Facial paralysis: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Facial paralysis: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

No one is safe from the neuritis of the facial nerve. Such a problem may arise for various reasons.

If you want to know why the paralysis of the facial nerve occurs, the main symptoms and features of treatment, carefully study this article.

Paralysis of the facial nerve: causes

There are many predisposing factors to the paralysis of the facial nerve. As a result, nerve impulses are poorly carried out from the brain to facial muscles.

The main factors include:

  • Viral -type infections: meningitis, herpes, cold, etc.
  • Increased blood sugar.
  • HIV infection.
  • Graduate injuries.
  • Aneurysm of the artery located in the spine.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Chronic hypertension.
  • A large number of toxins in the body.
  • Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain.
  • Inflammation of the artery, which is responsible for blood access to the facial nerve.
  • Malignant and benign tumors.
  • The use of painkillers that are introduced into the lower alveolar nerve.

Even if you do not have the above factors, there is a great probability of the appearance of paralysis of the facial nerve. The ailment may occur due to stressful situations, hypothermia or injuries.

  • If a person is faced with stress, the body is mobilizing, strengthening the immune system. In the case of chronic stress, the body is not able to cope with infections, so there is an exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • There is a great probability of developing paralysis of the facial nerve in winterWhen it is too cold outside. At such moments, the vessels are narrowed, due to which blood does not enter the facial nerve. Cold can also provoke meningitis, which is one of the main factors in the development of the problem.
  • That is why it is recommended to wear in winter a warm hat, if you go outside. In this case, the negative effect of cold is reduced by many times.
Neuritis can occur for many reasons
Neuritis can occur for many reasons

Prerequisites for the occurrence of paralysis of the facial nerve

There are several main prerequisites for the occurrence of paralysis of the facial nerve:

  • Genetic predisposition. If a person from parents was transmitted to a person from the parents, the facial nerve, located in the temporal bone;
  • Bad habits;
  • Suffered stroke;
  • Bearing a child;
  • Chemotherapy for oncology.

Paralysis of the facial nerve: symptoms

The paralysis of the facial nerve is manifested in the form of weakness of the facial muscles, so other symptoms occur:

  • it is difficult for a person to close his eyes;
  • negative susceptibility to sounds;
  • taste sensitivity is reduced;
  • increased lacrimation during food intake;
  • asymmetry of the face;
  • a large amount of saliva is produced;
  • eyeballs blush;
  • the body temperature rises.

Neuritis develops gradually. First, a person begins to feel pain in the back of the auricle. The nasolabial fold is smoothed, because the symmetry of the face changes, and the corner of the mouth is lowered. A person experiences weakness, headache and dizziness. On the side of the face where paralysis appeared, swelling appears.

Paralysis of the facial nerve: treatment

  • If you have the first symptoms of paralysis of the facial nerve, consult a doctor. He must study the history of the disease in order to determine the factor of the development of the disease. The neurologist must see your medical card to understand whether you had injuries, hypothermia or other triggers. After a thorough examination and questioning of the patient is carried out.
  • To confirm the diagnosis, you will need an MRI of the brain or electrophysiological studies. An ophthalmologist, an otolaryngologist and a pediatrician participate in the diagnosis, if a child is faced with a problem.
  • Conservative methods are prescribed for treatment. The patient is prescribed medications, drug massage and the treatment of physiotherapy exercises.

You can also use traditional medicine at home:

  • The affected area is heated by salt.
  • Take a decoction hawthorn, calendula or motherwort.
  • Glorypikha oil is rubbed into the skin.

Sometimes the patient is prescribed physiotherapy.

It consists in several procedures:

  • paraffin therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • phonophoresis with medicinal components;
  • electrotherapy;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • ultrasound.

If you are treated for 3 months, and a positive result is not observed, a surgical operation will be required. If the paralysis is congenital or exploded by the front nerve, the operation is required immediately as soon as the diagnosis was made. The operation should be carried out within 12 months after determining the diagnosis. Otherwise, atrophy of muscles that cannot be converted will develop.

Even operation may be required
Even operation may be required

Prevention of relapse of paralysis of the facial nerve

  • Unfortunately, you can completely recover from the paralysis of the facial nerve in only 75% of cases. If therapy does not undergo therapy within 90 days, after the appearance of the first signs, a deterioration in well -being will occur.
  • Relapses are sometimes possible. Each of them will be much heavier than the previous one.

To reduce the risk of relapse, adhere to such recommendations:

  • Dress warmth so as not to overcool.
  • Start the treatment of diseases that are paralysis triggersafter the appearance of the first signs.
  • Refuse bad habits.
  • Take medications prescribed by the attending physician. Do not self -medicate.
  • Conduct a medical examination regularly.

Paralysis of the facial nerve: reviews

  • Pavel, 40 years: At a young age, he often went without a hat, and provoked hypothermia. Literally a few years later I felt an acute pain in the temporal region, and went to the doctor. It turned out - paralysis of the facial nerve. And for 15 years I have been observing prevention measures, so as not to encounter a problem again.
  • Veronica, 27 years old: At 24 years old, I was found paralysis of the facial nerve. As it turned out, this is my hereditary. They did the operation, and prescribed drugs. Now I feel much better.
  • Denis, 63 years: Due to the frequent stress caused by problems at work, paralysis of the facial nerve has occurred. The doctor prescribed several procedures, and drugs. After several months of treatment, the disease receded. Now I adhere to recommendations for relapse prevention.

Now you know that the paralysis of the facial nerve can occur for various reasons. The main ones include stress, chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system and hypothermia. If you follow your health, and in case of poor health, see a doctor, an unpleasant situation will be avoided.

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Video: What to do with the paralysis of the facial nerve?

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