Why conjunctivitis occurs in adults and children: the causes and paths of transmission of the disease. What can be conjunctivitis in humans: species, symptoms. What complications can be with conjunctivitis in adults and children?

Why conjunctivitis occurs in adults and children: the causes and paths of transmission of the disease. What can be conjunctivitis in humans: species, symptoms. What complications can be with conjunctivitis in adults and children?

Find out the causes of the disease: conjunctivitis. What are the types of this pathology of the eyes, by what signs they recognize this or a foreign form of the disease.

There are rarely people who have never hurt conjunctivitis. This disease is especially common in young children. This common form of irritation of the eyes is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. In the winter, such a disease sometimes takes on the nature of the epidemic.

The causes of conjunctivitis

Sources of manifestation irritation of the mucous membrane There may be many reasons. To avoid this eye disease, then we will study them in more detail.

How to warn yourself from conjunctivitis?

The following factors can be ranked as follows:

  • incorrect exchange, vitamin deficiency
  • colds, chronic diseases of the nose, pathology
  • incorrect mode, eye overwork
  • in the cold season - hypothermia
  • hypersensitivity to certain drugs
  • exposure to external factors (bright sun, dusty storms), blinding with white snow in sunny weather
  • violation of hygiene when wearing lenses
  • ophthalmological diseases (astigmatism, farsightedness, myopia)
  • the actions of chemicals
  • infectious patient
  • getting all kinds of infections into the conjunctiva in case of non -compliance with hygiene rules in public places
  • allergic reactions to plants, dust, animals
What does conjunctivitis look like?

Types of conjunctivitis and symptoms

In order for the treatment of such an ophthalmic disease to be effective, it is necessary to determine what kind of this disease relates. And there are several of them:

  • viral infection The eye is often accompanied by a cold, with such conjunctivitis, the whites of the eyes turn red, strong lacrimation is observed, a burning sensation is felt
  • bacterial -It occurs due to damage to the conjunctiva by bacteria, as a rule, streptococci, staphylococci, is characterized by irritation, eye redness and purulent secretions
  • allergic inflammation It is found in the presence of allergenic reactions to antigens, chemicals and other stimuli, the symptoms of such conjunctivitis are expressed by redness, edema of the century, itching, severe lacrimation, burning
  • trachoma or chronic conjunctivitis is caused by intracellular bond microorganism, such a disease should not be launched, because it is a source of subsequent blindness, fortunately, it is curable, it is manifested by redness of the eye proteins, scarring of the inside of the upper eyelid
  • fungal, pathogens of this type of conjunctivitis - fungi, manifestations of symptoms are similar to a bacterial species
  • distrophic conjunctivitis - This is a consequence of mechanical damage to the eye, its manifestations of symptoms may vary
The main types of irritation of the mucous membrane

Important: infectious conjunctivitis is transmitted from one person to another. Therefore, observe personal hygiene to avoid the disease.

Allergic conjunctivitis: symptoms

The allergy manifests itself on the skin (rashes, redness), affects the functions of breathing, digestion, is also characterized by a runny nose, conjunctivitis. As mentioned above, the symptoms of conjunctivitis are characterized by a manifestation of the swelling of the eyelids, plentiful secretions of tears, severe redness of the eye corners, a sensation of itching and even burning in the eyes.

Allergic conjunctivitis

To get rid of the tormenting patient of the disease, the following measures should be performed:

  1. Remove the source of pathology
  2. Apply for treatment prescribed by ophthalmologists, ointments, drops for the eyes (histimeter, allergodil, leakrolin, alomid)
  3. Take antihistamines (Cetrin, Claritin, Loratadine) without fail)
Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis

Important: be careful with drugs, because they can also cause irritation. In such cases, you need to visit an ophthalmologist and change treatment methods.

Symptoms of fungal conjunctivitis

This type of ophthalmic disease is caused by pathogenic fungi. There are more than fifty species of such fungi. They can occur in animals, in soil, water (everywhere). Also, prolonged use of antibiotics also contributes to the development of fungal damage to the conjunctiva. Such a disease proceeds for a long time, the eyes in the morning are difficult to open due to purulent discharge. They hurt, especially in the evening, a burning sensation is manifested.

Treatment of fungal conjunctivitis

Treatment of such conjunctivitis takes a long time about four to six weeks. The patient should be observed without fail. Drops, ointments with antifungal compounds are used as drugs.

