Why does a homemade lizun dry up? How to restore Lizun if he dried up? How to remove dried lizun from a carpet, sofa, clothes, hair: methods

Why does a homemade lizun dry up? How to restore Lizun if he dried up? How to remove dried lizun from a carpet, sofa, clothes, hair: methods

As it is insulting when the child’s favorite toy fails. Moreover, if this is such a familiar soft lizun, which is so convenient to squeeze and sort in his hands, giving it the most bizarre outlines.

And so it becomes less, tougher, and practically stops reaching. How to return his properties to him, give a second life?

Why does a homemade lizun dry up?

Usually there are two main reasons why a homemade lizun dries:

  1. During the game Slime (so correctly called Lizun) has lost a sufficient amount of moisture. The fact is that the density of the toy is directly interconnected at the speed with which it affects it.
  2. Inappropriate storage of the toy, because of which moisture evaporates, and properties are lost. Lizun decreases in volume, its elasticity decreases and the toy simply becomes “stone”.
Lizun may dry
Lizun may dry

Lizun contains both activators and thickeners entering the reaction process with water, and thereby helping it linger in the structure of the slime. To understand how “dehydrated” Lizun is and whether it can be “reanimated”, it should be stretched. In case the toy does not stretch or, moreover, breaks - you need to do it softened.

What to do if Lizun has dried up?

  • Lizun dries faster Homemade, not factory, to which a storage container filled with a special liquid composition is always attached.
  • pay attention to consistency Toys, if it literally petrified, it is unlikely that it will be able to return it to life. But in the case when a certain seal or a slight decrease in dimensions occurred - you can try.
Save Lizun
Save Lizun

The compositions that have a liquid or gel -like consistency are called to help. You can make such a composition on the following basis:

  • Boric acidMixed with hot water (about 50 ml) and with the addition of a teaspoon of toothpaste. First you need to dissolve the paste in hot water and place Lizun there, mixing with the whole mixture. Then add about 15 ml of acid and thoroughly intensively knead in the hands of 10-15 minutes. The longer and more actively you will “squeeze” the toy, the more successfully the result will be.
  • Children's lotion or Johnsons Baby oil.This method is especially effective if, in the manufacture of Lizun, you used PVA glue, which dries very quickly, especially if it is stored in warmth. To try to soften the slime, you need to pour it with a tablespoon of the Johnsons product and knead thoroughly, kneading, at least 15 minutes.
  • Hand or body. Such a softener is suitable for Lizun, in the manufacture of which flour was used. It is necessary to make a solution of cream (it will need it somewhere near a small tube), in which add a couple of teaspoons of warm water and hold a toy in it for several minutes. When Lizun becomes a little softer, it is necessary to engage in kneading it in the palms, and do it for a long time-at least 10-15 minutes. And if, when trying to stretch the slime, you feel that it will tear now - slightly increase the amount of cream component.

How to restore Lizun if he dried up?

If Lizun has dried up, then many means have already been tried to restore it on experience. Here are some of them:

  1. Nail polish remover. The content in its composition of acetone or varieties of alcohols helps to reduce the density of materials, due to which Lizun is easier to knead. You need to take half a teaspoon of liquid to relieve varnish and, mixing with 3 tsp. toothpaste, carefully knead at least 10 minutes. It is better to do this outdoors or with an open window in order to avoid acetone vapors entering the body. Given the danger that the components of such a liquid represent, you should be especially careful and the child must certainly wash his hands after playing with Lizun.
  2. Shaving foam. Stir it in a small amount of heated water and, holding about 20 minutes of lizun in this solution, also arrange a 10-minute kneading to the toy. And if after this another problem arises - sticking to the palms, then add a little soda or drip the half of the teaspoon of such a tool as naphthyzin.
  3. Normal boiling water. Put a slice in a hermetically fastening packet made of polyethylene, pour in there 2 tsp. Water and put in a pan (a sufficiently deep bowl is suitable). Pour boiling water, let it stand for a quarter of an hour, and then take up Lizun’s kneading right in a closed bag. By the way, many advise before lowering Lizun in boiling water, hold it for 10 minutes in the freezer.
  4. Microwave, In which you should hold a bowl of water in which there will be a toy with half a minute. Then take out Lizun and open.
  5. Try to "feed" the toy. To do this, pour a small amount of water into the container for storing a slime. No need to heat it - the water temperature should be room. Then pour a little salt (literally 1-2 pinch) and, closing the lid, leave 2 hours for 2 hours.

