Why does the knee hurt after the bicycle, walk, climbing the stairs, fall? The knee and swollen - treatment with ointments and folk remedies

Why does the knee hurt after the bicycle, walk, climbing the stairs, fall? The knee and swollen - treatment with ointments and folk remedies
Varieties of diseases of the knee joints. Treatment and prevention of knee pain.
The human body is a coordinated and thoughtful mechanism designed to perform physical actions.

While he works without failures and pain, we are not even aware of the value of this time. But it is worth giving the body a signal of discomfort, we are alarming and lamentation over possible reasons.

Systems of joints, cartilage, vertebrae provide us:
  • holding the whole body in space
  • its flexion and extension
  • shock absorption when moving
The knee joints do not have muscle fibers that would help to soften physical activity and the consequences of injuries. Therefore, listen to yourself carefully and read the possible prerequisites for the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the knees.

Why does the knee hurt when climbing the stairs?

The girl runs up the stairs and does not feel pain in her knees
the girl runs up the stairs and does not feel pain in her knees
To answer this question, you should take into account:
  • the age of the personwho complains of knee pain. According to medical data, the vast majority of people who crossed the 40th anniversary suffer from soreness of the knee joints when climbing the stairs
  • his lifestyle, namely, compliance with the regime of work and rest
  • body structure. For example, with strong curvature of the legs, the load on the knees increases many times
  • physical exercise
  • the sphere of his activity, for example, a professional athlete, due to the features of the profession, is engaged in training at times more than a person in a gym
  • weight and height indicators - with excess weight, the entire load falls on the feet and knees of a person
  • distribution to diseases arthrosis, arthritis. For example, heredity or a large number of injuries in the past, which remained incomplete
The pain in the knee joint during climbing the stairs can be localized:
  • on top and bottom, the knight of the cup
  • throughout the knee
  • under a cup, that is, internal shots

If pain symptoms repeated several times in a row, go to the doctor for advice and go through the examinations. It is highly likely that your arthrosis begins or gout progresses.

Why do your knees hurt from a bicycle?

The girl massages the knee that was getting sick of bicycle driving
the girl massages the knee that was getting sick of bicycle driving
Professional cyclists and amateurs are faced with discomfort in their knees during competition and ordinary driving.

The soreness in the knees is to violate the normal work of their components:

  • knee joint and bagsthat are covered with special fluid-someses. It is produced by the body of a healthy person who drinks water in sufficient quantities
  • ligament and cartilagewho are able to become thin and torn due to unsuccessful movements, excessive loads and undergoing injuries
There are several causes of pain in the knee joints:
  • deforming arthrosis - The most terrible reason is because the disease is incurable. When confirming the diagnosis of marathons and long trips on hilly terrain, you will have to forget forever
  • unknown landing, low caden, when the amplitude of movements per minute is significantly lower than the norm
  • dehydration of the body cyclist
  • blows, injuries, falling on the knee and lack of their treatment. Especially the cooling of the damaged joint, since without this the likelihood of developing arthrosis is greatly revived
If you felt pain while driving a bicycle, stop and try to figure out her character:
  • externalWhen the pain comes from under the knee cup, from above or from the side of it. This is not scary and signals about the fatigue of the ligaments or uncomfortable groaning while driving
  • interiorWhen it hurts behind the knee cup. This is already more serious and requires an additional examination of MRI, relaxation and taking drugs with chondroitin

Why do your knees hurt and crunch when squatting?

A woman massages a knee that crunches and hurts during squats
a woman massages a knee that crunches and hurts during squats
Do you know an unpleasant crunch and knee pain that occur during squat? There are several reasons for this:
  • lack of vitamins and minerals, in particular, calcium
  • unhealthy Lifestyle -addiction to fast food, small physical mobility due to the sitting nature of the work
  • heredity
  • bruise or impact signalwho were left without due attention on your part
  • excessive physical activity due to weight lifting, high-heeled walking
  • age -related body restructuring and deterioration of the activities of its organs and systems
  • congenital feature of the knee joints, for example, their excessive mobility and weakness of the connective tissues
  • signs of arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, gout

Why do your knees hurt when walking?

