How to wash a cotton, wool, down, synthetic winter, bamboo, blanket in a washing machine? What mode to wash the blanket? Is it possible and how to wash a blanket from a camel, sheep wool?

How to wash a cotton, wool, down, synthetic winter, bamboo, blanket in a washing machine? What mode to wash the blanket? Is it possible and how to wash a blanket from a camel, sheep wool?

The instructions for washing blankets in a washing machine.

What could be better than basking under a warm blanket, in winter? Of course, all winter blankets, after the cold season, usually hide in a closet or a compartment of upholstered furniture. In the summer, most housewives are washing such products to prepare them for a new cold season. We will tell you how to wash a downy, bamboo or synthetic winter blanket.

How to wash a cotton blanket correctly?

For our mothers, the blanket washing was a real test, since in most cases it was carried out in the bathroom, manually, and the rinsing process was delayed for several hours. Indeed, inside the blanket there is a lot of filler, which was saturated with a detergent, with the formation of foam.

Now the situation has been greatly simplified due to the appearance of modern washing machines. Bamboo, synthetic winter blanket can be washed not only by hand, but also with the help of washing machines. However, in order for the household appliances to remain intact and unharmed after washing, and the blanket has retained its original appearance, it is necessary to adhere to several rules.

How to wash a cotton blanket correctly:

  • First you need to look at the blanket, evaluate its condition. If there are torn places, the seams are dispersed or the filler crawls, it must be sewn up urgently. This will prevent the filling of filler during washing.
  • The filling of the filler will lead to damage to the blanket, and can cause a breakdown of the washing machine. Because of these fibers, a drain filter, or even sewage system, can be clogged.
  • After the blanket is sewn up, it must be folded in a certain way. Lay it on the surface and fold it about three times. It is necessary to get three layers of the blanket. With a strong press, you need to turn the blanket into a roll and place in a drum. It is necessary that the blanket is completely occupied by the entire volume of the drum.
  • After that, pour in the detergent. Please note that for washing cotton blankets, it is used exclusively a liquid detergent designed to wash woolen, down products.
  • The mode on the machine is selected delicate, at a temperature of 30-40 degrees. 40 degrees is the maximum temperature at which it is allowed to wash the blanket. Choose this mode only if the product has strong pollution, which simply does not wash out in cool water.
  • Excess is exposed at a level of not more than 800 revolutions per minute. An ideal option will be 600 revolutions per minute. It is best to choose washing cycles with additional rinse.

What mode to wash the blanket?

As indicated above, bamboo, as well as other fillers, can absorb detergents with the formation of a large amount of foam.

In what mode to wash the blanket:

  • Perfect option - "Wool" or "delicate washing" At a temperature of 30-40 degrees.
  • Accordingly, for one rinse cycle, the foam may not be washed out of the filler fibers. When the washing ends, try touching the blanket.
  • If it is very moist, and when pressed, a large amount of foam is released, set not washing, but rinsing along with the spin. In this case, this will help remove the remnants of the detergent and additionally dry the blanket.
  • Such a blanket is dried in the air. It is best not to hang it. After all, the filler will slide down under its own weight. It is worth smoothing on a horizontal surface.
  • Wash the table pre -lay out, put a white sheet on it, and settle the blanket on top. It is best to do it outdoors. It is better not to produce drying in the room, since stagnation of air can cause the development of pathogenic microorganisms inside the filler.
  • At the same time, the product will begin to rot and smell unpleasant. You can dry on the street or on the balcony, with wide windows.
Clean blanket
Clean blanket

How to wash a down blanket?

The down blanket can also be washed, but before that it is necessary to read the label.

How to wash a down blanket:

  • The fact is that some of them are recommended to be washed exclusively with hands, at a temperature of 30 degrees. Sometimes it is not recommended to wash at all, but dry cleaning is necessary.
  • In this case, you will have to take the blanket to dry cleaning. If the label indicates that the blanket can be washed in the car, and it is perfectly placed there, put it in a roll and place it in a drum. Remember that the fluff has the ability to go astray, so it is best to put several tennis balls in the drum along with the blanket, which will shake the product during the rotation of the drum.
  • This will impede the downing of the fluff. Be sure to use a liquid detergent. There is no question of any synthetic washing powder. It does not dissolve well, forms a large amount of foam, and can damage the delicate structure of the pen.
Washing in the car
Washing in the car

How to wash a woolen blanket?

Use products intended for washing wool or fluff. They can be purchased at any business store. After washing, it is necessary to put the product on a flat surface and dry in the air.

