Homemade mousetraps with your own hands at home. How to make a mice trap from a plastic bottle, adhesive?

Homemade mousetraps with your own hands at home. How to make a mice trap from a plastic bottle, adhesive?

Methods of manufacturing electronic, humane and plastic mousetraps.

Rodents in the country and in their own house are not at all cute neighbors, but evil enemies. They are not only capable of destroying compound feed reserves in the barn, but also cause a lot of inconvenience. Some hungry individuals are able to bite the insulation of wires, which often provokes a short circuit.

How to make a mousetrap from a plastic bottle and how to charge?

You can fight rodents with the help of improvised means or poisons. It is not recommended to use poison if you have small children or pets in your house. In such cases, you will be helped by a mousetrap, which can be made independently. A fairly simple and affordable option is a trap from a plastic bottle.


  • Plastic bottle
  • Stapler or wire
  • Scissors
  • Bait

Instructions for the manufacture of a trap from a plastic bottle:

  • Take a two -liter bottle and cut it into two parts. The upper part, where the neck, should be half less than the lower one.
  • Put part with the neck in another part of the bottle, something similar to a watering can in a glass should be obtained.
  • Lubricate the neck with sunflower oil. This will strengthen sliding. Put the container inside, that is, on the bottom of the bottle, food. She will serve as a bait.
  • Again, put part with the neck and attach it with a stapler or wire. This will prevent slipping of the neck inward.
  • The mouse will be able to squeeze through the slippery neck into the structure, but will not be able to get back.
How to make a mousetrap from a plastic bottle and how to charge?
How to make a mousetrap from a plastic bottle and how to charge?

There is another option for making a mousetrap from a plastic bottle. In this case, the principle is based on the rotation of this bottle.


  • Scotch
  • Plastic knitting needle
  • Bait
  • Bucket
  • Rail


  • Take a small plastic bottle and pierce it along the knitting needle.
  • Put the edges of the spoke on a bucket. Attach the bait to the bottle with tape.
  • Put a board on a bucket to make a semblance of a slide. The mouse will rise to the bait and fall into the bucket due to the rotation of the bottle.
How to make a mousetrap from a plastic bottle and how to charge?
How to make a mousetrap from a plastic bottle and how to charge?

How to make an adhesive mousetrap?

This is also one of the simplest options, but not very humane, since the rodent will no longer be able to get out of glue and dies. For such a trap, you need to purchase a special glue in the store. It is called "glue from mice."


  • A piece of cardboard
  • Glue

Instructions for the use of adhesive trap:

  • As a basis, you can choose a cardboard or plastic pallet.
  • Apply a layer of glue on the pallet, and put a piece of cheese or something edible in the center.
  • Put a trap in the center of the house and wait. The hungry mouse will come for treats and stick to the trap.
How to make an adhesive mousetrap?
How to make an adhesive mousetrap?

How to make a simple mousetrap and how to charge?

The easiest option is a mousetrap from a bucket and a ruler. It is made very simply.


  • Bucket
  • Ruler
  • Knitting long knitting needle
  • Bait
  • Glue
  • Board

Production instructions:

  • Take a bucket and fill it with water by a third. Put a knitting needle slightly closer than the center of the bucket, and on it a ruler or a thin wooden rail.
  • Fasten the bait at the end of the rail or line. Make a track to a bucket from the board. The mouse will rise along the bottom, as if on the bridge, and get to the ruler.
  • As soon as the center of gravity shifts, the ruler leans toward the water and the rodent will fall into the bucket.
  • It’s easy to charge such a trap. It is enough to put a piece of cheese or something edible to the edge of the ruler.
How to make a simple mousetrap and how to charge?
How to make a simple mousetrap and how to charge?

How to make a humane mousetrap: drawing, charging instructions

There are many options for making humane mousetrap. To do this, you can use a glass jar or plastic bottle. Such traps do not kill rodents, but leave it whole and sound.


  • Plastic bottle
  • Rope
  • Nail
  • Bait


  • You will not have to cut and make anything. It is enough to choose the right bottle.
  • The plastic bottle of juice will be in handy.
  • Tie the rope to the neck, and connect the other edge of the rope with the nail. You can simply tie the rope to something heavy.
  • Now put the bait inside the container and put the bottle in an unstable position. The mouse will get into the bottle, and when it gets to the bait, the center of gravity will shift and the container will fall.
  • Since the bottle is on the rope, it will remain hanging. You can let the mouse out into the street and not kill it.
How to make a humane mousetrap: drawing, charging instructions
How to make a humane mousetrap: drawing, charging instructions

Do -it -yourself mousetraps: scheme, instructions for use

The principle of operation of such a mousetrap is quite simple. On the mousetrap there is a motion sensor. As soon as it works, a low current discharge is supplied and the animal kills. People who are a little versed in electronics can make such a device. Instructions for the manufacture of electronic mousetrap can be found in the video. Several electronic schemes for collecting mousetraps are presented below.

Do -it -yourself mousetraps: scheme, instructions for use
Do -it -yourself mousetraps: scheme, instructions for use


Do -it -yourself mousetraps: scheme, instructions for use
Do -it -yourself mousetraps: scheme, instructions for use

Video: How to make an electronic mousetrap?


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