The girl had a knee
the girl had a knee
Strong or repeated knees in the knees should not be ignored while walking. They can signal both insignificant and serious problems.

In general, we will divide the pain in the knee into three categories:

  • traumatic
  • nesmatic
  • chronic
The first category includes:
  • falls to the knees
  • unsuccessful movements, as a result of which knee tendons, ligaments, joint, meniscus suffer. They can break, stretch, shift, break
  • blows on the knees, for example, while playing football
  • displacements and dislocations a stooped cup due to prolonged wearing very high heels
After any of these injuries, the pain in the knee will appear in a short time. In addition, you can see swelling, a change in the color of the skin, feel chills and/or high body temperature.

The second category of causes consists of serious diseases of the bone-articular apparatus, about which the pain in the knees, namely:

  • arthritis - inflammation in the joint
  • ostiomyelitis - bacterial joint damage
  • diserging osteochondritis - gradual dying of cartilage fabric in the joint
  • podged cyst - accumulation of fluid in soft tissues, tendons, which causes swelling of the posterior part of the knee and severe bouts of pain
  • osgud-shpatter disease -defeat of the front of the knee due to the growth of the large bervice. It violates the normal arrangement of the soft tissues of the knee, causes swelling, decreased mobility and pain in any movement
Among the reasons for the third category you will find:
  • long -term physical activity, for example, from bicycle driving
  • excessive body weight
  • bursitis - inflammation of the joint cavity where the lubricant is located
  • tendonite - inflammation of the tendons
  • synovitis - inflammatory processes in the joint capsule

Why do your knees hurt after the bicycle?

Smiling blonde travels on a bicycle and does not feel pain in the knees
smiling blonde travels on a bicycle and does not feel pain in the knees
Partially, the causes of knees from riding a bicycle we examined above. However, we add some more:
  • poorly tuned height and seatwhen you do not completely extend your legs at the lowest point of rotation of the pedals
  • flat feet can provoke improper distributionloading loads and root joints. Exit - special orthopedic insoles in bicycle shoes
  • hypothermia of the knee joints and legs in general terrible both diseases of the lower extremities and colds of the whole organism
  • excessive loads, for example, after a long break, you should not go to the marathon right away
  • lack of heating of muscles and ligaments, physical exercises, doing other sports, for example, swimming, skiing in winter. Every healthy person supports himself with physical activity in order to preserve and extend the youth of the body, and the cyclist is even more easily to seriously engage in preparation for high -quality punch

Why is it swollen and hurt and temperature?

The woman has swollen, hurts and burns his knee
the woman has swollen, hurts and burns his knee
The swelling and pain in the knee, accompanied by an increase in temperature - an alarm. In this case, you should immediately contact the doctor and fulfill all his instructions.

The causes of unpleasant symptoms in the knees with an increase in temperature are:

  • bursitis, when the stiff bag is inflamed due to accumulation of fluid for lubrication of cartilage. The latter is removed only by suction. The risk of developing burcitis increases with excessive loads on the knee joints without proper rest
  • arthritis brings the patient, in addition to the symptoms under consideration, restriction in movements and visual deformation of the joints
  • osteomyelitis, or the death of bone tissues. At the initial stages of the disease, a person feels a drilling pain in the knees, suffers from their edema and very high body temperature, up to 40 ℃

Why does the knee hurt after the fall?

The man has severe knee pain after falling
the man has severe knee pain after falling
Living fabrics quickly respond to injuries, wounds, bruises. You feel pain a few seconds after the fall.

Thanks to the thin network of nerve endings in the skin, muscle tissues, tendons, cartilage, joints you get a signal to the brain about changing their normal operation, impaired integrity.

