Rest in Spain on Costa Blanca. Valencia and Alicante

Rest in Spain on Costa Blanca. Valencia and Alicante

Blanca Costa is very popular among Europeans and is completely underestimated by the Russians. She closely adjoins Costa-Dorada, but the prices are lower, the public is less, and the sun and beaches awarded the blue flag.


Valencia is the capital of the Spanish province of Valencia and the third most important city in Spain. It is not as crowded as Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbut no less attractive in historical and cultural terms. Resort cities of the region are famous for excellent beaches, a rich history and developed infrastructure for relaxation. This region is chosen by tourists who prefer measured independent rest.

Valencia, Spain

How to get to Valencia

Unfortunately, from Russia to Valencia can only be reached with a transplant in other cities of Europe (Istanbul, Madrid, Munich, etc.). The next to Valencia, an international airport with a regular message with Russia is a Barcelona, \u200b\u200bfrom which on a high -speed train you can get to Valencia in 3 hours.

High -speed trains of Valencia, Spain

In the summer, some Russian airlines operate charter flights to Alikant, but the prices for flights cannot be called even average. Valencia also connects the bus and railway communication with European countries.

Intercity buses, Valencia, Spain

Where to stay in Valencia

There are many options for living in Valencia-from hotels to beds in private apartments and dormitories. The choice of housing depends only on your wallet. If you want to combine a beach vacation with active excursion, feel free to stop right in the city. Despite the fact that Valencia is a metropolis, the beaches here are not worse than the beaches of the rest of the coast of Costa Blanca, and you can get to them from the center in city transport in just 30-40 minutes. Prices for the rental of a two -room apartment in the center start from 450 euros per month for the entire object.

Housing in Valencia, Spain

Valencia transport

According to Valencia, you can move by metro, tram or city bus. The metro here is small, consists of only five lines, it works from 5:00 in the morning to 02:00 in the morning. It is noteworthy that in Valencia the trams are subordinated to the metro management, and the tram lines are included in the metro scheme.

Metro Valencia, Spain

The interval of movement is quite large: from 4.5 minutes per hour-rush to 7.5 minutes at the usual time. The most profitable type of tickets: for 10 trips or travel for 24 hours.

You can find out more about the Valencia metro here

Buses in Valencia have daytime, night and excursion, most routes work from 04:00 a.m. to 02:00 in the morning with an interval of movement from 4 to 12 minutes (at night to 30 minutes). Tickets are sold in tobacco kiosks and at the bus driver (the bus is entered only through the front door). The most profitable tariff on regular buses is 10 trips.

Buses Valencia, Spain

Valencia kitchen

The most traditional Valencia dishes that should be tried in the city or at the resorts of Costa Blanca:

  • Paelia (rice with seafood or meat)
  • Tapas (snacks from all sorts of things on a piece of bread or skewer)
  • Fideua (seafood with noodles similar to spaghetti)
  • Tortilla (omelet with potatoes and various additives of meat or seafood)
  • Blat Pikat (meat, stewed with vegetables, peas chickpeas and crushed wheat)
  • Orgas (drink from earthen almonds that taste like sweet milk)

Paelia, shit, Spain

What to see in Valencia

Cathedral of the Virgin Mary

The Cathedral of the Virgin Mary in Valencia. The most known in the Christian world as a place of storage of the greatest Christian shrine - the Holy Grail - the bowl from which Christ drank wine during the secret party. In addition, the cathedral is of great architectural value, since in its centuries -old history it has been subjected to numerous perestroika, so that in the modern appearance of the cathedral there is a combination of various styles and eras.

The Cathedral of the Virgin Mary in Valencia (Catedral de Santa María de Valencia), Spain
The Cathedral of the Virgin Mary in Valencia.

Silk Exchange

Lonja de la Seda Silk Exchange (Lonja de la Seda) UNESCO is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and is a complex of buildings in a characteristic medieval style. The exchange was built in the XV-XVI centuries and was intended for the trading of silk, which were famous for local artisans. In addition to the trading floor, a prison was located on the exchange of silk and debtors, a chapel with a chapel, an orange courtyard for relaxation. On the floor of the trading hall, a mosaic on Latin, the rules for trading on the exchange are laid out.

