The most common, frequent names of Russia: list, top 100. The most common Russian surnames: Popularity rating

The most common, frequent names of Russia: list, top 100. The most common Russian surnames: Popularity rating

In this article we will give a rating of the most common surnames that are found in Russia.

When a person is born, parents give him a name. At the same time, they are based on any reasons or personal preferences. The surname gives a whole string of generations. About what these generations were, you can just learn from the surname.

1. Smirnov

It is considered the most common. How easy it is to guess, comes from the word "Smile"who were awarded quiet and obedient children.

Another interesting version says that the surname is obliged wandererswho were characterized by enlightenment, curiosity. They happily shared with all the oncoming knowledge and announced that they appeared "With the new world".

Important: by the way, the wandering lifestyle of such people perfectly explains the prevalence of the surname.

Bright representative of the surname - actor Alexei Smirnov
Bright representative of the surname - actor Alexei Smirnov

2. Ivanov

Everyone will understand that this surname owes the most common from the time of Russia of the name - Ivan, John. The name is a canonical, especially beloved by our ancestors in the period from the XVI to the XIX century.

The largest layer of the population was especially loved by this name - Peasants. Among them, 15-20% of men were called Ivan.

3. Kuznetsov

The surname owes the profession. By the way, quite revered. Blacksmiths were necessary in every village. Therefore, there were many people with a similar surname, telling all others about the classes of the head of the clan.

4. Popov

Not everyone knows that there was such a worldly name - Pop. Some religious people sought to call their children so.

The root of both the name and the subsequent surname reaches for the genus of activity - soul. Often Popov meant literally "The son of a clergyman". In some cases, the interpretation was slightly different - "A priest worker."

Important: if you need to find proverbs, jokes with a surname, about Popov, then there are a lot of them.

The ingenious representative of the surname Alexander Popov is the inventor of the radio
The ingenious representative of the surname Alexander Popov is the inventor of the radio

5. Sokolov

The surname goes back to the name Falcon. There is nothing strange in it, since in the pre -Christian era to call a child in honor of the representative of the fauna.

It was believed that they cross the baby from the falcon Courage, courage. Especially loved this name nobles.

6. Lebedev

Another derivative of the worldly name. It was assumed that the swan was endowing the newborn perfection, grace, fidelity, purity.

7. Kozlov

Oddly enough, but the name Goat It existed. In the representation of the Slavs, such an animal embodied life energy, creation, courage, superiority.

Important: they fell in love with such a name, and then the surname of both the boyars and the peasants. Moreover, it all started with the boyars.

8. Novikov

Earlier everyone newbie He received the nickname "Novik". This nickname was assigned to people, then turning into a surname.

Also "Novik" was called young warrior, recruit. Also, Alexei Tolstoy wrote that the nobleman, who had just entered the service of the tsar, was called the Novik.

Enlightened representative of this surname Nikolai Novikov - journalist
Enlightened representative of this surname Nikolai Novikov - journalist

9. Morozov

Until about the XVII century, such a name existed - Freezing. They were awarded children who either born in winter or which i wanted to become strong.

Eastern Slavs especially liked the name, in whom the word "frost" acted as a synonym blacksmith, hero.

They could also be called frost in adulthood cold -blooded, arrogant.

10. Petrov

The surname came from Petra - Name, often given at baptism. It designated "stone" Translated from Greek.

Especially a lot of Petrov became in the XVIII century. Children were called in honor of the Russian emperor. They also loved to call newborn in honor of the apostle.

Important: as a rule, the surname formed from the full name was the highest estate.

11. Volkov

The Slavs have a name Wolf It was not rare. It awarded its owner cunning, courage, courage.

However, there was a similar nickname. It was given closed, careful, to a certain degree Inolocent people. Or greedy, insatiable.

Despite the above, the wolf was considered a greater extent obereg, than something negative.

A worthy representative of the brave surname - Cosmonaut Vladislav Volkov
A worthy representative of the brave surname - Cosmonaut Vladislav Volkov

12. Soloviev

As it is easy to guess, the nickname in honor of this bird was given to the lucky in a melodic voice. In some cases, it was received street peoplewho outwardly resembled the nightingale.

13. Vasiliev

Name Basilfrom which the surname then came, is literally translated as "The ruler." They called children who wanted to award confidence. In addition, this name has many patrons.

