What needs to be done to become older to a guy, a girl: a lead guide

What needs to be done to become older to a guy, a girl: a lead guide

Being children, we dreamed of growing as soon as possible. Teenagers and children want to be adults in order to have complete freedom of action, they are burdened with the so -called dependence on parents.

Growing up not only freedom, but also in the ability to distinguish between concepts as good and evil, wisdom and stupidity. An adult is able to curb his youthful maximalism, control emotions and be responsible for his actions.

How to grow up and become independent?

How to become an adult is a very serious question, the answer to which each teenager has individual. It is important to remember that your wonderful childhood without worries and trouble can no longer be returned, and growing up without control and strong shoulder of parents will still come. No need to rush this process.

It's time to understand that childhood is already behind
It's time to understand that childhood is already behind

Tips on how to grow up and become an independent person:

  • Try listen to the advice older generation. Parents are always ready to give a wise advice, say a parting word when you make an important decision in life. It is these people that will help you make a difficult choice.
  • As soon as you become older, every day you must understand that responsibility for actions lies only with you. And no one else will be able to delegate it.
  • Do not think that adults can and know everything at once. For this, the same experience that so much and often talk about. Over time, you will also acquire it.
  • And, to look old visually, consult with specialists and select a stylish hairstyle, makeup and bows for every day, and for the holidays. It is very important for growing up adults and externally.
  • Develop emotional maturity. Be open to the new, do not doubt yourself. Control your emotions do not succumb to aggression.
  • Learn the art of communication. Determine the equipment assertive communication, learn to communicate politely and affably.
  • Be tolerantTo come to the rescue in difficult times.
  • Useful actions can also strengthen your self -esteem. Studies show that when we help others, we experience a sense of duty and are proud of the done.

In order to grow up as a girl and a young man, you need to think about the future, about your own family and a successful career. The life goal is one of the main guidelines of the teenager. After all, when achieving the goal, it is necessary to solve certain problems, and they will not always be simple.

How to start reasoning in an adult way, how to think like an adult?

Thinking is a necessary skill and a vital resource of an adult. To learn how to reason as adults, it is necessary to develop critical thinking.

Growing up in stages
Growing up in stages

5 steps, how to become older and make reasonable decisions:

  1. Find your weaknesses.
  • You are probably like that teddy yoga bear, you think that you are the smartest person on the planet. We all at least once in our lives set ourselves above the rest of the people. Often, superior to self -esteem is possessed by people who are nothing of themselves.
  • Of course, in your defense you can say that your level of intelligence is high and you were even an excellent student at school. But this is just an indicator of the syndrome of “biased confirmation” - you only notice what you want to see and hear.
  • Do not agree? Then psychologists will say that you have "Blind spot of bias", that is, stubbornly deny defects of your own thoughts.
  • The fact that we are prone to subconscious biaseswhich impede our rational solutions.
  • Fortunately, people can learn to recognize their prejudice.
  1. Recognize your mistakes.
  • “A person should not be shy to admit that he was wrong. This means that today it has become wiser. " - wrote the poet A. Pope.
  • The ability to recognize your mistakes is considered a key feature of a person, which is called "open."
  • In addition, this feature says how easy it is you to cope with uncertainty and how quickly you are ready to change thoughts depending on obtaining new facts.
  • Modestly and soberly evaluate itself pays off in the long term.
  • Intellectual modesty It is expressed in the ability to realize the boundaries of their knowledge.
  1. Argue with yourself.
  • To develop self -criticism, just take a position that does not suit you and prove to yourself that it has a place to be. Find arguments, arguments. It is not necessarily correct, but so you can understand that only you are not always right, your point of view.
  • Such an internal dispute helps to get rid of many stable statements, for example, from excessive self -confidence.
  • Similarly, imagine yourself in the place of another person to try to change his point of view.
  1. "What if…"
  • One way to develop the flexibility of thinking is to come up with an alternative option for the development of a particular event.
  • Children use thinking contrary to facts when they fantasize during games. This helps them know the new and expand the horizons.
  • Adults flexible thinking helps to get out of difficult non -standard situations faster.
  1. Do not underestimate the instructions.
  • When we carry out a difficult task, forgetting about elementary things is very easy.
  • That is why Dr. Gevande recommends using instructions-memorable instructions.

How to grow up in character, become serious?

  • The person’s attitude to himself is crucial in how others perceive him. Therefore, you should begin to grow up with the inner world, its maturity and fullness.
  • If the head is busy with computer games and social networks, you do not have to count on a serious attitude to yourself. Such people even after 30 years will receive a reprimand from their parents or spouse. And the main thing is to consider this the norm.
Sometimes a child can reason adult than a 30-year-old infantile person
Sometimes a child can reason adult than a 30-year-old infantile person

Recommendations how to become older and more serious:

  1. Decide on the goal.

To become older, you need to decide why you need it, what you do not like today in your character and life.

