Scandinavian walking sticks: how to choose - analogues, design

Scandinavian walking sticks: how to choose - analogues, design

The choice of sticks for Scandinavian walking is simple. Read the recommendations in this article, and feel free to purchase this sports equipment.

Scandinavian walking is an amateur type of sports physical exertion, which becomes popular in different countries of the world. It is very convenient that you do not have to purchase expensive inventory and equipment, just purchase only special walking sticks and that's it. But not all novice amateur athletes know how to choose such a sports equipment. Consider this in this article below.

Analogs of scandinavian walking sticks

Sportinentar for northern walking
Sportinentry for foot walks with a fast pace

Many people who decided to do Scandinavian walking, believe that any products can be used to walk: skiing, tracking and others. But this is wrong, you should select a specialized sports equipment, which should be suitable for growth and should be intended specifically for hiking.

If you just want to start walking at a fast pace, read the article on our website. It describes in detail the technique of performing movements, and you will also learn about the advantages of such walking and where this amateur type of sports load takes from.

So, you should not use ski or tracking inventory that you have at home. With him, the final performance from training will be low, and for proper use, you need to know some features:

  • Ski -center skiThe supporting hands can only be used on loose coating - snow. All because this inventory has a special tip, which holds sticks well on snow and other similar coating. In extreme cases, you can move with them along the sand, but it will still not be as convenient as with a specially adapted equipment.
  • Tracking or travel products - The purpose of this inventory is the support of a person in a campaign. They are enhanced and massive, and can withstand not only the mass of a person, but also his weight along with a backpack. Such a precortion is telescopic, and it should not be used for a quick Scandinavian walking, as a large load on the back is created.

As you can see, it is better to refuse analogues. Of course, you can conduct the first trial lesson with ski or tracking equipment, but for further classes, you will have to purchase special products. In addition, if you are engaged in the supervision of an instructor, then he will not release you onto the track without special sports equipment, since he knows all the consequences of such classes.

How to choose the length of the sticks for Scandinavian walking?

Sportinentar for northern walking - choosing length
Sportinentar for North Finnish walking-choosing length

When choosing a precortion, the question always arises: what length should there be? When choosing, the characteristics of a person and inventory are taken into account. The length should be optimal, since the productivity of classes depends on this: the physical therapy will be distributed to all muscles. Accordingly, an overvoltage of a particular muscle group will not occur.

  • Short products They create an overload on the spinal column of the back, since the hands do not have the opportunity to properly spring from the ground during walking. The step becomes short, and this makes the physical load insufficient.
  • Long canads for sports They will not allow the torso forward, as the technique of Scandinavian movements requires this.

The length of the products is calculated depending on the parameters of the person, and may be within from 110 to 140 cm. The dimensional grid of this type of precortion is extensive and one step from one size to another is 5 cm.

  • For calculation optimal length sticks, multiply your growth by a coefficient of 0.7.

As a result, the received response will be equal to the length of the products that are suitable for physiosanias by Scandinavian movements. The choice of length also depends on the physical state of your body. Prepared people with a sports physique and pumped muscles, you can increase the optimal length 10 cm. If you first start playing sports, then you can increase the length not more than 5 cm.

If you do not know your growth, then you can choose the inventory right in the store using only your feelings and some recommendations:

  • Take the cane in your hands.
  • Stand exactly.
  • The elbow should be bent at right angles.
  • Try to walk and listen to your feelings.

If you use longer or, conversely, short products, then you will be uncomfortable to stand or walk with them.

It's important to know: The unique features and physical health of an amateur athlete are those factors that should be taken into account when choosing a sports center. So, a person with painful joints, it is better to choose an inventory 5 cm shorter than optimal length.

A person with long legs, it is better to choose an inventory 5 cm longer, since he will take a wide step when moving. Conversely, a person with short legs, you should choose the inventory shorter, since his step is small.