The surname was very common among different segments of the population. Only among the nobles can several ancient clans be found.

14. Zaitsev

Nickname Hare could attach to a person cowardly, overly careful. Or since childhood to Popular child.

It was also attached to successful hunters, who could boast of prey in the form of hares. And the ability to masterfully process their skins.

Important: the surname has become very common in a wooded area, since hares from ancient times were considered its guardians.

15. Pavlov

Comes from the baptismal name Paul. It translates literally like "small"which is a diminutive-abusive appeal to the child.

Representative of the surname from the scientist of the world - Academician Ivan Pavlov
Representative of the surname from the scientist of the world - academician Ivan Pavlov

16. Semenov

The root should be sought in the name Simeon, later turned into Semyon. Literally it means "The one whom God heard in prayer". They were called by children whom parents dreamed of rewarding happiness, luck.

17. Golubev

Most often, the so -called man was called loved pigeons And devoting his time to their breeding. Or which, by some signs, could compare with this bird.

There was also a name Pigeon. It symbolized the purity, chastity, developed parental feelings.

18. Vinogradov

Grapes, despite the fact that it was widespread on the territory of the Russian Empire only by the 19th century, has always been ranked to church symbolism. His image was actively decorated with churches.

The surname Vinogradov was first awarded mainly to the pupils of spiritual schools. As wishes for prosperity in life.

6. The sign representative of the surname, the father of Russian porcelain - Dmitry Vinogradov
Sign representative of the surname, father of Russian porcelain - Dmitry Vinogradov

19. Bogdanov

There is a version that for some time the surname was assigned illegitimate With their baptism. It is also believed that the name Bogdan came from Bulgaria, and it translates as "Given by God." Calling the kids so, parents believed that they gave them the intercession of the Higher Forces.

Important: besides, the name has a strong patron - Theodot of Caesarea.

20. Vorobyov

Name Sparrow, which existed before the arrival of Christianity, embodied dexterity, agility.
It is known about the existence of five noble families with a similar surname. The roots of everyone left in the 17th century.

21. Fedorov

The surname comes from the name that translates from Greek as "God's gift". In the XVI-XVII centuries, Fedors called a fairly large number of boys. Most often such a name, and then the surname met in Pskov, Novgorod regions.

22. Mikhailov

The basis is the church name Michael Or, as they said earlier, Mikhailo. It translates as "Equally to God". The name has a strong patron - archangel Michaelwhich is considered one of the most revered biblical characters.

Some representatives of the surname had previously had a noble title.

Representative of the surname from the acting environment - Alexander Mikhailov
Representative of the surname from the acting environment - Alexander Mikhailov

23. Belyaev

Earlier there was a worldly name Belyai. It could indicate, for example, at Bright skin its owner. There could also be bright hair.

"Falled" Sometimes it was used in figurative meaning. I was implied by a person who He was exempted from paying taxes.

IMPORTANT: also a “white” was just called an extremely neat personality.

24. Tarasov

The basis was the name Taras. It, in turn, owes the goddess Tara - the guardian of the forests. Tara was considered a talisman, bereli.

Also, the nickname Taras could give a person with a rebellious spirit. No wonder it translates from Greek as "troublemaker".

Even “taras” called wooden log cabins, used as the foundations for walls, bridges. The word in the end served as a synonym for some stability, reliability.

25. Belov

Most often the nickname Belyai, white pointed to external features owner. The man had blond hair or was distinguished by pale skin.

Also, the carrier of the nickname could be distinguished by mental qualities. That is kindness - About such they said "Bright Man."

They also called those who who he was exempted from paying taxes.

Sports representative of the surname Sergey Belov - Soviet basketball player, coach
Sports representative of the surname Sergey Belov - Soviet basketball player, coach

26. Komarov

Nickname Mosquito Could get a man low in stature with a thin voice. The behavior could serve as a distinctive feature. Namely annoyance.

Important: the surname could indicate the habitat of its carrier. In this case, to the swampy territory.

27. Orlov

Among the "bird" surnames, this one took fourth place. This is not by chance, since the quality of the bird - pride, independence, strength - Always attracted people.

Another version of the origin of the surname is also interesting - From the Irish. The Irish fled from the British settled, including in modern Russia. They were in a hurry to get into the squads. The children of such combatants called themselves O’Reilly"The descendants of the brave". This surname was then transformed into Orlovs.

