Mongol post tracking with Aliexpress: methods, instructions. What kind of delivery of Mongol Post to Aliexpress?

Mongol post tracking with Aliexpress: methods, instructions. What kind of delivery of Mongol Post to Aliexpress?

The variety of delivery services to Aliexpress can surprise even the most experienced buyer on Aliexpress. We decided to tell you about Mongol Post, which is the state mail of Mongolia. Let's find out how it is so good and how to track the packages.

What delivery services are not used by sellers on Aliexpressto send orders to their customers. Permanent customers of the site are no longer surprised. All parcels can be divided into two types - tracked and not tracked. In addition, it is no secret that goods have long been sent through transit countries, which include Mongolia. Delivery is carried out by the state mail of this country - Mongol Post.

If a Aliexpress you are not familiar with you yet and you do not know how to buy goods here, we advise you to read the article by link here. She will tell you how to register on the site and place profitable orders.

What kind of delivery service of Mongol Post to Aliexpress?

Mail Mongolia
Mail Mongolia

The special popularity of this service is determined by the famous Chinese store Gearbest, but also Aliexpressshe works successfully. As everyone knows, due to certain events in Europe, all the parcels fell under thorough control and if there is a battery inside, they unfold back for security reasons. The same applies to various gadgets. Of course, the parcels must somehow be delivered and the exit was found-sending transit through other countries. That's just such services and belongs to Mongolia. It turns out that this delivery is very convenient for everyone, but sometimes the goods have to wait a little longer, because the package does not go directly from China, but first it gets to Mongolia and already from there it goes to the recipient.

It is worth noting that Mongolia is located very conveniently relative to other countries and it is able to provide good logistics. Moreover, all sorts of gadgets with batteries and the batteries themselves calmly cross the country's border.

It is worth noting that the Mongol mail is part of the International Postal Union, which allows customers to provide the track-number of the usual format. This is what the track-number of the Mongolian mail looks like:

  • RT103736389MN

Two letters are always placed at the beginning of the room. So far, this is only RT, but sometimes others are found. A little further is the personal number of the package of 9 digits and at the end two more letters, which indicate the country from where the package is sent. In our case, this is Mongolia.

How to track the Mongol Post for Aliexpress?

Tracking goods with Aliexpress, sent through the mail of Mongolia, is possible, first of all, on official website. To the great joy of many users there is a translation into English and Russian, because Mongolian is not known to everyone.

Once on the site, select the button "Track your item", and then go to the second tab, indicate our number for tracking and click "Search". As a result, information about the movement of the parcel will be displayed for you.

Tracking Mongolia Post
Tracking Mongolia Post

As a rule, if you actively make purchases on the site, then you have to follow a large number of numbers immediately. In order not to constantly open different sites, you can always use universal mail trackers. These are special sites that allow you to track parcels from different companies in one place and receive notifications of changes by e -mail.

One of the good sites are:





It allows you to indicate 40 rooms in one window and track them, and after registration you will receive alerts about the movement of parcels by e -mail.


Another way is to view the current status through a personal account Aliexpress. Just go to the order list and click opposite the active "Check tracking".

Check tracking
Check tracking

On the next page you will be displayed information about the location of the parcel, as well as information about the company that delivers the parcel and the tracking number.

Mongolian mail delivery time with Aliexpress

Above in the screenshot we see that the goods with Aliexpressi reached 18 days. On average, the deadlines are approximately 15-30 days from the moment the parcel was sent.

For export and customs clearance, it takes about 1-2 weeks, and after the end of the procedure, the goods are already sent to the recipient. Inside the country, the goods are about the same period.

In fact, delivery through the mail of Mongolia does not differ from China’s mail, and sometimes they even go much faster, due to the lack of a large load on the logistics paths.

Often on the Internet there are conflicting reviews about this service, but most of them are positive. If there are any problem situations with delivery, then basically they occur due to the fault of the seller.

Video: How to get a product faster? Aliexpress

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