Buying an apartment - step by step to own your own real estate: the pros and cons of purchases in a new building and secondary housing, registration, conclusion of the contract, what documents to check?

Buying an apartment - step by step to own your own real estate: the pros and cons of purchases in a new building and secondary housing, registration, conclusion of the contract, what documents to check?

Buying an apartment is a difficult process. All nuances are spelled out in the article.

Buying an apartment is a very important event that needs to be approached with maximum responsibility. Before buying real estate, you need to study a lot of information and find out tips from other people. The apartment is a very expensive purchase, on which a lot will depend in life - comfort, convenience, etc.

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What steps need to be taken to buy an apartment correctly? The pros and cons of apartments in a new building and in the secondary market - all this and a lot of other useful information is described in the article below. Read further.

The best purchase of an apartment yourself is how to correctly: advice

The best purchase of the apartment yourself
The best purchase of the apartment yourself

First you need to decide which apartment you need. You need to choose in several parameters: location, house, infrastructure. In the future, it will be easier to make a choice, immediately discarding the excess. So what to do to take the best purchase? How to do it yourself? Here's the advice:

  • Decide which apartment you need

Think about you need an apartment in a new building, or buy it better in the secondary market. Housing in a new house, it will be an apartment in which no one lived before you. And when buying an apartment in the secondary market, you buy it from other people who lived in it until that moment. Below are the pros and cons of both options. Read further.

Buying an apartment in a new building: pros and cons of

Many people prefer to buy an apartment in a new building. There are many advantages in this, but there are drawbacks.

Here pros:

  • New houseBuilt with the use of modern technologies, made according to modern requirements.
  • Lack of problems with electricity, water, heating.
  • Safety. New houses will not be destroyed for a long time.
  • The cost of the apartment. The cost of new apartments will be much less than the cost of similar in the secondary market.
  • Less troubles with documents, the legal cleanliness of the apartment.


  • The timing of construction. Even using modern technologies, the construction of a house is a very long process.
  • Unfinished infrastructure. New buildings are built away from the city almost in a clean field, it is not surprising that at first there will be absolutely nothing in such a area. In new areas there are no shops, schools, kindergartens, etc. In the future, they will certainly appear, but you will have to wait. This can take years.
  • Errors may appear during construction. It can be leaks due to which mold occurs. Such cases are very rare.
  • Uncertainty. It is impossible to find out what neighbors will live with you, how much you will have to pay for the apartment, whether you will feel comfortable. If the house has not yet been built, it is impossible even to find out the exact date of settlement.
  • Lack of furniture. Even if you settled in the apartment, there will be no furniture in it. On the one hand, there will be a huge scope for creativity, and on the other - additional difficulties.
  • Noise. If a whole area is built, it may be that houses are built at different times. As a result, people have already settled in one house, and the other is only being built. During the construction, the sounds of construction will interfere with a calm life.

As you can see, there are many pluses, but there are also cons. Therefore, you will have to weigh everything and only then make a decision. Read further.

Secondary housing - buying an apartment: pros and cons of

If you want to choose secondary housing, then you should also know some nuances. Below you will find a description of the advantages and disadvantages of buying such an apartment.

pros are as follows:

  • The apartment is ready for settlement, no need to wait until the house is built

Sometimes the apartment is sold already equipped. When selling, old residents are unlikely to take huge and heavy furniture with them, so it remains in the apartment. Naturally, there is no confidence that furniture and appliances will be of high quality and serviceable. But at least the most necessary will be. Sometimes the seller overestimates the price as a result of the fact that the apartment has everything you need. If you plan to make repairs from scratch, consider this.

  • Developed infrastructure

Schools, kindergartens, etc. have already opened around the long -built houses. You do not need to wait for the end of their construction. Constant sound sounds are not heard from the window.

Here minuses:

  • If the house is old, then it can be life -threatening. The house may just collapse.
  • Poor condition of the entrance, courtyard. This problem can be seen immediately and cancel the purchase.
  • The price may be higher than in a new building.
  • More troubles with documents.

It is impossible to say exactly which option is better. For each, the best option will be their own. Choose you.

Buying housing: What do you need to think about in advance?

