Transformer dress: options for evening dresses. How to sew a dress with a removable skirt with your own hands?

Transformer dress: options for evening dresses. How to sew a dress with a removable skirt with your own hands?

The original transformer dress is suitable for almost every girl. It can be worn for all occasions.

Every woman wants to have several dozen dresses in her wardrobe, but this is not always possible. In order to buy so many fashionable dresses, you need to have a decent capital.

The girl wants to always change and purchase something new, original and every season and every season fashionable. In this case, a transformer dress will help out. Its design is designed in such a way that the style of the outfit can be changed to your taste and mood quickly and easily.

Dress transformer
Dress transformer

Such a dress can be called a truly anti-crisis invention, because in one model you can make up to 10-15 different outfits. In addition, such a dress can be sewn on your own, because it is simple and accessible to every girl.

Transformer dress with a detachable skirt - options

Transformer dress with a detachable skirt - options
Transformer dress with a detachable skirt - options
  • If at your work it often happens that the boss at the very last moment warns of any event that should be held tonight
  • Transformer dress is a suitable model for such an occasion
  • In the morning you will come in an ordinary short dress, and at the end of the working day, it will turn into a luxurious evening outfit
Transformer dress with a detachable skirt - Options of outfit
Transformer dress with a detachable skirt - Options of outfit

Important: this is ideal not only for work, but also for graduation yesterday.

At the beginning of the holiday, you will have a unique appearance in a long dress, and already in a restaurant, when the holiday is in full swing, the girl will be able to dance and have fun in a short outfit.

Transformer dress with a detachable skirt - image options
Transformer dress with a detachable skirt - image options

Such a dress is suitable for absolutely all girls - of different heights, such as a figure (“apple”, “rectangle”, “sand clock”, “slender column”) and even age.

Important: you should not wear this outfit only to dust, as a short tight dress will add extra pounds.

Transformer dress with a detachable skirt
Transformer dress with a detachable skirt

In general, a transformer dress can be of different styles, flowers and made of different material. It all depends on design fantasy.

Stylish dress transformer with a detachable skirt
Stylish dress transformer with a detachable skirt

Below are original options dressestransformers with a detachable skirt.

Elegant dresses of transformers with a detachable skirt
Elegant dresses of transformers with a detachable skirt
Beautiful dresses transformers with a detachable skirt
Beautiful dresses transformers with a detachable skirt
Refined dresses of transformers
Refined dresses of transformers
Luxurious dress transformer
Luxurious dress transformer
Fashionable dress transformer
Fashionable dress transformer
Variants of delicate dress transformer
Variants of delicate dress transformer

Almost always, to the dress, the transformer needs to wear shoes or high -heeled sandals. This gives the image of uniqueness and grace.

The dress is short

The dress is short
The dress is short
  • Another 20th century designers came up with a dress that might look different
  • Such outfits were worn by women who often went abroad
  • It is not always convenient to carry suitcases with clothes with you, and the transformer dress takes different forms
  • Thanks to this, a feeling of a whole wardrobe is created
Transformer dress short and stylish
Transformer dress short and stylish

A short transformer dress looks great if a woman knows the secrets of transformation:

  • Girls with a magnificent bust need to throw the ends of the cut over the shoulders, connecting their cross, wrapping them several times around the waist
  • Tied dress on one shoulder suits thin girls with small breasts
  • A wide wrapped around the waist is able to make a figure in the form of a “sand clock” - the waist will be emphasized, the figure will seem slim
Blue dress transformer short
Blue dress transformer short

Important: a short dress is very comfortable for the summer. It can be worn for work, put on a walk or meeting with friends. Thanks to the transformation of the model, you will always come in different models.

Short transformer dresses
Short transformer dresses
Red dress transformer short
Red dress transformer short
Three options for tying a red dress Short transformer
Three options for tying a red dress Short transformer

Tip: Do not be afraid of experiments, creating your individual model. Maybe it is she who will give you charm, and you can gain success with others!

Long dress transformer in the floor


Long dress transformer in the floor
Long dress transformer in the floor

A universal model for all occasions - a long dress of a transformer in the floor. It can be worn in a restaurant, at a birthday party, for a wedding, if you go as a guest or girlfriend of the bride, or for the graduation evening.

