Why doesn't it work, does not cool the refrigerator, but does the freezer work?

Why doesn't it work, does not cool the refrigerator, but does the freezer work?

The causes of the refrigerator malfunction, with a working freezer.

The refrigerator is an indispensable technique in the summer heat. With its help, you can save products, cool water and delicious compote. Often a breakdown can be found not immediately, but after a while. In this article we will tell you why the refrigerator does not work, and the freezer is freezing. 

Why doesn't the refrigerator cold, but the freezer works?

This is a rather complicated technique, it is necessary to understand the design of a particular apparatus.

Why the refrigerator does not cold, and the freezer works:

  • In ordinary inexpensive refrigerators, there is only one compressor, but the problem is quite common.
  • In this case, the cause of the breakdown is rarely a compressor. Basically, the case is a cooling system. If you look at the back of the refrigerator, you can see a large number of tubes and spirals. It is on these tubes that the refrigerant passes, and if you touch the grid, most often it is hot. It is in it that the refrigerant evaporates with the release of heat. Therefore, the tubes heat up.
  • Cooling occurs in the cooler when a gaseous freon passes into a liquid state. This happens in the condenser. If there is a blockage on some section of the system, respectively, the refrigerant does not reach this place. If the system hid somewhere in the middle, then the cold reaches the freezer, but at the same time the refrigerator practically does not work, or it is very weak. 
Not cold
Not cold

The freezer works, but there is no refrigerator - how to fix it?

Before contacting the service center, you can try to independently find out the cause of the refrigerator breakdown. The main difficulty is that most of the cold falls into the freezer, and the refrigerant is spent primarily on a reduction in temperature in this compartment of the device. After the freezer is cooled, the remaining freon is evenly distributed to all the other tubes that are directed to the refrigerator. That is why in the freezer the temperature is always much lower than in the refrigerator.

The freezer works, but there is no refrigerator, how to fix it:

  • However, if, for some reason, the superior device has failed, the cold will concentrate only in the freezer. To cope with problems, try to inspect the household device. At the initial stage, open the door and check how hermetically it closes.
  • Often the reason for the deterioration of the apparatus is the wear of the sealing gum. That is why the sealing gum must be replaced. You can try to restore the seal. This option is suitable if the refrigerator is old enough, and the elastic band could dry due to a long service life. Take into a large bowl of boiling water, remove the sealing gum, and lower it into boiling water.
  • Hold it for several minutes. Under the influence of hot water, the elasticity of the sealing gum will improve, its properties will restore. Usually, after such manipulations, the elastic band really becomes much softer and more elastic, the door tights tightly. Before starting the manipulation, you can push the elastic band and see what is behind it. Very often, crumbs, food remains and mold accumulate there.

Why doesn’t the Samsung refrigerator freeze with the crying wall, and the freezer does it work?

This can happen due to blockage. It is necessary to clean.

Why doesn’t the Samsung refrigerator freeze with the crying wall, and the freezer works:

  • You can clean the water drain in the apparatus with the crying wall with a rubber pear, which is located in the first -aid kit in almost every inhabitant of our country. A pear with a thin nose is needed. Very hot water, almost boiling water, is typed in it.
  • Under severe pressure, it is necessary to inject water into the hole. Due to the severe pressure and high water temperature, all fat deposits, as well as mold remains, are washed out of the holes, cleansing it. Thus, water will accumulate in the liquid compartment, which will extend the service life of the apparatus. 

Why did the refrigerator stop cooling, and the freezer works and buzzes?

Try to process the sealant area using soapy solution. In no case do not use acid or alkaline components for cleaning, since rubber can lose its properties, and then in any case you will have to remove it, replace it with a new one. Do not use to clean abrasive substances. An ordinary soap solution is suitable. If this did not help, or the space behind the sealing elastic band is clean enough, without visible crumbs and damage, while the gum fit tightly, the door closes perfectly, you can expandrefrigerator, evaluate the condition of the back wall. 

