How to properly transport the refrigerator - lying or standing: the correct transportation of the refrigerator, the rules of transportation, recommendations. Is it possible and how to transport the refrigerator lying?

How to properly transport the refrigerator - lying or standing: the correct transportation of the refrigerator, the rules of transportation, recommendations. Is it possible and how to transport the refrigerator lying?

Instructions for transporting the refrigerator lying.

Ideally, the refrigerator must be transported vertically. But there are times when there is no such opportunity. This is mainly due to large dimensions of household appliances and its height of more than 2 m. There is the possibility of transportation on your own trailer, if it is placed horizontally, that is, lying. In this article, we will talk about the intricacies of transporting the refrigerator lying.

Is it possible to transport the refrigerator lying?

Of course, almost all services that are engaged in the transportation of household appliances have special machines that make it possible to transport all devices in the necessary position, that is, standing. Unfortunately, this is not possible if you independently take up the transportation of household appliances. This often happens if you move or want to take old household appliances to the cottage in order to use them there. In order for the refrigerator to work well after transportation, it is necessary to do this correctly. You can transport a household device lying down, but this must be done in a special way.


  • It is necessary that the refrigerant tube be directed up. In order to detect this tube, it is necessary to include the device into the network, and wait 15 minutes while it warms up
  • After that, you need to look at the back wall and feel the tubes that are visible
  • The one that will be hot, and is the one on which the refrigerant flows. The refrigerator must be placed on the side so that this tube looks up
  • Not all units can be transported on the back wall, because under its own weight there may be damage to insulation and the refrigerator will stop working
  • In no case should you transport a household device on the door. This is fraught with breakdowns, as well as failure of the seal
  • In the end, you then simply will not close the door tightly, and the refrigerator will work in idle, poorly cool the products that will deteriorate in it
  • The refrigerator can be placed exclusively on one side so that the pipe of oil and refrigerant looks up. This is the only correct option
Transportation of household appliance
Transportation of household appliance

How to transport the refrigerator lying?


  • Before carrying out the vehicle, after determining the refrigerant tube, it is necessary to defrost the device, remove all the boxes, shelves, wash them, and connect them with tape. Next, it is worth placing everything in the refrigerator, fastened with tape or transported separately, in another box
  • In no case should the shelves and boxes in the refrigerator hang out. This will lead to their spoilage. Next, it is necessary to wash the inner surface of the apparatus
  • After that, the doors are closed and glued with masking tape, so that during the transportation they do not inadvertently open
  • In addition, you should take care of the compressor. In the process of transportation, he can shake and walk from the side
  • To avoid a breakdown necessary to fix the knot. Most manufacturers equip the device with special transport bolts, which must be tightened and transported so that the compressor is in a fixed position
  • This is a kind of transportation bolts for the drum of the washing machine. The technology is very similar
  • Next, you need to lay a household device on some prepared surface, it is best if it is sheets of foam
  • In addition, it is necessary to take care so that the device does not carry from the side to the side
Proper transportation
Proper transportation

What to do after transporting the refrigerator: inclusion features and possible problems


  • After the household appliance is delivered to its place, in no case should it be turned on. It is necessary to wait from 4 hours to 2 days. It is necessary that the glass oil is in the receiver. Very often after transportation, the refrigerator stops working.
  • This is due to the fact that the devices that have been in operation for a long time, oil contains chemical reactions. The precipitate during transportation rises and can clog the tubes, which causes breakdowns. It is for this that it is necessary to give the refrigerator to stand during the day, so that all the solid deposits that are in oil are settled, and do not affect the operation of the device.
  • What to do if the refrigerator does not work in a horizontal position after transportation on the side? Do not rush to call the master, turn off the device. Most likely, this is due to the fact that you turned on the household device very early and it did not have time to stand and adapt. Turn off the device from the network, leave it for about a day and do not turn it on. After that, you can repeat the inclusion. Most often after transportation, the device begins to knock.
  • This speaks of problems in the motor or it is very hot. In addition, cooling inside the camera may not work or not work. If the device does not cool, that is, cooling does not work, this suggests that most likely leaked a freon due to improper transportation of lying down.
  • Perhaps you did not understand and placed the refrigerator on the wrong side. Accordingly, the tube was not directed up, but down. All oil and freon flowed out, so the device does not work. In this case, it is necessary to replace the refrigerant and clean the tubes with oil. The hard deposits that are in oil could be scored on them.

As you can see, you can transport the refrigerator in a lying position, but this must be done correctly, adhering to the instructions. This will prevent the occurrence of problems after transportation.

Video: Transportation of the refrigerator lying

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