Useful properties of hawthorn fruits. How and when to use hawthorn?

Useful properties of hawthorn fruits. How and when to use hawthorn?

On the use of hawthorn for medicinal purposes, in cosmetology and cooking.

Hailedies have been used from ancient times to restore health. Infusions, decoctions, extracts, tinctures are prepared from fruits, leaves and shrub flowers. This publication will introduce the useful and medicinal features of hawthorn, its use for cosmetic purposes and in culinary recipes.

Hawthorn indications for use

  • “Cardiac berry” - hawthorn was widely used by ancient Chinese healers from heart ailments. Russian herbalists also did not bypass the “heart shrub”, using it with symptoms of heart and pain, chest toad, neurasthenia
  • Under Peter I, the hawthorn was included in the medical register. It was grown in the "pharmacist garden" and made therapeutic drugs in the form of a variety of decoctions, powders, tinctures
  • “Berries of the May tree”, “boyar”, “lady”, “Glud” - folk names of hawthorn. Two types of hawthorn are mainly used: bloody hawthorn (Crataegus sanguinea) and hawry hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha). Hawthorn (Crataegus aestivales) is grown in the gardens)

Surprisingly, the fact: the hawthorn is rightfully considered a “natural pharmacy” due to the content of a significant stock of vitamins, minerals, organic acids.

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Vitamins in hawthorn

Hawthorn is rich in vitamins and important trace elements necessary for life support. It contains vitamins:

  • vitamin C
  • vitamin A
  • vitamin p
  • vitamin E
  • vitamin K.

In addition to these vitamins in hawthorn, an important plant pigment was found-beta-carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant protecting the immune system from free radicals.

Iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium - important macro elements present in the plant.

The fruits of hawthorn contain a large number of trace elements: cobalt, copper, molybdenum, zinc, chrome, boron, manganese, aluminum. According to some quantitative indicators of these elements, hawthorn is a leader among other fruit and berry shrubs.

Vitamin A

Hawthorn contains flavonoids that affect the active state of enzymes in the body. Scientists have proven a positive effect of flavonoids on the walls of blood vessels, their elasticity and permeability. The main flavonoid hawthorn is hyperoside. It is he who has a soft and focused effect on the main motor in the human body, supporting and strengthening the heart muscle.

This prickly shrub includes fatty and organic acids, tannins, sugar, saponins. Holin, which affects memory, was found in the fruits.

Useful properties of fruit and hawthorn berries

  • Hawthorn in the amount of pectin is not inferior to apples. Pectin is a natural adsorbent that absorbs toxins from the intestines. Pectin affects the metabolism and work of the intestines, so use of hawthorn in obesity Effectively and successfully used by dietithetic doctors in weight loss methods
  • Berries of hawthorn have long been used to treat heart pain and high pressure. Moreover, decoctions, teas, tinctures from fruits enhance the strength and frequency of heart contractions. Hyperoside - flavonol glycoside of hawthorn, expands the gaps of the cornflower vessels, improving blood circulation
  • Drugs from hawthorn berries gently affect the heart, without increasing the excitability of the heart muscle


  • Ursolic acid in the fruits of hawthorn has an anti -inflammatory effect, diuretic and antimicrobial effects. Important properties of hawthorn for menused to treat prostatitis
  • The natural components of the drug shrub prevent blood stagnation, relieve inflammation and remove pain. The use of hawthorn decoctions is a good prevention from prostatitis
  • Hawthorn tincture is effective for dizziness, coronary insufficiency, improper metabolism, insomnia, stenosis of the vessels of the brain
  • The use of hawthorn oil gives a positive effect in heart diseases, high cholesterol, regulates the hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, removes shortness of breath and dizziness
  • Berries of hawthorn gently affect the liver, improving its functional state. In addition, hawthorn causes a choleretic effect, enhancing the motor skills
  • Hawthorn preparations relieve head and rheumatic pains, effective for unpleasant menopause. Cases of the use of hawthorn are described to prevent epilepsy seizures
  • Hawthorn normalizes blood sugar, the benefits of diabetes mellitus - undoubtedly with positive dynamics of the course of the disease. When using hawthorn diabetic patients, a consultation of the attending physician is required
  • Infusion of hawthorn fruits from allergies widely use folk healers


Important properties of hawthorn for men

Hawthorn is effective and shown in a number of diseases of various etiologies. All parts of the shrub have therapeutic qualities and are suitable for the manufacture of drugs. Hawthorn is used in the following indications:

