Dandelion - roots, leaves, flowers, stems: therapeutic properties, use and contraindications for women, men and children. Salad recipes for men and women, decoctions, jam, tinctures, juice, ointment, hoods, syrup, dandelion of therapeutic wine

Dandelion - roots, leaves, flowers, stems: therapeutic properties, use and contraindications for women, men and children. Salad recipes for men and women, decoctions, jam, tinctures, juice, ointment, hoods, syrup, dandelion of therapeutic wine

Article about the healing properties of dandelions. How to be treated with decoction, infusion, syrup, jam and dandelion salad?

Dandelions are one of the first spring flowers that are blooming, delight us after winter. But these are not only beautiful flowers, but also very useful. In the dandelion, all the treatment: flowers, leaves, roots and stems.

Recipe from flowers, roots, leaves and dandelion stems

Path joints will help a healing decoction of different herbs with dandelion roots

A decoction of herbs with joint inflammation


  1. We take the grass: 3 parts of the root of the barberry, dandelion and black elderberry; 3 parts of tansy flowers; 3 parts of the fruits of hops; 4 parts of the grass of St. John's wort and knotter; 2 parts of blueberry leaves and 2 parts of flax seeds.
  2. Grind the grass, mix everything together.
  3. To 6 g of a mixture of herbs we add 1 cup of water, let it boil for 10 minutes, insist for half an hour.
  4. We take before meals, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

We also make from this decoction compresses for sore joints.

Dandelion is useful for sick with diabetes. Infusions and decoctions from the entire plant help the body to produce insulin, have a diuretic effect, thereby lowering blood sugar, urine and kidneys.

Dandelion: therapeutic properties and use for men, women and children

Therapeutic properties of dandelion

There is a dandelion: vitamins A, E, PP and groups B, potassium, cobalt, manganese, phosphorus, iron, calcium, boron and copper. Also, dandelion is rich carbohydrates and tar, proteins, tannins and organic acids.

Dandelion is treated:

  • Wounds
  • Arthritis
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Ischemia
  • Diabetes
  • Diuretic with cystitis
  • Heart and blood vessels
  • Tumors
  • Warts
  • Swollen parts of the body from bites of midges and mosquitoes

Important. With purulent inflammation of the skin, dressings soaked in a dandelion decoction are applied.

Important. With atherosclerosis, it is useful to drink infusion of dandelion root 2 times a day.

Therapeutic properties of dandelion useful for men

Salad with leaves and flowers of dandelion is useful for men. It increases excitement, sexual attraction to women, erection and ejaculation.

Salad for men


  1. Fill the leaves and flowers of dandelion, pour cold water for half an hour.
  2. We cut it finely 1 lemon Together with the peel.
  3. Three on a grater 1 small carrot.
  4. Grind a handful of walnuts.
  5. We cut a few leaflets sorrel.
  6. We connect all the ingredients, refuel 3 cloves of chopped garlic, vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp. Tablespoons).
  7. In the salad, you can replace carrots - beets, sorrel - nettles, walnuts - cedar.

Note. You can’t get carried away with a salad, you need to take breaks for a week, every 10 days.

Therapeutic properties of dandelion useful for women

Dandelion is useful for women. Salads, infusions and decoctions help with female inflammatory diseases and hormonal jumps, which further lead to cysts and tumors.

With inflammation of the genitourinary system and appendages, a decoction is useful for women.

A decoction of leaves and flowers of dandelion


  1. We take it 20 g of leaves and 30 g of dandelion flowersWe fill up 0.5 l of waterWe boil for 10 minutes.
  2. We insist in a warm place for 40 minutes, covering with a terry towel.
  3. We filter and drink 2 times a day, 150 ml.

If observed breast tumorexcept for the decoction, you need make compresses to the chest from the crushed dandelion root, as well as smear ointment.



  1. 10 g of ground dandelion root Fill 50 ml of vegetable oil.
  2. We let it brew at night, and then you can use it.

Note. If the ointment applied to the chest is quickly absorbed, apply again, and in the evening we repeat the procedure.

At different ones gynecological diseases or irregular menstruation The decoction is useful.



  1. To 1 tbsp. a spoonful of a ground dandelion root Add 1 cup boiling water.
  2. Cook in a water bath, stirring for 50 minutes.
  3. We insist 40 minutes.
  4. We filter, and squeeze the cake and throw it away.
  5. Add boiled waterTo be a complete glass.
  6. We take before meals, 0.5 cups, 3 times a day.

