Sick the food: sign. My wife pushed food to her husband, what will happen? What to overcome pancakes, porridge?

Sick the food: sign. My wife pushed food to her husband, what will happen? What to overcome pancakes, porridge?

Signs about crossed food.

A few centuries ago, salt was considered one of the most expensive products, since there was no modern technique for its production. However, food without salt is tasteless, therefore, the exposure of spices, its empty waste, were considered a bad sign. In this article, we will tell you what it means if I overlapped food. 

Perepoli meal: sign

Now almost everyone knows that to overcrow food - to love. If the dish contains a large amount of salt, then the girl fell in love. This is understandable, since a person in love is in the clouds, cannot concentrate, focus on some matters. The same goes for cooking.

I crossed the food, the sign:

  • However, this was not always treated with positive emotions, as it is now.The guests were greeted with bread and salt, but if uninvited guests came to the house, which are associated with negative emotions, they did not put anything on the table, first of all, salt.
  • It was believed that this product is given only to those people who are happy to see. If an uninvited guest, or the enemy, came to the house, he was not invited to the table. If invited, then without additional spices. It was believed that such a person should eat exceptionally lean food.

Wife crossed food to her husband

Previously, if the married woman introduced too much salt into the dish, it was believed that she was looking at other men, she could even convict her in treason, punishing her physical strength. 

The wife pushed food to her husband:

  • Srowned food led to a scandal with her husband
  • He could doubt the fidelity of his wife
  • This led to quarrels, tears due to the high cost of seasoning

Why overstrify the food: a sign from a girl

When they waited for the arrival of long -awaited guests, especially matchmakers, a lot of salt was served to the table. If a young girl pierced food for matchmakers, or the future groom, then she is in love, treats matchmakers and lover well.

What to overcome the food, the girl’s sign:

  • To the taste of food, one could predict what the girl’s answer will be after visiting the matchmakers. If the girl brought the pumpkin on the threshold, this meant a refusal, but if there was a lot of salt on the table, and the food was crossed, most likely, the girl will respond to the proposal of matchmakers. 
  • Salt is considered a powerful energy tool for which you can make conspiracies. Salt is still used by sorcerers and witches to harm, damage, even curses.
  • However, this product can be cured by a significant number of diseases. That is why a young girl or woman, in the process of cooking, could pronounce a special conspiracy. But for him to work, you need to salt the dish well. Therefore, they were always condescending to drilled food, without scolding a woman for a tasteless dish. Thus, she wants to get rid of troubles, improve the welfare of the family. 
Drive the dish
Drive the dish

Pancakes pancakes: Signa

The value of the signs differs, depending on the overlapped dish. The pancakes have long been considered the image of the sun, prosperity and good luck. Therefore, they were baked, especially in the oil week, with responsibility.

I overlapped the pancakes, the sign:

  • During this period, housewives used the best products for the preparation of pancakes so that the next year was successful, bringing joy, prosperity, without illness. In the oil week, pancakes that did not work out were not thrown away, but fed homeless or pets.
  • It was believed that throwing pancakes is to bring trouble. If the hostess during this period crossed the dough for pancakes, in no case could it be prepared. If the family eats overlapped pancakes at Shrovetide week, she will find many tears and failures.
  • After the test, such a dough was poured into slop to the last drop, and the vessel was thoroughly washed. Then a new portion was prepared, but without adding salt. It is impossible to dilute the cooked dough with a new portion of milk with flour and eggs. It was believed that in this way the hostess dilutes tears, increasing their number. 

Substrate food: a sign for a woman

A young girl, or a woman who recently got married, did not scold the overpass food. It was believed that a young woman, due to pregnancy and an interesting situation, can inadequately feel the taste of dishes.

Subtract the food, a sign for a woman:

  • Therefore, if a young woman was changing over, they were waiting for replenishment in the family. This was considered joyful news, they were not scolded for the recalculation. Otherwise, they were treated if a woman was overlapped by an age. The husband at that time could even beat her. After all, the salt was very expensive. 
  • Now the attitude to salt has changed significantly, it is considered harmful, they try to add as little as possible to the dish. The lack of salt on the table will not surprise anyone. A large amount of this seasoning carries negative consequences for the body, can cause edema, chronic diseases. Constant surplus salt in food is harmful to health. 
  • Fire and salt were considered powerful energy matters, especially if they work in the complex. If the salt is frying in a dry pan, an ill -wisher will come to the house soon. This is one of the ways to identify enemies, people who are negative in relation to you. If you overcome the dish in the process of frying in a pan, you should not be surprised if uninvited guests come into the house. If you invite the ill -wisher to the table, feed this dish, then a person will leave evil thoughts. 

I overlapped porridge: omen

Porridge several centuries ago was considered the main food. It was with her that the newlyweds met guests who came to congratulate them in the holiday. If the guests were treated to porridge, it means that there will be prosperity, joy in the house all the time. Porridge was also cooked on christening, and in a cauldron of the largest size. The larger the container, the more happiness the child will be. Grandmother, who walked around all the invited and poured a spoonful of porridge, treated the guests during the christening.

I overlapped the porridge, the sign:

  • All the guests who came gave several coins so that the baby was healthy. The father was supposed to eat crossed porridge on the christening. Also, a lot of salt was added to Kumovyam.
  • It was believed that these are people who help the formation and growth of the baby, so they should always be rich and generous. At that time, salt was considered an expensive spice, so it was added in large numbers to these people on the christening.
  • But if the hostess crossed the porridge in ordinary life, preparing it for dinner, then this promised losses and troubles. Due to the high spice price, her overspending was punished, he could lead to a quarrel of his wife and her husband. 
Little salt
Little salt

We will also talk about such signs:

Not so long ago, scientists conducted research and found that the female body in a state of love feels a deficiency of some minerals, in particular sodium. Therefore, the sensitivity of receptors to salt, spices decreases. Accordingly, for a woman just right, for the rest it will be too salty. Therefore, the perroll means a woman’s love, not only in the opinion of the acceptance.

Video: Signs about crossed food

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