How much should a child sleep at different ages? Sleep norm for a child from 1 month to 14 years. What to do if the child sleeps more or less than the norm? Why does the child refuse daytime sleep: what to do?

How much should a child sleep at different ages? Sleep norm for a child from 1 month to 14 years. What to do if the child sleeps more or less than the norm? Why does the child refuse daytime sleep: what to do?

How much should a child sleep day and night? How to establish a healthy sleep.

Parents always care about how much a child should eat, drink and walk. But they rarely wonder how much the child should sleep. But many problems can be solved if you establish a healthy and full sleep for the child.

The meaning of sleep in the development of the child

  • For children's development, it is important not only to engage in children during wakefulness, but also to establish a full sleep. Indeed, in a dream, they are disconnected from reality, a delicate nervous system rests and gains strength for new active games and knowledge of the world.
  • In addition, in the first 2 hours of sleep in the pituitary gland, growth hormone is actively produced. Therefore, if the baby does not have a dream, he can lag behind in growth and physical development.
  • With constant lack of sleep, the baby can behave adequately for the first days, but it is important for you to know that his nervous system is very overstrain. Sooner or later, this will result in hysteria, whims and a nervous breakdown.

How many hours a day should a child sleep depending on age?

  • The newborn sleeps almost all day, and this is understandable. The poor baby needs to recover after childbirth and adapt to the outside world. Yes, and sleeping for 18-20 hours is more familiar to him, because this is exactly what he was doing in his mother’s stomach.
  • But in the first year of life, a lot is changing. The kid develops with seven -mile jumps, a new mode of sleep and wakefulness is established. The one -year -old baby is already striving to find out as much as possible about an interesting world. Let's look at the table of estimated sleep norms for children depending on age.

Sleep norm for a child with explanations

Sleep norms

  • Some children over 3 years old can do without daytime sleep, but then at night the dream should fully correspond to the total daily need for children of this age.
  • Do not treat this table as a standard. Each child is individual, and if yours sleeps one or two hours less or more, but at the same time his mood is benevolent, he is not crying and adequately developing, then do not specifically change the regime of his day.

Sleep norms for a child from 1 to 3 months

  • If the first month the baby is sleeping constantly, only with short periods of wakefulness, then at the age of 2-3 months the child already considers and somehow perceives the world around him.
  • But the baby should not do without sleep longer than 2 hours. Its nervous system is still weak and overwork easily occurs. Follow the behavior of the child. If he has become sluggish, rubs his eyes and yawns - stop all the games and in the bed.

Sleep norms for a child from 3 to 6 months

During this period, the baby should sleep at 14-17 hours. Moreover, 10-12 hours at night, and the rest of the time shares between 3-4 daily dreams. By six months of age, he can already oversleep without interruptions for a whole night, but only if you accustom him to healthy sleep. To do this, do not rock the baby, do not put to sleep next to you and do not teach your child to fall asleep during feeding.

Sleep norms for a child from 6 months to a year

In the second half of the year, the baby should sleep at least 10-12 hours and another 2-3 hours. Daytime sleep is divided into two or three doses, depending on children's temperament and the established regime of the day.

Now the baby may begin certain problems with sleep. The reason is that at this time the child learns to crawl and walk, so even in a dream it can “train”. If the baby stood in bed in the middle of the night, he will not be able to lie back. You will have to come up, calm the child and put it back.

Sleep norms for a child from 1 to 2 years old

A one -year -old child can already sleep all night. But in 10-12 hours of sleep, you probably will have to raise it once or twice. Until 18 months, the baby can save 2 daytime sleeps. Then he is enough and one.

Now it is very important for you to monitor the safety of the baby. Lower the mattress in the crib, because the child in the middle of the night may be attempted to climb over the side. You can also lay blankets at the bed or throw soft toys, if your baby is a clear fidget.

Sleep norms for a child from 2 to 4 years old

The daily need for a dream in children is 2-4 years old-11-13 hours. Moreover, starting from the age of three, the baby will be able to do without daytime sleep. At the same time, it can be transferred to a new large bed. Then the child will be able to get into the toilet at night and rise freely early in the morning, when everyone else is still sleeping.