Bright representative of the surname Grigory Orlov - Favorite of Catherine II
Bright representative of the surname Grigory Orlov - Favorite of Catherine II

28. Kiselev

The surname could indicate the occupation. From the XV to the XVIII century profession kisel boatman was quite common.

Also, the nickname Kisel could have a person who loved "Sour"- that is melt from flattery, important. Could call it and crybaby, krivlyak.

29. Makarov

The surname is formed on behalf of Macariuswhich in translation meant "happy". Naturally, many parents sought to call the kids so.

The patron of the name was considered Macarius Egyptian, who performed worship surrounded by many students. To name the child in his honor was considered a good sign.

Important: despite the fact that folk art awarded Makar not the most enviable fate in proverbs and sayings, this name was still very fond of.

30. Andreev

Surname Source - Name Andrew. It translates from Greek as "Cold, courage." There was also a name Andron - "Winner".

Creative representative of the surname Leonid Andreev - Writer of the Silver Age
Creative representative of the surname Leonid Andreev - Writer of the Silver Age

31. Kovalev

Nickname Koval Dialectic, having Ukrainian and Belarusian roots. Meant "blacksmith". That is, the father of a person with this nickname was a coat. Given the fact that Kuznetsov was revered everywhere and they were necessary everywhere, the prevalence of the surname is logical.

Also Koval - polish city. The immigrants from there could be called the indicated surname.

32. Ilyin

Name Ilya, which laid the beginning of the surname, is translated as "my God". So called especially beloved children.

33. Gusev

This surname is officially listed in the documents of the 16th century. Birds played great importance in Russia, because such a nickname could give a fan of breeding them, trade them. Or hunt On wild geese.

Also, Gusev could become a native of a village with that name. By the way, there were many similar villages.

34. Titov

The source was the name Tit. It translates as "honor". The origins should be sought in Rome, whose inhabitants loved this name very much.

35. Kuzmin

The root of the surname goes to the name Cosmma, which later turned into Kuzma. Greek language tells us a translation of the name as "Order, peace".

Important: there is also a figurative value - “decoration”. So they called the children who brightened up the life of their family.

Creative representative of the surname - singer Vladimir Kuzmin
Creative representative of the surname - singer Vladimir Kuzmin

36. Kudryavtsev

The simplest and most common interpretation is "curly". So they could call a person with a striking hair.

However, sometimes Kudrey called fashionista. Ironically, they could say about him that one curl has a ruble, and the other - and even a thousand.

You can also find a reference to the occupation. In this case, to the profession spinning worker. After all "Curl" meant "Flip the wool."

37. Baranov

Surprisingly, this surname had a reference to the genus of activity. So called a person who made sheep. “Baranes” were called stenotic guns, sledges, ship risers, and moom.

However, some nobles also bore this surname. For the first time it was documented in the 13th century.

38. Kulikov

One of the "bird" names. Sandpiper - A small bird with long legs. Similarly long -legged The person could be called a cake.

It is worth remembering about Kulikovo Field, on which the battle took place. The origins can be sought there, given that one of the warriors could well have a similar nickname.

Military representative of the surname Viktor Kulikov - military leader, Hero of the Soviet Union
Military representative of the surname Viktor Kulikov - military leader, Hero of the Soviet Union

39. Alekseev

The name Alexey is translated literally like "Protective". Parents who called the children like that, hoped that they were protecting them in this way from all troubles.

Alexy - Roman holy - Renched from the worldly fuss. He devoted his life to prayers, and after death, ordinary people were healed with the help of his relics. It was considered a good sign to name a child in his honor.

Important: but there is a negative interpretation. Alehoy, for example, was previously called a man who does not cost anything to lie.

40. Stepanov

Name Stepan or, as previously said, Stephen Has Greek roots. It translates as "wreath".Believers treated reverend to such a name.

Some people believe that the root of the word gives a reference to the steppe as a area of \u200b\u200bresidence. But this opinion is erroneous - just A geographical trace is not worth looking for.

41. Yakovlev

The surname comes from the name Jacob. It translated from Hebrew means "The one who goes on the trail". Another translation - "The one who overcomes the barrier."

Could call it and stubborn, stubborn personality. Often this animal - yak - was a synonym the firmness of intentions, strength.