How to wash a woolen blanket:

  • Manufacturers do not recommend washing such a blanket in the car. However, experienced housewives claim that such products are perfectly worried about washing in the car. It is necessary to choose a delicate mode, with a temperature of not higher than 30 degrees.
  • In no case should you turn on the squeeze. It is necessary to turn on the drainage of water, and then let the blanket drain yourself, squeeze it slightly. Quick rotation in the washing machine can lead to product deformation and stretching of wool.
  • In no case do not push the blanket together, twisting it into a spiral. You will damage the fibers, the blanket will acquire an elongated look and deform. Therefore, it is best to leave it for an hour in an empty bath, or you can put it on a special plastic grille, which is often used to store shower items.
  • When the blanket is slightly draining, you can put it on a horizontal surface and taken out into the street. It is advisable to dry under direct sunlight with air access
Washing in the car
Washing in the car

How to wash a large blanket?

If the blanket does not fit into the washing machine, you will have to start washing the filler and the case separately. Many manufacturers provided for this fact, and placed down bags in a large cover, which is fastened with lightning.

How to wash a large blanket:

  • In this case, it will be enough to extract these bags from the blanket, and wash the filler, as well as the case separately. If the blanket does not unfasten, you will have to open the seam and pull out the fluff from it.
  • Now it is necessary to fill them with special wash bags. They can be made of organza. Swell tightly in fluff and immerse it in the washing machine. It is necessary to dry in these bags without revealing.
  • From time to time, move the bags from the side to the side so that the fluff dries evenly. It is also recommended to shake the bags so that the fluff does not get down, microorganisms do not start in it. After completely drying out the cover and fluff, it is necessary to fill the shell with the filler again, and sew up at the seam site.
After washing
After washing

Is it possible and how to wash a camel wool blanket?

The camel blanket is very stylish, beautiful and reliable. However, manufacturers do not at all recommend washing this item in a washing machine. They advise minimizing any exposure to water, as well as detergents.

Is it possible and how to wash a camel wool blanket:

  • The ideal option is to place a camel blanket in a cover, a duvetel, and wash as little as possible. If an unpleasant odor is felt, try to ventilate the blanket under direct sunlight more often.
  • If you still need to perform washing, it is recommended to do this using dry methods. Now there are special lanolin cleaners, which when mixed with water turn into foam.
  • Using this foam, the blanket is cleaned. Washing in a washing machine, with a complete immersion in the water of a camel blanket, is carried out in critical cases when it will not work to remove the spots in another way.
Clean blanket
Clean blanket

How to wash a blanket from sheep wool?

Manufacturers recommend local cleaning, that is, the removal of a particular spot. If the blanket has a battered look, dirty, it smells unpleasantly, then of course, it is better to perform the washing completely.

How to wash a blanket from sheep wool:

  • It is better to produce it in the bathroom, having previously gained water with a temperature of 30 degrees. A small amount of gel -shaped enzymes is divorced in it. After the product is completely dissolved in water, it is necessary to load the blanket, wet it so that it is completely saturated with the detergent.
  • In this form, the blanket is left for about two hours in soapy liquid. After that, the liquid is drained, the blanket is washed, directing the stream from the shower. In this case, there is no need to turn the blanket.
  • When dirty water is completely dragging, you can close the bathroom again, pour in clean water. Turn the blanket from the side again, but do not try to wash like an ordinary thing.
  • There is no need to rub your hands, so you ruin the blanket. Repeat the cycle of pure water several times, as you need a lot of time so that particles of the detergent are washed from the fibers of the blanket. After that, the squeeze is carried out.
Rubber balls for washing
Rubber balls for washing

How to wash a synthetic winterizer?

A synthetic winter blanket can be easily washed in a washing machine.

How to wash a synthetic winterizer:

  • To do this, use a synthetic detergent in liquid form, refuse the use of air conditioners and special bleach. It is advisable to rinse twice, at 600 revolutions per minute.
  • It is best to introduce several tennis balls into the car, this will help to divide the filler by making it lush. Such a blanket is dried on an ordinary rope or horizontal bar.
  • There is no need to lay out on a horizontal surface, since the synthetic winter blanket after spin is quite lung, quickly dries in an upright position.
  • Typically, such products are perfectly worried about washing and do not get down into lumps, remain intact, clean.
Syntipone blanket
Syntipone blanket

As you can see, the washing of blankets should be carried out according to the instructions on the label. Try not to violate cleaning conditions, and not experiment. Worst of all, they endure the washing of blankets from natural sheep or camel wool. They can go astray, sit down, lose shape, or stretch. Try to initially use tidyers and often ventilate, dry products in the sun. In this case, microorganisms, dust mites will not start in them.

Video: how to wash a blanket

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