Sleep norms for a child from 4 to 7 years old

  • A child of 4 - 7 years old needs to sleep about 12 hours a day. Those children who go to kindergarten, up to 6-7 years old, can sleep during the day. Daytime sleep at this time lasts 1.5 - 2 hours.
  • The baby’s nervous system has already been strengthened to such an extent that he can easily withstand 12 hours of active wakefulness.
  • At this age, the child can already go on bed on his own and fall asleep without parental assistance. Of course, it is still advisable to read fairy tales before bedtime four -year -olds, but the seven -year -olds should already fall asleep themselves.

Why should children sleep during the day? How to establish a child’s daytime sleep?

Many scientists and pediatricians have proven that a sufficient day of the child’s daily sleep has positively affects his psycho -emotional and mental development. At a rested child, attention and memory improves, he plays more willingly, more calm and sociable.

But not all children over 2.5-3 years old need a daytime dream. If your child does not sleep during the day, but does not fall asleep on the move at 5-6 pm and does not be capricious, then he does not really need this very dream. Such children compensate for the lack of sleep at night, so you need to lay them 1-2 hours earlier than usual.

And if the child is not ready to abandon the daytime sleep? How to establish a regime?

  1. Carefully monitor the nutrition of the child. All food should be easily digestible, no fried and fatty dishes
  2. In the first half of the day, a lot and actively walk. Believe me, 2 hours climbing hills and ladders “lull” even a hyperactive child
  3. The room should have a muffled light and a quiet, calm atmosphere
  4. Do not scold the baby and do not punish with a daytime sleep, so the laying will turn into flour for both you and for the baby

To what age do you need to practice children's daytime sleep?

  • Until 2.5-3 years, the child must sleep during the day. And the further regime depends on whether the child goes to the kindergarten, on its temperament and the environment.
  • "Sadikovsky" children are accustomed to a two -hour day dream, and observe it right up to school. Some particularly calm personalities manage to sleep during the day even in the first grade after lessons.
  • In general, or not your child needs a daytime sleep at an older age, you will see for yourself, judging by his condition.

Why does the child refuse daytime sleep: what to do?

There may be several reasons for refusing daytime sleep:

  • later awakening in the morning
  • the child was not tired, there was little physical activity
  • the ritual of going to sleep is impaired
  • mom is annoyed, respectively, the baby is also nervous

In order to put the child to sleep, try to create a complacent mood with your baby. Play a little in quiet games, read the book, and then put your child in bed and tell me that the time has come to sleep. If this did not work, take a closer look, what if your baby has already outgrown the period of daytime sleep?

Video: children's sleep rules

Why is the child sleeping more than normal?

It is important for parents to remember that all norms are relative. If the child sleeps more than he is at his age, and during wakefulness cheerful and active, then he has other norms.

But if the baby suddenly began to sleep more, pay attention to his health. Increased drowsiness can be a symptom of colds or acute respiratory infections, acetonemic syndrome or low hemoglobin.

What to do if the child sleeps less than the norm?

Again, it all depends on the general condition of the child. There are few sleeping children, and this does not affect their mental and physical development.

If the child suddenly began to sleep less, first try to establish a healthy sleep. If the duration of sleep does not increase, consult with a neurologist.

How to instill a child with healthy full sleep skills?

  • To accustom to a full sleep of the baby from the diapers. If the child woke up in the middle of the night and does not fall asleep back, you can’t play with him. Leave muffled light, calmly talk to the baby. Gradually, he will understand that night is a time for sleep, not for games.
  • It is very important for calm falling asleep to comply with certain rituals of going to bed. To accustom to these rituals you can start with a three -month age. The kid should know that after the bath and changing the time, the time comes to go to bed and listen to the fairy tale. But once accustoming to the rituals, do not violate them yourself. This will cause a protest in the child and going to sleep can be deposited for an indefinite time.
  • The quality of sleep depends on the external environment. The optimum temperature for healthy sleep is 18-21 ° C, humidity is 50-70%. Before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the room. The baby’s bed cannot be placed under the window and with heating radiators. Near the battery, the child can overheat, and the excess light from the window will wake him too early. In addition, drafts from the window do not contribute to healthy sleep.
  • 1.5-2 hours before going to bed it is better to play quiet games, read the book, draw something. Ideally, if you manage to go on an evening walk with your child. Avoid a large accumulation of people on the street, and at home. Around the baby there should be the most relaxed atmosphere.
  • Another cause of sleep disturbances in children is malnutrition and overeating. Feed the child with a light dinner 3-4 hours before going to bed. If the baby is hung up until the time of falling asleep, you can give him a glass of kefir.

