Why are beautiful girls alone and what to do about it? How to meet a man if you are beautiful and lonely?

Why are beautiful girls alone and what to do about it? How to meet a man if you are beautiful and lonely?

It often happens that it seems that the girl is beautiful, but lonely. Why is this happening and how to find a man? Let's find out.

Each beauty is waiting for her prince and this is constantly used by multipliers and films. That's just not everything is so smooth, and beautiful girls, on the contrary, are not so easy to live. Why is this happening? Why do everyone like beautiful girls, but no one is in a hurry to get to know them?

Why beautiful girls are lonely: reasons

Beautiful girl
Beautiful girl

There are several common reasons why beautiful girls can remain alone for a long time.

  • Beautiful, it means not lonely

In our society there is an opinion that beautiful girls can not be alone. Most likely, they have many lovers or they have a rich husband. And in general you are not worthy of her. So why try to make an acquaintance?

It is important to understand here that even if a man is very strong and confident in himself, he is afraid internally. The woman’s refusal always painfully beats in pride. It’s easier to get to know a simple girl, or wait for the initiative to manifest. Men are simple and their mind is not as complex as female. They are always looking for a simpler way.

  • Overstated requirements

As studies have shown, those women who know their price are trying to be independent in any relationship. They often change partners and they are not ready to make concessions. It is difficult for them to have what is. They constantly think whether they were “cheap”, whether their man is worthy of nearby or is there even better?

Here perfectionism is manifested, which does not allow a man to be at least something not perfect.

  • Intelligence is a weapon
A smart girl
A smart girl

Beauty and mind are very often combined in our time, but men have a different opinion and believe that if beautiful, then, stupid. Why think such a woman? After all, her so everything turns out great, everything goes into her hands for beautiful eyes.

Accordingly, women really do not like this approach. As a result, they try to prove that they are not stupid and actively develop their inner world. This, of course, is good, but only men immediately see that they can’t talk on simple topics. So do not be surprised that you have no fans. Be easier and people will reach for you.

  • Aggressive sexuality

What you show, then you will attract. Appearance speaks of a lot and by it we determine a person at first glance. If a woman looks defiantly - she wears huge heels, deep neckline, pains her lips in red, then behind her will be crowds of men. But they will need far from a relationship. And the point is not that they are all the same. You just show with your appearance what you can give. After all, no one will ask bread in a tobacco shop. Here is the same situation.

  • Ignorance of the psychology of men
Male psychology
Male psychology

In this case, we are not talking about manipulating, but simply about psychology. Yes, undoubtedly, beauty is always pleasant for the eyes, but only the interaction is important.

A woman will look repulsive if she tries to become a competitor to a man, show coldness, severe character, and so on.

Strong men do not need a relationship where a woman constantly proves something and takes energy. This is much more important than a beautiful body.

And despite everything, a beautiful appearance can be considered for nothing, which just need to use it correctly. Each tool, if not controlled, can cause a lot of problems.

How to behave correctly to beautiful girls for dating?

If you are beautiful and smart, and it is, then you should not behave too defiantly and arrogantly. As we have already said, be easier, and also follow a few recommendations:

  • Meet yourself
Meet the first
Meet the first

Do men do not want to approach you? Do it yourself. Do not be afraid to be initiative, you are confident in yourself. This is your life and no one in it is your boss. No need to wait until someone comes to you. Yes, you are scared, but you have a beautiful appearance that will not allow you to get a refusal. You will be surprised, but it turns out that many men will not be particularly against it.

Open to the world and do not be afraid to look into the eyes. A smile should be on your face in spite of everything - write on the Internet, go to the event, pass a note with the waiter. Do not wait for a miracle, do it yourself!

  • If there are no good men in your environment, then it should be changed

It is possible that there is really no worthy candidate near you. Where are you in your free time? You don't want to find love in the cafeteria? More often go to restaurants to business lunches, there are always a lot of good men, and if you live in a small city, then why not go to the metropolis? Visit interesting places, events and you will definitely meet someone.

  • Do not be afraid to look stupid

Yes, men like smart women, but they also get tired of serious conversations. Even world leaders need discharge. Yes, you can be confident in yourself and the best at work, but you should not do from a date, it is not clear what. Speaking about everything abstract and do not be afraid to say stupidity, you are only good for you.

  • Do you like to be in the spotlight? Change your position
In the spotlight
In the spotlight

If you want to attract a worthy man and build a serious relationship with him, then the image should be soft and feminine. Yes, you will meet you less, but the quality is more important than the quantity.

You can try to paint the image of a man you want to meet on a piece of paper. After that, describe his perfect woman - what should she be, how to behave, how to look and so on? You must admit that a serious man is unlikely to need a doll like from the cover. For life, they always look for simpler options and less catchy.

It would also be worth studying male psychology and learn to understand the opposite sex. Yes, it is difficult, but you will definitely know if a man is happy with you and how to behave with him so that he would never be bad with you.

Video: Why are beautiful girls alone? Denis Borisov

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