Calendula - therapeutic properties and instructions for use. Why does calendula help?

Calendula - therapeutic properties and instructions for use. Why does calendula help?
Properties of calendula and features of its application. Contraindications and reviews.
  • Herbs and flowers give us not only aesthetic beauty, but also health to the body and spirit. They can both strengthen, activate vitality, and harm in case of improper use
  • Therefore, the ancestors were very attentive to the surrounding nature, noticed the healing properties of plants and transmitted knowledge to descendants
  • Let's talk in more detail about the surprisingly beautiful orange flower of calendula and its effect on the human body

Calendula - instructions for use

Healing flowers of nails
healing flowers of nails
  • Russia, the Caucasus and Ukraine are generous with calendula, an orange flower that is grown for decorative and medical purposes
  • The people have the name of the nail
  • Calendula blooms almost all the warm season until late autumn
  • The color has from white to dark brown. However, orange petals have the largest therapeutic effect
  • Collect only its inflorescences without leaves and stem, since the former contains a lot of healing substances

The calendula is added to:

  • ointments and creams
  • shampoos and balms
  • wound healing agents
  • excitation drugs, diuretic, soothing the nervous system

Calendula: therapeutic properties

Calendula flower in nature
calendula flower in nature
Our ancestors noticed the healing effect of nails for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and organs located next to it. Therefore, since ancient times, the calendula was treated:
  • ulcer
  • gastritis
  • liver disease, biliary tract
  • cystitis
  • inflammation in the throat and lungs
  • sleep disorders, appetite
  • increased blood pressure
  • vision of vision
  • Thanks to the bactericidal qualities of the calendula, it copes with the coccal infections
  • It is able to anesthetize the condition of patients with cancer, helps to accelerate the healing processes of the skin, for example, postoperative fistulas and wounds
  • Nogots have a strong effect on the central nervous system of a person, calm down, set up for relaxation and normalize sleep
  • Calendula in cosmetology also occupies a worthy place. Masks with it refresh the complexion, nourish the skin, return the elasticity and elasticity

Calendula: Is it possible for children

A thoughtful girl takes sun baths after applying a lotion with a calendula
a thoughtful girl takes sun baths after applying a lotion with a calendula
  • The calendula is not only possible, but you need to use crumbs from the first days of life. It is a weakly allergic plant and at the same time has a mass of healing properties even for the most sensitive and delicate children's skin
  • Add the nails to the bathing bath after healing the umbilical wound

So you:

  • save the optimal water balance of his skin
  • contribute to the healing of small scratches, wounds, irritation from the diaper
  • carry out antibacterial treatment of the skin of the child
  • dry diaper rash and small wounds with wet

Calendula oil can also be and should be purchased for daily procedures with tiny.

Insect bites, allergic rashes, you will cure the seizures if you lubricate them with oil with oil.

However, avoid giving up to 12 years to the child settings and decoctions of calendula flowers inside. Only in the case when he learned to rinse his throat on his own and not swallow the liquid, it is permissible to treat tonsillitis and tonsil inflammation with its decoctions.

Can you drink calendula?

Tea with calendula in a cup
tea with calendula in a cup
The internal application of the infusion of calendula flowers is mandatory for the treatment of ailments:
  • stomach
  • intestines
  • liver
  • biliary tract
  • hearts
  • blood pressure
You can prepare the infusion yourself or buy ready -made alcohols in a pharmacy.
  • In the open spaces of Runet, you will easily find a lot of recipes to alleviate suffering, moreover or another ailment
  • Boil calendula flowers with boiling water and withstand for several hours in a glass container in a dark place. Then take from half to a glass at a time before each meal
  • Other herbs are capable of strengthening the healing effect of nails, for example, chamomile, hawthorn, calamus, yarrow. By brewing them or buying ready -made fees and infusions in pharmacies, carefully follow the recommendations for the dosage and frequency of admission

If you have any doubts, consult with the attending doctor.

Can calendula be used during pregnancy?

Pregnant girl and calendula flowers
pregnant girl and calendula flowers
  • Since calendula flowers are rich in natural components, vitamins and oils, and also have healing qualities, then during pregnancy it is possible to use its tinctures
  • It is especially good to add nails to tea or cook it yourself from herbs growing in your area
  • Categorically you can not use concentrated decoctions and infusions of calendula flowers during pregnancy
The benefits of the infusion of nails during pregnancy are:
  • decrease in toxicosis, vomiting. For this, herbal tea is prescribed with the addition of calendula or its infusion
  • improving the finished cavity with bleeding gums and the formation of a plaque on the teeth. You should prepare a liquid for rinsing from the infusion of cadendula and warm water
In addition to the beneficial properties of the use of calendula colors, there are contraindications. Be sure to consult with the doctor before taking the calendula so as not to provoke:
  • legal differences in blood pressure
  • the movement of stones in the gall and blades
  • strengthening toxicosis
  • premature birth or miscarriage

What does the calendula tincture help?

