Does the change of surname to karma and our karmic duty affect?

Does the change of surname to karma and our karmic duty affect?

In this article, we will consider whether and how and how the change of surname to our karma affects.

From the point of view of adherents of ancient beliefs, karma is a combination of all human actions, both bad and good, which he committed during the period of all his earthly incarnations. But it can be not only the result of our past lives, but also a load from our ancestors. And very often the question arises before marriage-whether the change of surname will affect our karma because of the cargo from the ancestors of the husband. Therefore, we will find out this question.

Does the change of surname affect Karma and our karmic duty?

In the modern world, it became customary to leave a girlish surname even after the wedding in connection with many documentary, career and psychological difficulties. In ancient times, this issue did not even indulge in discussion - a woman who was married automatically accepted all her husband’s property, including his last name.

  • The change of surname to karma has an influence due to the fact that Accepting the offer and surname from a man, the woman automatically accepts all the energy of the family, abandoning the energy of her ancestors. Indeed, when the surname is set, all tribal karmic debts and merits are taken into account and accumulated.
  • But it is worthwhile to understand that it is impossible, like a lizard of a tail, to tear off the karmic duty of their ancestors. The change of surname more correctly corrects our life and fate. Although it helps to achieve changes.
  • In numerology, the surname, as its own name and date of birth, has a certain digital meaning, which means it carries information. The acquired or changed surnames clearly affect the condition of the woman - they either help her, provided that the harmonious complement of their own numbers of karma, or vice versa, act negatively, changing her generic number. Wherein:
    • Name - This is the code of our character, our personality;
    • middle name - This is the reservoir of our family, from which we draw energy and support even at the mental level;
    • Surname speaks of birth programs, reflects our life in family characteristics, professional terms and in a scale of life positions.
  • All this is reflected in the character and personality of a woman. In fact, the personality formed before marriage, and the personality that should be formed after the change of surname, can vary significantly at the karmic level. T.K. New numbers of the name can either balance your own shortcomings, or aggravate them.
  • But you will not go anywhere from your debts, Therefore, it will definitely not work radically. Although, due to switching from the egregor of the family to the pedigree husband, he will still add or remove some character traits, change your views on life and decision making. From this, changes will come in your life. And it is important to understand that there are no joints of opposites for personal and pedigree karma.
The surname connects us to the egregor of the family
The surname connects us to the egregor of the family

In any case, due to a serious influence from the change of surname to karma, it is worth prior to calculate possible changes for your character and even fate. You will also be interested in the article "How to calculate your karmic duty"?

How does the change of surname affect Karma and our fate?

The basis of calculations on how the change of surname affects karma lies The amount from the date of birth, name, patronymic and old/new surname. We conduct such calculations for each item:

  • 15.02.1981 = 1+5+2+1+9+8+1 = 27 = 9

Now, for example, we take the name - Olga Mikhailovna Morozova, and the shift will be on the surname of the butler. Already by the sound of her husband’s name, he wins, but it is important to understand what code she will carry. We write down the numbers corresponding to each letter to the name and conducts the calculation shown above. Then we summarize the resulting 4 digits and reduce to a unambiguous number. Conduct such an action with a future surname.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
And Th To L M N O P R

Important: it is believed that for a better combination of two surnames and for a better understanding between spouses, at least 2-3 identical sounds should be in their surnames. By the way, such a docking of sounds applies to other spheres of our lives, for example, mutual understanding with the bosses.

The code changes
There should be a incidence of codes

What the figure is talking about:

  • 1 - This is the number of leaders, responsibility, independence and male character traits. Therefore, a woman after a change of surname will master these qualities. And they will supplement, for example, the features of Aries, but not fit, for example, fish;
  • 2 - This is the number of teams and compromise. The deuce is also responsible for the ability to take into account the interests of others and work in a team;
  • 3 - This is the number of optimism and enthusiasm. The karmic energy of the three gives desire and ability to achieve the goals, sociability and creative potential;
  • 4 - Conflicting figure. She feeds the family with an unwillingness to obey the rules and, especially, imposed opinion. But at the same time, this number of humility and submission to circumstances, as well as constant struggle with difficulties and tests;
  • 5 - The number of irresponsibility and inconstancy. This energy prevents you from sitting still and doing the same thing, especially if it has a routine. Therefore, five are more often fond of travel and extreme sports;
  • 6 - also a relatively two -digit figure, which is characterized by the search for harmony and balance in life. She has responsible for the shoulders of carriers not only for herself, but also for other people. But, at the same time, the six has commercial relations that are based on personal benefits;
  • 7 - This number applies an imprint of isolation. The carriers are very attentive to details, they like to analyze everything, and sometimes even unnecessarily find fault with the little things;
  • 8 - This is the number of money and power. All meditate with finances and strive for their accumulation. But the number gives this literacy to dispose of them;
  • 9 - This is the number of romanticism and dreaminess. Such carriers usually obey others due to banal unwillingness to make decisions and take responsibility.

In our example: The surname Morozov for number 3 gives a charge of enthusiasm and determination, but the butler at number 1 will give the bearer the desire for leadership and male principles. Therefore, in this case, it is better to leave the maiden surname.

In addition, we note that each letter in the last name has its own meaning, strength and influence.

A - K.
L - w
Shch - me

The change of surname after the divorce does Karma affect karma?

  • Of course, the change of surname to our karma is influenced in any case. And, if one surname brings the spouses already at the energy level, which means that the marriage will be stronger. But sometimes the gap between the couple can only become unnecessary luggage. Therefore, after the divorce, it is even better to return your girlish name. So you again connect to the strength of a kind.
    • As an exception, If the surname of the husband has a stronger energy and is beneficial to you. In this case, you can leave a new surname.
  • But the second question - If there are children! Then the change of surname is extremely undesirable. Indeed, in this case, the connection between their children is torn, a misunderstanding between you is possible. In addition, after the birth of a child, you are already energetically attached to your husband’s family, which means that the change of surname will only aggravate your life values \u200b\u200band positions. Yes, and she will not completely disconnect you! And changing the name of the child, you change his code and make difficulties in your lives.

Video: Does the change of surname affect karma - numerology

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