Renal colic in children, adults, pregnant women: symptoms, causes, complications. How to treat renal colic with drugs and folk remedies?

Renal colic in children, adults, pregnant women: symptoms, causes, complications. How to treat renal colic with drugs and folk remedies?

On the causes and symptoms of renal colic, emergency care and methods of relieving pain.

People who at least once had an attack of renal colic will never forget it. The pain that appeared pointwise in the back on the side or in the lower abdomen spreads through the body, captures the entire person.

They say that it can be compared with the one that the giving birth to a woman. Fortunately, the state itself is rarely life -threatening, which can not be said about the diseases that caused it.

Renal colic syndrome

Usually, the syndrome of renal colic is manifested in people whose ureters become impassable due to the concrete (stones) stuck in them or due to any other pathology.

With renal colic, a person literally experiences unbearable pain, which has nowhere to get away from.
With renal colic, a person literally experiences unbearable pain, which has nowhere to get away from.

With renal colic, a person begins to feel acute, cutting, paroxysmal pain when:

  • a stone of significant size or with a rough surface that previously freely “drifted” in the kidney begins to move along the urinary tract, clogging the ureter, putting pressure on the renal pelvis and breaking the blood circulation in the kidney
  • in the smooth muscles of the ureter there is a spasm if it is impossible to unhindered urine passing
  • in the renal pelvis, the pressure increases and the overestimation of the innervated organ occurs, which further enhances the pain

Patients experience severe pain, which can partially have different localization and manifest:

  • in the lower back (if the stone turned out to be an renal pelvis or went into the ureter)
  • in the groin (blockage occurred in the ureter)
  • in the lower abdomen and in the region of the rectum, then the patient feels the need to empty, which causes painful pain

Important: even if a patient with renal colic takes various poses, even relaxation, pain does not become less and do not pass

Signs of renal colic

With renal colic, the patient feels:

  • sharp cramping pain, which begins suddenly in the absence of obvious predisposing factors
  • the pain does not pass for a long time
  • calls to urination and difficulty urination
    Nausea and vomiting
  • an increase in temperature to 37 or more
Nausea and temperature are often accompanied by pain.
Nausea and temperature are often accompanied by pain.

The patient’s urine often becomes muddy, in it, particles of blood and/or clots-condoms are visualized in it.

VIDEO: Renal colic

What causes renal colic?

Renal colic is not an independent disease. The pathological condition is a consequence of another pathology, in 90% of cases - urolithiasis.

The calculi in the kidneys that moved and clogged the ducts - the main cause of colic.
The calculi in the kidneys that moved and clogged the ducts - the main cause of colic.

Important: urolithiasis is characterized by the formation in the urinary tract of calculi (in a simple language - stones). Doctors still cannot say exactly why they appear. The trigger can be a deficiency or surplus in the body of vitamin D, age, gender, lifestyle, errors in food, ecology, working conditions and heredity. An individual predisposition is also possible in the form of an anatomical impairment of the functioning of the kidneys and all other urinary tract

Other reasons for the appearance of renal colic are:

  • acute and chronic kidney diseases like pyelonephritis, in which the renal pelvis can become inflamed and clogged with a clot of mucus or pus
  • tuberculosis and kidney cancer

In addition to internal physiological factors, the factor of external influences should be distinguished, such as the kidney injury, due to which the urinary tract turns out to be squeezed, or their obstruction (blockage) occurs with blood clot.

Important: in some people there is a pathology - a wandering (or lowered) kidney, which can lead to the excess of the uretich, and, as a result, to renal colic

Placement of the kidney is another possible causes of colic.
Placement of the kidney is another possible causes of colic.

First aid for renal colic

First aid for renal colic should be carried out only after other pathology (surgical, urological, neuralgic, others) with similar symptoms is excluded:

  • acute appendicitis
  • acute pancreatitis
  • cholecystitis
  • cystitis
  • stomach ulcer
  • acute intestinal obstruction
  • radiculitis
  • intercostal neuralgia

It is necessary that on the basis of examination, anamnesis and laboratory tests, the doctor diagnoses. Before that, it is better not to provide any help to a person with pain syndrome, because if you do not differentiate colic from other diseases, you can only harm.

