Why do many people have the same surnames? Can namesakes be distant relatives? How to find out your distant relatives named?

Why do many people have the same surnames? Can namesakes be distant relatives? How to find out your distant relatives named?

Many people have the same surnames. Why so, and whether they are relatives, read in the article.

The first references to the names in human history date back to the era of ancient Rome. Initially, they denoted the origin of a person from a kind. The emergence of surnames in Russia dates back to the 14th century, when, in return for nicknames, noble people began to use the name of their own ancestor.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The most common, frequent names of Russia". You will find a list, top 100, as well as the most common Russian surnames and popularity rating.

In addition to the very origin of the initials, there is another interesting question that many people ask - why are surnames the same among completely different people? We will try to answer this question in this article. Read further.

How many people with the same surnames are in the world?

People with the same surnames
People with the same surnames

Have you ever thought about how many names exists on Earth? An even more interesting question is how many are the same among them. Let's try to find out. How many people with the same surnames are in the world?

  • It is hardly possible to calculate all namesakes existing on Earth. However, it is quite possible to try to imagine.
  • So, according to scientists, the most repeated surname on the planet is "Lee". It happens, if not difficult to guess - from China.
  • According to researchers, the bearers of the aforementioned surname are 300,000,000 people. This is not surprising given that the population of China is more than a billion people, and this indicator in Russia is 15,000 for comparison in Russia.

In fact, there are nothing surprising in the repeated surnames, given the number of people living on Earth, among which there are also many relatives. Although, in order to find out whether people with the same surnames are relatives, you need to conduct research and study the genealogy.

What is the name of people with the same surnames?

People with the same surnames
People with the same surnames

There is a special term for people who have the same surname, but at the same time, having no related connections. What is the name of people with the same surnames?

  • Nonfamilians are a special definition that is called people who bear the same surname, but at the same time do not have any family ties.

Interesting fact: According to scientists in the calculations of scientists in Moscow alone, there are more than 90,000 holders of the surname Ivanov. It is unlikely that they are all relatives.

Why do many different people have the same surnames?

And yet, as with the huge population of the planet, even strangers with each other have the same initials? Why do many different people have the same surnames?

  • The origin of the surnames is to blame.
  • As we already know, there were few options for this. Most often the basis for the surname was the profession, or the names of the parents and some kind of character.
  • Agree, it’s hard to imagine that there was one blacksmith in any village.
  • In the same way, things were with places of residence, distinctive features, characters and names of parents.

At the same time, speaking of namesakes, of course, the factor of kinship, albeit distant.

Can namesakes be distant relatives: if the same male and female surnames, then relatives?

Namesakes or relatives
Namesakes or relatives

The question that many people would probably not have passed by - can namesakes be distant relatives without even knowing about it? If the same male and female surnames, then relatives? We will analyze this moment.

  • Indeed, namesakes can be distant relatives.
  • Scientists have investigated Y-chromosomes Specially selected people with the same surnames and found common ancestors in them on male lines.
  • Moreover, the subsequent study of two thousand people of one-familes showed: among them the same family name is traced. A large amount has a total haplogroup game-chromosome. This is a clear sign of kinship.

The famous expression that all people are relatives are not at all meaningless. Read further.

How to find out your distant relatives named?

Surely many will now ask the question: how to find their distant relatives named? We will tell you further.

Unfortunately, due to the social characteristics that the world around us possesses, people know almost nothing about their ancestors. Few people remember the names of relatives in the third generation, not to mention completely distant family ties. However, it is not at all difficult to find out such information.

The very surname of a person can give many tips about his roots. However, it is extremely difficult to learn about the ancestors, using this information only. The more knowledge about his family has a large amount of knowledge, the easier it will be for him to conduct a subsequent search for distant relatives. First you need to study family archives (awards, documents, photographs) as best as possible, in addition, you can find out some additional information from relatives: grandparents, mothers and dads. The following data may be the most useful:

  • Place of birth and date
  • Religion
  • All crossings
  • Awards

Another important detail of the search for distant relatives named is the systematization of all the information received. It is worth adding that today there are a large number of Internet services that provide services for the search for people, including ancestors and distant relatives. However, not all of these resources are free, and many are at all crazy. But the main thing is that it is quite possible to find your distant relatives by last name and this is perhaps the best motivation to ever do this.

Here link to a popular resource for people's search. It helps many people find their relatives, including distant ones.

Why do the Koreans have the same surnames?

Koreans have the same surnames
Koreans have the same surnames

Korean surnames are well acquainted with everyone and many people they seem to be exactly the same. In fact, it is, and according to the calculations of researchers, every fifth Korean wears the same “family names”. About how it happened - we will talk further. Why do the Koreans have the same surnames?

  • Like many other interesting facts, the same type of Korean surnames has historical roots.
  • The fact is that the surnames appeared in Korea recently. This event dates back to the reign of the Chospon dynasty (1392 - 1910), however, during this period, the surnames had only to know.
  • A little earlier than 1000, the ruler of Gon decided to endow with the surnames of individuals to make it clearer who is betrayed to the court.
  • Initially, representatives of the elite were applicants for the names, then merchants received such a right.

After some time, surnames began to be sold for money and people began to buy a noble pedigree. Despite the fact that soon such a practice has sunk into oblivion, names such as Pak, Lee and Kim continued to be considered royal and ordinary people willingly assigned them to themselves, for free.

On the one hand, the practice of mass assignment of other people's names may seem funny and even strange, but on the other hand, who does not want to possess the royal pedigree, even if it is only in the eyes of others.

Can you find out your family and nationality by last name?

Currently, it is quite difficult to find a person who would not be interested in the origin of his own surname, although undoubtedly such people exist. But the origin of the surname can tell a person a lot of interesting things about himself, for example, gender and nationality. We will tell you about how to find out such information.


  • In order to find out your family by last name, you must first talk with the oldest relatives, for example, grandparents and find out as much as possible about their ancestors as possible.
  • This will make it possible to track its pedigree to a certain knee.
  • In order to advance in the study of a kind of further famous ancestors, it will be possible to engage in searching and studying information in historical archives or go on the Internet.
  • Only in no case should you use paid resources, since they can be fraudulent.


  • Find out your nationality with the help of your last name is much easier than a gender.
  • It is only necessary to resort to the practice of morphemic analysis, which is taught in school programs in the Russian language. The essence of this process is to select the suffix and root, which contain information about the nationality of the surname under study.
  • For example, suffix "Hero" will indicate Ukrainian origin, and ending "B" or "Wa", Accordingly, to Russian.

It is worth adding that it has currently become quite popular "onomastics" - Science, which is just studying the origin of surnames. And this means that to clarify a kind and nationality, you can always contact specialists.

In conclusion, it is worth adding that people are characterized by a different attitude to their own family name, someone likes it, but someone does not. Nevertheless, the surname is a storehouse of information that can tell a person a lot about his past as a whole, origin and distant ancestors. And knowledge of your past is difficult to overestimate, for the future.

Video: Five facts about surnames. Search for ancestors by name

Video: people with unusual surnames

Video: Anthroponymic and Psychosemantics of the Surname

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