iodine, and if the burn is strongly expressed, seek help from the hospital;
  • The amount of rash began to increase - the surest sign that this type of treatment is not suitable for you;
  • Peeling, tightness, coarsening of the skin - A sure sign that iodine is excessively drying the skin.
Iodine from acne on the face: before and after
Iodine from acne on the face: before and after

Does iodine help with acne on the face and body?

Yes, everything is true, iodine from acne on the face and body is effective, but only if these are superficial and subcutaneous abscesses, which should be dried. The iodine is not suitable for black dots.

Iodine from acne on the face: reviews

Inna: iodine to cure the abscesses - my mother taught me. Cauterize and never squeeze. Youth acne is over, and not a single scar on the face! Now sons are growing up, I teach them how to crush acne, but to cure iodine, as I am once in my youth.

Nina: Outnels on my face appear regularly before the onset of menstruation. Only one thing saves - iodine. I don’t know how he does it, but the subcutaneors disappear during the night with a bang. I recommend to everyone!

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Video: iodine from acne on the face

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