Facial masks from polysorb: the benefits for the skin of the face, readings, reviews, how to use, what result is to be expected? 5 best recipes for face masks with polysorb

Facial masks from polysorb: the benefits for the skin of the face, readings, reviews, how to use, what result is to be expected? 5 best recipes for face masks with polysorb

From this article you will learn how effective masks with Polysorb are, as well as how to cook them correctly.

A huge number of drugs are used to care for the face today. They allow you to eliminate skin defects and put it in order. Typically, for these purposes, inexpensive drugs with an economical consumption are used.
One of these is just Polysorb. Let's find out how it acts, and also how to cook masks with it.

Polysorba masks: Benefit for the skin of the face, indications, what result to expect?

The benefits of polysorb
Polysorb is a sorbent

Polysorb is a saber intended for cleansing the body. He absorbs all harmful substances and eliminates them from the body through a natural exit. Thanks to this tool, the body is completely cleaned and becomes healthier. We can say that this is a kind of detox.

Not everyone knows, but the drug is suitable for skin care. It is important to use it correctly.

The tool in masks, as well as with its simultaneous intake inward. Then the effect is excellent - the skin is cleaned, and harmful slags that caused the appearance of problems go from the inside.

The main advantages of sorbent in cosmetology are:

  • The drug pulls pollution from the skin, acting on the principle of "sponge". By the way, it works just like that and from the inside
  • After cleansing the pores, they narrow, which prevents the hit of the new dirt
  • Gives an easy effect, as after peeling, that is, the skin is cleaned not just from the outside, but much deeper
  • Skin elasticity is restored, respectively, the face looks more fit
  • The shade of the face becomes matte, the skin tone is aligned
  • Wrinkles are smoothed out and the face looks younger

Cell cleansing is carried out through silicon, which is in the composition. It allows you to eliminate the cause of skin inflammation and acne.

Polysorb face masks - how to use?

Before preparing masks from Polysorba, it is important to make sure that you will not have an allergy. The drug happens in plastic jars or bags with distributed doses. For the test, it is enough to take one bag.

Just apply the product to the hand, previously diluting it with water. If you have no reaction, then you can safely start cooking masks. Keep in mind that the standard instruction does not contain information about the preparation of masks, and therefore it is important to use the recommendations of specialists.

Using masks is quite simple and the most important advice - the skin should be clean.

Polysorba face mask classic: recipe


A classic recipe for a mask is considered universal. Such a polysorbal face mask can be used for any skin except dry, because there are no mitigating substances in the composition and this can be poorly affected. Thanks to this mask, all inflammations are dried, and black dots are also removed.


You will need it Only 3 grams of the drug, as well as boiled cooled water in the amount of 30 ml.

  • Mix these two components. Try to have no lumps.
  • The drug will not dissolve completely. It will look like a gruel.

When everything is ready, put the mask on the face for 10 minutes. It is important to use it completely. Yes, the layer will turn out thick, but it should be so.

Polysorbor's face mask for dry leather with calendula: Recipe

There is a polysorb face mask for dry leather. In order not to injure it, a calendula decoction is used as a sedative. The action is almost the same, but the skin will be easier and you will not harm it.


  • Take 3 grams of Polysorba and 20 ml of calendula broth.
  • The latter is not difficult to cook.
  • It is enough to pour 5 g of a dry plant for 10-15 minutes with boiling water.
  • When the decoction is ready, strain it from the particles of calendula and dilute the powder in 20 g of the decoction.

Apply the mask also for 10 minutes.

Polysorb face mask with lifting effect: recipe

Mask with a lifting effect
A rejuvenating recipe

A polysorb face mask can also be effective in the fight against wrinkles. Of course, she will not solve the problem at all, but is still very popular, because it gives the proper effect. By the way, it is not very long - there is enough literally for a couple of days.


You will need a small spoon of gelatin and the same number of Polysorba.

  • To begin with, desbyatin is divorced in water. He needs to swell, so we leave him for a while
  • Put the finished mixture in a water bath. Add Polysorb there the same
  • After cooking, cool a little and while it is warm smear your face

Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes, and then just remove the resulting film.

Polysorba face mask from deep wrinkles: recipe

Deep wrinkle mask
How to remove wrinkles with polysorba?

A face mask from Polysorb can slightly smooth wrinkles, but it needs to be used constantly.
In particular, up to five procedures per week should be carried out.


  • To prepare the product, take 50 ml of water and a large spoon of Polysorba.
  • For a better good result, it is better to take the mineral water, only without gas.
  • Pour it carefully into the drug and stir constantly.
  • Something ready mass will look like thick cream.

It is applied for 15-20 minutes and then washed off.

Polysorba face mask for deep peeling: Recipe

To make a deep peeling, a face mask from Polysorba is prepared without additional components, but more the drug is used.


  • To prepare the solution, 1.5 large spoons of the drug, as well as 20 ml of water are required.
  • Combine these two components to make a consistency like sour cream.

Apply the composition to the face.

While you hold the composition, you can feel pinching. This is a common reaction, because the composition actively begins to pull out all the pollution from the skin, and therefore such a reaction manifests itself.
After washing off, treat the skin with cream. It should be either moisturizing or nutritious.

How much to keep a mask from Polysorb on the face?

Mask with polysorb - effect
The effect of polysorb

A face mask from Polysorb should withstand for a while. The product is quite aggressive, and therefore it is not recommended to keep it for a long time. Usually the restriction is 10-15 minutes. However, if you feel that you are uncomfortable or a reaction is manifested, then, of course, it is better to wash off the composition before, so as not to harm yourself.

Mask from Polysorba - how often to do?

As a rule, for all recipes of masks with this tool, the course of the course is the same time. The standard application includes 10-15 procedures. All of them are divided by length by two months, it turns out about 1-2 procedures per week. A face mask from Polysorba has an aggressive effect, and therefore it cannot be done often, especially for dry skin.

Facial mask with polysorb: reviews, effect

On the forums, women often share their impressions of certain means. A face mask from Polysorba causes a lot of positive reaction.

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4
Review 5
Review 5

Video: Cosmetics from the pharmacy. Polysorba face mask

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Comments K. article

  1. I don’t buy polysorb at all for a long time, I don’t really like it. Enterosgel is much better, according to my sensations, it is more effective.

  2. Finally understand that acne on the skin does not appear just like that .... It is rare when it happens due to sweat, but most often this is the reason for bad microflora. Therefore, support it .... And I can advise in this regard a new generation of the Evalarovsky multifloer Maxi. I drank even after antibiotics and quickly saw the result, the intestines began to work better.

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