What days of the week you can and cannot be washed: signs, prohibitions in washing everyday things, interpretation of dreams related to washing, superstition about washing, which exist in other countries

What days of the week you can and cannot be washed: signs, prohibitions in washing everyday things, interpretation of dreams related to washing, superstition about washing, which exist in other countries

Many of us are engaged in washing almost daily. Let's learn about signs related to this action.

Our ancestors paid special attention to little things, and especially if these little things concerned life. Excessive observation contributed to the emergence of signs, customs and even legends. Washing did not go unnoticed.

What days of the week you can and cannot be washed out linen: signs

In ancient Russia, only girls were engaged in washing. Basically, all signs related to it foreshadowed a successful marriage at the “laundress” or not.

  • If you start washing in rainy weather, then the marriage will be unsuccessful, since the rain symbolizes tears.
  • When things were left to dry out for the night - the girl could not meet real and sincere love, or lose her.
  • On the day of marriage, washing foreshadowed that the life of the newlyweds would be dirty and unhappy, full of quarrels and scandals.
  • When the young begin to live together, it was impossible to wash on the first Monday, on a young moon or on Saturday, it was impossible. Similarly, when a married man begins to undertake men's work.
  • A favorable day for washing Monday is considered (in Russia, the washing day was transferred to Thursday, from where the name “Clean Thursday” came from.
About washing
About washing
  • If you have outlined the washing day closer to Sunday, the worse. A bad sign is considered to be washing on holidays. It is best to wash on the waning moon.
  • Washing on Saturday - An indicator of a bad mistress.
  • Grandmas in the village, when they saw that the girl was walking with water for washing and splashing her, said that her future husband will have thick lips.
  • In no case could you wash or bathe a child in the water, which stood all night. Water should be fresh, otherwise not to pass the curses of evil spirits and evil demons that offend the kids.
  • Birds that return from warm countries to Ivan's day can return if things are washed on this day.
  • It was considered a crime to launch a wash on a passionate Friday, according to the legend, when Jesus rose to Calvary, the "laundress" humiliated him, saying offensive words.

Some signs related to washing are intertwined with the rites of the peoples of other countries. Our grandmothers also adhered to such an opinion that when the girl, in the process of washing, spraying her clothes and does not change her, and walks in wet things - marry her for a drinking man. This sign came to us from a similar Wales: "If the girl sprayed the water at the time of washing, then the husband will come home drunk and start a scandal."

Signs have long
Signs have long
  • After washing water, in no case should you pour on the road, this will lead to a conflict situation with neighbors.
  • In accordance with the believers of the Orkney Islands, dirty water symbolizes diseases. And when you pour her out of the gate of the house and another person will cross this puddle, all diseases will go to him.
  • Especially in order to avoid conflicts with neighbors (sometimes even guiding damage on their part), a special place in the garden was taken for dirty water. In most villages and villages, old people are faithful to traditions and use this way to this day.

It has long been a belief that you can’t wash festive and ritual clothes at all. Only once a year, in the summer it was alarmed on the street.

Bans in the washing of everyday things by our ancestors: signs

  • Women's dresses cannot be washed with men and children's things. This will bring the disease on children, and a man will overtake a failure on the hunt.
  • You can not make a round hole, on the just washed clothes. The hole in the hole is a place on the body of a person that will be subject to disease.
  • Washing, from time immemorial, had a powerful love spell. You can bewitch a man or woman, derarac or her underwear manually, and squeezing them with trepidation and love.
  • You can beg a guy if a girl bakes a pancake on the water, which remained after washing underwear stained with menstruation.
Do not wash male and female together
Do not wash male and female together

So that your man does not look at other women, at the falling moon, his underwear must be washed in the current water (river, stream). It is worth pronouncing such a spell during a rinse: “Current water, fast river, take the sadness of my beloved (name) on the rival. Just how you yearn about underwater stones, sands, you are constantly moving, driving waves, discard my husband’s sadness across my opponent».

Interpretation of dreams associated with washing

  • Washing in a dream means a struggle that will bring you victory and success in all endeavors. If after washing the clothes are clean, your intentions will bring great happiness. If on the contrary, then expect an unfavorable turn of fate.
  • If you dreamed in a dream a beautiful girl who is engaged in washing, then you will begin to search for unreasonable pleasures.
Dreams about washing
Dreams about washing
  • Washing underwear - you have hidden complexes that you are trying to hide from others. If the underwear is dirty, then you are surrounded by gossip and their occasion comes directly from you.
  • A stranger is engaged in your washing in a dream - this will bring illness in real life. If you are in a dream in the laundry, then be careful, your competitors are trapping you.

Superstition about washing that exist in other countries

Many signs that the Russian people adhere to have come to us from other countries.

  • In England and Scotland, they did not start washing on the New Year. This can lead to the death of one of the relatives. The same consequences are caused by the ladder washing on May days.
  • Wales believe that washing recently purchased clothes should not be under the young moon. Clothing will lose its shape, will not sit on the figure and soon you will have to throw it away.
  • It was customary to wash all things in Wales only with the front side. If after washing someone’s washing is reached, this person will be imposed on damage or spell. This sign came to us with the opposite meaning. If a shirt turned inside out, then it protects against evil spirits and damage. However, one should not monitor each thing, spontaneity is the key to success in this matter.
  • The trouble will come to the house, if you start washing on Friday, the inhabitants of North England considered.
Superstition of washing exist in many countries
Superstition of washing exist in many countries
  • The fishermen in England, when they were going to sea and heard that the hostess started washing was terrified. This could lead to death in the sea of \u200b\u200bone of them.

How to fix the error, those who were not washing on the forbidden days?

  1. Go to church and ask for forgiveness from the priest.
  2. If you do not believe in the virtue of the church, contact the shamans. In no case do not do everything yourself, otherwise you can bring trouble even more.

Video: Where did the superstitions come from?

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