How and why change the mode of the child's day?

  • The child’s mode is not always convenient for parents. The kid can get up too early or go to bed very late. In this case, it is quite possible to move the children's mode a little.
  • When translating the regime, everything cannot be done in effect, children are very sensitive to changes. It is better to slightly shift the time of sleep for 15 minutes. If the baby gets up early, lay it 15 minutes later, if it lies late - wake up 15 minutes earlier. So gradually you pose a mode at a convenient time for you.
  • Be prepared for the fact that the whole process can take you about two weeks. It all depends on how long you want to make a shift. And it is also very important to remember that, moving the dream, you shift the time of feeding.

Children's clothing for sleeping

Nothing should interfere with fragile children's sleep, so choose a spacious and natural clothes for sleeping. For the warm season, cotton is suitable, and flannel pajamas will warm the cold winter nights of the child.

What should a baby sleep in?

  • A child in the first months of life can sleep in the same clothes in which he is awake. When the baby grows up and begins to actively toss in a dream, it is time
  • When choosing clothes, remember that the newborn several times a night has to change the diaper. Choose the clothes that will allow you to carry out this procedure quickly and without unnecessary body movements
  • Small children often open at night. In this case, the warm bike overalls "man" will help parents. So you will be sure that the baby will not freeze, even if he gets out from under the blanket

What should an adult child sleep?

  • The eldest child is already more or less controlled during sleep. It will open if it is hot, and climbs back under the blanket when it freezes
  • Such children can buy light cotton pajamas, they no longer need insulated clothes for sleeping
  • Make sure that pajamas are without tight rubber bands, large buttons or volumetric decor elements that can interfere with the child at night

How a newborn child should sleep: signs of sleep disturbance in newborns

Newborn children should sleep. If the baby has difficulties with falling asleep, he tossed for a long time, cries, you need to figure out what prevents him. It can be intestinal cramps, overheating or fatigue. After all, if the baby is awake too long, then his nervous system is overexcited. But there are more serious causes of sleep disorders in newborns.

The following symptoms should be alert:

  1. The child cries occly during sleep.
  2. The kid is bending in an arc.
  3. Constantly whips during sleep, and when he wakes up, it does not look rested.

If you observe your baby, you definitely need to consult a neurologist. Only a doctor will be able to establish the cause of violations and help to establish your child's sleep.

How and how much the child should sleep depending on age: tips and reviews

Julia: “My son at the age of two began to fall asleep very poorly at night. The laying continued for an hour-one and a half, and when he finally fell asleep, he constantly tossed turning, talking in a dream. It turned out the whole problem in the cartoons. I stopped turning him on cartoons in the afternoon and the dream got better "

Inna: “It turned out that my daughter interfered with overheating. She spun all night, cried, opened, I covered her again, and she spun again. And so all night. I began to well ventilate the room before bedtime, dressed it easier, did not pull her warm men on her. Now the daughter falls asleep quickly and sleeps all night without a break. "

Tanya: “At three years, the son refused daytime sleep. The first couple of weeks everything went well, I did not notice any difference in his behavior. But then just a nightmare began. He rolled tantrums several times a day, became aggressive and moody. Once I still laid it on a daytime sleep. So he overslept 3 hours and the rest of the evening was absolutely calm. "

Video: How much a newborn child should sleep

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  1. He should sleep the norm, but we had problems with the child’s sleep, all because there was no energy to put energy, but football+baby formula of Mishka Calm did their job, the child really became calmer and sleeps as soon as he lay down)

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