Lonja de la Seda, Valencia, Spain Silk Exchange, Lonja de la.
Lonja de la Seda Silk Exchange (Lonja de la Seda)

Museum of Fine Arts

Museum of Elegant Arts Valencia (Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia) Located in the building of the former spiritual seminary. The works of Spanish artists of different eras are collected here, including the masterpieces of Goya, Velazquez and El Greco. There is also an archaeological exposition and a collection of objects representing the life, traditions and culture of local residents for many centuries.

Museum of Elegant Arts Valencia (Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia), Spain
Museum of Elegant Arts Valencia (Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia)

National Museum of Ceramics

National Museum of Ceramics (Museo Nacional de Cerámica Y de Las Artes Suntuarias) Located in the city center in the luxurious residence of the Famy de Dos Aguas. Most exposure items are in private ownership. Here you can see unique specimens of ceramic products of different eras from different parts of the world. In addition to ceramics, the museum exhibits samples of luxurious collection furniture of the bygone centuries, as well as other household items and works of art.

National Museum of Ceramics (Museo Nacional de Cerámica Y de las Artes Suntuarias), Valencia, Spain
National Museum of Ceramics (Museo Nacional de Cerámica Y de Las Artes Suntuarias)

The Square of the Holy Virgin

The Square of the Holy Virgin (Plaza de la Virgen) - This is the historical heart of Valencia. During the Roman reign in the square, there was a forum, during the Muslim rule there was the center of the capital of the Arab state. On the square there are the Cathedral of Valencia, the Church of the Holy Virgin of the outcasts and the building of the generals - the Government of Valencia. The square is a favorite place of local residents for romantic dates and friendly meetings.

The Square of the Holy Virgin (Plaza de la Virgen), Valencia, Spain
The Square of the Holy Virgin (Plaza de la Virgen), Valencia

Serrano towers

Torres de Serranos. - These are the remains of the serfs of medieval Valencia with a triumphal gate for entering the city built at the end of the 14th century. They served as a defense from enrolled attacks from outside, as well as a place for ceremonies and announcing royal decrees to the population. In the XVI-XVII centuries, towers served as a city prison, during the 1936 civilian war, the most valuable museum exhibits of Valencia and other regions of Spain were kept in the bombing dungeon. Today, the towers are located in the towers of the Naval Museum, and a viewing platform for tourists is open on the top of the towers.

Torres de Serranos, Valencia, Spain
Torres de Serranos, Valencia

Del Carmen district

Del Carmen district (Barrio Del Carmen) - This is the main part of the city. The walls here are painted with graffiti and other examples of street art, in the evenings there are many night clubs and establishments of a very different musical orientation-from traditional salsa and flamenco to super-fashionable movements. Often dance sites are arranged in open air.

Del Del Carmen, Valencia, Spain
Del Del Carmen, Valencia

Valencia embankment

Walking embankment (Paseo Marítimo) It separates the city beaches of Valencia from residential buildings. This is the most suitable place for evening and night walks. From here opens a picturesque view of the city, drowning in night lights. There are many nightclubs and bars on the beaches, often the performers of the salsa and fashionable modern dance areas perform here. Night life on the embankment does not subside in the summer until the morning.

Walking embankment (Paseo Marítimo), Valencia, Spain
Walking embankment (Paseo Marítimo), Valencia

The central market of Valencia

The Central Market of Valencia (Mercado Central de Valencia) - The largest grocery market in Europe, where you can buy the latest products of local farmers at very moderate prices, as well as products brought for sale from all over Spain. All types of meat products are sold here, especially the various varieties of Hamon are delighted; In the fish rows you can find the most exotic reptiles, which you will immediately prepare in numerous fish restaurants around the market; You can buy ready -made dishes and samples of traditional Valencian cooking.

The Central Market of Valencia (Mercado Central de Valencia), Spain
The Central Market of Valencia (Mercado Central de Valencia)

City of Arts and Sciences

City of Arts and Sciences (Ciudad de Las Artes y de las cencias) -This is really a city in the city-a unique huge complex that includes the palace of arts, the Scientific Museum, the Oceanarium, the Planetarium and the Orange Gallery

City of Arts and Sciences (Ciudad de Las Artes y de las cencias), Valencia, Spain
City of Arts and Sciences (Ciudad de Las Artes y de las cencias), Valencia

Museum of Sciences of Prince Felipe - This is a unique interactive museum that affects its size and bizarre structures. The museum in an accessible form demonstrates the action of the laws of physics, talks about the structure of the human body and explains the essence of natural phenomena.

