Why does Aliexpress write - “The goods are not displayed in accordance with the legislation of your region”: what does this mean, reasons, what to do?

Why does Aliexpress write - “The goods are not displayed in accordance with the legislation of your region”: what does this mean, reasons, what to do?

Reasons for the appearance of the record: the product is not displayed in accordance with the legislation of your region.

Recently, goods with Aliexpress they are very popular among buyers from former CIS countries. This is not surprising, so the goods on this site can be purchased much cheaper than in ordinary stores. In this article we will tell you why an error shines in some products and issues: “The product is not displayed in accordance with the legislation of your region,” and what to do with it?

Why does Aliexpress write - “The goods are not displayed in accordance with the legislation of your region”: what does this mean, reasons

Now it’s hard to imagine life without smartphones, mobile phones, laptops, as well as tablets. Many shopping, being in public transport, in the subway, on the way to their workplace. This significantly saves time, because in this way you can brighten up your journey, as well as a trip to work, combine useful with a pleasant one. Respectively, in order to order goods on Aliexpress on a mobile phone, you need to download the corresponding mobile application.

But some buyers were faced with oddities and not quite correct work in a mobile application. You can see that when searching for some goods, it is displayed on the page that the goods cannot be displayed or purchased in connection with the legislation of your region. What does all this mean?

Most often, such inscriptions are displayed just when you are looking for an adult product. That is, intimate products that are sold in sex shops. But recently, such an inscription has been displayed on ordinary female panties. Often the phrase appears when searching for sexual and ordinary underwear. What to do in this case? The fact is that the application Aliexpress Designed for people age 12+. That is, this application can be opened by children, adolescents. Accordingly, it was precisely for these considerations that adult goods were blocked, and everything related to sex, intimacy.


What to do with the inscription and how to find the right product on Aliexpresss?

At the moment the owners Aliexpress they do not comment on this situation and direct people to look for the necessary goods on the site directly on the computer or in a laptop where there is no age -related restriction. Accordingly, you can order such goods by entering the site through a stationary computer with a fixed IP address.

Many note that even if you change the region with the help of VPN master, the situation does not change. Anyway, the site is displayed: "The goods are not displayed in accordance with the legislation of your region." Therefore, do not waste your strength, it makes no sense to download the VPN and go with it to the site Aliexpress. This will not give any result. In almost all regions, the search for sex toys, as well as intimacy products, is blocked. You can go to this site in a category for adults exclusively from a stationary computer.


As you can see, the site owners specifically limited access to certain categories of goods, so that children and adolescents could not see and purchase anything. You can order such products using a computer on the full version of the site.

Video: Why are the goods not displayed in the application

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