Famous representative of the surname Yuri Yakovlev - Soviet actor
Famous representative of the surname Yuri Yakovlev - Soviet actor

42. Sorokin

The ancestors counted forty symbol good luck, pleasure. The latter is due to the fact that, according to the beliefs, the cry of this bird portended good news, which will certainly bring joy.

Also, the nickname could receive too chatty person.

43. Sergeev

Name Sergius was one of the most revered. It translated - it was translated - "High -minded." Often the surname was received by immigrants from the church environment.

Also, the surname could form due to the characteristic sign of its carrier- Earrings in the ear. This jewelry was worn in the right ear to those Cossacks who remained the last men in their family. The commanders saw this - and saved such men from dangerous tasks.

44. Romanov

The surname came from the corresponding name. Novel translated from Latin literally like "Roman". "Rome" also literally sounds like "Roma". And when the ancestors of the carriers of the surname came to Russia, they simply added the Russian ending -ov.

Important: believers seduced in the name and the fact that his patron became the deacon from the temple of Keseria Palestinian. He strengthened Christians in faith.

Founder of the royal surname Mikhail Romanov
Founder of the royal surname Mikhail Romanov

45. Zakharov

Name Zakhary translated as "joy" or "God's memory". It is noteworthy that this name was just one of the younger prophets.

In Russia, there were noble nobles of the Zakharovs.

46. \u200b\u200bBorisov

Name Boris Some researchers interpret as an abbreviated form on behalf of Borislav. Boris also means "fighter".

The roots stretch to Boris Godunov. He sent part of the prisoners from the Lithuanian campaign to master new settlements. Such prisoners were called "Borisov people."

47. Korolev

The source was the nickname King. Only meant not an autocrat, but a person With income, imperious. The word also acted as a synonym for the word "happiness".

Representative of the surname from the world of science Sergey Korolev - founder of Russian rocket science
Representative of the surname from the world of science Sergey Korolev - founder of Russian rocket science

48. Gerasimov

Name Gerasim It was translated as "Venerable". It was also used as a nickname for a person who used great respect.

Important: by the way, given that the surname came from the full form of the name, its founder was indeed respected. Probably from the social elite.

49. Ponomarev

Roots should be sought in the profession. Sewn called clergymanwho helped light candles, serve at the altar, cook cadilo, call bells. I also read prayers. The spiritual rank did not receive, but in the church was indispensable.

50. Grigoryev

Name Gregory It was translated as "Not sleeping". It was understood that its carrier is always in a state of vigil, attentive.

The significance of the name was intensified by the fact that he had a powerful patron - patriarch Antioch. He gained fame with good deeds, therefore it was considered an honor to call with that name.

51. Lazarev

Name Lazarus It has become widespread on the territory of today's Ukraine. Translated from Hebrew meant "God helps."

A less popular, but also worthy version indicates a value in some dialects. They gave the nickname a dint snowers.

Creative representative of the surname Alexander Lazarev - actor
Creative representative of the surname Alexander Lazarev - actor

52. Medvedev

Bears They called earlier Sweetheart. Also, the nickname could call a man who differed clumsiness, some awkwardness.

However, the Slavs considered this beast for a long time amulet. They believed that even the devil runs away from the clubfoot of the forest.

Important: according to the ancestors, the bear is a strong talisman that portends a good marriage life. Therefore, the bears could be called grooms.

53. Ershov

Nickname Ruff Could get a person delicious, sneaking. There was even such a name - it was given when the parents wanted to convey the described qualities to the child.

Some researchers attribute the surname Ershov named after Erofei, Erosh. The last one is translated "Boarded by God."

54. Nikitin

Name Nikita means literally "win". The surname is quite ancient, documented yet in the XV century Thanks to the traveler Athanasius Nikitin. They met among representatives and attended nobles.

Monument to the representative of the name Nikitin - Afanasy
Monument to the representative of the name Nikitin - Afanasy

55. Sobolev

I could get a surname a particularly successful hunter, From which it was possible to buy a lot of sable skins. Or merchant.

Also nickname Sable was getting A beautiful person, sophisticated. There is still an expression “sable eyebrows”.

56. Ryabov

The surname comes from the word "Ryaba", That is colorful. Previously, they could call a person so, whose face suffered from smallpox.