Museum of Sciences of Prince Felipe (El Museu de Les Ciències Príncipe Felipe), Valencia, Spain
Museum of Sciences of Prince Felipe (El Museu de Les Ciències Príncipe Felipe), Valencia

Here is a molecule of DNA of giant sizes, the most modern space simulators, a whole exhibition of interesting chemical compounds, a real incubator, where you can observe the process of the appearance of a living chick from an egg, and much more. Most exhibits are designed for visitors to use as tools for various interesting experiments. The museum will be interesting even to those who are far from the natural sciences and do not understand anything about them.

Museum of Sciences of Prince Felipe (El Museu de Les Ciències Príncipe Felipe), Valencia, Spain
Museum of Sciences of Prince Felipe (El Museu de Les Ciències Príncipe Felipe), Valencia

Oceanarium Valencia. - The largest aquarium in Europe, representing aquatic ecosystems around the world. The aquarium is divided into as many as 10 zones representing various types of water bodies from Arctic to tropical latitudes, including mangroves, polar seas and a unique fauna of the Red Sea. For lovers of extreme, the oceanarium offers a unique attraction: swimming in a pool with real sharks.

Oceanarium Valencia.
Oceanarium Valencia.

Orange gallery - This is a long open pavilion in which plants characteristic of the Valencia region are represented. A pedestrian path is laid along the entire length of the pavilion, which is located in the shade even on the hottest day. Despite the fact that the gallery is open, the air here is filled with the aromas of the essential oils of the surrounding plants.

Orange Gallery (l'umbracle), валенсия, испания
Orange gallery (l’ umbracle), Valencia

The Palace of Arts of Queen Sofia (El Palau de Les Arts Reina Sofía). The museum building is Valencia's hallmark and often its photograph is printed on the title pages of booklets and guides. The interior decoration and architecture of the palace is not inferior in originality to its appearance.

The Palace of Arts of Queen Sofia (El Palau de Les Arts Reina Sofía), Valencia, Spain
The Palace of Arts of Queen Sofia (El Palau de Les Arts Reina Sofía), Valencia

The concert hall of the palace is equipped with the latest technology (for example, electronic scoreboard is mounted in the seats of the auditorium, where a libretto is broadcast in several languages \u200b\u200bduring opera productions). The palace of art can be visited with a regular tour separately from concert events.

The Palace of Arts of Queen Sofia (El Palau de Les Arts Reina Sofía), Valencia, Spain
Concert Hall of the Palace of Arts of Queen Sofia (El Palau de Les Arts Reina Sofía)

Planetarium (L’EMISFèric) -This is the most modern planetarium equipped with expensive equipment, and in addition, it is a 3D cinema on the screen of which scientific and cognitive films of various topics are broadcast, and a unique modern laser attitude broadcasting whole performances in the form of a projection.

Planetarium (l'hemisfèric), валенсия, испания
Planetarium (L’EMISFèric), Valencia

The channel of the Turia River

Turia (Río Turia) - A dried river passing through the city center, the channel and the shores of which have currently turned into a continuous green park zone. Here are the royal gardens and the Gulliver Park, as well as many small parks, playgrounds and walking alleys. The city of arts and sciences is also located in the line of the Turia River.

The dry channel of the Turia river (Río Turia), Valencia, Spain
The dried channel of the Turia river (Río Turia), Valencia

Valencia Biopark

Bioparc Valencia Biopark) - This is a zoo that does not look like any other zoo of the world. There are no cells and gratings, and the scenery of the park in the slightest details recreate the natural habitat of each animal. The aviaries of predators are separated from visitors with reliable ditches and barriers disguised as a natural landscape. Animals that do not pose a danger to humans can be observed from the distance of an outstretched arm. The fauna of Africa and Southeast Asia is mainly represented here.

Bioparc Valencia, Spain
Bioparc Valencia Biopark)

Night club Las Animas Puerto

Night club Las Animas Puerto Located on the embankment near the port and is very popular among the youth of the entire coast. The most fashionable night parties are held here, there are two huge dance sites, each with a capacity of up to 3,000 people, as well as a bar and a restaurant.