Beautiful long dress transformer in the floor
Beautiful long dress transformer in the floor

Tip: such a dress will look excellent if it is made of plain fabric. The color print is not suitable for this model, as this can ruin the impression of the outfit.

Important: you can choose a bilateral dress - this is practical and original. But the fabric should be flowing and light.

Long pink dress transformer in the floor
Long pink dress transformer in the floor

Such a dress can be worn as a summer sundress, an evening outfit, an ordinary skirt, a pareo on the beach, a tunic, a poncho or a top. The dress that can be turned into Afghani pants looks interesting.

Long dress on the floor and pants of Afghani
Long dress on the floor and pants of Afghani

There are a lot of models dress of transformers, so modern girls can choose a beautiful and spectacular image for themselves.

Options for tying a long dress of transformer in the floor
Options for tying a long dress of transformer in the floor
Long dress transformer in the floor of different colors
Long dress transformer in the floor of different colors
A long dress of a transformer on the floor - how to tie a belt?
A long dress on the floor - how to tie a belt?
Long dress transformer on the floor - with a skirt and without it
Long dress transformer on the floor - with a skirt and without it

Graduation transformer dress

Graduation transformer dress
Graduation transformer dress
  • Prom - This is a joyful event for every girl
  • He is marked by graduation and entry into a new stage of life
  • Therefore, the girl wants this day looking great, because the graduation will be remembered for a long time - video, photo
  • Do not forget about comfort so that there are good impressions about this evening
Simple dress transformer for graduation
Simple dress transformer for graduation

It is convenient to move, dance, and not sit, just breathe (without a corset) - a transformer dress at the prom will help to spend an unforgettable evening that will leave a good impression of the celebration.

Transformer dress for graduation with a lush skirt
Transformer dress for graduation with a lush skirt
Different models of the transformer dress for graduation
Different models of the transformer dress for graduation
Bright dress transformer for graduation
Bright dress transformer for graduation
Beautiful dress transformer for graduation
Beautiful dress transformer for graduation
Grace transformer dress with sparkles
Grace transformer dress with sparkles

Designers offer millions of different models of such dresses that are suitable for graduation evening.

Important: the girl should measure several dozen dresses until she chooses her - unique and very luxurious.

Wedding dress transformer

Wedding dress transformer
Wedding dress transformer

Modern brides are beautiful and delicate, passionate and delicate, romantic and daring. All girls are radically different from each other.

It is worth noting: each of them will choose its own a special dress On the wedding celebration. But there is one model of a dress that is suitable for absolutely everyone - this is a wedding dress of a transformer.

Tender wedding dress transformer
Tender wedding dress transformer

Thanks to him, the girl will be different throughout the whole day important for her. Others will be surprised by the ability to quickly transform right before our eyes.

Lush wedding dress transformer
Lush wedding dress transformer

Important: such a dress in a matter of seconds will turn from a magnificent ballroom outfit into a short and creative dress. Therefore, these models are very popular.

Creative wedding dress transformer
Creative wedding dress transformer
Options for a wedding dress Transformer
Options for a wedding dress Transformer
Long wedding dress transformer
Long wedding dress transformer

The long hem of this dress can simply be tied and seasoned for a belt, creating a new image. You can fantasize how much it allows you to do the imagination - experiment both your friends and acquaintances will admire the bride.

Transformer dresses for bride girlfriends

Transformer dresses for bride girlfriends
Transformer dresses for bride girlfriends

Previously, girlfriends of the bride could dress in what they want. But at present, weddings are held with chic and this requires special outfits for young persons, to whom usually after the bride, all the attention of the guests is focused.

Pink dresses transformers for bride girlfriends
Pink dresses transformers for bride girlfriends

Recently, dresses for girlfriends of the bride have become popular. Thanks to such outfits, girlfriends complement the image of the bride, creating a single beautiful ensemble.

Transformer dresses for bride girlfriends in red
Transformer dresses for bride girlfriends in red
Beige dresses transformers for bride girlfriends
Beige dresses transformers for bride girlfriends
Options for tying dresses of transformers for bride girlfriends
Options for tying dresses of transformers for bride girlfriends

Girls in such different and at the same time the same dresses look very beautiful. For each type of figure, a certain manner of tying a bodice and belt is selected.

