Extoartrosis of the ankle joint: causes of development, symptoms, methods of treatment

Extoartrosis of the ankle joint: causes of development, symptoms, methods of treatment

Causes, symptoms and methods of treatment of ankle osteoarthritis.

The ankle -joint osteoarthrosis is a chronic ailment that involves all the components of the ankle. In this article we will talk about the symptoms of this ailment and the methods of its treatment.

Exto -arthrosis of the ankle joint: Symptoms

It is worth noting that this is not a defeat of a particular part of the joint. In general, osteoarthrosis affects almost the entire ankle. This applies to both bone and cartilage tissue and areas outside the joint itself. There are several stages of the disease in total. At the first stage, a person feels slight pain, especially after heavy physical exertion or during prolonged walking.

It begins to hurt precisely in the place of connection of the lower leg with the foot. In such cases, people usually do not attach any meaning, as they will eat a little and stop. Over time, the pain begins to intensify, and at about the second stage of a person, a rather severe pain accompanies, and the joint begins to deform. He can swell and blush, pour.

Affected by cartilage
Affected by cartilage

Quite often, after waking up in people at the second stage of osteoarthrosis, severe pain is observed. That is, the person slept for a long time in the morning, woke up, stands on the leg and it hurts very much. It is at this stage that people turn to traumatologists and orthopedists for help, because it is quite difficult to endure pain.

In the third stage, a deforming degree occurs. During this period, the joint is deformed, since the bone tissue has grown outside the joint itself, it is rather thickened. It is strong painful sensations that contribute to seeing a doctor. In the second stage, the disease can be suspended. For this, several treatment methods are used. It all depends on the severity of the disease and the characteristics of the patient himself.


The reasons for the development of osteoarthrosis of the ankle joint

There are several reasons why osteoarthrosis of the ankle occurs.

The reasons:

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Excess weight. It is obesity that people experience strong pressure on the lower limbs, which is why arthritis and arthrosis often develop
  • People after 50 years old, who were most of their lives experienced heavy physical activity
  • Very often osteoarthritis occurs after injury, diseases
  • Often a complication after arthritis, which is not treated for a long time

Thus, the amount of cartilage tissue decreases inside the cartilage in the initial stages and this area does not receive food due to the deterioration of blood supply. Further, all the beneficial substances from the cartilage leave and it remains unprotected. Bone fabrics are trying to fill the cavity that arose at the site of the cartilage, the joint is deformed.

The development scheme of the disease
The development scheme of the disease

How to treat osteoarthrosis of the ankle joint?

There are several treatment methods for this ailment. It all depends on the stage of the disease.

Methods of treatment:

  • In the initial stages, when not very severe periodic pain is observed, and there is no pronounced deformation, physiotherapy is prescribed. This is electrophoresis, ozokerite. Often they put electrophoresis with corticosteroids, and non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs are used. In order to slow down the destruction of cartilage, chondroprotectors are used. Quite often, they are injured directly into the joint precisely chondroprotectors in order to increase the amount of lubricant and reduce inflammation in the joint. Hyaluronic acid is often used in order to fill the cavity that arose at the site of the cartilage and stimulate the production of new cartilaginous tissue.
  • Local treatment for osteoarthritis of the ankle joint is quite ineffective, because it does not give significant and long -term results. The fact is that when lubricating the joint with some kind of ointment, it does not penetrate so deeply as to get directly into cartilage and bone tissue. Therefore, to reduce pain, non -steroidal, anti -inflammatory drugs, as well as hormones, that is, glucocorticosteroids, are injected. Hondroprotectors are prescribed as recovery. In order for drugs to penetrate better inside, ultrasound is very often used along with medicinal substances.
  • At the last stage of treatment for osteoarthrosis of the ankle joint, surgical intervention is performed. It is carried out if the rest of the methods remained ineffective. In this case, the joint prosthetics are carried out.
  • Also, great importance should be given to the choice of shoes. Almost all traumatologists, as well as orthopedists, prescribe special insoles with shock absorbers with ankle joint osteoarthritis, which reduce the load on cartilage and bones. If patients with obesity are treated, then in this case they limit the load on the joint until the patient loses weight. Because excessive weight will continue to squeeze the joint and provoke its further destruction.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of osteoarthrosis of the ankle joint

Traditional medicine approaches the treatment of osteoarthritis a little differently. Basically, jelly, as well as chicken cartilage, are used to restore the joint. It is these substances that help improve the condition of cartilage tissue, restore the volume of synovial fluid.

For this purpose, it is recommended to consume dishes with a cold several times a week. Chicken cartilage is often used. But they don’t cook anything from them, that is, they are not boiled. Chicken cartilage is dried and with the help of a mortar and a pestle are rubbed to a powder state. For better digestibility of this tool, it is necessary to pour the powder with a small amount of orange juice and let stand for half an hour. This mixture must be eaten every morning. The approximate amount of this substance is one teaspoon for a day.

Compresses, as well as lotions are ineffective for treatment. They only help reduce pain. For this, warming ointments are often used.


Often with osteoarthritis of the ankle joint, exercise therapy is prescribed, that is, therapeutic gymnastics. This is aimed at strengthening the ligaments, as well as muscles in the ankle area. This allows you to reduce the load directly on the bone, as well as the joint, and to prevent its further destruction and strengthening of the load during walking. Such exercises are usually taught in special centers, as well as in the clinic, where there are rehabilitologists.

Video: ankle osteoarthrosis

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Comments K. article

  1. During the exacerbation of the pain, I resort to the help of the therapeutic patch of nanoplast Forte, it helps to remove the pain and reduce swelling. It is used once at 12 hours, very convenient. You can even use it in compulsous therapy, in general it has a wide range of application

  2. The first time I had an injection of Flexotron ultra - this is a drug based on hyaluronate
    sodium, that is, hyalurons. I endured the injection calmly, there were more experiences at
    expectation. There may be no miracle, but there is a positive dynamics. Pain passed, only in the evening
    I get tired and there are discomfort. The therapeutic effect of this drug is preserved in
    The course of at least six months, as it is written in the recommendations.

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