Is it possible to get married in the church in the post? What can you eat in the post before wedding? How much do you need to keep a post for the wedding?

Is it possible to get married in the church in the post? What can you eat in the post before wedding? How much do you need to keep a post for the wedding?

From this article you will find out when it is possible, and when it is impossible to conduct a wedding in the church, what a post must be followed before the wedding.

The wedding in the church is an ancient rite. Our grandparents adhered to him. Now, few couples want to get married in the church. We learn more about this sacrament.

Is it possible to get married in the church in the post of Christmas, Uspensky, Petrov?

You can’t get married in fasting
You can’t get married in fasting

The Orthodox Church makes many restrictions on weddings. The Russian Orthodox Church says that you can not get married to the newlyweds:

  • Throughout the post (Great - 7 weeks before Easter, Petrovo - in 2017 from June 12 to July 11, Uspensky - from August 14 to 27, Rozhdestvensky - from November 28 to January 6)
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday
  • In the New Year Christmas time (from 7 to 19 January)
  • During Easter celebrations and the rest of the week
  • 1 day before the celebration of the twelve holidays and on holidays (the wedding is not prohibited, but not recommended)
  • In the days of temple festivities (each church has its own temple holiday) and 1 day before the holiday
  • On Shrovetide week (the last week before the Easter post, called the great, this week is not prohibited, but not recommended)
  • 1 day before the festive day of the Beauty's head is curious of the head (September 11) and on the day of the holiday

An exception to the charter will be able to make a bishop, ruling the church, where you are going to get married.

So, there are many days prohibited for the wedding, in 2017, in Russia, to get married to newlyweds 116 days out of 365.

The Russian Orthodox Church adheres to the most stringent rules. In Western Europe, the Orthodox churches are not so strict for the days allowed for the wedding, on Saturday, Sunday here are the main days when young people are married. In Greece and Romania, you can get married in Petrov post, in Cyprus - in both summer posts.

According to the church charter, if the local priest got you in the church, on an unacceptable day, marriage is still valid.

Note. Twelve holidays:

  • January 7 - Christmas Christ
  • January 19 - Baptism of Christ
  • February, 15 - Steering the Lord
  • April 7 - Annunciation
  • 1 week before Easter - Palm Sunday
  • Forty day in Easter - Ascension of the Lord
  • Fifth day on Easter - Trinity
  • August 19 - Transfiguration
  • August 28 - Assumption of the Virgin
  • September 21 - Christmas of the Virgin
  • September 27 - Exaltation
  • December 4 - Introduction to the Church of the Virgin

How much do you need to keep a post for the wedding?

The post before wedding you need to keep at least 3 days, but better 1 week
The post before the communion preceding the wedding must be held for at least 3 days, but better 1 week

Before the wedding, the Orthodox Church advises to arrange a post not only to the body, but also to the soul - to realize all sins and repent. A few days before the wedding, the groom and the bride need to come to confession and take communion.

How passes confession and communion?

  • First of all, a few weeks before the wedding, find out the schedule of worship in the church that you are going to visit.
  • Confession and communion passes after the evening or morning service.
  • For confession you need to prepare for 1 week, and if there is no time, then 3 days, no less.
  • On the eve of visiting the church, you need to remember what sins are listed and recorded on a leaflet, so as not to forget to tell the priest, because the sin that is not named during the confession will remain unforgivable.
  • In the days preceding the participle, you need to make peace with everyone with whom you quarreled and ask them for forgiveness.
  • Also, you can’t swear at this time, have fun, have sex.
  • All week you need to adhere to the post - do not eat meat, dairy dishes and eggs.
  • Read prayers in the morning and evening. In addition to everyday prayers, you need to read the repentant canons to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Christ and the Angel of the Guardian.
  • For women. Calculate in advance when monthly bleeding should occur, since you can go to the church only after the complete cessation of menstruation.
  • If you are going to confess in the morning, after midnight adults can not be eaten, water and smoke, you can eat and drink only to children under seven years.
  • Come to the church before the start of service, listen to the prayers that sound in the temple and repeat them to yourself.
  • After worship, everyone who wants to confess in turn approaches the priest and repent in their sins.
  • If the priest lets you sin, you are heading to kiss the cross with the gospel.
  • Then the priest stands for everyone who confessed the bowl in which the holy gifts.
  • The parishioners should bow to the earth (standing on the knees should be touched by the floor of the floor) on weekdays, and a waist (a small slope of the head and body) on holidays and Sunday. During the bow, the liturgy is read, the prayer needs to be repeated quietly.
  • After prayer, the hands must be folded on the chest: the left, right from the bottom, and approach, one at a time, to the bowl with the holy gifts. At first, children are building, followed by men, and then women. Before the adoption of the Holy Communion, you call your name, take a spoon with the sacrament, kiss the edge of the bowl, and go to the table to drink water. This must be done so that nothing is left in the mouth.
  • The rest of the day cannot be cursed, chatting, having sex.

Fasting before the wedding: What are the restrictions, what can be eaten?

Before the wedding, it is advisable to fast for 3 days
Before the wedding, it is advisable to fast for 3 days

For three days before the wedding, the bride and groom arrange a post of two types: for the body (you can eat only lean food) and for the soul. These days you can’t eat fast food (meat, dairy dishes and eggs). Some priests advise not to eat fish dishes. You can eat vegetables raw and boiled, porridge in vegetable oil or nuts, soups seasoned with lean oil, fruits.

The spiritual post is not to gossip, not to swear and quarrel, not watch obscene films, not have sex. Instead of films and secular literature, you need to read spiritual books and the gospel.

If you adhere to such truths, then the post will be correct.

But not all people can keep the post. For example, if a person is sick or engaged in heavy physical labor, he is given relief - the father can allow dairy dishes or fish.

So, now we know when you can get married in the church, and how to adhere to the post.

Video: On what days can you get married in the year?

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  1. Almost everything is true, but there are flaws.

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