Pirantel Suspension: Composition, Instructions for use for children

Pirantel Suspension: Composition, Instructions for use for children

Pirantel Suspension: detailed instructions for use for children.

The helminthic invasions, popularly called worms, a frequent satellite of weak children's immunity. In this article we will talk about one of the leading products for the anthelmintic - Pirantel Suspensia.

The composition of the drug Pirantel

The pirantel of the suspension is produced in a liquid state in containers 5/10/15/25 ml. Where there is a 5 ml of the drug of 250 mg of the active substance of the pyrantel Pamoat.

Pharmacology Pirantel Suspension

Despite the fact that the pirantel of the suspension is a wide effect, it is worth noting that it works with the most common types of invasions, but not all. In particular:

  • Krivolovka twelve (Ankylostoma Duodenale);
  • New World Ankylostoma (Necator Americanus);
  • Human Ascaris (Ascaris Lumbricoides);
  • Tips are the most common invasion (Enterobius Vermicularis).

The essence of the action of the drug Pirantel Suspensia is a blocking of nerve endings, and as a result, helminth paralysis. As a result, helminths cannot move to the digestive tract and are taken out of the body in a natural way with feces.

Worms are a frequent disease in children
Worms are a frequent disease in children

It is worth noting that the drug works perfectly with non -mature and sexually mature individuals. But if the larvae undergo migration through the fabric, they do not die under the action of this drug.

One of the leading advantages of the drug is not absorbed into the gastrointestinal walls and is excreted from the body within a day.

At what indications is pirantel a suspension for children is prescribed?

There are only three diagnoses in which the pirantel is prescribed a suspension for children:

  • Enterobiosis - or on folk cutters. The main place is the rectum;
  • Ascaridosis is a disease that takes place in a small intestine caused mainly by Ascaris Lumbricoides parasites;
  • Anquilostomidosis is a disease that takes place mainly in the intestines, but touches the small intestine and other gastrointestinal tract.

How to take Pirantel Suspensia to children?

Pirantel of the suspension for children is given inside, having previously carefully shake the bottle. The amount of the drug depends on the weight of the child: 10-12 ml per 1 kg of weight.

If the child is sick with ascariasis or enterobiosis, then the dosage is as follows:

  • Infants age (from 6 months to 2 years): 2.5 ml per kilogram of the child;
  • Children 2-10 years old: 2.5 ml per kilogram of the child;
  • Children weighing from 40 to 75 kg: 20 ml at a time.

Enterobiosis is treated a little differently, and even with increased drug treatment, do not forget about personal hygiene and frequent change of underwear. Do not forget to wash it separately from the rest of the things, and process it with an iron with steam.

  • Per 1 kg of weight 2.5 ml, but not more than 20 ml at a time - an indicator for all ages.

In acute and difficult to pass ankylostomidosis, up to 20 mg per 1 kg of child weight, namely: namely:

  • From 6 months. and older - 5 ml for every 10 kg of the child’s body in the context of a day. The number of days of treatment is prescribed exclusively by the doctor, and the reception is carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor.
Examination of a child for worms
Examination of a child for worms

Are there any contraindications for Pirantel Suspensia to children?

When using the suspension pirantel, children have a number of restrictions and contraindications:

  • Age up to 6 months. Until that time, the drug is categorically not recommended even under the supervision of doctors, since it has not been studied relative to children under six months;
  • Intolerance to the components of the suspension;
  • Renal failure and child.

Does the pirantel of suspension have side effects for children?

Like any drug, the Pirantel of the suspension has side effects from different sides.

The skin Nervous system Hepatobiliary system Gastrointestinal tract Other
Rash Dizziness Possible increase in levels of hepatic enzymes Spasms Increased fatigue
Redness Insomnia Vomit Capriciousness
Irritation Drowsiness Nausea General weakness
Pain of the head Diarrhea

Symptoms of an overdose of pirantel of suspension for children

When taking any drug, it is important to know what are the symptoms of an overdose of the drug in order to consult doctors if necessary. Symptoms of an overdose of pirantel with suspension for children are the following:

  • Nausea, vomiting, exhaustion to anorexia;
  • Intoxication;
  • Dizziness, fainting.

How to store Pirantel Suspensia to children?

It is worth noting that the pirantel of the suspension for children can be stored anywhere where the temperature does not exceed 25 ℃.

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Video: Pirantel Suspension - Description and Instruction

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