Note. The decoction with caution is used to use breast women who have a lot of milk, since dandelion preparations enhance lactation.

Therapeutic properties of dandelion useful for children

Treats dandelion and some children's ailments, for example, rickets. To cure this disease, it is necessary, as soon as dandelions appear, prepare for the child leaf salad, brew tea from leaves and dandelion flowers with the addition of lemon, cook syrup, jam and "honey".

Syrup for the treatment of children's rickets


  1. We take it juice from dandelion leaves and flowers (1 part) and mix with sugar (2 parts).
  2. We insist in an open bowl, stirring after 1 hour until all sugar dissolves, about 2-3 days.
  3. Add to the syrup fresh carrot juice (1 part).
  4. We store in a cold place, give the children 15 minutes before meals, 1 teaspoon 3 times per day.

How to cook tincture from a dandelion for joints?

The healing properties of dandelion are used in the treatment of joints

For the treatment of sick joints Alcohol tincture of dandelion flowers is suitable.

Alcohol tincture of dandelion flowers


  1. Dandelion flowers (50 g) Fill half a liter of vodka, insist in a closed vessel, in a dark place, several weeks, at times shake.
  2. After insisting, the tincture is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

Compresses and rubbings with dandelion tincture help with rheumatism, osteochondrosis, gout, convulsions, patients of joints and colds.

We do grinding like this: We wet the gauze into the tincture and rub the place where it hurts, or the chest and back with a cold, until the warmth is felt in this place, then cover with a warm blanket.

We make compresses: soak the gauze in the tincture and put it in a sore spot, wrap it with cellophane on top.

How to cook dandelion jam?

The healing properties of dandelion in jam do not disappear

In jam from dandelions, and “honey”, all vitamins and minerals are contained, as in the fresh plant.

Useful components from jam improve metabolism, help with colds, anemia, asthma, rejuvenate the body, clean the shelter, lower blood pressure.

This is how the finished healing "honey" from dandelion flowers looks like

"Honey" of dandelion flowers


  1. We take dandelions, wash and tear off the green part, we need 200 g of dandelion petalsWe fill up 1.5 l of boiling water And we insist on the day.
  2. We filter the infusion, squeeze the petals and throw it away.
  3. Add to the infusion juice 2 lemons, 1.5 kg of sugar And cook, stirring with weak boil, until it thickens.
  4. We pour hot “honey” into clean closing jars. We add several teaspoons to green tea.
Dandelion jam preserves all the healing properties of dandelion

Dandelion jam (classic recipe)


  1. We collect 360-400 pcs. dandelion flowers without stalks, wash them, fill them cold water (2 glasses).
  2. Let it boil for 2 minutes.
  3. We insist for 20 minutes, then filter through a colander, squeeze the flowers.
  4. Add to the decoction 7 glasses of sugar, let it boil and cook for 7 minutes.
  5. Pour hot jam into clean jars and cover with lids.

In 100 g of jam, welded according to the classic recipe, contains:

  • 3940 mg beta-carotene
  • 232 mg of potassium
  • 140 mg of calcium
  • 44 mg of sodium
  • 42 mg of phosphorus
  • 24 mg magnesium
  • 18 mg of vitamin C
  • 2.4 mg of vitamin E
  • 1.8 mg of iron
  • 0.28 mg zinc
  • 0.23 mg of manganese
  • 0.12 mg of copper and selenium

Note. The rate of beta-carotene for humans per day is 5 mg.

Note. To strengthen the choleretic and anti -inflammatory properties, the jam from dandelions is eaten and washed down with green tea, you can decoct of the milk thistle.

Dandelion roots: therapeutic properties, application, contraindications, recipes

All the healing properties of dandelion are preserved in the dry roots

Medical remedies with dandelion roots can improve the liver, kidneys, stomach, improve metabolism, maintain youth longer.

For the treatment of various diseases, it is used inward infusions, decoctions and powder from dandelion roots. They help well:

  • Raise immunity in viral diseases
  • Reduce cholesterol in the blood
  • Improve appetite
  • Sick tuberculosis
  • Patients with diabetes
  • Cure insomnia
  • Eliminate chronic constipation
  • With liver diseases
  • With a sick bladder
  • With anemia
  • With patients with joints



  1. We take 2 teaspoons of ground dandelionWe fill up 1 glass of water And cook for 15 minutes.
  2. We insist until we cool and filter.
  3. We take half an hour before meals, 1/3 of the glass, several times a day.
  4. The remaining broth can be stored for no more than 2 days in the refrigerator.