If you want to become successful in business, or in another business, describe your target on a sheet of paper on points:

  • Who. Determine for yourself if you can achieve the goal alone. You may need the help of parents, friends or coach.
  • What. Specify your goal. It is impossible to achieve something abstract. For example, you want to buy a car. Decide on the budget, brand and technical characteristics.
  • When. It will help you determine how much time you will need to achieve the goal.
  • Where. Decide where you will work to achieve the goal
  • Why. The most important question. Think about whether the goal is really so important to you and what benefit it can bring.
  1. Find your favorite business and do it.
  • Hobby is a good way struggle against stress and anger. The main goal of hobbies is to help self -realize.
  • Choose a hobby that will benefit you and pump your skills. For example, playing a guitar, the art of photography, needlework. Look for yourself.
  1. Make yourself a daily schedule.
  • The schedule for each day will allow developing discipline, seriousness. It will also allow you to do more things than without a schedule.
  • It is noted that a person can work faster and more productive if he has a clear plan of action.
  • If it seems to you that there is nothing to write down, start with such elementary points as: cook breakfast, brush your teeth. Soon you can record more significant points.
  1. Read the books of successful people.
  • Books make a person more smart and creative, help live longer and generally lead to success in life.
  1. Go in for sports.
  • He not only disciplines sport, but also helps to get rid of bad habits, teaches you to set goals and achieve them.
  • Forms volitional qualities of character, self -organization.
  • He teaches to correctly perceive not only victories, but also defeats.
  • During training, you analyze why this or that action you can’t do, and what to do to achieve success, despite the fears and self -doubt. And in the end - win.
  • This is the fundamental basis of self -confidence.
  1. Communicate with serious people.
  • It can be friends, acquaintances, parents. With whom you are more often communicating, and so become.
  • Find an example to follow (at work). Find a person whose success you admire. Ask him to become your mentor. For example, if your colleague professionally fulfills his duties, despite the obstacles created by the company's policy, do the same as he.
  1. Win all fears.
  • Due to indecision, we often do not reach the desired, what we dream about. Release prejudices.
  • Turn on common sense and look only at the facts.
  • Overcoming fear, you gain the necessary firmness in the character that will become your guide in decision -making and achieving goals.
Fight with fears
Fight with fears

How to become an adult in a relationship, take responsibility for relations?

In order for the relationship to be strong, you need to become older, and learn some things:

  • Be able to keep the word. It implies the ability to do what you promised to another person, despite all kinds of obstacles and adverse circumstances.
  • To be able to prioritize. Learn to determine when seriousness is needed, and when you can blow up. After all, adulthood does not mean constant seriousness.
  • Be able to settle conflicts. Take each other as you are. There are disagreements in long -term relationships. But it is very important to know how to behave, so as not to aggravate them, and to bring maximum comfort to the relationship, both for yourself and for a partner.
  • Control your emotions and actions. In a healthy relationship there is no place for anger and depression. To be an adult, forget about discontent, and there should be a sweet and satisfied smile on your face. Learn to quickly make decisions with a cold head. To do this, you need to be able to criticize your actions and adequately accept criticism in your address.
In a relationship, adults go hand in hand
In a relationship, adults go hand in hand

If you succeed in doing all this, then the relationship will develop harmoniously. No man will take a girl seriously with numerous whims. But a truly adult woman will be able to like not only the gentleman, but also his environment. Change, but gradually!

Family influence on personality formation

  • The family is the oldest and most durable connection. Everything that is laid down in our character, everything that we take in our adult and independent life is embedded in us primarily in the family, during the hours of family communication, family leisure.
  • Of course, the world of a person forms a school, a book street ... But it is the family that is the primary environment where the formation of the personality takes place, where we learn the first information about the diversity and complexity of the world around us, about good and evil.
  • The family forms our habits and skills, our views and life plans, needs and abilities. All develops in the family circle palette of our emotions and feelings, through the family we get social experience, adopt traditions.
  • It is in the family that there is a difficult process of educating beliefs, exactingness to oneself and others, mercy and sympathy for a person.
  • The role of the family in the process of growing up is large and responsible. Parents strengthen and temper the child’s body, develop his speech and thinking, form the interests, tastes, skills, abilities, instructs love for knowledge, curiosity, hard work. The family lays the foundation for the mental, aesthetic, spiritual and physical development of the individual.
The family forms a personality
The family forms a personality

A person becomes older when he begins to take care of relatives and friends, appreciates his time and not spend it on all sorts of nonsense. Most often this happens at the age of 18-22 years.

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