The smell in the refrigerator. How to remove an unpleasant odor from the refrigerator? Square absorbers for the refrigerator

The smell in the refrigerator. How to remove an unpleasant odor from the refrigerator? Square absorbers for the refrigerator

Ways to prevent the formation of unpleasant odors in the refrigerator. How to derive unpleasant aromas from the refrigerator: folk advice and industrial devices

Each person in his life came across such a disgusting phenomenon as an unpleasant smell from the refrigerator. It can spread throughout the kitchen and even other rooms. Such a smell is very impudent and never goes by itself. In order to fight him, it is necessary, for a start, to find out the reasons for its appearance and then the methods of elimination.

Smell in the refrigerator: Reasons

The reasons for the unpleasant odor from the refrigerator

The main reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the refrigerator are not so much:

  1. The presence of spoiled or expired products in the refrigerator. So often it happens that not a piece of something, we send it to the refrigerator and forget about it for a long time. Such a discharge becomes the first and main reason for the appearance of "wonderful aromas." The fact is that bacteria that multiply in the putrefactive environment feel very comfortable in the refrigerator. Neither the cold of the freezer, nor humidity in it scares them. On the contrary, such an environment becomes just an ideal habitat
  2. Rare or insufficient cleaning in the refrigerator. The fact is that cleaning in the refrigerator should be carried out regularly. At the same time, soapy solution is passed on all the most secretive corners and bends of this unit. Do not forget about the outer part and rubber gasket, in which, as a rule, the largest number of microbes accumulate
  3. Absence or rarity of defrosting. The instructions for the refrigerator always indicate the recommended defrosting frequency. She should adhere steeply. This will not only save the equipment from the unpleasant odor, but also extend its life. Moreover, refrigerators with the No Frost function are also defrosted - at least once a year
  4. New refrigerator. Almost all, just acquired refrigerators, exude a rather specific and unpleasant odor

How to remove an unpleasant odor from the refrigerator?

Elimination of unpleasant aroma in the refrigerator
Elimination of unpleasant aroma in the refrigerator

In order to get rid of the unpleasant odor from the refrigerator, you need to try to prevent it from appearing. To do this, you only need to adhere to a few simple rules:

  1. In order for spoiled products to be not linked to the refrigerator for a long time, it is worth regularly (at least once a week) to carry out a thorough audit in it. No need to regret such products - they should urgently go to the garbage bucket. If there is no way to devote time to the refrigerator so often, then you just need to throw out unfinished products. As practice shows, even if you put such a piece of food in a prominent place, after a couple of days it will be in the farthest, impenetrable corner of the refrigerator, where it will be safely rotting
  2. The refrigerator should be cleaned at least once a week. Moreover, it is advisable to get all the shelves and containers and wash them under the tap using detergents. The same parts of the cooler that cannot be removed should be thoroughly wiped with a rag with a special chemical reagent or soap water
  3. When defrosting the refrigerator, all the recommendations of the manufacturer must be observed. Also, with this procedure, it is worth ensuring that melt water or meat drying, in the case of a shelves or wall of the refrigerator, was thoroughly washed off. Be sure to check the hole to flow melting ice during defrosting
  4. It is desirable that all products in the refrigerator be stored either in dishes or special food containers or in a food film. This will prevent the spread and confusion of various smells, which in the end can also lead to the appearance of mixed unpleasant aroma

How to quickly get rid of the smell in the refrigerator? What are the products from the smell in the refrigerator?

How to quickly eliminate the unpleasant odor in the refrigerator
How to quickly eliminate the unpleasant odor in the refrigerator

It can help quickly get rid of an unpleasant odor from the refrigerator, which will be found at hand for every housewife:

  1. Lemon is an excellent tool in the fight against smells. It can simply be cut into slices and lay out in the corners of the refrigerator. Orange and its peel will have the same effect
  2. Rye bread is simply remarkably absorbed by extraneous smells. To do this, only cut a piece of black bread into several small pieces and place them all over the refrigerator on saucers or napkins
  3. It is believed that the same good absorbers of smells are crude peeled potatoes, onions and rice. They can also be laid out on the shelves in the refrigerator. However, it is worth remembering that all of the above products also have the properties to deteriorate. Therefore, do not forget them there, and it is advisable every few hours to change them to fresh
  4. Ground coffee can also perfectly absorb a rejecting amber and spread over the entire cavity of the refrigerator unit invigorating and enchanting aroma
  5. Soda at least other means is used to get rid of unpleasant odor. It is necessary to pour it into small saucers and place it on the shelves of the refrigerator
  6. Activated carbon. Yes, it is he who is able not only to absorb all harmful substances within our body, but also to fight the disgusting smells inside household appliances. To do this, crush several packs of coal (3-4) in small crumbs and scatter it on matchboxes or other small containers. Such boxes need to be placed on the shelves of the refrigerator, and after a day there will be no trace from the unpleasant odor inside it

Square absorbers for the refrigerator

Smell absorbers in the refrigerator
Smell absorbers from the refrigerator

In addition to the natural eliminants of the smells that are often used by the mistresses, industrial absorptions of odors in the refrigerator are also produced today. They are small boxes and containers with an active substance inside, capable of attracting a stink, molecules.