Infusion of dandelion roots


  1. 1 tbsp. spoonful of ground dandelion roots Fill 1 glass of boiling water.
  2. We set to brew for 2 hours.
  3. We filter and drink 1/3 of the glass 4 times a day, 20 minutes before meals.

To it is useful to reduce blood cholesterol in the blood 1/3 of a teaspoon of powder from ground dandelion roots, 2-3 times a day, before meals.

All the beneficial properties of dandelion were transmitted ointments
  • Also prepared from the roots of dandelion ointments, oils with the addition of powder from them.
  • With eczema Lubricate sore spots ointment from honey and powder root of dandelion, taken equally.
  • With sores and burns Lubricate the skin oil with a dandelion root powder.

Oil with powder of dandelion roots


  1. 1 tbsp. spoon of powder from ground dandelion roots Mix with 0.5 glasses of vegetable oil.
  2. We insist 1 day and can be used.
Useful healing tea from dandelion roots

The healing properties have: coffee, tea, salad of dandelion roots.

Coffee of ground dandelion roots


  1. Roots Wash and fry to dark brown in a dry frying pan.
  2. It can be dried in the oven at weak temperature until they become fragile.
  3. Grind the dried roots in a coffee grinder and cook coffee.
  4. Add sugar, cinnamon and other spices to the finished drink to improve taste.

Patients with diabetes mellitus are useful for teabelow.

Dandelion's tea, bean sash, blueberry leaves and nettles


  1. For tea, we take and chop the components equally, pour boiling water, insist for half an hour, take before meals, in half an hour.
The salad of grated dandelion roots and spring greenery is useful



  1. We take fresh dandelion roots, carrots And rub on a grater.
  2. Add torn hands green salad, dill greens, parsley.
  3. We refuel vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp. tablespoons). The healing salad is ready.

Contraindications to the use of dandelion root:

  • Do not use gastritis, stomach ulcers and gallstone disease during the period of exacerbation.
  • It is forbidden to use women during pregnancy.
  • Most limited to use mothers during breastfeeding, as it can be bitter milk.
  • Do not give children under 12 years old.
  • In people subject to allergies, a medicine from the roots can cause an allergic reaction.

Dandelion leaves: therapeutic properties, application, contraindications, recipes

Beneficial properties of dandelion leaves

Young dandelion leaves are edible. They improve appetite, contain carotene, saponins, proteins, vitamins C, B, calcium, manganese, phosphorus and iron.

This is an anti -speed, antiviral, anti -inflammatory drug. Leaves have a good effect on the liver, kidneys, have an expectorant property.

You can cook from dandelion leaves juice, salad, decoction, infusion.

  • Kashitsa from fresh dandelion leaves Apply if there is warts On the body or after insect bites.
  • At vitaminosis useful a decoction of dandelion leaves.
  • At eczema Need to take baths with the addition of a decoction of dandelion leaves.

Dandelion juice


  1. Young leaves of dandelion We collect, withstand for 30 minutes in salt boiled water, then pour boiling water.
  2. We pass through a meat grinder and squeeze through gauze. The juice is ready.
  3. Before taking inside, we dilute the juice equally with boiled water.

Juice is used:

  • With herpes, lubricate the affected places 3 times a day.
  • After insect bites - juice relieves redness and itching.
  • If there are age spots and freckles on the body, then wiping the face with juice several times a day, makes them invisible.
  • If you smear the warts and acne with the undiluted dandelion juice, then they will disappear.
  • For rapid healing of injuries and small wounds.
  • To stop bleeding.
  • If there is no appetite, a breakdown, there are not enough vitamins, you should take orally 20 minutes before meals, 0.5 cups of diluted juice diluted with water.
Useful and therapeutic salads are prepared from young dandelion leaves



  1. We take it dandelion leaves, soak them for half an hour so that they do not grieve, finely chop.
  2. Add fresh cucumber, boiled potatoes, boiled egg, green salad, dill, parsley, green feathers of garlic and onions.
  3. Mix, season sour cream And the salad is ready.

