The benefits of onion husks for hair and body: Features. Onion husks from hair loss, for body, face care: recipes

The benefits of onion husks for hair and body: Features. Onion husks from hair loss, for body, face care: recipes

In this article, we will talk about what onion husks is useful for the body, and also how to prepare products for the face, body and hair on its basis.

Onion husk has been used for a very long time as a folk remedy for the treatment of various diseases. However, it is also useful as a cosmetic product in various masks, balms and decoctions. Onion husk is able to cope with any problems of the skin, face and body. Let's find out with you what effect it has, and also how to cook it correctly.

The benefits of onion husks for hair and body: Features

The benefits of onion husk
The benefits of onion husk

Onion husk has great efficiency. Its benefits are due to a rich composition. It is often used in pharmacology and cosmetology. The husk has a lot of phytoncides and flavonoids. They have an antibacterial effect. In addition, it contains vitamins C, PP, E groups and minerals.

Also, the skin of the bow contains organic acids. There are many of them, but querecetin is the most useful and most effective. It is actively used for the manufacture of various kinds of drugs. Quercetin relieves swelling, works as a spasmodic and antihistamine. In addition, it has other effects on the body. Often the substance is found in the composition of drugs that slow down the aging of the skin.

Onion husk is of great benefit for hair, face and body. There are many means of home cosmetology in which it can be used. The husk is usually used for healing the body - when acne, acne, hair loss, and so on appearing. It is even used for hair dyeing.

The benefits of a decoction of onion husks for hair from falling out: recipes

Onion husks, the benefits of which for hair is undeniable, allows you to use different products in the form of masks, balms and shampoos. Ready means can rinse the curls or rub them into the head. If you use the last method, then hold the composition for 40 minutes, wrapping your head with a dense towel. For the desired effect, repeat the procedure for two weeks. Then take a break and conduct the course again.

So, we bring to your attention several recipes:

  • To prepare a decoction for medium length hair, a husk is required from several large bulbs. Rinse them well and dry them. Then remove the husk and add two liters of water to it. Bring the latter to a boil and only then add the husk. After that, make a slow fire and boil for an hour. As a result, you should get a remedy with a golden red tint. He needs to let him brew for three hours and then strain.
  • Oak leaves can be added to the husk in an equal amount. So, take one large spoon of both components and pour half a liter of water. The mixture is boiled over low heat for half an hour. After that, she needs to give a cool. The finished decoction is rubbed into the roots. The duration of the procedures is two weeks. This will strengthen the hair.
  • If you want to get rid of hair loss, then nettle leaves will help you. They are also added to the decoction. The components are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 3. So, there are three nettles for one part of the husk. 300 ml of water is also added. The finished mixture boils on fire for 20 minutes. The composition must be rubbed into the roots before washing your head. Keep in mind that it needs to be kept for several hours.
  • You can also cook good hair masks from onion husks. So, the finished decoction is mixed with olive oil until a viscous consistency is obtained. By the way, you can replace it with burdock. After preparing, the composition is applied to the roots for 20 minutes.
  • Another good mask is prepared from three spoons of a decoction of onion husks, spoons of honey, mayonnaise and olive oil. After mixing, the product is applied to the head for one hour.

All these products allow you to strengthen the hair. These funds are effective and verified. They allow not only to stop the process of hair loss, but also strengthen the hair.

The benefits of onion husks for hair with alopecia: recipes


Alopecia is a progressive baldness. There are several varieties of the disease - diffuse (thinning and thinning of the hair), focal (hair is completely absent in some areas of the head), androgenous (occurs in men, associated with the level of male hormones in the blood), total (complete absence of hair). Alopecia can occur in women. It leads not only to pronounced external cosmetic defects, but also to psychological problems. Onion husk helps to treat this disease. Its benefits are possible only at the initial stages of the disease.

To prepare the product, you will need 1.5 liters of water, 3 tablespoons of husk and the same amount of oak leaves. Mix all the components and set to boil. The duration of boiling is one hour. Rub the finished composition into the scalp for two weeks. The procedure is carried out once a day.