Night club Las Animas Puerto, Valencia, Spain
Night club Las Animas Puerto, Valencia

Albufer's natural park

Parque Natural de la albufera) - A closed reserve in which rare species of birds live. The park will be interesting to those who are fond of flora and fauna, as well as connoisseurs of real local cuisine and natural beauties.

Albufer's natural park (Parque Natural de la albufera), Valencia, Spain
Parque Natural de la albufera, Valencia

Kosta-blank resorts

Blanca Costa-the resort area of \u200b\u200bthe Valencia region-is translated from Spanish as the "White Coast". The coast is famous for its long sandy beaches, ancient medieval cities and fortresses, an excellent climate (even in winter, the temperature rarely drops below 19 degrees of heat) and hospitable residents.

Kostya Blanca resorts, SpainAlicante

Alicante is rightfully considered the capital of a beach Costa Blanca. There are many open areas and wide streets, long gentle beaches, and in general the city gives the impression of a very open and bright space.

Alicante, Costa Blanca, Spain

The main attraction of Alikante - santa Barbara Castle (Castillo de Santa Bárbara)which is one of the largest historical monuments in Spain. It is located on Mount Benakantil near the port, and an amazing panorama on the bay and the city opens from the walls of the castle. The fortress was built in the form of tiers, the oldest tier - the upper - was built in the 9th century by the Moors at the site of ancient Greek defensive structures

Castillo de Santa Bárbara, Alikante, Costa Blanca
santa Barbara Castle (Castillo de Santa Bárbara), Alicante

You can get to the lock on the elevator, which is equipped directly in the rock; A road and pedestrian trails are laid to the top of the mountain. In addition to the fortress on Mount Benakantil, there are restaurants, cafes and a small walking park. Inside the castle, exhibitions of archaeological finds and works of contemporary art are often held.

Castillo de Santa Bárbara, Alikante, Costa Blanca
santa Barbara Castle (Castillo de Santa Bárbara), Alicante

At the foot of Mount Benakantil is located santa de Santa Cruz quarter) - The oldest district of the city, built up in the XIII century and has survived to this day practically unchanged. This is a very picturesque place: cascades descending to the sea at home, snow -white walls and an abundance of flowers are very impressive by tourists. In the shape of buildings and the decoration of facades, it is noticeable that many houses in Santa Cruz were built by Muslims during the reconcist, when the Spaniards conquered their lands from the Moors, but allowed some of them to live on the outskirts of the city.

Santa de Santa Cruz, Alikante, Blanca
santa de Santa Cruz, Alicante quarter

Cathedral of St. Nicholas (Concedral de San Nicolás) - The main Catholic Church of the city and one of the most important attractions of Alikant. It is located next to the Santa Cruz area. Several relics of the Catholic saints are stored in the cathedral, and an old XI century organ is also established.

Cathedral of St. Nicholas (Concedral de San Nicolás), Alicante, Spain
Cathedral of St. Nicholas (Concedral de San Nicolás), Alicante

San Fernando Fortress (Castillo de San Fernando) Located in the very center of the city on the hill of St. Francis. It was built in the beginning of the XVIII century to protect against the army of Napoleon, but it was never useful as a defensive structure, since Napoleon turned to Russia. Today, the area around the San Fernando fortress is equipped with walking alleys, bicycle paths, playgrounds, and is a favorite recreation area for citizens and visitors.

San Fernando Fortress (Castillo de San Fernando), Alicante, Spain
San Fernando Fortress (Castillo de San Fernando), Alicante

Church of St. Mary (Basílica de Santa María) - The oldest church of the city, built in the 16th century on the site of a destroyed Muslim mosque in honor of the victory over the Moors. The church is valid, therefore it is open to visits only in free time from worship.

Church of St. Mary (Basílica de Santa María), Alicante, Spain
Church of St. Mary (Basílica de Santa María), Alicante

Esplanada de España Boulevard) - This is the main street of the city and a popular walking area. In the afternoon, everyday life boils here (there are many banks, restaurants on the boulevard, there is a small market and separate trays throughout the boulevard), and by the evening the boulevard is filled with musicians, street actors, artists and many numerical visitors. The highlight of the boulevard is a mosaic sidewalk depicting a marine surf.

