How to use badger fat in cosmetology for the face, arms, legs and hair?

How to use badger fat in cosmetology for the face, arms, legs and hair?

Badger fat is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Thanks to vitamins and other substances that make up this means, it has a favorable effect on the condition of the skin, curls, nails, health.

Badger fat - how to use hair: mask recipe

There is an opinion that this fat can solve the problem with baldness and hair loss. To do this, it is recommended to rub the product into the scalp, after which it is worthwhile to put a special hat on your head or wrap it in a bag, and then in a towel.

Such manipulations should be carried out in 40 minutes. to washing the head.

How to use badger fat for face and hands from wrinkles: a romance recipe

Since badger fat helps to eliminate wrinkles and smoothing the skin, it is recommended to apply it to problem areas after going to the shower or bath. You can also make a home cream for these purposes:

  • Fat - 30 g
  • Bergamot oil - 5 drops
  • Coconut oil - 5 drops
  • Wheat germ oil - 5 drops
Fat for skin and hair
Fat for skin and hair

First melt the fat, and then add all the other components to it, mix the resulting mass and let it cool.
Next, apply the cream on your hands, problem areas.

How to use badger fat for heels from cracks: recipe

To get rid of cracks on heels and hands, you need to prepare the following tool:

  • Alcohol solution of lecithin - 35 ml (mix 30 ml of vodka and 1 tsp, lecithin, let stand for 10 hours)
  • Fat - 45 g
  • Wax - 7 g
  • Wheat germ oil - 10 g
  • Eucalyptus eucalyptus oil - 10 drops

Take fat and melt it, then add all other components to it, except for an alcohol solution, and warm it a little. After connecting the solution and the resulting mixture. With this tool, smear your arms and legs 1 time per day, until the healing of wounds and cracks.

Important: having taken this tool as a basis, you can prepare a huge number of different ointments and creams. To do this, just mix fat with various oils.

Video: Badger fat - face masks

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Comments K. article

  1. an excellent article, in general, in general badger fat is very useful, it helps me during the cold, helps to recover faster, relieves a protracted cough, I buy a sturdy badger

  2. Fat and oils only clog pores, but do not moisturize and do not nourish the skin, this is an erroneous opinion. Hyaluronic acid acts best in this regard (I take from Evalar, they also have an Evalar and order it, it turns out more profitable) and collagen. It is internal care that the skin is able to bring the skin to normal ... but certainly not fat.

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