  • neuroses and mental disorders
  • heart failure
  • angina pectoris
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • swelling of the legs
  • angioneurosis
  • hypertension
  • arrhythmia
  • rehabilitation of the postinfarct state
  • increased sugar
  • allergic conditions


Contraindications for the use of hawthorn

  • Hawthorn is considered a medicinal plant, so it is recommended not to resort to uncontrolled intake of tinctures from fruits, infusions and decoctions. People with serious heart disease and pressure drops need medical consultation before taking medications from hawthorn
  • The stack glass of fresh hawthorn berries is a daily intake of a healthy person. The exceeding the dosage can negatively affect well -being
  • Do not use tincture of hawthorn to motorists. Even small doses of the drug can reduce the concentration of attention and cause drowsiness in the driver
  • Contraindications to the use of hawthorn are traumatic brain injury, brain diseases, hypotension, increased sensitivity and individual intolerance to individual drugs based on hawthorn

Flowers of hawthorn

Pressure hawthorn recipes from pressure

With increased pressure, complex drug fees in the form of infusions are effective.

  • Adonis - 1 part
  • hawthorn flowers - 1 part
  • birch sheet - 1 part
  • motherwort - 2 parts
  • successful - 2 parts
  • horsetail - 1 part

2 tablespoons of the collection pour 0.5 l of boiling water, well wrap it and insist for 5-6 hours. Take 0.5 cups of infusion in a warm form 3 times a day before meals.

  • Crushed fruits of hawthorn
  • flowers of hawthorn
  • crushed rosehip fruits
  • poonsy grass
  • successfully grass
  • vasilirnika grass


All plant ingredients are used in the same proportions. 4 tablespoons of collection are steamed with a liter of boiling water. Insist 8 hours. Take 0.5 cups of infusion 3 times a day an hour after eating.

  • Hawthorn fruits - 3 parts
  • hawthorn flowers - 3 parts
  • horsetail - 3 parts
  • omela grass - 3 parts
  • chopped garlic cloves - 3 parts
  • arniki flowers - 1 part

A tablespoon of the mixture is steamed with a glass of boiling water, insist 6-8 hours. Take 1 \\ 4 parts of a glass 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

How to brew hawthorn for the heart?

There are different recipes for making infusions for the heart from hawthorn.

Tonic tea from hawthorn leaves

Freshly leaves of hawthorn are consumed in the form of tea. 2-3 green sheets of plants are steamed with boiling water and insisted. Tea has a pleasant specific taste and aroma. Such a herbal elixir has a stimulating cardiac effect.

Ancient recipe for a deck from hawthorn berries with a rapid heartbeat

10 berries of hawthorn are boiled for 15 minutes in 1 liter of water on low heat. Take the deck cooled 100 ml 2 times a day.

Infusion with heart failure

1 tablespoon of hawthorn berries is steamed with a glass of boiling water. Withstand 2 hours. Method of use: 100 ml 3 times a day before meals.


The benefits of the crust of the hawthorn

The bark and leaves of hawthorn are used by herbalists as a fixing agent. In ancient times, a decoction of bark, leaves and roots of shrub was used as red, brown or yellow dye for painting tissues.

The bark of the plants is steamed with boiling water and used for feverish states, diarrhea and shortness of breath.

Hawthorn in cosmetology

Hawthorn is successfully used for cosmetic procedures. Ursolic acid promotes skin regeneration and restores collagen. A mask of hawthorn fruits rejuvenates, nourishes and evens out the surface of the skin.

Mask from hawthorn

  1. Two tablespoons of fresh hawthorn berries are ground in a blender
  2. The mixture is diluted with a tablespoon of olive oil
  3. The mass is distributed over the face and withstand 20 minutes
  4. The mask is removed with warm water and the face is lubricated with cream


Hair hawthorn tincture

The use of hawthorn tincture in cosmetology It takes place for hair strengthening. Shampoos, masks, lotions with hawthorn remove dandruff, restore hair and prevent their loss.