Esplanada de España, Alikanta, Spain
Esplanada de España Boulevard, Alicante

In the center of the boulevard, a small pARK CANALEAS.which is interesting for centuries -old trees of enormous sizes. There are also playgrounds, flower beds and small fountains.

PARK CANALEALAS (PARQUE de Canalejas), Alicante, Spain

Isla Tabarca Island) - A small island near Alikante (30 minutes of the journey on the boat). In the Middle Ages, he was chosen by pirates, according to legend, the island still stores pirate treasures. There are also picturesque ruins of the old fortress and many small restaurants that serve seafood.

Tabarca island, Spain
Isla Tabarca Island)


Benidorm is the youngest city on Costa Blanca. The main contingent of vacationers here is a cheerful reckless youth from all over Europe, and the main occupation of vacationers are fashionable discos and noisy night parties.

Benidorm, Costa Blanca, Spain

Old city of Benidorm (port of Vieha) - This is a small fishing village, which he, in fact, was 60 years ago. The old part of the city is called the Wish-Vieuha desk and is famous for its beauty, narrow paved streets, cozy small cafes and an excellent taste of tapas-a local national dish.

Old city of Benidorm (Port Vieha), Spain
Old city of Benidorm (port of Vieha)

On the outskirts of Porta-Vieuhi there is a beautiful old Church of St. Haima and St. Anna (Iglesia de San Jaime Y Santa ana), painted in a white-blue color characteristic of these places.

Park Terra-Mitika

Terra Mitica attractions park is a thematic park, decorated in the style of ancient civilizations. In fact, the park is divided into two parts: ancient (Greece, Egypt, Rome) and Iberian (Spanish lands and islands).

Terra Mitica, Blanca, Spain, Terra-Mitica Park of Terra Mitica
Terra Mitica attractions park (Terra Mitica)

The entrance ticket can be bought at the box office or on the official website. Various promotions and discounts are often held, also in Benidorm in many restaurants and station wagons there are special racks where visitors are offered coupons with a discount to visit the park, sometimes discounts on coupons are very significant. The ticket gives the right to be in the park all day, use all the attractions for free and visit any show.

Terra Mitica, Blanca, Spain, Terra-Mitica Park of Terra Mitica
Terra Mitica attractions park (Terra Mitica)

In the park next to each "adult" attraction there is its reduced copy for kids. Unlike other thematic parks, you can bring your food to the terra-meik, there is a special picnic zone where you can eat with your products, there are also many cafes and restaurants in the park (mainly fast food), where for a separate You will be fed with ready -made dishes.

Terra Mitica, Blanca, Spain, Terra-Mitica Park of Terra Mitica
Terra Mitica attractions park (Terra Mitica)

The park is full of surprises. For example, in the zone of ancient Rome you can pour you with water venerable patricians on a self -propelled chariot (I must say that the joke is harmless, since they are not much doused with water, and in the summer heat it is more pleasant than a shame).

Terra Mitica, Blanca, Spain, Terra-Mitica Park of Terra Mitica
Terra Mitica attractions park (Terra Mitica)

Of the attractions, there are various American slides, a review wheel of a very unusual species, various kinds of carousels and centrifuges, as well as water boats and inflatable boats. You can get to the park by public transport, which goes from Benidorm and the surrounding cities.

Terra Mitica, Blanca, Spain, Terra-Mitica Park of Terra Mitica
Terra Mitica attractions park (Terra Mitica)

Aqualandia and Mundomar

Aqualandia water park and zoo Mundomar They are located nearby, so it is more convenient to buy a double ticket in both parks at once, while you will also get a discount.
The water park has water attractions and slides for every taste-from the most harmless to super-excessive. Unlike other water parks, you will have to pay for renting a locker in a locker room, an inflatable circle and a sunbed by the pool. The water in pools and attractions is not fresh, but sea, since the park is located on the seashore. In addition to water entertainment, there is its own dolphinarium here, where a show with dolphins and sea cats is held daily.

Aqualandia water park, Blanca, Spain
Aqualandia water park, Blanca Costa

In the Mundomar zoo you can look at different animals in their natural habitat, visit various shows with their participation, as well as swim in the pool with dolphins and sea seals. From Benidorm to Aqualand and Mundomar, regular buses run.