You can also accelerate hair growth. To prepare the composition, you will need 8 clove buds, 120 g of green nettle, 40 g onion husks, 120 ml of water and 260 ml of vodka. Grind the carnation finely. This is better to do in a mortar. Then you can add a husk and nettle. Then add vodka and interfere again. Close the tincture container and remove it for 16 days. It is advisable to choose a dark and warm place. Use a means once a week an hour before washing your head. The duration of use is two months.

Onion peel from itching of the head: recipes

When the skin itchs on the head, it causes many problems. Onion husks will help to cope with this nuisance. The benefits of this component are not only that it helps to overcome itching, but in general to improve the scalp.

The product is prepared easily. Take the husk from 3-4 bulbs and boil in one liter of water. It is advisable to take an enameled pan, so that later it is easy to wash. Boil the composition for an hour, and then strain. After each wash, use the product as a rinseum.

Onion husks for hair from dandruff: recipes

Dandruff is still called seborrheic dermatitis. This problem is familiar to many and some cannot cope with it in any way. It is manifested by the fact that light scales form on the scalp. At the same time, they are visible not only on the hair, but also on clothes, as they are constantly crumbling. This can cause certain inconvenience. Dandruff appears when the work of the sebaceous glands is disturbed on the scalp. The skin fat stands out stronger, which allows the fungus to develop on the scalp. He feeds on fat, and this just leads to the formation of scales.

Onion husks can help from this problem. Its benefits in this case are invaluable, because it treats the problem, and not just eliminates it for a while. As a result of the use of the finished decoction of onion husks, the production of sebum is normalized, and it also leaves itching and redness if any. At the same time, the products prepared on the basis of husk are absolutely safe.

To get an effective tool, brew a few handfuls in two liters of boiling water. Let cool the mixtures and you can use it. Rub the decoction into the roots twice a week. 10 procedures will be required to achieve the desired result.

Onion husks for brown hair from gray hair, dyeing: recipes

Gray hair
Gray hair

Often, girls think about using a sparing agent when dyeing hair. Not everyone knows, but onion husks can dye hair. The benefits of it will be maximum, and even the product is safe. It minimally affects the structure of the hair and the effect of it lasts long for a long time. By the way, on blond hair, as well as blond and brown -haired colors, the shade will open as much as possible.

Keep in mind that the exposure time of the coloring pigment will differ. In this case, it all depends on how bright you plan to get, as well as what shade your hair is. In total, time ranges from half an hour to two.

Coloring is carried out in several stages.

Stage 1. Preparation

Before you conduct staining, the scalp must be prepared for the procedure. This is due to the fact that dyeing pigments penetrate into the scalp. As a result, dark spots will remain on it. So first apply olive oil or flax extract to your head.

Also, the day before painting, wash your head with shampoo, which you use constantly. Do not forget about protecting the hair growth line, as well as ears. L tam them with petroleum jelly or cream.

To get rid of gray hair in a onion decoction, add a couple of teaspoons of glycerol. This will make it possible to penetrate the coloring pigment into the hair. Remaining 2-3 times a week until you achieve the desired result.

It is important to understand that the brightness of the color will largely depend on the concentration of the husk. If you need a light gold, then take 50 g of husk. For a darker color, more component will be required.

In addition, your "hair dye" should be correctly prepared. In particular, only dry cleaning and without any mold or rot are used for her.

Keep in mind that after dyeing for several days an unpleasant odor may be felt from the hair. As a rule, even washing the head does not allow him to get rid of it. This is due to the fact that the husk is prepared incorrectly. Do not forget about it and adhere to recommendations.

