ARS and SARS: What is the difference? What is the difference between SARS and acute respiratory infections in the beginning and course of the disease, symptoms, complications, in treatment: comparison. What is more dangerous for pregnant ARI or SARS? How long does the contagious period of acute respiratory infections and SARS last?

ARS and SARS: What is the difference? What is the difference between SARS and acute respiratory infections in the beginning and course of the disease, symptoms, complications, in treatment: comparison. What is more dangerous for pregnant ARI or SARS? How long does the contagious period of acute respiratory infections and SARS last?

Differences and similar moments of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.

During the off -season and during the cold, there is a surge in viral and bacterial diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In sick leave, you can often see the diagnoses of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. Most patients think that this is one and the same, but in fact it is not at all.

What is ARI and SARS - this is the same thing: decoding the name and determination of the disease

ARI is an acute respiratory disease that can be caused by viruses, bacteria or allergens. SARS - acute respiratory viral infection. That is, the second definition is more specific. In the first case, the disease can be caused not only by viruses, but also by bacteria, allergens. That is, ARI is a more extensive concept. This suggests that at the moment the doctor is not entirely clear to the doctor and the diagnosis has not yet been established. After research, a specific diagnosis is made, namely pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis. To clarify the diagnosis, a number of studies are carried out.

ARI causative agents:

  • Viruses
  • Bacteria
  • Mushrooms
  • Allergens

ARVI pathogens:

  • Adenovirus
  • Flu
  • Rinovirus
Treatment of SARS
Treatment of SARS

What is the difference between SARS and acute respiratory infections in the beginning and course of the disease, symptoms by the days of the disease: comparison

In the beginning and course of the disease, these ailments differ significantly. Symptoms are somewhat different. In principle, SARS can be considered one of the types of acute respiratory infections. It is worth noting that SARS can be caused by a mass of various viruses. Most often these are influenza A, B, as well as adenoviruses. Viral infections are often characterized by their vastness and mass. Usually in the spring and autumn, epidemics are observed. This is due to the fact that the virus home can be brought on clothes, hair.

Initially, ARVI is characterized by weakness, muscle pain, malaise, temperature. After a few days, the condition gradually improves. With acute respiratory infections, the symptoms are slightly different. Usually, pain is observed in a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe body. It can be a nose, or throat. Often there is chest pain. With acute respiratory infections, after 3 days, improvement does not occur, but the condition does not worsen. Typically, the symptoms persist for 2 weeks. That is, sore throat or runny nose can last 2 weeks. It is worth noting that at the beginning of SARS there is conjunctivitis, sinusitis and sidelines of the throat. With acute respiratory infections, these symptoms may not be. Usually the pain is localized in one specific place.

With acute respiratory infections for almost 2 weeks, similar symptoms are observed. The temperature is low, usually subfebrile.

Patient SARS
Patient SARS

What is the difference between SARS and acute respiratory infections in treatment: Comparison

SARS Treatment:

  • Preparations to improve immunity
  • Antiviral drugs
  • Medicines that remove symptoms
  • Vitamins

ARZ Treatment:

  • Antibiotics
  • Antiseptics
  • Immunomodulating drugs

With normal immunity, the body itself will cope with the virus, you can help it a little. It is for this that antiviral drugs are given. To facilitate the condition, painkillers are taken and anti -inflammatory. With acute respiratory infections caused by bacteria, antibiotics are indicated.

What is the difference between SARS and acute respiratory infections in complications: Comparison

Very often the flu, that is, SARS does not pass in a week and is accompanied by the occurrence of other ailments. It can be sinusitis, sinusitis, bronchitis or pneumonia. Orz is pharyngitis, laryngitis and sinusitis. But they are caused not only by viruses, but also by bacteria, mushrooms. Complications can be exactly the same, it is both chronic ailments and a deterioration in the general state of health.

Medicines for SARS
Medicines for SARS

How long does the contagious period of acute respiratory infections and SARS last?

SARS is distinguished by rapid development and sharp deterioration in health status. Usually a person is a carrier until the symptoms appear. On average, the incubation period of SARS is about a week.

After the disappearance of the symptoms, another 2 days of a person is a carrier of the disease. With acute respiratory infections, the patient is a carrier of 14 days. At the same time, there may not be bright symptoms, such as sneezing, a runny nose and a smack in the body. The temperature rarely rises to 38 degrees.

What is more dangerous for pregnant ARI or SARS?

For a pregnant woman, both SARS and SAS are dangerous. This is especially true for women who are sick in the first trimester. In this case, the virus can significantly affect the development of organs and systems and even provoke a miscarriage. In the second trimester, the situation is slightly better, as the fetus protects the placenta. But still various pathologies may occur.

Regarding ARI, the situation is almost the same as with viral ailments. The fact is that in 80% of cases, pregnant women suffer from SARS. If the disease is caused by bacteria or mushrooms, then antibiotics are prescribed. In this case, the risk for the fetus is also very high. ARI can also cause a miscarriage or premature birth. But still, bacteria and mushrooms have a less strong effect on the fetus than viruses.

Medicines for SARS
Medicines for SARS

ARI and SARS - not the same thing. Although often ARI can be caused by viruses. In the media, acute respiratory infections often sounds, this is due to the unknown origin of the causative agent of the disease.

Video: Differences of SARS and ARI

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Comments K. article

  1. Now is such a period that many are sick.

  2. Marina, you can not only get sick in the spring, but in the summer too. Believe me, every summer with colds begins. Fortunately, Ingavirin helps out with its action, I don’t even go to sick leave.

  3. I think the difference is not as important as the fact that many do not notice this stage at all! And over time, everything develops into the flu, that it is much worse .. I try not to make this mistake ... At the first symptoms, I begin to use the aquamaster, washing my nose I also do daily, but I also try to drink more warm water and teas. As a rule, after a couple of days the condition is much better. So I advise)

  4. I got sick, the temperature, the temperature, all the things ... In the pharmacy, sparkling antigropin tablets from the natural product advised, began to accept them and at least came to myself. The temperature became normal, the nose breathed, in general it began to feel better. Now I will only use this tool.

  5. I, if the symptoms of colds begin, is in full: the temperature is increased, and the nasal congestion, and the aches in the muscles. When the last time I began to get sick, I began to take a hotmix rhinok, which, with its action, does not poorly reduce the symptoms I have listed above. As a result, I got better.

  6. My cold usually begins with my throat - sore, redness and other “charms”. Recently, the anti-angin formula began to use at such moments. I like a spray, but there are other forms of release: loafers and tablets, which, due to the combined composition, have a triple effect: help fight bacteria, help relieve pain and help reduce inflammation and edema.

  7. It may be the difference, but the treatment plus/minus is the same. The last time for a faster recovery, the doctor prescribed an additional interim. It has vitamin C and licorice root extract. And really on her feet got up faster.

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