How to tie a crochet flower: 18 diagrams with explanation and video - simple, lush, voluminous, wrapped flower, rose, pansies, lily

How to tie a crochet flower: 18 diagrams with explanation and video - simple, lush, voluminous, wrapped flower, rose, pansies, lily

In this article we will talk about how to crochet a flower.

Nowadays, knitted jewelry, including flowers, gained more and more popularity. If you tie a crochet flower, then the product itself will look airy and weightless, which many young girls and even adult women will like. Often such an element of decor can be seen on winter hats, warm cozy sweaters, and even on key fobs to the keys or purse. At the same time, you can create such beauty with your own hands, which we will talk about today in this material.

How to crochet a flower: schemes, explanation

Crochet a flower is quite simple in execution, if you read the circuit correctly. In principle, it is based on simple combinations, repeating alternately. And always starts from a circle of air loops. But still start small, do not chase complex schemes - in the future this will help to achieve an incredible result. It is also worth noting that such a creation does not take much time-on average, one flower takes about 10-15 minutes.

Important: you can knit from any threads - wool or alpaca, or maybe cotton or even flax. But still, for a flower, you should not take too thick a thread like a merino yarn. Angora and silk looks very beautiful. Moreover, they can be combined with each other.

The basic version of the crochet flower

5 petals flower
6 petals flower
  • In fact, there are a lot of basic schemes. After all The original number of V.P. He will ask the core, why you begin your knitting. And remember - the more there are, the wider the center hole will be. But it is easier to type columns on them.
  • Now The columns themselves - It looks more beautiful if it is the initial ring from V.P. tie Art. b/n. Thus, you can block this central circle. Moreover, their number should be 2-3 times the most amount of V.P. By this you are already setting the number of petals.
  • Next comes them Formation. For this, the first time you do 3 V.P. for lifting and 3-5 V.P. For connection with the next column (depending on the scheme and width of the petal), then 1 tbsp. s/n and continue until the end.
  • After You already knead the petals themselves. But there must be a smooth formation, so Art. b/n, semi. s/n and 3-5 tbsp. s/n. We offer you several options at once. So that you understand that one motive is based on, just this number of V.P. and Art. affects the quantity and size of the petals and the core itself.

But pay attention to the scheme when there is a greater set when creating petals. That is, the scheme that is taken as a basis does not change. But due to the large number of columns, the flower turned out to be more voluminous and wavy.

You can adjust the width of the petals
You can adjust the width of the petals

Another simple scheme, but a slightly different flower shape

Flower with pointed petals
Flower with pointed petals

Crochet a simplified scheme

  • If you need a large number of small flowers, then this fast method is suitable for these purposes. After all, knitting one element takes about 5 minutes. The set according to the first example begins from 8 V.P., and on the second - from 6.
  • Also knit a double ring from Art. b/n. And then immediately make the ledges of the petals from Art. s/n. The second scheme, apparently, is very simple - the rise and 3 columns.
  • The first scheme will give more magnificent and dense leaves. But, although the scheme is shown without semi -columns, it is still better to use them before lifting. That is, miss the first and last column in each petal, making a replacement. So there will be a more smooth inventory.

Note: as a small advice and a visual example - any flower looks more beautiful according to any scheme with colorful threads.

Small flower according to a simplified scheme
Small flower according to a simplified scheme

Video: a simple crochet flower diagram

How easy it is to tie a rose or a crochet flower with a spiral method

If you believe that this is a very complex flower that only skillful craftswomen can create, then we will delight you. Everything is much simpler! You just need to knit a roll according to the scheme, and then turn it into a tube.

To make a rose now just
To make a rose now just
Creating a rose
Creating a rose with leaves

We form a crochet flower with an unusual core: 5 ideas

Option 1

  • If you pay attention to the scheme, you will notice that it is not very different from all previous ones. But there is no binding of semi -stolks. The start of work from 5 V.P.
  • After the connecting loop, there is a rise, and immediately knit 3 tbsp. C/n in each loop, and between them you do 2 V.P. And now tie in half -stolks.
  • The petals according to this scheme are made from Art. with 2 crochets. That is, instead of one, do two screams at once, which are knitted by the usual method. Thus, they will be more magnificent and high.
  • You can change a little number of petals and their size. To do this, just calculate the larger initial number of V.P. That is, 6 V.P. is already needed for 6 petals, etc. If you want to get a little larger size of the petals, then the second row from Art. S/n knit with a large number of V.P. between them. And if wavy flowers - then the half -stoldocks dive when knitting in the 3rd row.
An interesting core
An interesting core

2 variation

  • And here is another option when the center of the flower looks unusual, but it is very simple. As you can see, this flower is distinguished, lush columns that are knitted from 3 tbsp. s/n. That is, you do not finish them to the end, but leave them one final length in order to connect everything together.
  • Now attention - the petals are made of 3 crochet columns. That is, wrap the thread 3 times per hook and knit each of the sketches of the thread with a regular column. You can make them a little longer, starting from a larger number of crochets.
  • In conclusion, tie the entire flower of Art. b/n. This version shows work in one color, but a contrasting option with different colors looks no less interesting.
Blue flower