Calendula tincture in glass container
calendula tincture in glass container
  • Due to the wide range of action and a combination of vitamins, minerals, organic acids and essential substances, calendula flowers are actively used both in the pharmaceutical industry and in recipes for traditional medicine
  • Calendula tincture is effective for caring for oily and sensitive skin

She contributes to:

  • reduction of pores and their purification
  • healing pimples, wounds
  • cleansing the skin from herpes, drying it
  • returning a healthy color
Nights in pharmacy or homemade tinctures do a good job of treating bleeding gums, stomatitis, periodontal disease. They relieve inflammation in the mouth and larynx, with tonsillitis and colds.
  • Classical methods of treatment with calendula were listed above
  • However, it should be added that the effect of calendula essential oils eliminates neurosis, prolonged stress, soothes the psyche
Women have long appreciated the uniqueness of the therapeutic effect of nails on themselves:
  • during the period of menopause, calendula normalizes pressure and mood
  • diseases of the female reproductive system are good to cure this flower. Erosion processes in the uterus and menstrual violations, thrush and inflammation retreat under the influence of the settings or calendula oil

The use of calendula oil

Calendula oil in a bottle and its flowers
calendula oil in a bottle and its flowers
Calendula oil is completely non -toxic and poorly allergic. Therefore, it can be used even in an undiluted form for both external and internal use.
Non -marks do a great job with a decrease:
  • capillary mesh on the face and body
  • manifestations of varicose veins
  • bruises and wounds on the skin
  • rashes, boils and carbunks
  • calls to scratch insect bites, which is especially true for children

Calendula oil can act as a barrier to penetrate ultraviolet into deep layers of the skin.

  • It softens the coarse areas of the body - heels, elbows, hands, treats corns, warts
  • Possessing strong sedative quality, the essential oil of the nails soothes the overexcited nervous system, relieves fatigue from a dynamic day full of stress

The use of calendula ointment

Calendula ointment in an open jar
calendula ointment in an open jar
  • All the strong properties of calendula flowers are preserved in ointments with its composition
  • So applying them to the problem skin, prone to the appearance of acne, you will heal the first. As an antibacterial agent, ointment with calendula dries wounds, fights with bacteria and reduces pores
  • Amazing nutritious and moisturizing qualities of cream with calendula will appreciate the owners of dry, sensitive, oily skin. Even the babies are suitable
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women are saved from the cracks of the nipples with ointment, oil or cream with nails
  • In the cold season, cream with nail flowers will save your skin from dehydration, drying out, cracking. In summer - protect against ultraviolet radiation, remove itching from mosquito bites
  • Carry regular massage of the legs with calendula with calendula if they suffer from varicose veins, a capillary mesh. If you have a thin sensitive skin that is subject to the appearance of bruises, then the ointment with a calendula will become a real rescuer from them
  • Scars, abrasions, cuts, eczema, allergic rashes heal faster and easier if they lubricate them with copper from calendula flowers

The use of calendula candles

Dry flowers calendulas are ready for the manufacture of candles
dry flowers calendulas are ready for the manufacture of candles
Calendula in candles copes well with the treatment:
  • hemorrhoids of all stages. Due to the absence of toxins and a low level of allergic, they can be used by pregnant women and during lactation
  • diseases of the female reproductive system
Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are faced with thrush. Calendula comes to the rescue in the form of candles or decoctions for douching.
  • Cervical erosion of the uterus is also a frequent disease in the life of a woman. Its manifestations are effectively reduced and cured by candles with nails
  • Menstrual cycle disorders, the period of extinction of the child’s childbearing functions also facilitates calendula

The use of a calendula decoction

Oil and calendula decoction in jars
oil and calendula decoction in jars
  • A decoction is a prolonged languor of medicinal grass in a water bath, or boiling it directly in water, or insist in cold water, followed by a non -long heating in a water bath. After he is allowed to cool and brew, take it on the recipe, prepare lotions and compresses for treatment from the outside
  • The calendula decoction, like its tincture, is good as a choleretic agent. He helps to alleviate suffering from cancer patients
Long -term regular reception of the decoction:
  • restores the normal operation of the liver and bladder
  • promotes the excretion of stones
It is believed that tea with the goods of nails in the last period of pregnancy can prevent premature birth.
However, it is better to consult with your gynecologist before experimenting with medicinal herbs during gestation.