Bright dresses transformers for bride girlfriends
Bright dresses transformers for bride girlfriends

Tip: choose bright material for sewing dresses for girlfriends of the bride. Do not be afraid that the image of the bride will be lost among such a rich color, it will always be in the spotlight surrounded by her friends.

Evening dresses of transformers

Evening dresses of transformers
Evening dresses of transformers

A great option for a modern girl is a transformer dress. After all, it easily turns from a long model into an elegant short dress for going to the club or to a party with friends.

Stylish evening dresses transformers
Stylish evening dresses transformers

Evening dresses transformers can transform not only in a short dress, but also in a tunic. Such an outfit sits perfectly on any figure.

Red evening dress transformer
Red evening dress transformer

A magnificent skirt will make a princess out of a girl. It can be removed and the image acquires a completely new and beautiful look.

Bright evening dresses transformers
Bright evening dresses transformers

The basis of such an outfit is usually a short dress, which with the help of some original additions in the form of a belt or colored bandages turns into a new stylish outfit.

Evening dresses transformers with air skirt
Evening dresses transformers with air skirt

How to tie a transformer dress?

How to tie a transformer dress?
How to tie a transformer dress?

Many girls do not know how to tie a transformer dress. Here are several ways:

Glamorous model on one shoulder.Take two ends of the dress and put on your shoulders. Transfer the right end to the left shoulder. Twist them with a “flagella” until you reach the waist. Wrap the waist several times and tie the back.

How to tie a transformer dress - model on one shoulder
How to tie a transformer dress - model on one shoulder

The classic version is luxurious romanticism. Take two straps and put them on the shoulders of the cross. Weave them on your back with a “flagella” or put it like in front, crossing. Wrap the belt and tie the back.

How to tie a transformer dress - crosswise
How to tie a transformer dress-crosswise

Sleeve - wing - unique tenderness. Twist 2-3 times the straps in the area above the chest. Spread and put them on your shoulders, lowering to the middle of the back. Make the straps crosswise and lower it to the waist, wrapping it several times.

How to tie a transformer dress - exquisite sleeve
How to tie a transformer dress - exquisite sleeve

A dress with wide sleeves is stylish elegance.Spread and put each strap on your shoulder. Cross the straps on your back and get them in advance. Wrap the waist and tie the back.

How to tie a transformer dress - a wide sleeve
How to tie a transformer dress - a wide sleeve

Sarafan dress is a unique sexuality. Tie the straps near the neck with a knot. Throw them on your back and tie them with one knot just above the lower back. Get straps on the waist and wrap it. Tie a bow in the back.

How to tie a transformer dress - sundress
How to tie a transformer dress - sundress

There are many more options for tying a transformer dress. Designers say they are infinite. Therefore, fantasize and come up with something new and your own.

How to tie a transformer dress original and beautifully?
How to tie a transformer dress original and beautifully?
How to tie a transformer dress - a unique style
How to tie a transformer dress is a unique style
How to tie a transformer dress - glamorous uniqueness
How to tie a transformer dress - glamorous uniqueness

DIY transformer dress: pattern

DIY transformer dress
DIY transformer dress

Every woman can make a pattern of such a dress. There are several different patterns for different models.

You just have to choose a suitable pattern, and sew a transformer dress with your own hands.

DIY transformer dress: pattern
DIY transformer dress: pattern
DIY transformer dress: simple pattern
DIY transformer dress: simple pattern


DIY transformer dress with ties behind the neck
DIY transformer dress with ties behind the neck
Do -it -yourself transformer dress is simple and easy!
Do -it -yourself transformer dress is simple and easy!

Important: if you come up with a model yourself, you can make a pattern yourself. It is simple, because in such a dress the main elements is a skirt, an bodice and tie.


Options for wearing a dress of a transformer dress, made by your pattern
Options for wearing a dress of a transformer dress, made by your pattern

A transformer dress can replace you with a whole wardrobe. It can be pareo For the beach, and a tunic for evening walks, and a luxurious outfit for going to the club. No one will even notice that you go to all the events in one dress.

Video: transformer dress without a single seam

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