It is curious that you can meet the mention of the nickname yet 1595. In the future, it was transformed into a full -fledged surname.

57. Polyakov

Verb "Poles" Meaned literally "New life". He was applied to a person freenot related to serfs. According to studies, the surname was extremely common among cossacks.

There was also a verb "Flow", What does it mean "hunt". Therefore, such a nickname could give a hunter.

Important: of course, the geographical version deserves attention. Previously, the Poles could call all the inhabitants of the Polish-Lithuanian state. The inhabitants of Russia were called, but it was the steppe, field regions.

Famous representative of the surname Polyakov Valery - Cosmonaut
Famous representative of the surname Polyakov Valery - Cosmonaut

59. Tsvetkov

The surname is popular deservedly - it reminds of flowering, prosperity. Often its carriers became representatives of the clergy - The surname reminded of paradise. The latter was often called a flower garden.

It is believed that the surname still occurred in the XII century. More precisely, in its first half.

60. Zhukov

A similar nickname - Bug - Often gave a person black -haired. Probably resembling an insect outwardly.

We also carried out an analogy with some qualities. So, the beetle symbolized perseverance, a positive attitude to work.

61. Frolov

It is believed that the nickname Frol Formed from Flor. The latter was a male name translated as "flowering".

The patron of the name was martyr Frol, The victim in the name of faith. Because the name was especially loved representatives of the clergy.

Important: the name Florenty also existed. True, it was not so common.

Representative of the surname Kozma Frolov - inventor -hydraulic engineer
Representative of the surname Kozma Frolov-inventor-hydraulic engineer

62. Zhuravlev

There was a name Crane, since this bird was very revered by the Slavs. Like the stork, she was the patroness Family. It was believed that the crane protects the kids.

The bird also acted as a symbol giftedness. Children were called in her honor, hoping that the baby would have talents.

However, the nickname of the crane could receive a person similar to a bird. That is tall, with long legs.

63. Nikolaev

The name is due to the connection of two parts. it “Nika” - win, “laos” - “people”. Subsequently, Nikolai, Nikolai turned into Nikolaev.

Believers can name more than one patron of the name. This prompted many parents to call their sons in this way.

Also, Nikolai could be called the baby, born in the winter. At this time, the holiday of Nikolai-Zimemny was celebrated.

64. Krylov

The surname was especially loved immigrants from spiritual seminaries. She symbolized takeoff. It is also worth recalling a distinctive line of angels - wings.

Important: Krylov’s nickname could give a person to a man. They say about these "he is clean."

The surname Krylov is known thanks to the author of famous fables
The surname Krylov is known thanks to the author of famous fables

65. Maximov

Name Maksim It has a very attractive translation - "Filled greatness, huge." It has always been popular, therefore it is not surprising that the surname is included in the rating of common ones.

66. Sidorov

The source of the name was the Orthodox Isidore. It, in turn, goes root in the Greek interpretation "The gift of Isis." Isis was considered the patroness of agriculture. Given the fact that this kind of activity was one of the most necessary, the name was often used.

67. Osipov

Surname Source - Name Osip, Joseph. Hebrew interpretation named after - "God will increase, add". In Christianity, there are several saints who bore such a name.

68. Belousov

There is a version that the source served as the cereal plant is Belous. The stems that have faded are just light. This probably served as a parallel with fair -skinned, fair -haired people.

For the same reason, a person could be called Belousov, connecting two words. That is "White" and "mustache" - They also described appearance.

Known to many representatives of the surname - singer Evgeny Belousov
Known to many representatives of the surname - singer Evgeny Belousov

69. Fedotov

The surname from the worldly name occurred Fedot. According to the beliefs, the worldly name was called protect against evil spirits. In addition, it helped determine a person to some kind.

Important: there were few baptismal names, so they only decided not to rely on them.

The Fedot is translated from Greek as "The one given by the gods". The famous patron of the name is Feodot Caesarea. Being a boyar by origin, he abandoned material wealth and began to serve Vera.

70. Dorofeev

The origin should be sought in a baptismal name Dorofei. Greek language interprets it like "God's gift".

Patron - saint Dorotheus. In his youth, he studied science, and later he became a novice of John the Prophet, left a large number of messages.

71. Egorov

Name George, served as a source of surname, literally means "Agriculture." Colloquial Russian form formed from it - Egor.