How to rinse your throat with a calendula?

Girl rinsing the throat with calendula infusion
girl rinsing the throat with calendula infusion
  • A cold or an infectious disease comes at the most inopportune moment and the first to affect the throat, ligaments, tonsils
  • Prepare your calendula infusion or buy ready -made in a pharmacy to start treating the throat with rinsing
To make a healing infusion of the house, you need:
  • pour a tablespoon of dry nails of nails with a glass of boiling water in a glass container
  • close tightly with a lid and leave for half an hour to insist
  • rinse the throat up to 5 times a day received with liquid
  • continue for a week
  • If you have chosen an easier option, you bought an infusion of nails in a pharmacy, then mix its tablespoon with a glass of warm water and immediately rinse the sore throat.
  • Continue to perform all manipulations until a sense of comfort and lack of pain in the throat
Note that together with the rinse of the larynx, you are preventing the prophylaxis and the entire oral cavity from gum diseases.

Application of calendula and chamomile

Calendula and chamomile flowers
calendula and chamomile flowers
Flowers of calendula and chamomile will help to cope with serious discords of the digestive system.
So, with gastritis and/or peptic ulcer, prepare a therapeutic drink:
  • 3 measured units of nails and 2 measuring units of chamomile of medicinal pour a glass of boiling water
  • leave to infuse for 6 hours
  • strain and add 4 measuring units of fresh, better linden, honey
  • take half a glass 1 hour before meals before each meal
Thanks to the softening, enveloping and laxative effects of honey, the above diseases will not be felt so acute.
  • Calendula with chamomile and cones of hops are a strong tool for improving the structure and quality of hair
  • Therefore, for those who have an important and “thin” moment, regular rinsing the hair with these herbs taken in equal shares will be suitable
  • For a pleasant aroma of the infusion and your hair after the procedure, add a few peppermint leaves

Application of St. John's wort and calendula

Infusion of medicinal herbs in glass containers, including calendula and St. John's wort
infusion of medicinal herbs in glass containers, including calendula and St. John's wort
St. John's wort enhances the qualities of calendula and its beneficial effect on the human nervous and mental systems.
Together these herbs:
  • remove anxiety
  • improve sleep
  • relax and soothe the excited central nervous system
Calendula shows its healing abilities brighter if St. John's wort joins it. Both are good at:
  • diseases of the digestive system, duodenum, liver, liver
  • damage to the skin in the form of bruises, wounds, cuts, as well as boils, abscesses
  • the need to treat the oral cavity from inflammation
  • diseases of the throat, colds are good to carry out rinsing them
It is enough to brew St. John's wort and the flowers of nails taken in equal shares, boiling water and let cool with potion. Next, take in those dosages that are determined by traditional medicine or an experienced doctor-pound.

Application of calendula with sage

Shallefey sprig
shallefey sprig
A strong healing effect on the human body has sage. It enhances the quality of calendula and together they are good for the treatment of various ailments:
  • ulcers, gastritis
  • low acidity of the stomach
  • duodenum and liver
  • inflammatory processes in the gall and blades
  • cold and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract
  • suppuration on the skin, cuts and wounds
  • gum inflammations, paradontosis
  • cervical erosion and climate
Even to relieve nervous stress, you can drink tea with the tincture of calendula and sage.
In the vastness of Runet, you will find recipes for traditional medicine using these herbs along with others, for example, yarrow, hawthorn, mint, hop cones. Choose optimal - and restore health correctly!

Calendula in gynecology

A set of different products from calendula flowers
a set of different products from calendula flowers
Orange flowers calendulas took a worthy place to treat female diseases. Gynecologists have evaluated the unique properties and effects of nails on the female body.
So, with thrush, vulvita can be prescribed douching with calendula infusion.
For this:
  • prepare the infusion from a spoonful of dry material and a glass of boiling water
  • from the purchased pharmacy alcohol tincture, take a teaspoon and add to an incomplete glass of hot boiled water
  • However, remember that frequent douching does harm - along with pathogenic bacteria, a useful vagina is washed out.
  • Therefore, use this method rarely, in cases of strong burning and discomfort. But the disease itself will not retreat after douching, you need to add other methods of exposure and treatment
  • Calendula in candles is also popular in gynecology. Read more about this above in the sections of the article
  • Nogota oil is effective for eliminating cervical erosion, as well as aromatherapy during menopause