A heating pad on the lower back will help reduce the pain.
A heating pad on the lower back will help reduce the pain.

If the patient has this already diagnosed pathology, and the attack is repeated, then the first help will become:

  1. A warm bath or heating pad, or something warm on the lower back (spasm will become smaller, calculi can come out).
    But! The heating pad and heat are contraindicated in other diseases with a similar manifestation and symptoms. If the attack happened for the first time, wait for a doctor and do nothing without his recommendations
  2. Antispasmodic and removing drugs (spasmolgon, no-shpa, Baralgetas, papaverine with analgin)-will remove spasm of smooth muscles of the ureter

When the patient visits the toilet, you need to watch whether the stone has come out. To do this, it is advisable to use not a toilet, but a night pot or any other vessel and monitor the state of urine.
If the stones are small, up to 5 mm in diameter, then they come out themselves. After the stone that clogged the duct came out, it becomes much easier for the patient, although light dumb pain in the lower back can still be preserved.

During colic, stones can stand out along with urine.
During colic, stones can stand out along with urine.

VIDEO: Live healthy! Renal colic

Renal colic in children

Unfortunately, renal colic can occur in children. Most often, such a problem overtakes school -age children.
The child experiences severe pain in the navel, he is disturbed and cried. The pain is of the nature of a spasm, lasting about 20 minutes.
Vomiting occurs and the temperature rises to subfebrile.

If an attack of renal colic occurs in a child, you need to urgently call a doctor.
If an attack of renal colic occurs in a child, you need to urgently call a doctor.

Important: if such a problem overtook the child for the first time, then parents must call a doctor to exclude acute surgical pathology or intestinal poisoning

With the diagnosis and with a repeated fit, it is necessary to give the child a spasmolytic and analgesic agent - realgin. The drug is used intramuscularly and intravenously.

Renal colic in pregnant women

  • Unfortunately, pregnant women are at risk for renal colic syndrome and other kidney problems
  • The condition of the kidneys of the pregnant woman must be carefully monitored. For this, including regular, once every two weeks, urine analysis, which the pregnant woman should take before the next visit to the gynecologist.
    The third trimester of pregnancy is especially important
  • In case of renal colic, the pregnant woman is subject to emergency hospitalization, since there is a risk of premature birth
Renal colic in pregnant women can provoke premature birth.
Renal colic in pregnant women can provoke premature birth.

How to treat renal colic with drugs?

If there is absolute confidence that it is precisely the renal colic, then they accept:

  • more than usually the amount of water (warm) to push the stone
  • spasmolytic drugs
  • drugs prescribed by a doctor in order to stimulate the passage of the stone

Folk remedies for renal colic

It will not be about those means that will remove the attack of acute colic, but about those folk remedies that will help to avoid the appearance of such an attack. Such advice to people with a diagnosis of urolithiasis are especially important. After all, seizures of colic can be repeated more than once, and arise repeatedly.

Onions with honey help from colic.
Onions with honey help from colic.

Conventional onions and carrots used regularly will help to cope with the problems with the excretory system.

  1. So, you need to drink carrot juice or eat carrots grated on a fine grater in a volume of 200 ml (d) after each meal
  2. Onion onion, mixed with honey, is taken on a teaspoon 20 minutes before meals

Medicinal herbs:

  • camomile infusions
  • immortal
  • motherwort

The infusion is prepared according to the recipe written on the pharmacy package, and is taken half a glass half an hour before meals.

The collection also helps: sage + chamomile + goldener.
Take all the ingredients on a teaspoon, pour boiling water and insist.
Take a teaspoon after 2 to 3 hours.

Diet is an effective way of preventing renal colic and various diseases that caused it.
Diet is an effective way of preventing renal colic and various diseases that caused it.

An important means of preventing renal colic will be a diet.
People with urolithiasis should reduce the consumption of salt, smoked meats, marinades, fatty foods, and eat diet low -fat and non -resistant foods.

Complications after renal colic

Renal colic and its root cause - urolithiasis - can be complicated and lead to such serious diseases as:

  • acute pyelonephritis
  • urosepsis
  • bacteriomic shock
  • and other serious diseases

VIDEO: Kidney treatment - renal colic. Removing an attack and treatment

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