Coiling facial masks, around the eyes from wrinkles at home after 50 years: 13 best recipes for women

Coiling facial masks, around the eyes from wrinkles at home after 50 years: 13 best recipes for women

Recipes for making face masks, from wrinkles and eyes for women after 50 years.

After 50 years, a woman has lost skin elasticity, so she may not look in the best way, with a large number of deep wrinkles. Despite this, leaving is significantly different from the one that was carried out behind the dermis of 30 or 40 years. Now, mainly as care products, substances aimed at lifting should be used. 

Features of the preparation and application of homemade face masks after 50 years

It is worth noting that there are a lot of options homemade face masks after 50 yearsthat help to improve the condition of the skin, make it more elastic, and even tighten the floating contour of the face.


  • Of course, home masks and products are not as effective as the departure of a cosmetologist using fillers and beauty injections. But this is a great alternative if you cannot afford visits to a cosmetologist. After all, all manipulations in the office of a cosmetologist are very expensive. With the help of homemade masks, you can slightly improve the condition of the skin, and slow down further aging.
  • Why is a woman’s skin after 50 years old? This is due to significant hormonal changes at this age. In almost all women at 50, menstruation stops, menopause, menopause. Thus, there are very few hormones in the blood that are responsible for the elasticity of the skin, as well as beauty. It is estrogen, as well as progestins, improve the texture of the skin, and stimulate the growth of elastin fibers. 
  • The most interesting thing is that it is best for these purposes to use homemade sour -milk products, cottage cheese, kefir, as well as sour cream. It is best if they are rustic, and not from the store.
  • You can use fruits, vegetables, gelatin, and even some medications.Very often, aspirin, as well as Troxevasin or Troxerutin, are used in age -related masks.
  • After all, these products improve blood circulation, and thereby can improve the condition of the skin. There are several rules that should be followed when applying masks to mature skin. 
Skin care
Skin care

Rules for using anti -aging face masks after 50 years

If the skin has damage, in no case should you use masks, since usually in their composition they can contain aggressive components, acids that can burn the face and provoke pain, as well as inflammation. Before applying any product, it is necessary to prepare the dermis in advance.

Rules for using anti -aging face masks after 50 years:

  • This is due to the fact that the skin of women aged 50 years of age poorly absorbs nutritional components, due to the fact that it is very dry, the pores are closed and narrowed. Therefore, the main task is to steal the skin, make a preliminary steam bath.
  • To do this, it is enough to hold the face over the steam for 5 minutes, having previously covered it with a towel. For greater efficiency, you can use decoctions of herbs. After such manipulations, the components of the mask are very well absorbed, the skin is saturated with useful components.
  • Please note that if there are moles and papillomas, as well as acne on your face, give up the use of some aggressive components. This refers to cinnamon, red pepper, lemon juice, cognac.
  • These components are aggressive and can cause irritation or even rash. Please note that on mature skin it is necessary to apply the product with patting, driving movements.
  • In no case should you rub, stretch and rub the skin. This will provoke a deterioration in the condition. Be sure to apply all masks to the neck and neckline. About masks for the neck and neckline can be found out here.  
Beautiful skin at 50 years old
Beautiful skin at 50 years old

Contacting face masks at home: Recipes for cooking

Please note that the means that are used for the face should in no case be applied under the eyes. They may contain scrubbing components, as well as aggressive components that can adversely affect the condition of the dermis under the eyes. Regarding the removal of the mask, this is usually done with warm water, but after the nutrient composition is completely eliminated, it is necessary to rinse the dermis with cold water. Contrast shower and temperature change are very useful for mature skin, on which there are many wrinkles. 

Recipes of anti -aging face masks at home:

  1. Anti -aging mask that helps eliminate toxins from the body. It is necessary to combine three strawberry berries, pre -chopped in mashed potatoes. 15 g of bodyagi, which can be purchased in a pharmacy, is introduced into the gruel, it is sold in the form of powder. 60 ml of water or warm milk is poured into this mixture, two drops of lavender oil are also introduced. All this is thoroughly mixed, and applied to the prepared dermis. Please note that the product cannot be applied under the eyes. The exposure time of the mask is 10 minutes. After that, everything is washed off immediately with warm, and after that cold water. 
  2. Mask with algae. To prepare it, you need to take 15 g of powder of dried kelp. It is bred 150 ml of very hot water, its temperature is 80 degrees. It is necessary to allow the mixture for 10 minutes. During this time, the mass will become quite viscous. It is necessary to add one banana to it, having previously grind it on a grater. Next, 10 ml of olive oil is poured. It is necessary to lubricate the skin with this mixture and cover with a napkin. The exposure time is a third of the hour. After this time, you need to remove the remaining mixtures with cotton wool, then wash with warm water. 
  3. Clay mask. To prepare the mixture, pour clay 100 ml of hot water. The liquid can be poured until the mixture turns into porridge. Next, 20 g of cream is added. It is best to take a home, thick product with a high fat content. Then 10 ml of orange juice flows. It is necessary to whip the product thoroughly using the corolla until the foam is obtained. It is applied to the face, the exposure time is 30 minutes. In order for the mask not to flow from the skin, it can be covered with a napkin. Rinse immediately with warm and then cold water. 
Ingredients for the mask
Ingredients for the mask

Lifting masks for women after 50 years

Lifting masks for women after 50 years quickly pull the dermis, returning the tone.