There is another version attributing the surname to the verb "Evil". This representative of the Ural dialect means "Sitting restless". That is, they could call active children.

Boris Egorov - Cosmonaut, representative of the surname
Boris Egorov - astronaut, representative of the surname

72. Matveev

Name Matvey Jewish, meaning “The one who is granted by God,” “God's man.”
The very first mention of the surname rises by the XVII century. Namely, to the boyar Artamon Matveev - a prominent figure close to Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. It is considered the founder of the surname.

73. Bobrov

Beaver The Slavs considered a symbol wisdom, everyday cunning. He also acted as a synonym determination, independence.

Residents of the Yaroslavl province had the habit of calling Bobr, Bobrynya The owner of dark hair. Probably by analogy with the dark fur of the animal.

Important: the surname is considered ancient. One of its carriers is recorded in the documents of the 15th century.

74. Dmitriev

Name Dmitry Has Greek roots. It translates as "Servant Demeter." The goddess patronized this farmers. Therefore, it is not surprising that the name, and then the surname liked the Slavs.

75. Kalinin

The surname was formed from Kalya - Mirsky name. More precisely, from Kalinnik - full form of the name. The name consisted of two parts where "Callos" It was translated as “Beauty”, “Nick” - “Victory”. In other words, the child called "Beautiful, kind winner."

Representative of the surname from the world of music - conductor Nikolai Kalinin
Representative of the surname from the world of music - conductor Nikolai Kalinin

76. Anisimov

Name Onisim translated from Greek as "Fulfill, complete". After some time, the name acquired a colloquial form- Anis, Anisya.

Some people believe that the source of the surname should be sought in a variety of apples. However, there is apparently there is no reason to believe.

77. Petukhov

Slavs extremely appreciated the rooster, because it was believed that he was able drive the evil spirits. People previously listened with attention to the cry of this bird, as they thought that he portended getting good news Or the arrival of guests.

Important: a person’s character with the characteristics of the bird was also carried out. Often a rooster was called a brawler, a bracket.

78. Antonov

The surname is formed on behalf of Anton, which, in turn, is a simplified form of the name Anthony. The name was generic in Rome. It meant "compete".

Representative of the surname Yuri Antonov - musician
Representative of the surname Yuri Antonov - musician

79. Timofeev

Name Timothy It was translated as "The one who reads God". Previously, it was very common, therefore the surname can be found often.

It is curious that the Timofeevs have a single root of the family. The ancestors can include dyakov, service, clever XV-XVI centuries.

80. Nikiforov

Name Nicephorus Translated means "Victorious". Nicephorus Antioch is the patron of the name, and therefore the surnames. In the III century, he adopted the martyrdom in honor of faith.

81. Veselov

It is easy to assume that the beginning of the surname was laid by the characteristic of its owner. That is fun, a light warehouse of character.

However, the nickname Happy It could also indicate the family of human classes. For example, buffoonery.

82. Filippov

Name Philip translated from Greek rather unusual - "Lovers of horses." The horse previously symbolized light, purity, intelligence. It was considered a source vitality.

IMPORTANT: Therefore, you can interpret the surname as "life -loving."

Representative of the surname from the world of the cinema - actor Sergey Filippov
Representative of the surname from the world of the cinema - actor Sergey Filippov

83. Markov

Translated name Mark means "hammer". Some researchers associate him with the Roman deity of the war Mars.

Believers love to give this name to the child in honor apostle Mark - Peter's student. He was engaged in preaching activities, for which he took martyrdom.

84. Bolshakov

This surname was assigned to people who they wanted to call Important. "Big" here acted as "impressive, outstanding."

It is also worth looking for roots in the nickname Bolshak. They were awarded The owner. Or someone senior- brother, son. Most often, such a surname was found At wealthy peasants.

85. Sukhanov

The root of the name can be sought in the description of the appearance of a person. Sukhan Could call a person excessively thin, skinny. Often to a painful state.

Important: it could also be the personality of stale, insensitive.

Some researchers see the Turkic roots in the names. Based on the fact that "SU" means "water", a "Khan" - "having power."

86. Mironov

The surname was formed from Miron - Church name. It, in turn, translates as "fragrant". It's time to recall the "Miro", "Mirotham".

Sometimes the surname Mironov is deciphered as "The bearing world."