Design and criteria for choosing sticks for Scandinavian walking

Sportinentar for northern walking - design
Sportinentar for North Finnish walking-design

Each novice amateur athlete should choose an inventory for classes according to personal preferences, financial costs, product characteristics and the above recommendations. Perfect products should be:

  • Tough
  • Non -human
  • Light
  • Durable
  • Quenching vibration and blows
  • With a comfortable handle
  • Correctly selected in length

The design can be recorded initially or be telescopic. Sportinentar with extending sections or equipped with a telescopic structure allows you to choose the optimal length directly during class. Such an inventory simply take with you on trips and it can be adjusted to any surface and growth. It is recommended for beginners and people who plan to play sports in different conditions and with different loads.

Advice: If you do not plan to change the load and move for classes to another place, then choose fixed (whole) canes. They will last longer and are considered safer.

Compound elements of scandinavian walking sticks

Sportinentar for northern walking - composite elements
Sportinentar for North Finnish walking-component elements

Such an inventory consists of 4 elements. Each of them can have different quality, to be made of various materials and influence the effectiveness of training. Here are the constituent elements of the precortion and their purpose:

  • Rod or shaft - It can be made of aluminum, carbon, glass or carbon fiber. Often a composite can be used as a material. Aluminum does not extinguish vibration poorly and therefore such sticks are usually equipped with a special “anti-shock” system that increases the elasticity of the product. Professionals choose sticks made of composite or carbon fiber. Such an inventory perfectly extinguishes blows, showing excellent qualities.
  • Lever - It should be ergonomic, small diameter and made of material that will absorb excess moisture. During training, the hands sweat and if the handles are made of plastic, then the athlete’s hand will slide - this is inconvenient and dangerous. Therefore, it is better to choose sticks in which the handle is made of cork material.
  • Toplyak - This is a belt that fixes the hand on the handle. It resembles a glove. It can be made in the form of a strap that wraps the hand. It is important that the darkness can be adjusted in size to a different hand.
  • Tip - In most cases, the canes are equipped with a winning tip. It is great for slippery and soft track. You can separately buy tips designed to walk on asphalt or dense ground. They are made of rubber and put on cane if necessary or removed when necessary.

Each amateur athlete will find for himself such a sports equipment model for northern sports, which will be convenient only to him. Now in sports chain stores there is everything you need for physical activity, so choose and deal with pleasure.

The best and popular manufacturers of scandinavian walking

Sportinentar for northern walking from a well -known manufacturer
Sportinentar for North Finance from famous brands

Each of the brands is ready to present innovative models, improved, lightweight and convenient. But among them there are still the most popular that amateur athletes prefer:

  • Exel - The Finnish brand for the production of sports equipment. It specializes in the production of skis and sticks to them, as well as a sports equipment for Scandinavian sports. Inventory from this company will be practical, light, convenient, as well as with a lifelong guarantee, which indicates the high quality of the products.
  • Ergoforce - Great quality and low price. This company offers telescopic sticks that can be adjusted to its growth. Good choice for beginners.
  • Leki - A German company that offers a large assortment of inventory for Scandinavian hiking. Innovative adjustable sticks can be adjusted independently, given your growth.
  • Realstick - Offers carbon sticks of fixed length.
  • Marko - The Estonian company produces telescopic sticks made of aluminum.

Here are a few more companies whose products can be safely purchased:

  • Gabel
  • Karhu
  • Kompardell
  • SWIX

These firms are manufacturers from Norway, Finland, Austria, Italy, Estonia and other countries are ready to offer high -quality walking products with a quick step, both for beginners and athletes with experience. The goods of such brands will be high -quality, durable and practical.

Advice: Try to buy sports equipment for Scandinavian movements in specialized sports stores. In such retail outlets, the inventory can be obtained from the packaging, inspected and selected the optimal length for your height. This is often forbidden to do in sports buts in the market or in small stores.

Do not buy products with plastic handles, otherwise they will slide and you will be inconvenient to walk. Check the shaft for vibration. Refuse the purchase if the shaft vibrates greatly. Such sticks will be uncomfortable and will not become good assistants in physical exertion. Before starting classes, do not forget to consult your doctor. Successful, pleasant and useful training!

Video: How to choose sticks for Scandinavian walking?

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