Why is the door creaking? How to lubricate the front, interior door so that it does not creak?

Why is the door creaking? How to lubricate the front, interior door so that it does not creak?

Causes and methods for eliminating the creaking of input and interior doors.

The door creak is a common problem that the owners of old houses face. This is mainly happening for a number of reasons that we will consider in this article, and tell you how to eliminate an unpleasant sound. 

The door creaks, what to do?

Very often, doors begin to creak immediately after installation. It usually takes place for several days, and the owners of the apartments feel unpleasant noise. In this case, this is due to the improper installation of the door leaf. It is necessary to call the repairman team so that they correctly adjust the door. If, in addition to the fact that the creak is heard, there is a difficult opening of the doors, in which case the blame for the door leaf is guilty.

The door creaks, what to do:

  • For these purposes, you must use the eccentric, and correctlyto reconcile The front door. You will need a special key. Very often there are problems with the lock if the door sagged. In this case, it is urgent to adjust it, because this can lead to breakdown of the castle.
  • You just won’t get into the house due to the fact that it will jam him. Please note that often the door loops and their components of the parts are tightly adjacent to each other. Thanks to this, it is impossible to pour lubricants there. Try to use other methods.
  • To do this, raise the door by about 1-2 cm, so that the gap is formed. Further, it is necessary to introduce lubricants into this gap. It can be machine oil or solidol. Solidol is applied with a thin stick. If you have not found anything in your house, you can use the usual pencil bar. It is necessary to grind it with sandpaper or knife, until dust is obtained. It is this dust that is found in the space between the details of the loops. 
The creak of the door
The creak of the door

Why do doors creak when opening?

The reasons why the door creaks can be different. However, the most common are the following.

Why doors creak when opening:

  • Lack or thickening lubrication 
  • The presence of dust, as well as garbage in the area of \u200b\u200bloops 
  • Corrosion of the components of the parts of the door 

Usually a creak occurs due to distortion, as a result of old age and under the weight of the door. In this case, sometimes it is enough to adjust the doors, normalizing the position of the loops, making it correct. However, this does not always help.

Lubrication of loops
Lubrication of loops

The front door creaks, what to do?

In order to cope with the creak, you can resort to several manipulations. Sometimes it is enough to lubricate the loops using oil. An ideal option for lubrication is the use of a solidol, or any other lubrication.

The front door creaks, what to do:

  • If the house has a sewing machine, then ordinary machine oil is suitable. In addition, the bottle is quite convenient due to the presence of a narrow nose through which you can enter the oil in the loops in the deepest and most distant parts.
  • You can still cope with the creak using ordinary vegetable oil. This is the worst option, but sometimes, if there is nothing suitable in the house, then vegetable oil for a short period of time can still save from the creak.
  • Vegetable oil has a very small viscosity, it is quite liquid, flowing, so it does not envelop all the components of the loops. As a result of this, it flows in a few days, so the door begins to creak again.
  • If you do not have a suitable container, you can use a regular syringe by previously removing the needle from it. The thin nose is perfectly entered into hard -to -reach places and it is allowed to lubricate the loops without analysis of the door. If after such manipulations the creak did not disappear, then you can use other methods. Most likely, the problem is not at all in the absence of lubrication or its thickening.

How to grease the door so that it does not creak?

You can cope with the problem by disassembling and removing doors. It is necessary to remove the loops and completely disassemble them. Further, with the help of soft fabric, all components are wiped in order to remove garbage, dust and remove any pollution. This helps to eliminate rust, and prevents further corrosion.

After that, if you found traces of corrosion, you need to process the door using a special composition against rust. This tool stops the oxidation of the metal and prevents the destruction of the loops. Further, lubrication is carried out, and the assembly of the components of the parts of the door. The method is usually used if the door is old enough, and the introduction of lubrication did not help. 

Than to lubricate the door so that it does not creak:

  • For these purposes, it is worth using other means that can be purchased at a vehicle store. Almost all the products used to lubricate the auto deposits are suitable to remove the creak of the entrance doors.
  • If there is rust on the hinges, then it is necessary to remove it without fail. For these purposes, it is best to use oil. It is applied to the fabric, and for several hours they are applied to the hinges, fixed.
  • Thus, under the influence of oil, part of the rust can move, it can be easily removed. However, remember, if the rust is outdated, then it is quite difficult to remove it, you will have to spend a lot of time. 

How to grease the front door so that it does not creak?

Often for these purposes they use VD-40 lubrication. However, it should be understood that this is inferior lubricant, since it contains only 20% of oil. The product is created on the basis of alcohol to clean all the details of dust and pollution.

How to grease the front door so that it does not creak:

  • Therefore, if there are no lubricants, you can pour a little VD-40 on the loops. White alcohol, thanks to his dissolving abilities, will wash off all the garbage, and may eliminate the creak. However, most likely this will not last long, due to the fact that there is no lubricant.
  • It is usually recommended after cleaning the loops with a VD-40 tool, use machine oil or solidol for lubrication. The tools used by motorists are perfect for such manipulations.
  • Indeed, some products for lubricating cars are also suitable for entrance doors. Usually they are made on the basis of silicone and machine oil. They will also help to eliminate the creak. 
The loops creak
The loops creak

Please note that to lubricate the loops of the entrance doors, you should not use the usual solidol. He has high viscosity at low temperatures, so he can cause a creak and difficulties with opening and closing the doors.

Video: The door creaks

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