Calendula baths with hemorrhoids

The girl makes a bath with a calendula to treat hemorrhoids
the girl makes a bath with a calendula to treat hemorrhoids
  • Calendula is a wonderful antispasmodic, an antibacterial agent and an eliminator of inflammation. And also it promotes the regeneration of the skin and cells in a place with damage
  • Hemorrhoids are unpleasant and quite common disease. But with her you need to say goodbye to softly and correctly, without sudden movements. Calendula in this matter is a good assistant. Prepare a decoction and/or infusion of its colors
  • A decoction has a greater concentration of nutrients of the medicinal plant. Therefore, baths from it are more effective
  • Pour cold water with 1-2 measuring units of dry colors of nails and leave to infuse at night
  • In the morning, bring to a boil and remove from heat to cooling
  • Pour a warm decoction into a small basin and sit in it for a quarter of an hour or how comfortable you will be
  • Repeat the procedures twice a day until the pain and inflammation of the hemorrhoidal nodes disappear
  • Candles with her will help to enhance the effect of baths with calendula. Buy ready -made in a pharmacy or do it yourself by frozen the decoction in its pure form, with butter or petroleum jelly

Calendula for vision

Healing flowers calendulas are pleasant for the eyes and useful
healing flowers calendulas are pleasant for the eyes and useful
  • Carathla rich in Kalandula pleases our eyes with its orange color and a valuable composition
  • Nowadays, an increasing number of people suffer from the ailments of the visual apparatus, and this has nothing to do with their age
  • Folk as traditional medicine offer many ways to strengthen and restore the eyes
  • So the alcohol tincture of calamus and flowers of calendula, according to representatives of non-traditional methods of treatment, can return to you vision, lost due to injuries and ailments
  • Pour 2 measured units of herbs into glass containers and pour half a liter of vodka
  • Leave in a dark place for 14 days a container with herbs
  • Take a teaspoon daily three times a day half an hour before meals
  • The duration of treatment is a year. You should take breaks a month after the end of the infusion of one bottle

Calendula contraindications

Beautiful calendula flowers in a vase on the window
beautiful calendula flowers in a vase on the window
  • There are so many useful properties in calendula, from so many diseases and injuries it helps. But there are restrictions for taking it
  • The opinions of the authors of articles in Runet were divided by the use of calendula during pregnancy. Some strictly warn of a complete rejection of it, others claim that the nails are saving from premature birth
  • Most likely you need to look at the general state of health of the pregnant woman - does she have no digestive and excretory systems as her pressure and so on. The best solution is a consultation with a gynecologist and a doctor-homeopath
Limit the reception or completely abandon calendula should be:
  • exacerbations of diseases of the digestive system, liver, heart
  • the presence of serious discords and jumps in blood pressure, for example, hypotension
  • the movement of stones in the kidneys, urinary and gall blades
  • allergies to chamomile, chrysanthemum be sure to a test to the reaction to the nails
  • bronchial asthma
  • children under 12 years of age
  • taking medications of sedative effects

Calendula reviews

Freshly combined calendula flowers
freshly combined calendula flowers
Tamara Semenovna, pensioner
I love the gifts of nature from youth and I know how to choose the right herbs to treat many diseases. I fly my whole life with my whole life and the families of neighbors from colds, gum inflammation, low acidity of the stomach, to clean the duct of bile, urinary and sweat systems. My granddaughters appreciated the flowers of nails to strengthen hair.
Valeria, student
Mom instilated me with respect for medicinal plants since childhood. I got attached to calendula flowers especially strongly during exams. Tea with her reassures me, I sleep well and get enough sleep on the eve of the exams. All my girlfriends also made friends with this amazing grass.
So, we examined the features of the use of calendula both monoproducts and as part of the therapeutic fees of herbs for the treatment of various ailments, improve the condition of the skin and hair. We also examined the contraindications and opinions of the authors of articles presented in the vastness of Runet.
Consider the choice of methods and products to support and restore your health!

Video: calendula - therapeutic properties and contraindications

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Comments K. article

  1. i advise you to take a calendula in Bio Evalarovsky - delicious to drink it, I like it. The pharmacy is too bitter

  2. Calendula lowers the acidity of the stomach, not increases.

  3. I tried and drink it, and to put candles ... There were few effectiveness. This is what really helps the balance of microflora to restore is lactobacilli. Femi took the multiflora with them. As a result, there is no smell or burning, there is nothing more. I won the thrush for a long time)) So I have been with all hands and legs for tested methods))

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