Buying housing
Buying housing

Before buying housing, be sure to determine the most important parameters. What do you need to think about in advance? Here are the tips:

  • You need to understand for what purpose you purchase an apartment, who will live in it. If a family of several people lives, think about that for everyone there is a place. After all, sometimes households will want to retire and will be very convenient if there is an opportunity for this.
  • If there is too much apartment, there will also be troubles. It is more difficult to care for a large area, spend more time on cleaning. And some rooms will be empty.

Study what layouts are, choose an option for yourself. A lot depends on the layout. The main thing is that it is convenient. A standard option with separate rooms may suit you, or maybe a spacious studio in which one large room is divided into zones.

Buying an apartment - step by step to own our own real estate: we solve the issue with finances

Real estate is a very expensive purchase. You need to choose an apartment so that it is suitable for your financial capabilities. So, we continue to devote you to all the nuances so that you can take possession of your own real estate step by step. We solve the issue with finances:

  • Apartments located closer to the city center are much more expensive than those that are far from the center. This is due to the fact that more schools, entertainment centers, shops in the center. Also, all offices of different companies are closer to the center.
  • Apartments located further from the center will be cheaper, but you will have to think about transport.
  • To save money is not the only option to accumulate funds.
  • The credit allows you to expand the purchasing opportunity. Not everyone can give a large amount to everyone. It depends on the amount of income, work and credit history. Do not take a loan for a huge amount if you cannot pull it.
  • It will be a bad idea to take a large apartment with many rooms and a huge area, as the time will come to pay for it. And if you spend all income on repaying a loan, too much time and effort will be lost, but they cannot be returned.

What the cost of the apartment depends on:

  1. Square. This is the most important factor that everyone pays attention to. More area is more expensive, everything is logical here, but this is not the only factor.
  2. Floor. Apartments on the middle floors are often more expensive. The fact is that the first floors are a light target for robbers, there is higher the chance that pests will be started. And those who live on the last floors will interfere with leaks in the roof. In frequent cases, this happens when the house is old. In new houses, living on the first and on the top floor will be much more pleasant than in the old ones. The upper floors of new houses, on the contrary, can be more expensive.
  3. The presence of an elevator. Five -story houses may not have an elevator at all, and if they have, then the price of the apartment will be higher. The presence of a freight elevator in multi -storey buildings can also significantly increase the cost of the apartment.
  4. The presence of balconies, loggias.
  5. The location of the parks and green areas near the house.
  6. The presence of spacious parking.
  7. Safety level. The cost depends on the presence of a video surveillance system, an intercom.
  8. The state of the entrance and the yard. If the entrance is clean and well -groomed, and in the yard there are a children's and sports grounds, then the cost will be higher.
  9. Ecology. If there are factories or other objects that worsen the environment near the house, the price is reduced.
  10. Date of construction. The older the house, the lower the price. The price can depend on the type of house: panel houses are cheaper than monolithic-brick.
  11. The price of competitive offers and the desire to sell faster. The low price of the apartment will attract customers. Those who want to sell the apartment faster will be set to the low price.
  12. Layout. An apartment with adjacent rooms will be cheaper than with separate.
  13. Location. The apartment in the house, next to which the metro will be more expensive. The remoteness from the center can also lower the cost.
  14. View from the window. If the window is not visible from the window, but for example, the park, the price will be higher. This factor also includes the height of the apartment. From the windows of the upper floors amazing views. The presence of neighboring houses also depends on the price. If it stands nearby and at the same time, it does not interfere with the review - more expensive, and if nothing is visible from the window, except for the neighboring house, it is cheaper.

In order to find out the exact cost of a particular apartment with one hundred percent probability, you need to contact professional appraisers. But their services are not free, you will have to spend money on this. Typically, sellers who want to put up an apartment for sale use this service. The seller can set any price, but you will buy or not, you decide.

When the issue with finances is resolved, you can proceed to the next stage. Read further.

Choosing a way to buy an apartment or house

So, you decided the issue with finances, now you need to choose a way to buy an apartment or house. Read below how this can be done:

  • The first way is just to save money. Having collected the right amount, you can safely go to the seller and buy the long -awaited apartment.
  • The second way is to buy by installments. This method requires an advance payment, usually about half the cost of the apartment. The second half also needs to be paid, but this is done later.
  • The third option is a mortgage. Many people who cannot buy housing right now take a mortgage. Thus, almost every person can purchase real estate, but you can completely pay money only after a few years.

