How to determine the nationality of the inhabitants of European and Asian countries at the end of the surname: examples, description

How to determine the nationality of the inhabitants of European and Asian countries at the end of the surname: examples, description

Each person is endowed with the surname. But in order to find out about what nationality a person belongs to, you need to look at the end of the surname.

To learn to determine what nationality the surname belongs to the end of its end. It is this letter combination that gives a complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe nationality of the interlocutor. It also helps to predict his tastes and traditions.

How to determine a nationality named for residents of European countries?

  • How to determine a nationality named? To know as much as possible about the origin of your last name is useful not only for introspection, but also for establishing communicative relations in society.
  • Owning information about the belonging of certain names to a certain nationality, a person can easily decide on the style of communication, based on the moral and ethical norms of the country of the interlocutor.


  • For the inhabitants of this country, the endings are typical: "-Ist", "-son", "-Ostrom", "-ereg".
  • For example: Andersson, Vinberg, subacute, fecalist.


  • In this people, the surname has not only characteristic endings, but also suffixes: “-But”, “-Ini”, “-yat”, “-ish”, “-1”, “-ot”, “-atte”.
  • As in the surnames: Kolpino, Marinette, Ferrita. Meeting prefixes "Dee" or "yes" In the surnames-they can indicate both the region of origin and involvement in any particular genus, sometimes a noble one: Marcellla Di Alberto-deciphens as Marcell, the son of Alberto. The great artist, inventor Leonardo da Vinci was from the southern Italian city of Vinci, as tells his surname with the prefix "yes."
  • The most common family endings among Italians: “-And”, “-o”, “-a”.Such endings can be found among celebrities: Pazolini, Celentano.
  • It is also worth noting that the letter "And" At the end - indicates involvement in the genus and is found everywhere: bonne - means that this person is from the Bonn family.

Each region of Italy has its own endings, according to which any Italian identifies his countryman.

  • Region Piedmont - Determined by the software "- Z", "- Audi", "- ERA", Tuscany - recognizable software "- AI", "- teach". I must say, the Italian surnames are one of the most multi -sounding and colorful surnames.
  • Due to the fact that in ancient times the formation of names in this territory was carried out not only from the participle to the clan, but also from the geographical location, attitude to the profession or craft, and was also derived on behalf of the mother or simply beautiful words. Therefore, it is quite difficult to determine a person’s belonging to Italy.


  • Since ancient times, the prefix to the name has been the words formed from the natural elements, as well as the world of flora and fauna: Alv - the meaning of the "wolf", Bernhard - means "bold bear". Otherwise, there are options that originate on behalf of.
  • Sometimes a suffix is \u200b\u200badded to it "-Sen", "-son", What can be translated as “son”: Nansen is Nanta’s son. But in the female surnames, you can notice the final part of the “Doter”-a daughter.
  • Several popular surnames of Norwegian descent: Abo, Eland, Rockston, Woland, Avdal, Alvik, Bogsund, Polden. However, the suffix may not be used at all - the initials of a person consist of two names: Olaf Borten, Airik Per.


  • They have a special ending "-Ov", which is customary to use with any letter combination. This rule concerns female surnames. Therefore, among the Czechs you can meet: Bilaonov Solovov, Shopokov.
  • Czechs belong to the group of Slavic peoples - to determine nationality by last name It is important to understand that they are very consonant with the usual Russian, Ukrainian and Polish options: Lors, Kucher, Merry, Freedom, Black.
  • Sometimes an affectionate form is used: imaginary, cidulum, home. According to statistics, the most common surname in the Czech Republic is Novak.

Portuguese, Spaniards

  • Their nationality is easily determined by characteristic endings: "-OZ", "-OS", "-es", "-AC". The Spaniards can be considered people with surnames: Gonzalez, Martinos, Diaz, Antis.
  • Among the Spaniards are found double surnames - recreated from the names of the father and mother. This is noticeable in those Spaniards who are a descendant of a historical famous kind.
  • In the modern world, the Spaniards demonstrate their aristocracy, the insert “de” or “and” between the two parts: Martinez de Sanchez, Dano and Benin.
  • There are surnames of territorial origin: Cruz de Serna. And also from personal names: Perez, Fernandez, Gestas, Medina.


