Useful tips in the cold season: what to do so as not to freeze, how to protect the skin and what helps to warm up?

Useful tips in the cold season: what to do so as not to freeze, how to protect the skin and what helps to warm up?

If you do not know how to protect yourself from frost or warm up in the cold season, read the tips in the article.

Many people do not like to dress too warmly, explaining this by the fact that excess clothing interferes and fetters movements. In addition, going into a warm room, it immediately becomes hot, a person sweats, and then, going out into the street, you can even get cold. Everyone has their own reasons, so as not to wear a lot of clothes when frost is on the street. But what if you are already frozen? The following tips will help you “thaw” the following advice. Read further.

Why in the cold season hands, legs freeze - what needs to be done so as not to freeze in the air: useful tips

Frozen in the cold season
Frozen in the cold season

So, why in the cold season, hands, legs freeze? What needs to be done to always be warm, even on the street? If your legs and arms are constantly freezing, this may indicate poor blood circulation in the limbs. It can be improved if, for example, play sports, or visit the bathhouse. But what to do if there is no way for this. Do not be scared, there is nothing wrong with that. But the preparation needs to start anyway in advance. Here are useful tips that will help not to freeze in the air and protect the skin in winter:

Restore normal blood flow You can, if you regularly do massage:

  • Just apply in the evening in your hands, legs any nutrient cream (or special massage) and massage the limbs intensively from top to bottom.
  • After the procedure, put on your feet cotton socks, and even on top you can warm with woolen.

Contrast baths will be beneficial to the benefitthat are a kind of gymnastics for blood vessels. They need to be done as follows:

  • First, immerse the limbs in a hot bath for five minutes.
  • Then in the cold one, after that - again in hot for five minutes.
  • Put it into the cold for one minute again and finally complete the procedure with immersing in hot water.

Also stock up on legs with camphor cream, extract of rosemary or red pepper:

  • Such products contain an alkaloid - capsaicin.
  • It has a warming effect.

Buy a leg with St. John's wort extracts and lingonberries:

  • These components improve blood flow and warm the legs from the inside.

Do not wear tight shoessince it interferes with normal blood circulation:

  • Choose a free model so that you can wear socks.
  • It is good if shoes made of genuine leather with genuine fur.
  • Hide your hands in mittens of wool, rabbit or goat fluff.

As you can see, everything is simple. You just need to take care of yourself the day before. Naturally, regular sports or visiting a steam room will not interfere 1 time per week.

In the cold season, clothes should be warm and seasonally: tips for women

In the cold season, clothes should be warm
In the cold season, clothes should be warm

If we notice the icing of the extremities quickly, then not everyone pay attention to freezing “that part of the body below the back”. It happens that the girls want to boast of a fashionable short jacket, skirt or stylish pants, and do not want to wear tights at all. But this is bad, since in the cold season the clothes should be warm and seasonally. Here are tips for women:

  • Wearing in a fierce cold of grooves, light trousers and thong can thoroughly spoil health.
  • If not now, then in the near future serious diseases of the genitourinary system are threatened.
  • Firstly, set aside the minimalist underwear away for the winter period.
  • On long walks, put on insulated elongated shorts or purchase heat -plate.
  • Secondly, outerwear should cover the lower back, and it is better to let a fur coat, jacket or sheepskin coat be knee-deep.
  • Thirdly, do not forget about woolen tights that today do not look at all scary, as in the old days, and even come into fashion.

So you will always be warm, and most importantly - you will maintain health.

Winter is the coldest season - how to protect the skin: useful tips

Winter is the coldest time of the year
Winter is the coldest time of the year

At low temperatures, icy wind and prickly snowstorm, redness of the skin cannot be avoided. But in your strength to at least a little to protect the skin from an aggressive environment. Here are useful tips on protecting the skin in winter - in the coldest season:

  • Before going out into the street, use a fat protective cream, which can be removed with wet wipes when you come to the room.
  • If the irritation is very strong, you can make a sedative compress from the infusion of chamomile or the mayor: 1 tablespoon Pour the raw materials with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour.

Remember: with frost, do not close half the face with a scarf and breathe through it. Firstly, because breathing wet cold air is harmful to the lungs. And secondly, the steam condenses on the skin, it becomes wet, and then irritations may appear.

The head in the cold season should be warm: important advice

The head in the cold season should be warm
The head in the cold season should be warm

“Keep your legs warm, and your head is in the cold,” some, apparently, very hardened citizens say. But if you are not a member of the Line Society, this covenant should not follow. Healing of the head threatens not only a banal cold or otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear), but also with such serious diseases:

  • Meningitis (inflammation of the cerebral membranes)
  • Face or trigeminal neuralgiaas a result of which facial expressions may be violated

In addition, at low temperatures, a spasm of the vessels of the scalp occurs. Therefore, the nutrition of hair follicles is disturbed, which can lead to hair loss. The vessels are also compressed, which, especially in elderly people, leads to a stroke.