Why the refrigerator stopped cooling, and the freezer works and buzzes:

  • It is in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rear wall that there are often invisible damage that appeared after transportation, transportation of the device. Some of the tubes may be damaged, a slight dent appeared.
  • If you notice that after the delivery of a new device on the back wall there are some recesses and dents, while the tubes are located unevenly, do not sign the document on the proper state of the device and send it back.
  • Even if the device works, with time, sorcerers, dust dust can accumulate in the deformed area, which will lead to blockage of the cooling system. Most likely, it is in this place that the tube will clog, the refrigerator will not perform its functions. 

Why does the freezer work, and the refrigerator is bad if many products are stored?

Do not worry if this happens after the freezer is completely filled with the freezer, the refrigerator practically does not cool.

Why the freezer works, and the refrigerator is bad if many products are stored:

  • This is a completely normal situation. After all, the device works in enhanced mode to completely freeze the meat. Thus, the refrigerant does not reach the refrigerator, and the temperature in the refrigerator increases.
  • That is why manufacturers do not recommend filling the freezer overnight. It is best to do it gradually. It is necessary to leave space between the products so that cold air circulates, which will allow the device to work properly.
  • Check the presence of heating devices near the refrigerator. It can be a gas stove, boiler, heating radiator or heater. Try not to put the device nearby near such household appliances.
  • If the refrigerator is constantly near the stove, sensors can work inadequately, and give irregular signals to the control board. The refrigerator will work incorrectly, or without stopping,weak cool. 

Why does the Knou Frost freezer work in the refrigerator, but there is no camera?

Often such problems happen to refrigerators working on the principle of "noofrost ". The main difficulty is that not all housewives clean the water on time, it often falls into the compartment, bypassing the crying wall.

Why in the refrigerator know -Frost freezer works, but the camera is not:

  • Thus, water accumulates in the lower part of the apparatus, as a result of which the case begins to rotate and succumb to corrosion. Thanks to this, the lower part of the device is also rotted and corrosion.
  • As a result of this, the tube that the refrigerant acts can succumb to corrosion, rust. They fail, so the device does not cool. The freezer can continue to work, since in this part the capillary system is a whole, without damage.
  • To cope with problems, clean the hole for draining water from the crying wall. 

The refrigerator does not cool, but the freezer works, what to do?

For cleaning, take a small ruff, or a device that is sold with the refrigerator. It resembles a small stick with a ring at the end. It is necessary to enter the object into the hole and vigorously work from top to bottom.

The refrigerator does not cool, and the freezer works, what to do:

  • Thus, you can clean the cluster of mold, remove the remaining food, or the blockage that was formed in this place. You will improve the discharge of fluid flowing from the crying wall.
  • Do not forget to remove the compartment in time in which water accumulates and drain it. This compartment is located in the lower part of the apparatus case, on the sides of which there are two buttons.
  • If you press them at the same time and pull the compartment on yourself, you can extract it, pour all accumulated water, dirt, thoroughly wash the container. Remember, this must be done at least once every six months in order to prevent the formation of rust and corrosion on important details of the refrigerator. 

The freezer works, but there is no refrigerator - how to fix it?

Very often, the reason for the stopping of the refrigerator with a working freezer is the blockage of the capillary tubes, which the refrigerant acts. To eliminate the problem, just knock on this grid with your finger.

The freezer works, but there is no refrigerator, how to fix it:

  • Try to do this without much effort so as not to damage the thin tubes. Sometimes weak tapping is enough to move the blockage and restore the operation of the device. If you find that the freezer is hardly cold, while the refrigerator practically does not work, and an ice crust has formed inside the camera, it is necessary to completely de -energize the device.
  • Next, you should open the doors, extract food, hold the bottom with rags and put bowls. It is necessary that the device is completely defrosted. Remember, in no case should you use hot water, hair dryer or other heating devices to accelerate defrosting.
  • It is necessary that the device stands in the disconnected state with open doors for about a day. Usually after that all systems are updated, the walls are cleaned, which can significantly affect the operation of the device. After such manipulations, the device works much better, the operation of the refrigerator and freezer is restored. 

Many useful articles can be found on our website:

The easiest thing is if the refrigerator has two cameras and compressor. That is, one compressor is supplied to the freeagent on the freezer, and the second on the refrigerator. Replacing the compressor or its repair will correct the situation and restore the equipment.

Video: the freezer works, but there is no refrigerator


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