Why can't a person fall asleep for a long time? How to fall asleep quickly, but is it easy to get up?

Why can't a person fall asleep for a long time? How to fall asleep quickly, but is it easy to get up?

A person spends a third of his life in a dream, because a full sleep is the key to health. And if insomnia is overcome, then you need a quick, safe and reliable way to deal with it.

A person spends a third of his life in a dream. This is the blissful time of rest and restoration of forces, a complex physiological process that provides human health.

What the next day, the emotional state and active activity of a person will be on the quality of sleep and its duration. When there are problems with sleep, its duration is reduced, and the quality leaves much to be desired.

Long falling asleep and severe awakening negatively affect the health and mental state, but they themselves are a sign of any mental or physical disorder.

Treatment of sleep and insomnia disorders

Insomnia is a disorder of sleep, which manifests itself in a severe falling asleep, superficial dream and early awakening. Usually during insomnia, the rhythm shift occurs, when the night sleep gradually comes to naught, and instead, a good rest occurs during the day. There can be many reasons for this disorder:

  • stress and strong nervous tension
  • neurological diseases
  • psyche disorders
  • somatic diseases

Treatment of sleep disorder involves determining the causes of its occurrence and their elimination. After all, without solving the main problem, there can be no medical treatment of insomnia. Below are recipes and methods of folk treatment of insomnia.

What is effective for a strong healthy sleep: folk remedies against insomnia

At the same time, the main problem of insomnia (and this can be a long and difficult process) is solved while a person cannot do without a good rest.

Taking sleeping pills is a dangerous event that should be left in the end, when other, more harmless methods, cannot be solved by the problem of sleep disorder.

There are some rules that should be followed to ensure comfortable sleep, quick falling asleep and easy awakening:

  • before going to bed, you should not abuse food and it is important to observe the golden rule: after eating it should be 2-3 hours of active activity
  • suffering insomnia should exclude fatty and meat food
  • before going to bed, you need to take a walk in the fresh air
  • the time before bedtime should be carried out in calm classes, do not leave for the evening the solution of any important cases
  • if a strong tension is felt before bedtime, then you can relax in a warm bathroom

If the listed paragraphs of training for sleep are observed, and the long -awaited rest still does not occur, then it will be useful to turn to harmless folk remedies.

Water with honey before bedtime: recipe for applying

The storehouse of folk wisdom offers a wide range of recipes from insomnia for every taste. Among the many recipes are the easiest to prepare and does not require many ingredients a recipe for honey water.

To prepare such a miracle of the elixir, simple distilled water and honey are necessary, it is possible to add other components such as lemon juice or mummy.

Water with honey can be cooked immediately before taking or in advance. To do this, you need a glass of warm water (in no case with boiled) a tablespoon of honey (preferably May or linden) is added to it. Having thoroughly stirring honey water, you can put it for several minutes to brew and then take it inside before bedtime.

Thanks to healing water with honey, you can solve not only the problem of insomnia, but also to remove slags from the body, relieve tension and stress, and drinking such a drink on an empty stomach will solve problems in the digestive tract.

Voltage removal with lavender oil: lavender oil for good sleep

Lavender is a plant with an incredible aroma that not only pleases with a beautiful look, but is also an indispensable soothing tool. Lavender is used as a relaxant that can calm the nervous system, protect from stress and cheer up. The use of lavender is common both in dry form and as part of essential oil.

Essential lavender oil is a tool that will help to cope with anxiety and fall asleep quickly. It can be used as an auxiliary tool for massage, adding a few drops to massage oil or olive.

In addition, lavender oil can be added to the water when taking a bath, spray 1-2 drops on a pillow or take inward, dropping two drops of lavender essential oil to a piece of refined sugar.

The calming effect of motherwort: how to take motherwort to fall asleep?

Herbal grass has a strong sedative means - its calming effect is several times higher than the effectiveness of valerian. This magic plant can be purchased at a pharmacy, where it is sold in the form of herbal collection and alcohol tincture. It is more convenient to use the latter, but the presence of alcohol is a minus, as this is unacceptable for many.

RECIPE: The motherwort tincture is taken in 30-40 minutes before bedtime, digging 30 drops into a glass of water. If you have acquired the grass of the motherwort, then it must be brewed and insisted. For this, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of herbal gathering are poured with boiling water and defended for 24 hours.

You can also use the grass of the motherwort as tea and do not wait for a long time of insisting, accepting immediately hot, but the effect of such a product will be significantly lower than from a drink that is saturated with useful substances.