For a mortgage, you will also have to make a minimum key, which in any case must be accumulated in advance.

Choosing a payment method when buying real estate

Next, you need to consider in detail the payment methods. There are three methods. They are all reliable and safe. Choose the most suitable and buy real estate quickly and conveniently.

  • The first way is to transfer cash from hand to hand

This is the easiest method. Money is simply transferred to the seller, you do not need to open any account and rent a bank cell. But this method has another side. Cash is more difficult to certify. If all operations during non -cash calculation are preserved immediately, then the direct transfer of money is simply impossible to save. It is cash that scammers accept. If you draw up the contract correctly, then you can avoid problems, but this will not save you from unnecessary experiences. The process of transferring money and registration of a new owner does not occur immediately. It is better to transfer funds in the presence of a notary.

  • The second method is the calculation using a bank cell

This is the most popular way. It is very reliable. For payment, the buyer must rent a cell in the bank. It is a safe in which everyone can put everything he wants. When buying real estate, in the presence of the seller, the buyer puts money in the cell and closes it. After signing all the documents, the seller goes to the bank to pick up his funds from the cell. Thus, the bank is a third party that will guarantee compliance with the contract by both parties. At the same time, the bank may provide services for the calculation and verification of funds for authenticity. The disadvantage of this method is the excess costs for the rental of cells and additional services.

  • The third way is non -cash calculation

The first option of non -cash calculation is the use of a payment order, very similar to the usual calculation of cash. Usually, legal entities and sellers of apartments in new buildings use this way - everything is clean there. This option of calculation does not depend on the onset of some events. Money immediately goes to the seller’s account. The secondary market uses payment through a nominal or accreditation account. There is a similarity with a bank cell - the money is transferred to the seller only after certain actions, for example, signing documents. Only in this case, the calculation is without the use of paper money.

Search for an apartment: How is it right?

Search for an apartment
Search for an apartment

The first question that faces those who want to buy an apartment - where to search? There are many options for this: sites, ads, groups on social networks. You need to use all the options. How to do it correctly? Here are the tips:

  • Do not get hung up on the first option that fall, you need to look longer. You can find options better and cheaper, just piercing several pages on the site.
  • You need to carefully evaluate the cost of the apartment. If the price seems too small, then there is a risk that not everything will be so smooth with an apartment. Maybe the apartment will have hidden problems that are not mentioned in the announcement.
  • Families should pay attention to the presence of schools, kindergartens in the area. If they are nearby, the child will not have to go for a long time or go there. And parents will be calmer. There will be no extra expenses on the road.

Before the final decision, it is necessary to inspect not the most obvious places in which there may be a problem:

  • Ceiling height. In an apartment with high ceilings, you can equip a sports corner for a child. It is necessary to pay attention to this if it is planned to make stretch ceilings, since they slightly reduce this value.
  • Paul and walls. Changing the floor and walls is not the easiest task. This can take a lot of money and time. If the apartment is sold at the most affordable price for you, and the quality of the walls and floor is in a deplorable state, then it is better to refuse to buy. The worst thing is that the walls and floor are uneven, because of this it is simply impossible to beautifully arrange the furniture.
  • Wiring and water supply system. There should be no problems with wiring. If there are some problems, it will need to be changed, and this is expensive. With water supply, the same situation.

Decide whether you are ready to carry out expensive and high -quality repairs in the apartment, and spend your strength on it. Talk with tenants, neighbors. They can talk about the problems of an apartment or at home in which you will have to live. Study the neighbors and people who live in the area. If you do not like those who live here, it is better to refuse to buy. Even if people do not relate to everyone aggressively, they can interfere with you in other ways: to litter, loudly make noise.

Communication with the seller when buying an apartment or house

When buying an apartment, at home, other real estate, you can try to bring down the price. Here are the tips:

  • Talk with the seller, bargain, find weaknesses, study competitors. All this can be used in your favor. But do not overdo it.
  • If you aggressively try to bring down the price, the seller will simply refuse the deal. You can find out the approximate real price of the apartment by turning to the realtor.
  • The seller has the right to set any price that is much higher, or even lower than real.
  • Having studied competitive sentences, you can inform the seller about them. He, having learned that the buyer can choose a cheaper option, will certainly reduce the price.

