Folk remedies for itching in the eyes. How to eliminate itching in the eyes yourself?

Folk remedies for itching in the eyes. How to eliminate itching in the eyes yourself?

If your eyes scratch and you want to get rid of itching, then read the article. Here you will find information about how, using traditional medicine, you can eliminate the problem.

Now it’s not uncommon when people complain about itching in their eyes. The cause of such an unpleasant state may be various factors. They can be considered: endocrine changes, external factors.

After all, our eyes have daily contact with the wind, dust, heat, cold, bright sunlight, excessive humidity or excessive dryness of air. And in recent decades, computer technology has also been added to the eyes of the eyes.

Do folk remedies for itching in the eyes help?

Before you start any treatment, you must install the cause of itchingmore precisely - a diagnosis. Self -medication threatens complications. If the root cause of the pathology is established correctly, then the treatment will give a positive outcome. Moreover, it is necessary to use drug and folk methods to accelerate recovery.

Causes of itching

  • Allergic reactions. Moreover, different factors can cause irritation: the use of poor -quality cosmetics, animal hair, dust, plants, pollen of these plants, household chemicals
Itching in the eyes can be allergic
Itching in the eyes can be allergic
  • Syndrome of dry eyes. This pathology occurs due to a violation of the mucous membrane. Sources of the disease are: the effect of climatic conditions (cold, heat), long stay in a room with air conditioning, long work on a PC, a long stay in a room with smokers, a large load on the eyes, an ophthalmological disease
How to prevent dry eye syndrome
How to prevent "dry eye" syndrome
  • Getting into the eyes of grains of sand, dust etc. In order to get rid of itching in this case, you need to gently clean your hands and wash your eyes with water
  • Conjunctivitis. This is an infectious or allergic disease. It is characterized not only by itching, but also by redness of the eyes and accompanied by secretions
The causes of conjunctivitis
The causes of conjunctivitis
  • Demodecosis. The pathogen of pathology is a small parasite that settles on the eyelashes. In addition to itching, a person experiences fatigue, eyes are cut, redness, secretion, gluing cilia are observed. Such a disease can be cured only under the supervision of an ophthalmologist
Signs of demodicosis
Signs of demodicosis
  • Bleferite. Inflammation of the edges of the eyelids.
The causes of blepharitis
The causes of blepharitis
  • Eye herpes.
Eye herpes
Eye herpes

Important: if there are signs of itching in the eyes - do not postpone treatment. This is fraught with serious complications.

Aloe from itching in the eyes, folk recipe

Aloe belongs to the lilies family. Thanks to its composition, this indoor flower helps to fight many diseases, including itching in the eyes. After all, the plant contains: amino acids, polysaccharides, vitamins (FROM, AT, E), minerals, beta-carotene, microelements, antrakhinon, zinc, magnesium, selenium, manganese, calcium.

Good eye drops, including itching, you can find for yourself on the iHerb website at this link.


  • To treat conjunctivitis, take the aloe juice, dilute with warm water in an amount of one to ten. Then soak clean gauze in this solution and make a lotion for the eyes for 15-23 minutes-itching will retreat
  • Lnges with the juice of this plant and honey diluted in water also help from itching. The proportions are as follows - one small spoon of honey, one - juice, one hundred grams of water, instead of water, you can use a decoction of a therapeutic elderberry
  • To wash the eyes with conjunctivitis, take three or four sheets of the medicinal plant, pour a cup of boiling water. When the water becomes pleasant warm, wash the resulting solution of the eye

Important: Aloe has contraindications, therefore, before applying it, find out it like you or not. You can not use plant juice if you have allergic reactions to onions, garlic and other plants of this series. Do not use juice that stood in the refrigerator for more than a day. For the treatment of the eye, a freshly squeezed "nectar" must be taken. Do not use undiluted aloe juice for the eyes.

How to make homemade drops from itching in the eyes?

As homemade drops from itching, conjunctivitis use pink water. You can make it yourself. To do this, you will need rose petals that you have grown and did not use any pesticides, chemistry. Still, you can use leaves, blossomed rosehip flowers.

Cooking method

  1. In the morning, collect the petals from the flowers. It is desirable that they have a dew on them
  2. Put them in a pan and pour them with water, put on the gas
  3. In the middle, like a water bath, place another smaller pan so that it does not reach the edges of a larger centimeter by three to four
  4. Cover this design with an inverted large lid so that the condensate settles on the lid and cancel the handle into a smaller pan
  5. So that the condensate forms “more active” on the lid you can put a bowl of ice and periodically change the ice as needed
  6. Make sure that the water in a large pan does not boil

Methods for using pink water

  • This healing liquid can be dripped in the eyes. To do this, it is enough to bury three drops of water into a sore eye three times a day
  • You can also make lots for the eyes with water, then itching will retreat literally in half an hour

Potato from itching in the eyes, recipe

If the eyes are very itchy with allergies, dry eyes syndrome, then potatoes can bring you rapid relief. After all, he has astringent, anti -inflammatory properties.