In addition, to soften Lizun, you can add a couple of drops of antibacterial gel, hand soap, PVA glue, citric acid (very, very much, because it softens the structure of the toy quite strongly), glycerol. The most important thing is to remember that softening should be carried out by the component that is already in your lizun, and not add a new one.

How to make Lizun does not dry out?

  • To lizun has not dried up First of all, you need to take care about proper storage. If special sealed packages are provided for purchased lizun, then for home -made you can use any jar, plastic cup or container with a lid.
  • It is better to store the toy in a cool place - on the balcony or in the refrigerator at a temperature just above 0 ° C. If the temperature is higher or lower, Lizun is unlikely to be able to maintain its elastic properties: it will simply “sour” or, on the contrary, will freeze.
  • When you make lizun, do not add immediately a lot of thickening - A pair of drops is enough. It is better several times, if necessary for better plasticity, add a drop, constantly fragmenting the resulting mass.
  • In the manufacture of the toy and for its "feeding" do not use bulk products type flour or starch. This makes Lizun more and harder, and for a long time you will not be able to play with him.
  • And one more thing: do not leave the toy for a long time without movement, in which case it also loses its properties.

How can Lizun use if it has dried up?

  • If you used all methods, and Lizun dried up Try not to throw it away, but to fantasize and give him a second life.
  • So, for example, having crushed it into particles, add them to a brand new Lizun. You will get an unusual decorative content. And so that these crumbs do not “stick out”, grind them when crumble, rounding the sharp edges.
  • If your lizun is not contaminated, then put it in a transparent container, pour it there strabs, sequins, beads, beads - In a word, everything is bright and brilliant. You will have a real “space” design. This peculiar decoration of the children's room will become even more interesting if you collect several dried Lizunov there.
Make a dry lizun ball
Make a dry lizun ball
  • And you can make a funny ball that will have fun. The main thing is to try give the Slime a round shape (This is possible if the toy has not hardened and it is still possible to knead it).
  • When the ball dries, you can play with it. Having mixed several of these lizons of different colors, you can get several balls that will delight the eye with an unusual coloring with stains.

Lizun dried up - how to remove from a carpet or sofa: Methods

  • If you immediately noticed the problem and lizun dried Not yet finally, you can collect pieces of the fallen and adhering Lizun with another one with the same toy. If the slime managed to get slightly, use laundry soap or peroxide, Approaching them to a problem place.
  • In addition, you may come to your aid sea \u200b\u200bsalt, ammonia and lemon juice, Mixed in a single composition - simply thoroughly wipe it with a contaminated place. But, before rubbing, try this mixture on a small area, preferably not particularly noticeable - suddenly the carpet material will suffer, change color, and the “eating” of the pile is not excluded.
  • Without special fears, you can use funds, specially designed for cleaning carpets. Finding them in stores is not difficult. You can try to rub an agent with which you usually wash the dishes, as a rule, they include substances that break down fats that are always in lizunes. After cleansing, use a steam generator well.
From the carpet
From the carpet
  • Completely dried to the carpet, you can try get a scrap with a knife or a scalpel. And if all of the above methods did not give a result, try applying a powder designed for chemical cleaning, which can be found in stores of the corresponding profile.
  • And the most extreme case when all your efforts turned out to be in vain - appeal to professional workers engaged in cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture. They can be called to the house.

How to remove Lizun from clothes if he dried up?

  1. Use boiling water, Bay them spoiled clothes. When the water has cooled, send it to the washing machine, adding ammonia there (not more than 1 tsp). Just be careful and make sure that the washing of this type of fabric provides for hot water, and not low temperatures.
  2. "Freeze" the laid in a plastic bag, clothes in the freezer. Flapped spots can be tried to scrape with a knife.
  3. The tool used in washing dishes: apply it to the place to which Lizun has dried up, and leave it like that, let the night lie down. Then the thing should be thoroughly rinsed. Perhaps the procedure will have to be repeated repeatedly.
  4. Cotton and linen things can be cleaned with alcohol.
  5. Special stain -asliters They can also help get rid of the spot left with a mocking lizun.
  6. If an expensive thing has suffered, do not take risks, give it to dry cleaning and let professionals solve the problem.
From clothes
From clothes

How to remove Lizun from hair if it has dried up?

  • First assistant, if Lizun has dried on the hair - Vegetable oil, anyone is suitable. The oil will contribute to Lizun softening, and then an ordinary sponge will help. Instead of oil, you can use Mousse for hair, petroleum jelly and even hand cream.
  • Hair, like clothes, can to freeze. In the freezer, of course, you should not put your head, but attach to the place where Lizun stuck, ice is quite possible. When the slime froze, it will be much easier to clean from the hair.

Video: How to restore dried Lizun?

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