Eye treatment with antifungal compounds

Viral conjunctivitis of the eye: symptoms

In case of violation of the immune system, especially after the flu, viral infection, etc., viral conjunctivitis is often manifested. At the initial stage of development, it is characterized by the redness of one eye, later the second eye. Then lacrimation will be added, and then acidification, burning.

Viral conjunctivitis - symptoms, treatment

For treatment, corticosteroid drops, antiviral ointments and other drugs are used.

Treatment of viral conjunctivitis
Treatment of viral conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis Bacterial: Symptoms

Bacterial infection appears as a result of infection from another patient. To determine that it is bacterial conjunctivitis to laboratory bacteriological studies. Then, depending on the type of damage to the conjunctiva, treatment is also used. Most often, these are antibacterial agents of a wide spectrum of action.

Bacteriological conjunctivitis
Bacteriological conjunctivitis

Dry conjunctivitis: symptoms

Nowadays, dry eye syndrome (dry conjunctivitis) is quite common. Basically due to a large period of stay near the computer monitor, TV, etc. The patient experiences unpleasant feelings:

  • the feeling of drying out of the cornea
  • discomfort, carving
  • an unpleasant feeling that a foreign body is present in the eyes
  • strong eye fatigue
  • squiffing of the upper and lower eyelids
  • the color of the eyes of the eyes of the eyes on red changes
Eye fatigue

As therapeutic methods, it is necessary to use compresses to moisturize the eyes, use fluids more, and enrich your diet with fatty acids. And bury the eyes with drops. There are many drugs in the pharmacy (natural tear, viscies) for the treatment of such an ailment.

Treatment of dry conjunctivitis
Treatment of dry conjunctivitis

How to diagnose conjunctivitis?

The ophthalmologist should diagnose the pathology. First of all, the doctor will ask in detail about the symptoms of your disease. Based on the sensations you described, it will be a picture of the disease, determine what type your conjunctivitis belongs to, prescribe medications for treatment.

Sometimes a doctor may ask a tampon test or send you to the laboratory tests to establish why the drugs do not have a conjunctivitis. And conduct another treatment of the disease.

At a reception at an ophthalmologist
At a reception at an ophthalmologist

Important: simple conjunctivitis takes place in two weeks, is easy to treat. In the presence of severe pain in the eyes, fuzzy vision, photosensitivity, do not ignore the appeal to the eye doctor. After all, such symptoms indicate more severe forms of the disease, can cause loss of vision.

What complications can be with conjunctivitis?

Complications from this ophthalmological disease can be different, and not only the organs of vision, but also other important systems of human life are affected. So, if you launched the treatment of infectious conjunctivitis, then it may be as follows:

  • otitis - Ear infection, most often happens in children as a result, undergoing influenza infection, in parallel with conjunctivitis
  • sepsis - Blood infection by bacteria, which subsequently attack the tissues of the body
  • meningitis - inflammation of the brain shell
Complications after infectious conjunite
Complications after infectious conjunctivitis

How to recognize conjunctivitis: tips

We have already talked about the symptoms of the disease above, now after reading this information you can independently recognize the inflammation of the conjunctiva. In most cases, the disease passes through seven to ten days.

It is enough to use drops of wide spectrum And wash your eyes with decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, yarrow, calendula, mint, an elderberry flowers, barberry root).


Video: symptoms, treatment of conjunctivitis in children

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Comments K. article

  1. Such a terrible disease ... I had a month ago. Well, I cured him in about a week, but the sediment remained straight unpleasant ...

  2. And what was treated then? And then it often happens to me ... Here one doctor told me that the climate does not fit ... this could be?

  3. Anna, why not? Although I always thought it was a disease of dirty hands. But I am very carefully monitoring hygiene, and I recently had conjunctivitis ((((that’s how it? I thought .. But this is a fact. I already knew that the drops of Floxal help with such a disease, I bought them. I bought them. A weekly course And the eyes are clean and do not bother. It will be necessary to look for the causes of conjunctivitis, then I will tell you what I subtract.

  4. Everything would be fine, but again I started conjunctivitis (((

  5. Olga, how did you treat him? !!! It’s just that, for example, when conjunctivitis, I used the above -mentioned drops of Floxal. The course is and everything is fine, no symptoms of conjunctivitis, and there are no relapses, since the treatment has passed.

  6. arrived from a business trip, and my conjunctivitis begins (((

  7. Dmitry, go urgently to the doctor. And then if you treat it incorrectly, you can also reach vision of vision. I don't think you would like it. By the way, I have buried my eyes with the conjunctivitis above the mentioned drops. They write correctly that the course needs to go completely. All unpleasant symptoms have gone, everything is in order with my eyes.

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