You need to clean it, cut it into circles, then put in a cold place for 7-8 minutes. Then, in turn, as he heats, change the circles in the eyes within 17-22 minutes. The process is recommended to perform as needed for two to three days.

What compresses help with itching in the eyes?

If itching in the eyes does not pass after instillation, then compresses help well. With them, you can remove irritation, calm your eyes. To do this, use:

  • ordinary waterit is enough to take cotton swabs, wet and put in your eyes, it is allowed to take warm and cold water - choose yourself which is more comfortable for you to treat
  • aloe juiceboth diluted in water, and with honey
  • busy berries -Brew tea, as described on the package, attach the compress to the eyes for 18-23 minutes
  • cold milk -also relieves itching, the method of use is the same as at the water: you need to wet cotton swabs, put in your eyes for 18-23 minutes
  • yarrow - Helps to get rid of unpleasant itching, for this you need to brew one teaspoon of grass in a cup of water, make a compress

Eyes are itching: how to rinse your eyes if they scratch?

In order for the itching to pass faster ophthalmologists, it is recommended to rinse their eyes on their own at home. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Put a towel or cellophane around your neck so as not to stain things
  2. Prepare boiling water or tea, wait until it cools down to a pleasant warm state
  3. Take sterile cotton wool, and for each eye, use different tampons
  4. Wipe the cotton wool well
  5. Lean over the sink, turn your head to one side (first to the left, then to the right) so that your eyes are washed carefully
  6. Rinse one or the second eye (from the outer corner to the internal)

Important: after washing the eyes, do not wipe the remaining water with cotton wool, a towel. This can annoy the already sore eyeballs. Gently dip the remaining liquid with a soft cloth.

Treatment of allergic eye diseases
Treatment of allergic eye diseases

Does tea help with itch in the eyes?

Tea relieves swelling, inflammation, eliminates itching. Experts recommend using green tea. It is precisely such a brewed drink from one or two bags that can be washed with allergies, conjunctivitis and other ophthalmic diseases.

What herbs should be used for itching in the eyes?

Depending on the cause of inflammation of the eyes, it is necessary to choose treatment. Below you will see which herbs are better to rinse your eyes or make compresses with a particular pathology:

  • if you have itching due to various inflammations, then the action has a wide spectrum of action: pharmacy chamomile, peppermint tea, fennel
  • barley can be cured with a calendula decoction
  • torn from flowers, buzins, flaxseeds, yellow -crown Canadian, and barberry root will help from infectious, allergic conjunctivitis.

Important: When cooking decoctions from healing herbs, read the information on the package, pay attention to how to properly brew tea, what kind of herbs are contraindications.

Treatment of barley egg
Treatment of barley egg

How will water help if your eyes scratch?

As mentioned earlier, water is the first remedy for irritation, entering foreign objects, infectious diseases of the eyes, etc. It is with clean water that you need to rinse your eyes to facilitate the condition. Compresses from warm, cold water are also effective so that the eyes stop itching.

If your eyes not only itch, but also watery, then try the recipes presented in the picture below.

Folk recipes from tears of the eyes
Folk recipes from tears of the eyes

How to eliminate itching in the eyes yourself: tips

After reading the material, it becomes clear how to eliminate irritation and itching in the eyes. Better yet, if you protect the visual organs and lead a healthy lifestyle. To do this, it is enough to observe hygiene requirements (do not leave cosmetics at night), take vitamins, let your eyes rest from TV views, computer monitor, etc. Then you will avoid many problems, you will be healthy.

Eye Health Tips
Eye Health Tips

Video: Treatment of itching of the eyes with the help of traditional medicine

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Comments K. article

  1. My eyes began to get tired, dry, what can be used for my eyes?

  2. In order to avoid itching in my eyes, I constantly use with the slightest dryness in my eyes by drops of the artelus burst, which instantly moisturize. By the way, I use the corneregel, by the way, I use the lenses, therefore, as a prevention of various damage to the cornea (which can be accompanied by itching), this tool is simply necessary - Dexpanthenol in its composition is a cool surface of the eye.

  3. Ordinary tea bags helped me perfectly)) It is only important that there are no fragrances in tea. But I was accepting the blueberry Forte from Evalar, because it is necessary in order to eliminate the cause-the establishment and stress. Now the eyes already look better, not so red, and itching, there is no unpleasant sensation either.

  4. I have been wearing lenses for several years and sometimes there is discomfort. It begins with dry eyes, the optometrist told me that the cornea is annoyed. To heal the cornea, the eyes were advised by the Corneregel, which Dexpanthenol contains. I put him before bedtime and in the morning my eyes feel good.

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