Zoo Mundomar, Costa Blanca, Spain
Zoo Mundomar, Costa Blanca

Aqua Natura water park and Terra Natura Zoo

These are two parks in the same territory that can be visited by a single ticket. Also, visiting parks can be combined with terra-meik, as it is also located nearby. The parks are spread out in a large territory, divided into thematic zones (America, Asia, Europe), each zone presents the Flora, fauna, kitchen and local traditions characteristic of this continent. Public transport goes from Benidorm to parks. Tickets can be bought at the box office of any of the parks (Terra Mitica, Terra Natura, Aqua Natura) and on the official sites of the parks.

Terra Natura, Costa Blanca, Spain
Terra Natura, Costa Blanca

Safari Park Aitana

Safari Park Aitana It is located 40 km from the bandiima, you can get there by car or as part of an organized excursion (sold in street agencies of the city and at tour operators). In the territory of the park, animals are literally kept in the wild, so only the window glass of the car separates them from people. Therefore, going on a rented car, it is necessary to stock up on insurance in case of damage to the car with hooves, horns and claws.
In addition to predatory animals, the safari park contains quite harmless species of mammals and artricults, which can be fed from hands and ironed. There is also a cafe, recreation areas, a playground in the park.

Safari Park Aitana, Costa Blanca, Spain
Safari Park Aitana, Costa Blanca

Count of Count Alfas

H count Alfas. - This is a colorful costume show where tourists are immersed in the Middle Ages. There will be a knightly tournament on the war between the Moors and Christians, and the traditional living lute music, and a real medieval dinner from fried game, which will have to be eaten with wine.

Count Alfas Castle (Castillo Conde de Alfaz), Costa Blanca, Spain
Count Alfas Castle (Castillo Conde de Alfaz), Costa Blanca


Gwadalest village (Guadalest) - This is a typical mountain Spanish village, which has retained the way of life and traditions the same as hundreds of years ago. There is an old fortress of the XI century buildings, many small, but interesting museums telling about the life and mores of the Middle Ages. From Benidorma to Guadazht, a regular bus runs.

Guadalest (Guadalest), Costa Blanca, Spain
Guadalest (Guadalest), Costa Blanca


Torrevieja (Torrevieja)-This is a small resort city in the south of Costa Blanca, which is distinguished by very democratic prices for accommodation, as well as the largest Russian-speaking community. Due to the fact that a lot of immigrants from Russia and the CIS permanently live here, Russian -speaking staff in local cafes and stores is not uncommon, unlike other resort cities in Spain.

Torrevieha (Torrevieja), Costa Blanca, Spain
Torrevieha (torrevieja), Costa Blanca

From the sights in Torreviekh, one can distinguish the old city Church, park Park de Las Nasiones downtown, Museum of the Sea and Salt, military Museum on the S-61 Delfin submarine, water Park Aquapolis and a natural park of salt lagoon La-Matawhose waters are painted in an unusual pink color, and from the inhabitants you can find rare flamingos in the natural habitat. Also, in salt lagons, lagoon can be swimmed, since the chemical composition here is close to the waters of the dead lake in Israel and with the right approach has a healing effect on the body.

Park of salt lagoon la-Mata, Torrevieha, Spain
Park of salt lagoon la-Mata, Torrevieha, Spain


Gandia (Gandia) - This is a small fishing town in which Europeans prefer to rest, many of them rent villas and private apartments, although there are also many hotels in Gandia. This is a calm, quiet resort with a measured life and a soft climate. The beaches here are wide and gentle, ideal for relaxation with children and leisurely multi -kilometer walks along the sea.

Gandia (Gandia), Costa Blanca, Spain
Gandia (Gandia), Costa Blanca

Local landscapes are very reviving orange gardens, which either bloom at any time, filling everything around with a heady aroma, or bear fruit, and then all the surrounding hills are decorated with bright orange peas from ripe fruits.

Gandia (Gandia), Costa Blanca, Spain
Gandia (Gandia), Costa Blanca

The main attraction of the city - Palau Ducal del Borja) - An old noble family, the richest family in Aragon, whose name became a synonym for insidiousness and licentiousness, although among the many representatives of the family were the righteous, officially counted on the face of the saints. The palace is the largest and most luxurious historical structure of this plan in all of Valencia.