Homemade egg shampoo with tinctures of calendula and hawthorn

  • Chicken yolk - 2 pcs
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs
  • calendula tincture - 2 tables.
  • hawthorn tincture - 2 table. tablespoons
  • purified water - 2 table. tablespoons
  1. The yolks are thoroughly mixed with lemon juice. Add tinctures and water. The resulting shampoo is heated in a steam bath to a state comfortable for scalp
  2. Wet your head with warm water and shampoo is applied, rubbing into the scalp. Then the shampoo is washed off, and the hair is rinsed with water with lemon juice

Beautiful hair


  • Red pepper tincture - 2 table. tablespoons
  • tincture of hawthorn - 1 table. a spoon
  • extract of Eleutherococcus - 1 table. Pill

Tinctures are mixed and applied with a piece of sponges for parting. They tie the head with plastic film and insulated with a towel. Withstand for 30-40 minutes and washed off the lotion. The procedure is repeated 1-2 times a week. With dry hair, a spoonful of castor, olive or burdock oil should be added to the lotion.

Lotion with hawthorn against dandruff

  • Lemon - 0, 5 pcs
  • hawthorn tincture - 2 tables.
  • castor oil - 1 table.

Losion is treated with hair roots an hour before washing the head.

Hair mask

  • Aloe leaves - 30 g
  • berry hawthorn - 30 g
  • vodka - 100 ml
  1. The leaves of aloe are crushed in the refrigerator for biostimulation. Berries of hawthorn and aloe are placed in vodka. The solution is kept in a darkened place for a week
  2. The scalp is treated with a lotion thoroughly, massaging the roots of the hair
  3. Put on a shower hat and warm with a towel on top
  4. The mask is kept on the head for 40-60 minutes
  5. Then wash the hair without shampoo
  6. Hair restoration procedure is carried out every other day within a month

Foot baths

Foot baths with hawthorn

Infusions of leaves, fruits and hawthorn flowers in combination with other plant components are used in foot baths. Such procedures are pleasant, the legs become well -groomed, blood circulation improves, painful cracks pass.

Night baths with hawthorn to improve blood circulation in the feet

  1. 50 g of hawthorn flowers are steamed with a liter of boiling water
  2. The infusion is cooled and filtered
  3. Alternately hold their legs in a warm decoction of hawthorn flowers, then in cold water
  4. Duration of the procedure 10 minutes

Night baths at the "heat" in the legs

  1. Chamomile flowers, nettles, grass of grass, hawthorn flowers, St. John's wort grass, calendula flowers mix in equal proportions
  2. Two tablespoons of the mixture are steamed with a liter of boiling water and withstand 30 minutes
  3. Tired legs are lowered into a warm infusion for 20 minutes

Necessary baths from cracks

  1. Crushed hawthorn fruits, chamomile flowers, pine needles are taken in the same parts
  2. 3 tablespoons of the collection are steamed 1.5 liters of boiling water and withstand for 20 minutes.
  3. Legs are lowered into a warm infusion for 15 minutes
  4. The feet are wiped dry, lubricated with a nutrient cream and put on socks

Pregnant and children: Use of hawthorn

Infusions, teas, decoctions of fruits and hawthorn flowers have a soft cardiotonic and soothing effect. Therefore, the question often arises: "" Can I drink a decoction of hawthorn to pregnant women And nursing women? "

Hawthorn preparations are used to relieve nervous stress and stress in pregnant and nursing women, but only on the recommendation of a doctor. The doctor individually selects a dosage form (decoction, tea, infusion, extract), a dose and course of therapy.


Is it possible to give hawthorn to children?

  • Often, parents resort to the treatment of their children with medicinal herbs as an alternative to pharmacy drugs. Herbal decoctions and infusions are widely used in children's practice and help in the treatment of many ailments. But it should be remembered: all medicinal herbs should be given to children according to the medical prescription and in the dosage designed for the age of the child
  • Hairy drug drugs are used in children's practice to relieve the child's hyperactivity, heart failure, bad dreams, violations of the heart rhythm. As a rule, pediatricians prescribe decoctions of hawthorn, as an additional remedy for drug treatment and in a dosage taking into account children's age

The annotation of tinctures of hawthorn contains a strict contraindication for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children.

When at what age start giving children a decoction of hawthorn?

After three years of age, children can be given a compote from fresh garden berries of hawthorn. Decoctions should not be concentrated. Fruits for compote are chosen completely ripened and intact. The drink is consumed in freshly brewed form. Such compote is very useful for the child's body.


Folk recipes with hawthorn

Folk healers use a variety of hawthorn -based recipes. Herbalists willingly use flowers, leaves, fruits, and bark of a healing plant in their drugs.

Video: Rosehip and hawthorn guard

Recipe for tea from hawthorn and rosehip

Tea prepared from hawthorn and rosehips is considered the "gold standard" of traditional medicine. The fruits of these plants complement each other very well and enrich tea with a wonderful taste and aroma. And what is the benefit of such tea!. This herbal elixir will enhance immunity, strengthen the heart and spirit, saturate the body with vitamins.