Tea for strong sleep - chamomile, mint, melissa tea: how to brew?

The voltage from a long -term working day can be removed using relaxing teas, which, in addition, provide a healthy and carefree dream. A similar way to combat insomnia is simple and effective, drinking healing tea a pleasant activity that relieves anxiety and anxiety. Most often recommended for taking teas:

  1. Chamomile - a means that has a sedative effect that allows you to relieve somatic stress and headache. Chamomile tea is brewed 2-3 spoons per glass of water and drink up to 4 cups throughout the day

2. Mint - containing menthol, which calms the nervous system and allows you to relieve falling asleep and provides a strong sleep. You can brew mint leaves like ordinary tea, filling with boiling water and adding sugar or lemon to taste. The intake of mint tea should be limited up to 100 g per appointment, no more than three times a day, since the intake of a large amount of menthol into the body can provoke diseases of the genitals in both women and men 3. Tea from lemon balm - thanks to special substances in this plant, it allows you to remove from depression, relieve irritability, calm the nerves, which is very necessary for a full sleep. The recipe for the preparation of tea from lemon balm is quite simple: 2-3 tablespoons of mint leaves should be poured with boiling water 250-300 ml, and then leave to infuse for 20 minutes. You need to drink tea half an hour before bedtime, adding honey and lemon

Apple vinegar with honey before bedtime: recipe

With chronic fatigue and insomnia, apple cider vinegar with honey will be an excellent remedy. This mixture has a lot of useful substances that favorably affect the work of all body systems. A special influence is on the nervous system, thanks to which a person becomes more balanced and calm, a feeling of anxiety, tension and fatigue disappears.

For healthy sleep, you should take 2-3 tablespoons of this mixture before bedtime: 3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar are added to 100 g of honey. It is possible to double an increase in the dose if the expected effect has not occurred.

How to use hawthorn for sleeping?

Berries of hawthorn have a comprehensive effect on the body: they improve blood circulation, soothe the nervous system, relieve irritability and a sense of aggression. Both hawthorn tincture and dry collection are equally effective.

There are enough 20 drops of tincture three times a day for general calming and improving sleep. The collection of berries must be cooked in boiling water for 15 minutes per 20 g of berries per 100 ml of water. The decoction is taken before eating one tablespoon.

Milk with honey at night for sleeping: the benefits of milk with honey, recipe

Drunk before bedtime, milk with honey will allow you to forget about insomnia and sleep tightly, seeing positive dreams. This effect is ensured due to the presence of a specific amino acid in milk - a tryptophan, which enhances the production of the hormone of happiness. This allows completely feelings of anxiety, fear, anxiety and excitement.

At the same time, honey has a whole complex of useful substances, among which specific sugar of fruitful origin, which upset hunger for a long time. Since such sugar breaks down for a long time, for a long time the body will not need food, and the obtained carbohydrates will improve the functioning of the brain and the nervous system.

Folk remedies for quick falling asleep: tips

Among multiple reviews about drugs that improve sleep, they are most popular:

  • peion tincture
  • sleep-grass
  • sagebrush
  • poppy inflorescences
  • pumpkin
  • valerian
  • cornflower

There are a lot of folk remedies for the fight against insomnia, but not all of them are effective and equally useful for the body. In any case, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist if insomnia is systematic, not episodic.

Video: How to get rid of insomnia with folk remedies?

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Comments K. article

  1. I have problems with sleep because of my nerves, I have no rest) I turn all night, I sleep every other time. She began to drink sedatives, the epaz-306 passammer is called, it became better. And tea with mint helps well, sleep sucks, and it is delicious)

  2. milk with honey is a buzz) I really advise everyone. And from the pharmacy - glycine, safe and reliable. I generally take a chewing gum, it’s more convenient, otherwise you still put it under the tongue

  3. Helps!
    “I will be happy, and no external circumstances can prevent me from doing this. I just won’t let them into my soul. Because it is my world and my happiness, and in this territory the mistress is me. I will be happy - I choose it! ” Keep me the Lord!

  4. The nerves are almost always to blame for the fact that we are poorly falling asleep. Try to drink a tripophane formula for calm, very well settles sleep cycles, and most importantly, removes nervousness and anxiety before falling asleep.

  5. Without a medicinal product, Passiflora Edas 111 could not establish a full falling asleep. I drank a month, for a long time, but safely eliminated sleep disturbance. And it’s great that I solved the problem with the help of a natural drug, without resorting to serious.

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