Why do tall guys choose low girls: reasons, what is the perfect growth of a man and a woman in a relationship?

Why do tall guys choose low girls: reasons, what is the perfect growth of a man and a woman in a relationship?

Tall guys often choose low girls. Why this happens - the causes are different.

Fashion for the female figure is changeable. At different times, the canon was very different. Ancient Egypt - slender, with narrow shoulders. In ancient Greece, a figure in the form of a “pear” was considered ideal. The Middle Ages is a pale and thin woman. The Renaissance presented the puffy ladies. The age of 20 introduced fashion for painful thinness. The standard for growth remained unchanged, the girl should not be high. The exception is fashion model and athletes.

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From this article you will learn why tall guys choose low girls. Read further.

“She is a little lower than me”: what is the perfect growth of a man and a woman in a relationship?

She is a little below me tall
She is a little below me tall
  • Based on statistical data, the optimal growth of a man is 188 cm, women - 173 cm.

Society continues to live according to the current centuries of the stereotypical performance: a man should be higher than his partner. With the opposite fact, they can chuckle at such a couple, it attracts attention on the street and in society as something wrong.

"She is a little below me tall"- The guys often say. What is the perfect growth of a man and a woman in a relationship?

  • Disputes regarding ideal growth for relationships appear regularly.
  • A formula is bred, where male growth should exceed the female 1.09 times.
  • Others consider the optimal difference in 20 cm, the minimum gap should not exceed 8 cm.

Studying this topic, experts argue that the probability of successful relations directly depends on the ratio of the growth of partners. The higher the man, the stronger the union and marriage. Let's take a closer look at the prospects of a couple with different growth of partners:

  • Ideal relationship. A tall guy feels confident and strong next to a girl of medium and small stature. It is believed that such a man is more successful, self -confident, has good health. A tall guy is very attractive, always attracts girls like a magnet.
  • Equality. A pair of the same growth creates equal relationships. Both respect the personal space, trying not to break it. A misunderstanding is possible if one decides to take on the status of a leader. A smart girl will be able to become a driven and give in, but at a certain moment it will demand the same from a partner.
  • Not a big difference. It can be invisible to the eye of others. Another problem arises. It is difficult for some men to take the eyes of a partner, as if down. On the other hand, such a union serves as an indicator of the choice of a partner for other qualities. A man needs to hear how talented, smart, successful. The main thing is not to translate relationships into the category of mother-son. But this has the right to exist if a man suits such a role.
  • Critical difference.Relations are possible if the couple always remains indifferent to the opinion of others. If both do not experience awkwardness and constraint, discomfort in a relationship. High growth can complicate the life of a girl. It is quite difficult to find a suitable partner. Do not forget the preferences of tall guys. Long relations in such pairs are rare, if this is not true love and a strong desire to be together.

Why do men with high growth prefer a lady of small stature? Read further.

Why are tall guys choose low girls: reasons

Question "Why do tall guys choose low girls" - A girl is set above average height. It seems that small growth is more successful when looking for a couple. This belief is based on several facts that are preferred for guys. Here are the reasons:

  • Defender. A little fragile girl needs protection. It is so laid down by nature that her companion takes this duty. The man feels strong and confident, feeding his ego, is ready to protect the partner at any moment.
  • Relations.Psychologists believe that small growth makes people calmer, more restrained, less often in conflict. Able to smooth out an unpleasant situation, finding a compromise faster. High growth, the girl is confident in herself, less concessions. It’s more difficult for a guy to feel like a couple in a couple.
  • Attractiveness. Grace, femininity, miniature attracts a male look. It is like a fragile porcelain figurine, with which you want to be gentle and affectionate.
  • Age. A low tall woman looks younger. The stereotype is triggered: small, similar to the child. So, cheerful, cheerful, full of energy. It is easy for a man to pick up an “inch”.
  • Sexuality. Crack figurine, graceful forms attractive to a man. Small growth seem more sexy, especially “crumbs”, a little out of the standards in the figure.

As you can see, there are many reasons. But there are couples where the girl is higher. They also look cute. Read further.

Girl above the guy: Love has no requirements for growth

The girl is above the guy
The girl is above the guy

Choosing a couple, I want the guy to be taller. Tall, courageous is associated with protection. Growth with athletic addition will talk about the health of a young man. Therefore, he will be able to transfer these qualities to his future offspring. Next to a tall man, the girl seems to be miniature, slender. Another moment is important to a woman, you can wear shoes on any heels. Putting on the ballet shoes, it seems a little girl, and with classic studs becomes a stately beauty.

Love - a feeling that occurs between people is not based on growth, weight, hair or skin. This feeling has no requirements for growth. An ideal couple can develop without any requirements. Torn the prevailing stereotypes that a man must be more growth, a relationship will arise where the girl will be higher. Love appears due to the similarity of character traits, spiritual qualities, proximity of views, similarity of interests.

A meeting with a person is the beginning of a relationship, an understanding of his importance in your life should be a priority. In love there is no place for a growth ruler.

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