  • Only Greek roots are inherent to have a surname with endings "-Ca", "--flos." Their origin is associated with many factors: the name or nickname of the ancestors, the origin of activity, the area of \u200b\u200bresidence, a significant event and qualities of the character of a person.
  • Many other peoples passed through the territory of Greece, which was reflected in the formation of some surnames. So in the Greek list of surnames, you can find the influence of the Turkish, Slavic, Italian adverb.
  • It is important to know that it is not customary to include the female genus of the word form, unlike the male family, which is inclined according to generally accepted norms. Types of Greek surnames: Khersonis, Docidi, Truz, Sharpen, Notropis.


  • At the end of the surname, determine the nationality: "-Glings", "-sade", "-ji", "-AZ". One of the components is a personal name, as well as a description of the qualities of the carrier or its characteristic features.
  • Like other nations, the Turks like to bring to their initials - attitude to the family and habitat. You can find other prosaic names with which a person is called.
  • The Turks are: Yalmaz, Karolu, Bayrak, Kungur, West, Shakhmurade.


  • The roots of the Bulgarian people can be determined by the presence of suffixes "-Ov" and "-ev", assigned to a nominal share. For example: Gavrilov, Emelyanov, Slavies, Zakhariev.


  • According to the final part of the surname, it is customary to determine a person of a person in their family among the Georgian people: an aristocratic rank of origin and belonging to the region from which this genus comes.
  • In the total number of Georgian surnames, there are 13 characteristic endings. The most famous are: “-Dza”, “shvili”, “-wa”, “-l”, “-a”, “-ni”, “-x”.
  • Examples of Georgian surnames: Japaridze, Davitashvili, Alchba, Tsereteli, Kechua, Beria.


  • To understand that you are in front of you by a representative of the Azerbaijani people. His surname will have the end "-Ev", "-ov", And the indigenous part consists of any Azerbaijani name.
  • Often, there are endings: “-Sade”, “-l”, “-gls”, “-yal”. Azerbaijani representatives: Alikperov, Aliyev, Usmanov, Merujanov, Khalilov, Andzheev.


  • Popularity among Armenians are suffixes “-Yan”, “-unit”. The formation of the Armenian surname occurs according to the same principle as in other peoples: personal names, household words, historical events, places of birth, natural phenomena, animals and vegetation.
  • Examples: Oganesyan, Arshoki, Arutyunyan, Gazaryans.


  • There are three main groups characterizing Jewish origin. The first group includes surnames, which on their basis have derivatives from the root "Cohen" or "Levin": Levinson, Levitsky, Cohen Blat. The second group is made up of male and female names with the addition of some suffixes, including: "-Son", "-wich."
  • The third group includes the options formed from the description of a person: his character and kind of activity.
  • Jewish surnames take their beginning from various sources, from biblical names to the transformation of foreign surnames.
  • Jewish include: Arstanovich, Feldman, Rappoport, Shifrin, Fourier, Parkinson, Gustavovich, Miller, Penkin, Abramov, Nisimov, Marshak, Shusterman, Lieberman.


  • Determine the Moldavian surname - you can at the ends: "-An", "-Aska", "-u", "-l": Rotaru, Russa.


  • The surnames of the indigenous people of Russia, as a rule, have suffixes: “-In”, “-ov”, “-y”, “-ev”, “-ka”. In addition to generally accepted forms characterizing the occupation and belonging to a particular family, some regional characteristics of language groups that brought Russians into the use of the surname, various forms of word formation, influenced the formation of the surname.
  • Sometimes, happened the process of Russification Foreign names: One of the forms of endings, characteristic of Russian speech, was added to the paramount word.
  • Therefore, the list of Russian surnames has the following variety: Vasiliev, Petrov, Chernykh, Tverskaya, Ptitsyn, Michurin, Zagorodny, Buditskaya.

It is important to know that at the ends of the feminine there are letters “A”, “I”: Grebenshchikova, Petrovskaya.

The Russians
The Russians


  • The standard surnames of Belarusians end, for the letter combination: “-In”, “-chik”, “-ok”, “-chich”. And a more difficult ending: "-Enoch".
  • However, there are those that resemble Russian or Polish words. Typical representatives of Belarus: Chikhalov, Ladevich, Belyavsky, Kozlov, Alenich.