Therefore, pain is a savior and an assistant for a person. But it has a different character:
  • dumb
  • acute
  • with bastards
  • aching
  • growing or falling
Depending on its manifestations, you or a specialist in the emergency room are able to evaluate the degree of danger and pre -indicate the diagnosis. We examined the most common and possible diseases above.

What to do if your knees are sick and crunch?

The girl imposes a tight supplement to limit the knee joint due to its pain and cryst
the girl imposes a tight supplement to limit the knee joint due to its pain and cryst
If you were able to determine the causes of these symptoms listed above and these are not chronic diseases, then:
  • attach ice Or a cold knee
  • remove your kneesif the pain is too severe
  • relax the knee joints and legs in general in a hot bath, a pool during swimming, a sauna. Forget about active sports, such as basketball, volleyball, for a while
  • lie your knees Warm compresses with milk and wheat bran, vegetable oil and lemon or orange juice, and aqueous solution of soda. The duration of the compress is half an hour
  • be sure to lubricate your knees softening creams/ointments with bee or snake venom in the composition
  • enter the habit regularly performing morning charging, especially squatting exercises
  • the doctor may prescribe hirudotherapy to you. Read more about this here
  • drink enough clean water without gas
  • eat products rich in calcium
  • with acute pain It is permissible to take a pill of non -steroidal type, for example, aspirin
  • put a tight fixing one The knee bowl is a bandage
  • go to your doctor and undergo additional examinations

The knee hurts, treatment with ointments

The ointment is squeezed out onto the finger to lubricate the sore knee
the ointment is squeezed out onto the finger to lubricate the sore knee
Pain in the knee joints can partially extinguish the ointments if they are selected correctly.

There are three categories of ointments for sore knees:

  • warming
  • non -steroidal type anti -inflammatory
  • containing bees or snakes
The first category includes:
  • Menovazin
  • Capsics
  • Gevkamen
  • Espto
  • ointments for warming up the joints of horses
All of them have practically no side effects and contraindications, but their use is unjustified in some cases.

In the second category are:

  • Indomethacin
  • Butadonic
  • Ibuprofen
Use them with an artist, synovitis, inflammation of the tendons, muscle tissue

The third category consists of:

  • Apizatron
  • Ungapiven
  • Virapin
  • Apireven
  • Vyrevsal
They are quickly absorbed through the skin and activate blood circulation. The warming effect in them is higher than that of the predecessor, but there are contraindications:
  • allergy
  • childhood
  • critical days in women
  • lack of wounds on the skin of the knee and palms

The knee swells and hurts - treatment with folk remedies and methods

The girl put ice on his knee
the girl put ice on his knee

In addition to traditional approaches in getting rid of knees, there are alternative, that is, folk ones. Choose any of the following:

  • alcohol solution of iodinewhich apply on the skin of the knee without wrapping
  • urina moisten the swab And apply before bedtime for a quarter of an hour. Wipe the place of treatment and wrap it with a woolen scarf
  • a decoction of calendula or nine in the form of compresses for half an hour for a week
  • potato with kerosene or horseradish. Grind potatoes with a peel and horseradish on a grater and mix with another ingredient. The duration of treatment is a week half an hour a day
  • onion Cut in half And one strip from each half. Apply these juicy rings to sore knees for half an hour for a week
  • oat straw Fill the bag and apply to the knees
  • duvanchik flowers insist with cologne for 30 days and apply to sore spots with their subsequent wrapping
  • mustard, honey, salt And mix the water and distribute to the areas with pain. After half an hour, rinse with warm water and wrap your knees
  • pine needles in brothwhich should be updated every couple of days. Patience and repeat the procedure of MISIK for at least a week
  • lenten oil Apply to your knees and woze a woolen scarf
So, we examined various diseases of the knee joints, found out the causes of their pain when walking, physical exertion during bicycle, squats. And also determined the list of actions that will help you reduce the pain in your knees.
Take care of your health!

Video: Treatment of pain in the knee with folk methods

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