The guy ignores: reasons - what to do?

The guy ignores: reasons - what to do?

In a situation where you really like the young man, it becomes strange if the guy begins to ignore. Let's figure out the situation and understand what to do?

It happens that the guy can ignore, this behavior is very unpleasant. And very bad and unpleasant three times when you really like this person. When you personally communicate, this issue is solved quite simply, you can directly ask: “What is happening?” But if you are far from each other, or just correspond, then it will be very difficult to find out the reason.

The first - ignoring the message is quite simple, the second - it is absolutely incomprehensible what is really happening, and why the guy behaves like that. The most difficult thing in this situation is that it is not clear what to do so that the situation has changed.

Why does the guy ignore the girl?

Before you decide what to do, you need to understand why the guy does not answer you. Many reasons lie in how close you are, in external conditions and circumstances, in the situation that has developed.

The guy ignores: reasons

  • You like this guy, but you are little familiar.
  • You are friends/friends.
  • You are not very close yet, but you have a mutual sympathy.
  • You play/flirt, with each other, your sympathy is obvious.
  • You are very in love, and are in close relationships.
  • You are a sufficient period of time together, your relationship is stable.
  • You stopped communicating, but promised each other to remain friends.

Of course, each specific case leads to certain actions according to the situation. And be sure to think about whether you need this relationship if such a situation arose initially. If the guy loves you, or goes to this, he will definitely look for a reason, something, ask you. He will never miss your message. Well, if he is silent at the very beginning of your relationship, is it necessary to devote your time to him?


However, do not flare like a match, temper is not an adviser to you. Before doing anything, you need to carefully figure out what is the reason. It is very important to weigh everything well when the situation concerns a loved one, dear person to you. There are examples of some reasons why a guy can ignore you.

The guy ignores: reasons

  1. Perhaps the young man doubted. The guy is not ready for the fact that you will actively show your attention to him. He needs to give time (especially if he used to be outside of relations) to get used to you.
  2. Perhaps the hint that you show feelings for him is not fully understood for him. Especially if you are in friendship. Maybe you are not very interesting to him as a partner, and he took a timeout to answer you, but not to offend.
  3. Especially when you have just begun to build your relationship, they are at the stage of mutual sympathy. Then, on the contrary, the correspondence is often and violently like. And it happens that at this time the guy stops answering, the girl, of course, arrives in confusion. There may be several reasons. For example, a guy, you were spent on you, your ill-wishers. Or the guy himself is not sincere to you, and flirts with other girls. And when, for him, a more interesting girl answered. He does not want to find suitable words to say goodbye to you. And just silent.
  4. Perhaps this is a married man. He wanted "thrill" on the side. And when the correspondence with you began to threaten his relationship with his wife, he decided to just remain silent so that you are offended by him. And the situation will be solved by itself.
  5. During the start of your relationship, the guy can start the game: "Go under me." He will not answer your messages so that you are injured as much as possible, tormented. And he will let you know that attention from him still needs to be earned.
  6. And the last, if you are in long trust and your boyfriend stopped answering you, then this must be taken seriously. You must understand what condition your boyfriend is in. Perhaps he is experiencing a crisis, and he needs loneliness. Maybe you have somewhat deprived him, or someone told him nasty things about you. All this needs to be clarified. Perhaps your boyfriend needs support, but does not understand that you need to ask you. This may hide the cause of a long silence.
Why ignores?
Why ignores?

There can be many different situations: he fell asleep, left and did not tell you, he had problems at work or in the family, fell ill, did not hear the call. The most important thing is to figure out the reason why the guy ignoresand find worthy ways to get out of this situation. You need to concentrate your attention on this.

The guy ignores: what to do?

The guy is ignoredt:

  • First, do not worry. So that your boyfriend needs to keep the “face”. Be sure to remember that obsessive persons only push them away. Show the prudence. If a girl loves, when the guy is persistent, then the guy will push it away.
  • If the guy is still at the very beginning of courtship, then you need not to throw it with messages. He will decide - he will answer, and if he doesn’t answer, find another guy for yourself, the light did not converge on this. It is easier to transfer sorrows itself, and then rejoice that they did not enter into a long relationship. This applies to those cases when the guy decided to “bend” the girl for himself. If you see this, then let go of the situation, tell yourself “thank” later.
  • If you ignores the guy, who was scared of your love, then in this case you need to meet personally. And in a direct conversation, clarify everything. Directly let him know that you see a guy in him, not just a friend. If the guy does not like it, or he perceives you only as a friend, decide together how to get out of this situation. Completely stop communicating, or remain friends, as if there was nothing. And if he wants close relationships, then do not rush him with a decision, he needs to get used to this phase.
It is important to figure it out
It is important to figure it out

If you have long been in a relationship and the guy stopped writing to you, then this situation requires decisive action. Do not write, but meet personally and talk. It is necessary to find out what caused this behavior. Many couples broke up due to envy and omissions between lovers.

Before taking any actions, talk with your boyfriend face to face. Much will clear up in a personal meeting. If the guy does not want to communicate with you anymore, you will find out and leave with his head high. And if you have become a target for someone’s slander, it will correctly clarify the situation in a personal conversation.

Meet as often as possible and communicate with each other. During personal conversations, many different situations clarify. And you will hold your hand on the pulse when you need compulsory intervention on your part. But sometimes it is enough to stop writing messages and relationships go to no. In this case, you are in a winning situation. You have not lost anything.

Video: Why does a man ignore?

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