In a thermos flask, 1 tablespoon of fruit is placed. Two glasses of boiling water and leave overnight. Drink half a glass 3 times a day.

Conduct for removing heart and anxiety

  • Hawthorn fruits - 4 parts
  • motherwort grass - 4 parts
  • sushenitsa - 4 parts
  • chamomile - 1 part

A tablespoon of the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water. Take a tablespoon three times a day.

Hawthorn with apples

Recipe for recovery after myocardial infarction

In a thermos is placed on a tablespoon of hawthorn berries, rose hips, red mountain ash, raisins and kurags. Pour a liter of boiling water. The night is insisted. The whole portion of the infusion is taken in parts for a day. The course of admission is 3 months.

Hawthorn in cooking: fruit drinks, compotes, pier fillings, hawthorn jams

The fruits of hawthorn are inherent in valuable food qualities. In cooking, fresh hawthorn berries are mainly used, but dry fruits in chopped form are used in baking. They give the dough a unique fruit aroma.

Nectar from hawthorn

The benefits of hawthorn juice Obviously and is not in doubt. The fruits contain a lot of pectin and cook juice from hawthorn is not easy. In cooking, they usually resort to the preparation of nectar from hawthorn berries.

Hairy hawthorn is crushed in a blender and a spring or purified water is added to the puree to the consistency of the nectar. If desired, the taste of the drink can be improved by adding honey and lemon.

Nectar from hawthorn

Refreshing fruit drink

  1. Two glasses of fresh hawthorn fruits are poured with a liter of boiling water and boiled with weak boil until the fruit is soft
  2. Hailedies are wiped, add sugar or honey to taste. To give sourness, add lemon juice
  3. Pour the mashed hawthorn with a chilled decoction of wiped mashed potatoes
  4. Morse is served with ice cubes and mint leaves

Fill from hawthorn with quince for the winter

  • Hawthorn fruits - 500 g
  • aiva - 500 g
  • sugar - 250 g
  • water - 1 liter
  1. The prepared fruits of hawthorn without bones and peeled slices are placed in sterile jars on the shoulders
  2. Sugar is dissolved in boiling water and the syrup is boiled for about 5 minutes
  3. Syrup is poured into banks with fruits and sterilized

Jem from hawthorn

  • Berries of hawthorn - 1 kg
  • cranberry or black currant berries - 1 cup
  • sugar - 1 kg per kg of wiped puree from berries
  1. The berries are sorted out and washed with running water. A little water is added to the pan with berries and boil over low heat until the fruit is soft
  2. Berries grind
  3. Sugar is poured into the mixture and boiled to the consistency of jam
  4. Ready jam is laid out in sterile jars

Filling for pies from hawthorn and apples

  • Berry hawthorn - 500 g
  • apples - 500 g
  • sugar - 100 g
  • nuts-50-100 g
  1. Hawthorn and pieces of apples are boiled until soft with a small amount of water
  2. Puree grind through a colander
  3. Fall asleep with sugar and boiled for 10 minutes, stirring so that the mashed potatoes do not burn
  4. Chopped nuts are added to the fruit mass after cooling


Gaped from hawthorn

A useful dessert is prepared from hawthorn - pastille. This delicacy will appeal not only by the kids, but also to their parents. Since there is a lot of pectin in hawthorn, such a dessert does not need thickening.

  1. Fresh fruits of hawthorn are grinded in a blender and a little sugar is added to the mixture (approximately 10% of the resulting mass)
  2. The baking dish is covered with paper and laid out with a thin layer of hawthorn puree with sugar
  3. The pastille is kept in the oven at a temperature of 80-90 degrees until dry

Application of hawthorn: tips and reviews

  • It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of hawthorn. The plant deservedly received recognition in medicine, cosmetology, cooking
  • Medicines for hawthorn fruits and flowers are especially popular among men and women who are over 50. Numerous reviews are evidenced about this. A positive and mild impact on the work of the heart is the main feature of this natural doctor
  • Cultural varieties of hawthorn with large fruits allow you to prepare many useful dishes from them with excellent taste qualities
  • Finally, I would like to remind you: although the healing properties of the hawthorn have been tested for centuries, one should not forget about the timely consultation with the doctor, if you have to resort to the treatment of your ailment according to the recipes of folk healers.

And be healthy!

Video: Hawthorn: benefits, use and recipes for cooking



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