Stage 2. Coloring

Direct staining with a finished tool is quite simple. To do this, use our instructions:

  • First, prepare a decoction according to any recipe that you like best. After cooking, be sure to let it cool and strain it
  • Divide the hair into equal locks. This is required so that the composition evenly dyes the hair
  • Apply a decoction starting from the back of the head. Try to get minimally on the skin to exclude the appearance of yellow spots
  • In order for the effect of painting to be pronounced, be sure to wrap your head with polyethylene, and on top of the thermal effect with a towel
  • Withstand the finished composition for about two hours, you can less if you do not want to get too dark color
  • At the end of the procedure, rinse the hair with warm water without using shampoo

It is recommended to use cotton or sponge to apply a decoction. They allow you to evenly distribute the composition and soak the hair.

Do not worry if you will not get the first time the desired effect. Just carry out the procedure again. And so, until you get the desired effect.

Onion peel for the treatment of hair from lice: recipes

Lice are insects that live in the skin of the head. Onion husks will help to get rid of them. The benefits of such a disease will be quite high. To prepare a medium -length hair product, you need one head of garlic and a large bulb. Unfortunately, the husk in this case will be ineffective, but you can use fresh onion.

Wash the onion and garlic well and clean. Grind both components in a garlic or meat grinder. In extreme cases, you can use a blender or even a fine grater. The finished mass does not need to be mixed with anything. Just rub it in the scalp and distribute the remains along the length of the hair. Then cover the hair with a dense rubber cap and leave for 1.5-2 hours. After completing the procedure, rinse your hair with warm water.

Then apply vegetable oil to the hair and carefully comb them with a frequent scallop. Remove the remaining nits with your hands. Keep in mind that onion and garlic juice instantly kill adults, and in the nits the outer shell dissolves. Thus, lice are destroyed.

A decoction of onion husks from age spots: Recipe


From the onion husk, the benefits are high and for the face. First of all, it allows you to get rid of age spots. To prepare the product, take a handful of husks and pour it with a liter of boiling water. Bring to a boil on low heat and then let the product brew for 12 hours. The finished infusion is taken three times a day for 100 ml. The effect of using the product is visible in two weeks. In addition, the product also eliminates other problems.

The fact is that the decoction allows you to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. That is why pigmentation passes, as harmful substances from the body leave.

How to make a beautiful tan, legs tanned with onion husk at home: Recipe

In ancient times, the girls strove to ensure that their skin was snow -white. Accordingly, there was no talk of any tan. Today, girls with a tan are increasingly found, and not necessarily obtained naturally. There are many ways to obtain it. At the same time, there are even folk remedies. One of these is onion husks. The benefits of it are maximum for the skin, and you can get a beautiful tan effect.

To get a tan, pour a handful of husks with two glasses of hot water. Put the container on a slow fire and cook until the decoction becomes a bright brown hue. Process your face and body once a day. Gradually you will become tanned.

Onion husks from wrinkles - benefits: recipes

The onion husk, the benefits of which for the skin is high due to the fact that it moisturizes and nourishes it, eliminates inflammation, treats various acne and black dots, is also effective for rejuvenation. It allows you to make them smaller and inconspicuous. To solve this cosmetic problem, you can prepare a mask. It is a preventive tool against age -related changes.

This effect is achieved because the product makes the skin regenerate and restores it. Mix 7 g of onion gruel, one yolk and 8 ml of oil of argan tree seeds. Before use, steam the skin, and then distribute the composition using it with a sponge. Do not touch the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyelids and lips. If the juice causes tears in you, then before cooking gruel for 7 minutes, place the vegetable in the refrigerator. Keep the product on the face for 15 minutes. Then you can apply lifting cream.

Onion husk from acne: recipe

In the fight against acne, many means show their effectiveness. Heals them and onion husks. Its benefits are that it cleanses the body and allows you to get rid of various problems. It can be used in the form of a decoction. In addition, there is also a way to remove acne with special masks.

To prepare it, mix 8 g of onion, 10 g of black clay and add a little essential oil of thyme. Press the skin with a hot towel and distribute the composition on the face. After 20 minutes, wash the product with a onion decoction with the addition of lemongrass oil.

Video: onion husks for hair: dyeing, strengthening, growth. Available and effective ways

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