Carefully study the seller, as scammers are sometimes found among them. If you see something suspicious in it, this may mean that they are trying to deceive you. Find out whether he suffers from alcohol or drug addiction, mental disorders. According to these criteria, the seller’s relatives have the right to calculate the sale invalid, and you will lose your time and money.

ADVICE: Find out from the neighbors how many times and how often the apartment was sold. Too frequent sales indicate any problems.

Purchase: conclusion of the contract, what documents to check?

Business design
Business design

The first thing to do during the purchase is to check the documents. They should not contain anything suspicious. Find out if there is debt in this apartment whether it is under arrest or as a bail. If real estate was jointly acquired property in the past, then permission from both spouses is necessary.

Both buyers and sellers must check the documents. Buyers risk their money, in the worst case, they can lose it. Sellers also risk to some extent. If the apartment is sold, and the money is transferred, situations may arise in which you will have to cancel the transaction. Then you have to return the money, this is unpleasant, and that if the money has already been spent, they need to be urgently found.

What documents to check:

  1. The passport. The seller, firstly, should be adult. Check if this is a real passport. To do this, compare it with your passport. It should match fonts, signs and pushing. A series of passport coincides with the issuing point. To check this, find the FMS website of your region on the Internet.
  2. Probleming documents. These papers will make it possible to understand whose apartment the seller is trying to sell and what share he has in it. If the documents were lost, ask the seller to restore them.
  3. Extract from the USRN. A certificate from the Unified State Register of Real Estate shows whether the apartment has other owners. This document will show whether there is an encumbrance in the apartment.
  4. Help on the repayment of a mortgage.
  5. Inquiries from neuropsychiatric and narcological dispensaries.
  6. Technical certificate. It is necessary to compare the layout specified in the document with the actual. It is necessary to find out if the redevelopment was carried out and whether it was legalized.
  7. Registration certificate.

The next step is the conclusion of the contract of sale. Further, the documents pass to the registration authorities.

Then the buyer inspects the apartment and signs the acceptance certificate. Such a deal provides for a deposit. This is a small part of the entire amount of the apartment, which guarantees both parties about the seriousness of intentions. If the buyer refuses to buy at the last moment, the deposit goes to the seller, and if the seller refuses, he will have to pay the buyer a amount twice as much as the deposit. This should be spelled out in the contract.

Registration of ownership of an apartment or house

The right of ownership must be issued after concluding a contract of sale and transfer of money to the seller. Be sure to verify the transfer of the amount of money at the notary. After all, the deal can be terminated for 10 years. The contract is made in writing, but a more reliable option will be a notarized certificate. It should be prescribed that a specific amount of money was made, the seller takes the money and confirms their transfer. The parties sign the document and this enshrines the deal.

It will be difficult to challenge the signed agreement in the future, so it is important to take into account everything in advance. You need to immediately find out if there are debts. The law will be on the side of the buyer, if it was mentioned in the contract about this clause, otherwise you will have to pay other people's debts to the new owner. See whether there are debts simply on the public service portal, or contact the accounting department of the management company.

Be extremely careful when buying - this is how many difficulties can be avoided in the future. The parties themselves agree on a fee for legal services and the preparation of contracts.

Conclusion: Tax deduction when buying an apartment

Tax deduction when buying an apartment
Tax deduction when buying an apartment

Let's summarize. Here is a brief list of what you need to do to buy an apartment:

  1. Pack the target. Highlight minimal requirements.
  2. Study your financial capabilities.
  3. Decide whether you need a loan.
  4. Learn the right options.
  5. Carefully inspect your favorite apartment.
  6. Try to bring down the price. Typically, sellers overstate prices a little to get more. In frequent cases, they will not against a little drop in the cost.
  7. Check the documents.
  8. Make a deal and pay for the purchase.

Do not forget to issue a tax deduction when buying an apartment. It can only be obtained once. This means that everyone will be able to return at purchase housing maximum 260 thousand rubles Personal income tax without taking into account interest on a mortgage - that is 13% of 2 million rubles. If the apartment is worth it less than 2 million rubles, can I return 13% from actual expenses.

When the long -awaited purchase was successful, you can rejoice. Now you have to equip your new home as you wish.

Video: how to buy an apartment - 10 steps to buy real estate

Video: buying an apartment in a mortgage: step -by -step instructions. How to buy an apartment in a mortgage?

Video: How to buy an apartment without a realtor? Step-by-step instruction

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