  • Therefore, always wear on the street a warm hat made of wool, fur or leather with a fur liner.

Remember: If you need to be in the room or transport for a long time, and then run in the cold again, you need to remove the headdress. This applies to all winter clothes. A jacket or coat can at least be unfastened. Otherwise, if you are heated and sweated, you will go out into the street, you have every chance of getting sick.

Food and drinks in the cold season, consumed in the room, help warm up: tips

Food and drinks in the cold season consumed in the room help to warm up
Food and drinks in the cold season consumed in the room help to warm up

How great it is to come home with frost and warm up, enjoying tea. Do you know that in addition to hot drinks there is a warming food? So, for example, in China the cooks divide all products into “cold” - for spring and summer, and “hot” - for autumn and winter. They know that food and drinks in the cold season, consumed in the room, help to warm up. Here are a few interesting nuances:

  • Thermal treatment is not so important here.
  • Food, according to the Chinese, has certain, almost magical properties that help us refresh or keep warm when necessary.
  • Our kitchen also supports this theory.
  • The secret of “cold” or “hot” food, which is used in the room at the table, and not on the go, as well as its ability to assimilate.
  • It is known that if food has high energy value and is slowly absorbed, then it maintains the body in warmth longer.

Based on the above, some tips can be distinguished. With the advent of frosts, you can safely switch to such nutritious food:

  • Pasta
  • Potato
  • Various cereals in milk
  • Meat (beef and lamb)
  • Eggs
  • Chicken
  • Duck
  • Radish
  • Onion
  • Sour cream
  • Oil
  • Cheese
  • Nuts (especially cedar)
  • Strawberry, strawberry and raspberry jam
  • Condensed milk and chocolate

Moreover, the oriental culinary specialists are abundantly sprinkled with spices, which also have warm -up properties. These are such seasonings:

  • Black and red pepper
  • Saffron
  • Coriander
  • Cardamom
  • Garlic
  • Dill
  • Ginger
  • Cinnamon

And if you worry about the figure, then just try to have dinner no later than seven o’clock in the evening and be sure to move more (at the same time you will freeze less).

Aroma MARENT in the cold season: tips

Aromarinal in the cold season
Aromarinal in the cold season

Another way to defeat the cold is to arrange a session of aromatherapy with essential oils that have a warming effect. Such properties are endowed with oil:

  • Majoran
  • Pines
  • Lavender
  • Peppermint
  • Cinnamon
  • Rosemary

Here are the tips that will help to properly use oils in the cold season:

  • Add aromatic aromatic lamp (no more 10 drops) or just in a container with hot water.
  • You can roll cotton balls, drip for each 2-4 drops oil and attach to the battery.
  • For taking a bath, first prepare a mixture for breeding in water. Add to this 6-8 drops oils in 50 g fat cream, yogurt, kefir or honey. Stir everything well. Then dissolve the mixture in 0.5 l of water And only then pour into a filled warm bath.

The time of the water procedure is no more 15 minutes.

Emergency measures to warm up in the cold winter season: useful tips

Emergency measures to warm up in the cold winter season
Emergency measures to warm up in the cold winter season

If you still managed to freeze very much, urgently take emergency measures. The following will help to warm up in the cold winter season:

Get warm gradually:

  • Do not immediately run into a burning shower and jump into a bath with boiling water.
  • First, remove the outerwear, change clothes in the bathrobe and wait a few minutes.
  • Then poison yourself in the bath, and the water temperature should not be above 37 C.
  • After that, drink hot tea with lemon, honey and grated grate and climb under the blanket.

If you freeze on the street waiting for transport Or a friend who is late for a meeting, try to move more:

  • Do not stand still
  • Mix your toes
  • Clutch your hands in fists and unclench them

Never rub the frozen part of the body with snow:

  • Such actions will only aggravate the consequences of frostbite, and ice crystals can injure the skin or cause irritation and even suppuration.
  • It is better to warm up gradually, for example, you can wrap yourself with a warm cloth.

Well, you are armed with advice, and we hope that in winter you will be warm, despite the "strong" frosts.

Video: 7 ways not to freeze in winter

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Comments K. article

  1. Independent research center of paranormal phenomena. Causes of cancer: ecology, water, air, expired products, products with chemistry, diet without vegetables and fruits, vitamin deficiency, fake drugs, poor -quality alcohol, cellular antennas, cell phones, television, advertising, erroneous diagnosis and consequences of improper treatment.

  2. I bought a cream of the series in the pharmacy of the series before and after. The cream is nutritious and protects the skin of the hands from frost, wind, etc. Contains oils, vitamins and allantoin. It regenerates and restores the lipid layer. My hands became soft and smooth. Long -term use of the cream helped to remove small wrinkles on the hands. I use it several times a day.

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