Castle Borgia, Gandhia (Gandia), Costa Blanca, Spain
Castle Borgia, Gandhia (Gandia), Costa Blanca


Denia (Denia) - This is a small and very calm city, the only attraction of which is the ruins of the Moorish castle, except for excellent sandy beaches and cozy rocky bays.

Denia (Denia), Costa Blanca, Spain
Denia (Denia), Costa Blanca


Thanks to its picturesque landscapes, the city Altea (Altea) It is very popular among painters and artists of various stripes who rest here every summer and give the atmosphere of the city of a bohemian hue. The most interesting objects of Altea are a charming old part of the city, which stores traces of the Phoenicians and Moors, as well as the Orthodox Church of St. Michael located on the hill, is the only Orthodox Church throughout Spain.

Altea (altea), Costa Blanca, Spain
Altea (altea), Costa Blanca


Kalpe (Kalpe) - This is a city combining both a rich history from the first settlements to our era, and modern avenues with skyscrapers made of steel and concrete. There are excellent conditions for water sports, and sandy beaches attract tourists with their purity and comfort. Calpe is also famous for his seafood and fish restaurants - one of the best on the entire coast.

Kalpe (Kalpe), Costa Blanca, Spain
Kalpe (Kalpe), Costa Blanca

In Calpa there is an ifach rock, which is the hallmark of the coast of Costa Blanca and is often depicted on guidebooks and tourist booklets. At the foot of the cliff, a natural natural park with unique inhabitants, natural pedestrian paths and rare plant species is spread.

Rock Ifach, Calpa, Costa Blanca, Spain
Rock Ifach, Kalpe, Costa Blanca

Calpe salt plains are a unique natural habitat for pink flamingos and royal herons, as well as a source of production of table salt, which at all times was considered “white gold” and for centuries provided the residents of Calpe well -being and income.

Kalpe, Costa Blanca, Spain
Kalpe, Costa Blanca


Have (Jave/Xabia) Considering the warmest resort throughout Spain, thanks to the Mongo mountain range, which protects it from the cold north winds at any time of the year. Have is located on a cape, outstanding far into the sea, directly opposite the island of Ibiza, who in sunny weather is visible from Have with the naked eye. In local restaurants, you can try real Spanish Pael, and not its modest analogue, which is served in most large tourist cities. Have is very popular for recreation for romantic couples, as well as vindurfing lovers and other water sports.

Hawaa (Jave/Xabia), Costa Blanca, Spain
Havea (JAVEA/XABIA), Costa Blanca


Villajoyosa (Villajoyosa) -This is the most non-tourist city throughout Costa Blanca. There are very few hotels here, and the main income is not brought to the residents of the tourism industry, but by fishing and crafts. However, this does not mean that the city is not at all attractive as a place to relax.

Villajoyosa (Villajoyosa), Costa Blanca, Spain
Villajoyosa (Villajoyosa), Costa Blanca

Williachoyos has a very ancient story - ancient than many towns of the coast. There are gorgeous beaches: wide, clean, perfectly equipped and not too crowded. In the vicinity of Williachoyyos there are two excellent lagons for diving classes.

Villajoyosa (Villajoyosa), Costa Blanca, Spain
Villajoyosa (Villajoyosa), Costa Blanca

The streets of Williachoyyos have a completely unique and unique look, thanks to the manner of local residents, coloring houses in bright and colorful colors. By the way, from the Spanish Williachoyos is translated as a “city of joy”, which fully justifies its fun coloring. Vilyakhoyoos is also known as the chocolate capital of Spain, since there are long -standing traditions for the manufacture of this product, and currently produce the most famous Valor chocolate brand in the country.

Villajoyosa (Villajoyosa), Costa Blanca, Spain
Villajoyosa (Villajoyosa), Costa Blanca

From the historical attractions of Williachoyos, it can boast of the ruins of the ancient fortress, several museums of chocolate, the old Catholic Church, the burial tower of Hercules (the heritage of the Roman rulers of the city).

Video. Costa Blanca (Official Promo Turismo)

Video. Mini-film about Costa Blanca in Russian

Video. Valencia street musicians (medieval Spanish music)

Video. La Hota Valencian - the traditional dance of Valencia

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