  • This nationality belongs to several groups of word formation of surnames. The first group should include surnames with suffixes: "-Ko", "-uk", "-yako" - determining the birth value and the vast majority for this nationality.
  • The second group is formed, according to the profession or craft of the carrier.
  • And the third group consists of words borrowed from the Ukrainian vocabulary. Ukrainian surnames: Dovgalyuk, Miroshnichenko, Vasilchuk, Kravets, Tkach, Boyko, Paly, Shkirko.
  • It is worth highlighting the surnames that are based on the merger of two wordsdenoting the action or external description of a person: militar, subrigore, Chernous.
The Slavs
The Slavs


  • A distinctive feature is the end of surnames on “-Yansky”, “-yki”: Polyanskaya, Tushinskaya, Khmelnitsky.
  • Polish women, often retain their girlish surname, assigning her to her husband’s name: Koren -Novorzhevskaya.
  • However, there are unused surnames: Gurevich, Poznyak, Kovach, Reshat, Leshak.


  • The main formula for the creation of German surnames completely coincides, with the inherent European peoples, traditions.
  • So, among the Germans, you can meet the names formed from names, crafts and appearance of man: Fisher, Neumann, Krueger, Schwartz, Wolf.
The Germans
The Germans


  • For female names, the ending is inherent: "-A", "-e."
  • The masculine is characterized by the ending "-With". Options: Alois, Uzin.


  • They have a single shape for both male and female family. Estonian versions of surnames originate from German and other foreign surnames.
  • And then, their pronunciation and spelling are transformed into the manner of Estonian spelling: Kumarin, Hermann, Chemes, Ilges, Pyarn, Iya, ETS.

The British

  • Among the British there are surnames based in the form of activity, description of appearance, As well as derivatives of personal names and territorial names: Washington, Kennedy, Churchill, Simpson.


  • In this nation, the female form of word formation has the ending "-E" And additional suffixes: "-En", "-win", "-esen". The male form of the surname - ends at: "-Anis", "-uninhabited",and "-Eans" and "-utes."
  • If the woman is unmarried, then her surname did not change and consisted of her father’s part ending in: “- those”, “- AT”, “- hut”. Famous Lithuanian surnames: Leikis, Pinkas, Set, Yurkait, Pauls.

French people

  • It is possible to determine the Frenchman if there is a prefix "De", "la": De Maupassan, la Rachelle.
  • In its origin, french surnames They contain all kinds of definitions of the appearance and character of a person, as well as personal prefixes: Lascar, Filter, Department, Julien, Blink, Richard.

How to determine a nationality named for residents asian countries?


  • For the inhabitants of this country, it is tending to make a surname of two full -fledged words. It is more important than its own name - they always write it with the title letter in front of the name.
  • This attitude is due to the tribute of respect for your family, because wearing this symbol of the family was allowed only to soldiers and aristocratic persons.
  • Modern Japanese, without exception, are the owners of the surname. And this is no longer a rarity. However, a reverent attitude to such symbolism can be found in present -day Japan.
  • Define nationality by last name It is possible by the type of well -known examples: Murakami, Kanaka, Kumamoto, Hasimoto.
On years
On years

Koreans and Chinese

  • Perhaps these peoples are the owners of the shortest, but recognizable surnames. Often consisting of one or pair of syllables. Due to the difficulty of writing many characters in the Asian language, Korean or Chinese surnames have the wrong sound when translating into European languages.
  • All European versions of sound and spelling convey only the approximate meaning: niga, tires, khvan, Liang, Lee, Min. It is important to know that after marriage, a woman has the right to preserve her identity: her husband’s surname may not be mentioned completely or register through a hyphen: Liao-Soyan.


  • For Tatar residents, the endings are typical: “-In”, “-ov”, “-ev”. Tatars traditionally form their names from their father’s names.
  • There are very few versions based on building from the name of the profession or describing the appearance of a person. Another distinguishing feature is historical spelling. In many examples, we can find that the usual endings are replaced by the ending of "-ai".
  • Examples of Tatar word education: Galiullin, Dadashev, Mamai, Safin.

Video: Tell me the last name and I will tell you who you are?

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