Another artistic representative of the surname is actor Andrey Mironov
Another artistic representative of the surname is actor Andrei Mironov

87. Shiryaev

This surname could be assigned to a person wide -fluent, large. These were called a nickname Shirsh.

Also nickname Side could indicate a lifestyle of a person. That is, on his tendency live "in a wide leg."

88. Alexandrov

The surname comes from the name Alexander. That is literally "Human defender". Also its meaning "Courageous". You can count more than three dozen patrons of the name.

89. Konovalov

The Latin language interprets this surname as "Prosecutor". So called people who holded the Lordb. And they kept it tightly, not letting it go.

They also called people who possessed well -developed muscles. They could protect their tribe. Therefore, they used a lot of honor.

The people who were engaged in the treatment of horses. In this case, the animal was stacked in a horizontal position.

Important: this surname is one of the oldest in the world.

Representative of one of the oldest surnames - neurosurgeon Alexander Konovalov
The representative of one of the oldest surnames is the neurosurgeon Alexander Konovalov

90. Shestakov

Six could be called a child who, in order to be born, is Sixth. Literally - "sixth boy." Most often, such a surname was found In the northern regions.

91. Cossacks

Mainly such a surname was quite deservedly received Cossacks or their descendants. However, they could simply name the Cossack underbature, volitioner.

In some cases, the Cossack called satin, messenger. Or flatwho was hired for a year.

The Turkic language interprets the word "Cossack" multifaceted. It can be an unmarried man, daredevil, a tramp. In all these cases, there is a unifying characteristic - independence.

92. Efimov

Name Efim It was translated as "pious". Also suitable interpretations are "Sacred", "having complacency." It is assumed that most often the surname from such a name was immigrants from the common people.

93. Denisov

Name Denis - the usual form of Greek Dionysus. The latter was called the deity, patronizing Agriculture, winemaking.

Important: it was believed that such a name endows its owner with fun, cheerfulness, and the ability to encourage.

Representative of the surname - military leader Andriyan Denisov
Representative of the surname - military leader Andriyan Denisov

94. Gromov

Such a nickname could receive a person whose distinguishing feature was powerful voice. Taki personalities were usually chosen as singers.

"Run over" Sometimes designated and "Laugh, make noise." That is, an amateur could get a surname fun, laughing in a voice.

95. Fomin

The surname comes from the name Thomaswhich is literally translated as "twin". There is nothing strange in this, if we recall that they called one of the apostles that was very similar to Jesus Christ.

By the way, the same Apostle could not believe in the execution of Jesus until he saw his wounds. Since then, the phrase has appeared "Doubting Thomas". Therefore, a person could get a similar surname an incredulous.

96. Davydov

The roots lie in the name David. It translates as "Darling". So called especially beloved children. However, representatives of the surname used the location of those in power.

97. Melnikov

This surname belongs to the category of those that descended from the profession. And given the fact that melniki They were always held in high esteem and were needed everywhere, it became quite common.

Pavel Melnikov - an outstanding representative of the surname, ethnographer -biofidist
Pavel Melnikov-an outstanding representative of the surname, ethnographer-biofidist

98. Shcherbakov

Nickname Shcherbak Could get a person on his face Traces of smallpox. And given the fact that up to the century before last, this disease often touched people, the nickname also took root.

Also "scherbaks" were called people who have there were not enough several teeth. Moreover, the front.

Important: it is worth paying attention to some dialects. So, they interpreted such a nickname as “a hapug, a combustible”, “scolding”.

99. Blinov

This surname, like any "bread", indicates that Bread really in Russia was the whole head. Even in folk art, this is reflected in the form of many proverbs.

100. Kolesnikov

Professional surname. It is likely that her ancestor is masterful made, repair the wheels. Or he could be coachman.

Previously joking Kolesnik called The owner of the glasses. Since the pince -nez previously was in demand and resembled a wheel in shape, a lover of such an accessory received a logical nickname.

Representative of the surname from the world of science - historian and doctor of sciences Peter Kolesnikov
Representative of the surname from the world of science - historian and doctor of sciences Peter Kolesnikov

Surely every person at least once in his life was interested in learning about the secret of his surname. After all, she is not just a chaotic set of letters, but a whole story. I would like to hope that our rating helped some of those interested.

A little about where the Russian surnames came from:

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