Contraindications to the use of leaves:

  • With caution in diseases of the stomach and gastritis ulcers.
  • Not recommended for pregnant women.
  • You can not take if there is an allergy to the plant.
  • The leaves cannot be used for therapeutic purpose, if you are not sure that the plant is collected in an environmentally friendly environment, since dandelion absorbs harmful substances from the earth and air, and can harm, not cure.

Dandelion flowers: therapeutic properties, application, contraindications, recipes

Beneficial properties of dandelion flowers

Dandelion flowers cure well insomnia, liver diseases, hemorrhoids, and dandelion juice helps to make pigment spots, freckles less noticeable, and removes warts.

From the flowers of dandelion for medicinal purposes are prepared tinctures, decoctions, ointments, hoods, jam, “honey”, syrup and wine.

Decoctions are taken inside if it bothers:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Cold
  • Insomnia
  • Flatulence
  • Strong overwork



  1. 10 g of dandelion flowers Fill 1 glass of boiling water.
  2. Cook for 15 minutes, insist for half an hour, filter and drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Ointments are used for burns, bites of midges and mosquitoes, damage on the skin and cuts.

Ointment, dandelion


  1. 20 pcs. chopped flowers, 1 finely chopped onion, 1 cup of vegetable oil Mix.
  2. Cook on low heat for 15 minutes.
  3. Let us cool and filter through gauze. Store in a cold place. Lubricate sore spots 2-3 times a day.
A useful and sweet hood from dandelion flowers love bees and bees

Dandelion hood is useful:

  • With fatigue
  • With reduced appetite

Hood, dandelion


  1. We apply in a 3-liter jar dandelion flowers, 3-4 cm thick, tamp them and pour sugar 2-3 cm thick (on a 3-liter jar it will require 1-1.5 kg of sugar).
  2. When the bank is complete, add half a glass of water And again we tamp it.
  3. We are waiting for sugar to melt. We take the resulting extract 1 teaspoon 4 times a day.

Syrup, dandelion


  1. Dandelion flowers Pour in the pan cold waterTo cover them.
  2. We give it to boil, cook for 10 minutes, covering it with a lid.
  3. We insist for several hours.
  4. Then drain the broth, add sugar, 1 l of decoction 1.5 kg of sugarCook until the sugar dissolves. Store in the refrigerator. We accept 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.
Useful therapeutic wine from dandelion flowers

You can cook from dandelion flowers therapeutic wine. It is prepared from the petals alone or together with the green part of the flower, but then the finished wine will be bitter.

Therapeutic wine from dandelion flowers with green color poll


  1. Clean dandelion flowers with the green part We pass through a meat grinder.
  2. Add for 1 liter of juice 4 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar.
  3. We pour into the bottle, tightly clog, remove the tube and lower it into the water.
  4. So we leave the wine until we transfer.
  5. When air bubbles stop standing out, pour the wine into another dish and store the wine in a cold place.
  6. To make the wine better, you can add to it vodka (for 1 liter of wine 100 g of vodka).

Such wine can be taken to relieve heart spasm instead of nitroglycerin.

Contraindications to the use of drugs from dandelion flowers:

  • Not recommended for stomach ulcer and gastritis
  • With caution, use people who have frequent diarrhea
  • Not recommended with increased acidity of the stomach
  • Can not be taken when blocking the gallways
  • Do not take an allergy to the plant
  • Limit pregnant women and mothers, breastfeeding

Dandelion stalks: therapeutic properties, application, contraindications, recipes

The stems of dandelion also have healing properties

Milky juice from dandelion stems remove dry corns, warts; Lubricate freckles, age spots, after which they become less noticeable.

From the stems of dandelion Recommended patients with diabetes suck juice (rubber juice), but not swallow, but keep in the mouth. This juice reduces blood sugar.

So, dandelions treat many diseases that we did not even suspect.

Video: beneficial properties of dandelion

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Comments K. article

  1. Once I tried the tincture on the root of the dandelion when I wanted to clean the intestines .... not very much. In general, of course, constipation is often tormented, phytolax (bar) with a lot of mineral water helps me well, works fine)

  2. Hello! Thanks for the useful article, but nothing is written about dandelion stalks, how can they be applied? Health and longevity to you and your loved ones!

  3. Thank you very much, we will try something new.

  4. The jam turned out. Liked. The salad of leaves is already the third. True, your recipe (with leaves can be examined on the topic to whom that you like it all depends on your taste and imagination). Light bitterness in the salad gives him a kind of calorie. Pleasant health and good appetite.

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