Face lifting recipes:

  • Mask Lifting with gelatin. To prepare the product, it is necessary to heat 50 ml of milk with a high percentage of fat content. Please note that you need to warm up to a temperature of 70 degrees. Pour 50 g of gelatin into a heated liquid and averaged. Leave this product for about 15 minutes, so that gelatin is swollen. Next, you should pour another 10 ml of olive oil. Everything is thoroughly mixed and using a brush is applied to the purified dermis. The exposure time of the composition is 30 minutes. Please note that the mask is not washed off, but is removed with a film. After that, it is necessary to wash the skin with cold water. 
  • Mask lifting from henna. For these purposes, a colorless henna is used, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or in a cosmetics store. Dissolve 15 g of henna in 60 ml of heated water. Please note that the water should be hot enough, the temperature is about 70-80 degrees. When a mixture of henna and hot water has cooked to room temperature, you need to add 30 g of pressed yeast. One egg protein, as well as 10 g of olive oil, is introduced into the paste. All this is thoroughly beaten, and applied with a brush. Please note that the mask can flow so that this does not happen, the face is covered with a clean cloth. All the time that the mask will be on the skin must be calmly lying so that the composition does not drain from the skin. The paste is washed off after a third of the hour with cold water. 
Mask for mature leather
Mask for mature leather

Brightening masks around the eyes after 50 years: recipes for cooking

Clarifying masks around the eyes after 50 years must be moisturizingas well as sparing. That is, their composition is almost never aggressive. 

Recipes for masks for the eyes for women after 50 years: 

  • To eliminate dark circles and swelling, it is necessary to mix 60 ml of kefirb with a small amount of starch. A loose product must be added until you get thick porridge. The product is applied with a brush on the upper and lower eyelids, as well as the region under the eyes. You need to withstand for a third of an hour. Rinse off with cold water. 
  • Please note that very often the area under the eyes can be irritated. To make it bright, as well as healthy, you can use the gifts of nature. For these purposes, a bunch of parsley is necessary Turn into a gruel with a blender. The green paste is applied to the eyes for 30 minutes. Rinse off with cold water.
  • Very often, women under the eyes have dark circles, as well as sagging. To eliminate dark circles, spots under the eyes, You can use the cucumber. For these purposes, it is necessary to grind one small cucumber on a grater, removing the skin from it. Please note that it should not be with large seeds. Further, the resulting paste must be mixed from 20 g of fat cottage cheese, until a thick mixture is obtained. Try not to come across in the gruel of grains of cottage cheese. Paste is applied to cleansed skin for about a quarter of an hour.
Skin care
Skin care

Masks under the eyes of wrinkles for women after 50 years at home

Recipes for making masks for the eyes of wrinkles for women after 50 years:

  • If your skin needs moisturizing, it is very wrinkled, you can use the bee nectar. For these purposes, it is necessary to clean one sheet of aloe from the skin and turn into a homogeneous mixture. Take out about a tablespoon of aloe juice, add 15 ml of glycerin, and 15 ml of honey. To make it all thick enough, add flour from oatmeal. They are crushed in a blender or coffee grinder to a dust state. As a result, you should get porridge, as for pancakes. Apply to the eyes for about 30 minutes. 
  • If you have noticeable goose legs, then you can prepare a product from milk and bread. Take a piece of loaf, after cutting off the crusts. Cross and add warm milk. Leave for 20 minutes. After that, send the pasta to the blender. Your task is to turn everything into porridge. The product is applied with a brush, can drain faces from the face. To prevent this from happening, you can cover the eyelids with gauze. Rinse after a third of the hour.
Botox mask
Botox mask

Paths for the eyes at home for women after 50 years

Many women have long appreciated the benefits of patches under the eyes. The main advantage is that they are very comfortable, do not slide off the skin, and give an excellent result. You can cook them at home. To prepare this tool, you can use several methods. 

Paths for the eyes at home for women after 50 years, instructions:

  • Patches with potatoes. Clean young potatoes from the skin, grind it on a grater to a pot. Remove to gauze and squeeze the juice. Now you need to cut a cotton pad in half and soak abundantly in the juice obtained. Put everything under the eyes for 30 minutes. This procedure removes dark circles under the eyes, and lights up the spots. 
  • Remedy with parsley. For its preparation, it is necessary to mix 20 ml of parsley and 20 g of cottage cheese in equal quantities. It is best if it is fat. The ideal option is the fat content of 18-20 percent. This tool is applied to a cotton pad and applied to the skin under the eyes. The exposure time is a third of the hour. 
  • Paths under the eyes with herbs. To prepare them, you will need 20 g of gelatin, as well as 20 grams of chamomile. It is necessary to soak gelatin in cold water in advance. In a separate bowl, you need to prepare a chamomile broth. To do this, 20 grams of grass are poured with 300 ml of boiling water and boiled for 2 minutes. After that, it is necessary to mix the chamomile broth with gelatin and warm until it dissolves. Next, a cotton pad is dipped in the resulting mixture. For a short time is laid out in the refrigerator. This is best done on a plastic plate or ceramic bowl. During this time, a cotton pad will stick to the plate to separate it, hold it over the steam or warm the bottom of the plate with a hairdryer. When the product opens, it is worth laying it on the eyes. The exposure time is 30 minutes. This is a kind of analogue of purchased patches, however, the cost is very affordable. 
Beautiful skin
Beautiful skin

The skin after 50 years needs constant nutrition. Be sure to use home masks, visit a cosmetologist if possible.

Video: Failing skin masks

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  1. Thanks for the recipes of masks. I also like cream with stem cells of plants for the skin around the eyes of Librider. And the skin became more elastic, wrinkles began to pass

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