On the modern market, several models of the absorption of smells in the refrigerator are presented:

  • In the form of an egg. Such an absorber outwardly is very similar to the chicken egg, but in a non -working state it has a blue color. Just being in the refrigerator and feeling the optimal temperature for products, such a absorber becomes white
  • Gel devices. They are produced on a gel basis, contain silver ions and exude a pleasant aroma of lemon. The gel disorders of the smell are distinguished by their speed. Literally after a few minutes, a pleasant smell will diverge in technology, and the old amber will be destroyed
  • Ballic silicogenic absorptions are most popular and affordable today, since the price is moderate, and they serve for a whole year (in general, all of the packaging of three balls)
  • The dispenser absorber operates on coal -based. Their life is half a year
  • Ionizers are very useful, but rather expensive eliminators of smells. They interfere with the rotting of products and the spread of bad smells. The ionizer does not have to constantly be in the refrigerator - it is enough to put it there for a couple of minutes

How to wash the refrigerator so that there is no smell?

How to wash the refrigerator
How to wash the refrigerator

In order to avoid or get rid of an unpleasant odor in the refrigerator, you can wipe its surface using the following means:

  1. Of course, you can purchase special chemicals for washing the refrigerator in the store that help fight unattractive aromas. Moreover, for the refrigerator, products for the oven and microwaves are also suitable
  2. You can rub all the insides of the refrigerator with half the lemon and after a while rinse them with a damp cloth
  3. You can wash a dirty refrigerator with a solution of soda in water
  4. You can first wash the technique with soapy solution, and then walk along it with a cloth with a few drops of ammonia
  5. A solution of vinegar in water in equal quantities will perfectly remove the stench
  6. You can apply mint toothpaste to the kitchen sponge and wipe the refrigerator with it. Then it is necessary to remove such a solution with a clean wet rag

A very important nuance is that refrigerators in no case should be washed with abrasive agents.

How to remove the smell of a new refrigerator?

What to do with the new refrigerator so that there are no smells in it?
What to do with the new refrigerator so that there are no smells in it?
  • Many manufacturers recommend letting him work in idle for a couple of days before starting the operation of a new unit without opening doors. This will normalize the circulation of air before potential sources of bacteria enters it
  • However, sometimes it happens that the refrigerator is needed urgently in working condition. In this case, it just needs to be washed by any of the above methods. Moreover, you need to wash, both inside and outside - do not go around the back wall and a rubber door laying
  • After thorough washing the refrigerator, you need to let stand for a couple of hours with open doors - the freezer should also be ventilated

How to eliminate the smell of fish in the refrigerator?

How to get rid of fish smell?
How to get rid of fish smell?
  • All the same lemon will help get rid of the smell of fish in the refrigerator. It, as it goes well with fish in dishes, is just as good and eliminates its specific aroma in the refrigerator. In order for the smell of fish to leave, you need to grate the entire inner part of the unit with lemon juice and leave it for several hours
  • At the end of the specified time, all the insides of the refrigerator must be wiped with a damp cloth. For a more persistent effect, you can additionally lay out on the shelves of the lemon slices
  • Another folk remedy in the fight against the fish smell is mustard, or rather mustard powder. It needs to be applied to the sponge, and wipe the entire refrigerator with it. Then the mustard solution must be removed from its walls with a damp rag
  • In principle, all other ways of getting rid of the unpleasant odor indicated in the article above are also suitable for the option with fish
  • The smell of fish can also be eliminated by industrial aromas absorpers
  • When conducting a procedure for getting rid of a fish smell, it is advisable to close the kitchen door and open the window in order to avoid its distribution throughout the apartment, as well as prevent dizziness and nausea attack of the hostess of the kitchen
Getting rid of smells in the refrigerator
Getting rid of smells in the refrigerator

All the means of combating unpleasant odors from the refrigerator in the article are verified and quite effective. However, it is always easier to avoid consequences, avoiding their advance.

Therefore, it is better to simply follow the simple rules of operation and care for technology than then look for a bunch of methods for eliminating errors.

Video: How to get rid of the smell from the refrigerator?

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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you for the article! Very informative! I agree that it is better to prevent the appearance of a stench in such a place as a refrigerator! But it seems to me that over time, all the same, the walls themselves absorb different smells, like I was clean, but a year later a new refrigerator began to smell unpleasantly. Mom said that only special tools can help, brought Smeloff, it helped very well, now I periodically spend a general cleaning with this tool.

    1. I agree that Sweeter is an excellent detergent. Once they left for the cottage, and the refrigerator these days broke and stopped freezing, upon arrival the smell was certainly not pleasant, only Smeloff helped to remove this stench. I recommend.

  2. The smell absorbers are good when there is no smell, they are good to use as prevention, and in order to remove the smell, take Odorgone or a similar tool, expand the refrigerator inside the refrigerator and leave it in a closed position for 8 hours. There will be no smell.

  3. And in our house in the refrigerator, a constantly not pleasant smell. I work a lot, cooking only time on the weekend, usually, on Sunday, I will renew my son and my husband for the whole week, I don’t eat at home because I don’t have time, and they are hosting all week. If something disappears, they never throw it away, it stands until I remove it, I already have no anger at them. Recently, on YouTube, I saw an overview of the antibacterial filter for the refrigerator, now I want to purchase such a thing home, maybe the smell will be smaller, otherwise there is such a strong smell that I don’t want to open the refrigerator.

  4. Hi all.

  5. Odorgone Professional - just use it. He helps me to cope with any unpleasant odor not only at home, but also in other situations. I have been using it for a long time, more than 4 years, so I am 100%sure that it is guaranteed to help you with the refrigerator.

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