Option 3

  • If you want to stand out even more, then the next scheme is exactly for you. The flower looks bright even due to the combination of rich colors - red and black. In principle, there is nothing complicated in knitting - a certain trick in high columns, which make the petals unusual.
  • An interesting core is also formed, but you can make it a simple method or perform an analogy of the above first version. From this, beauty will not deteriorate! And if you want to make shine, then you can sew a bead or glue a sparkling rhinestone, or make a patch from beads.
Bright composition
Bright composition

Option 4

In this example, the scheme is not so complicated as the splendor of the core itself affects the effectiveness of the whole composition. By the way, this is the case when a lot depends on the correctly selected thread. Therefore, a small hint - Angora is perfect, but too thin a thread will create a smaller volume.

  • By the first example. We recruit 6 V.P. And we tie their chain 12 tbsp. b/n. Now from each previous loop you create long petals of 8 V.P. And now all complexity begins - behind these petals, you get 2 tbsp. s/n, 4 half -column s/n and 2 tbsp. s/n. Now, for 3, you are already forming the petals - Art. b/n also behind the connecting column and 5 V.P. You do the petals themselves from Art. C/N (for smooth rounding, the beginning and end of the petal is always with a half -steast.) With their gradual doubling in each row according to the scheme.
  • The second flower begins from 4 loops, and 8 tbsp. b/n tie an air circuit. At the same time, the second row goes with the doubling of the same simple columns for the rises. This method is formed on a large number of small air chains from V.P. That is, you make 16 chains out of 5 V.P. In the 3rd row. In the 4th row, again increase the b/h number of loops to 32, from where in the 5th row there are again air chains of 5 V.P. The 6th row provides for a reduction in loops to 16. After knit the petals according to the scheme from a sharp increase in loops to their smooth narrowing.
Flowers from Angora
Flowers from Angora

Video: Awesome flower with a realistic core, decorated with beads

Crochet volumetric flower

It is no less easy to execute and is knitted in the same scheme as its simple version. The only thing is the number of layers. At their expense, you get a realistic flower. The main thing is to understand the sequence - in each next row, the number of petal columns s/n each time increases by two, like V.P. When forming a petal. And do not forget to always start and end the semi -stolchis petal.

Scheme of volumetric flower
Scheme of volumetric flower
Volumetric flower
You can create a different number of tiers and decorate at your discretion

And here is another version of a pretty flower in a voluminous motive.


Video: Crochet volumetric flower with peaks

Incredibly beautiful crochet flower

  • Make a sliding loop. That is, you do not knit V.P., but simply connect the thread into the ring, wrapping it. Further 2 V.P. For lifting and knit 10 tbsp. s/n. And now, over the edge of the thread, you pull the same columns into a closed ring. As an option, you type 10 V.P. And immediately tie them Art. s/n. Do not forget to connect the columns together.
  • Now you are gaining 15 V.P. In each previous loop. Connect them in half -stolks. In the end you will get a very thick chamomile.
Extremely simple execution
Extremely simple execution
  • Tie an air chain from V.P. Ten columns of b/n. In the middle of our petal, create a small hole for a bend of 2 V.P. And another 10 tbsp. b/n. Do with each hole. Please note that the inversion of the petals will already begin to form at this stage due to their quantity and density. Connect with a simple column.
  • Tie all rows of 10 tbsp. s/n., connect 3 vp, which you enter into the first column of the previous row. Tie each petal, connecting them with a connecting column. Please note - in the first petal, first you will have 9 loops due to the fact that there will be a rise from 3 vp.
  • That's a beautiful flower with an unusual spinning wheel is ready! If desired, you can tie it with a thiner thread of a different color. Or replace Art. C/n simple columns of used b/n.
Incredible beauty
Incredible beauty

Video: an unusual crochet flower

We knit an eye with a hook

Get 6 V.P. and tie an air circuit 12 tbsp. b/n. Change the thread and create 6 V.P., fixing them through 1 loop of the previous row - only 3 connections. Now these chains are knitting Art. b/n. And now you are forming 2 ears of 15 columns C \\ N: 3 half -roll for the formation of a smooth rise, 3 tbsp s/n, 3 tbsp. With 2 crochets, again 3 tbsp. s/n and 3 half

Continue to knit a row, as if passing on top of two ears. Again, set the basis of 3 ears, with the same number of loops - 15. But you use 3 tbsp. b/n, and then go Art. C/n, also complete simple columns. Now go to another thread. Do 3 V.P. For lifting and all the ears are made from long columns with 2 crochet. Anyutins are ready! The main thing is do not forget to alternate different threads of the thread.

An example of knitting
An example of knitting
Another scheme
Another scheme

We make a crochet lily flower

There are several knitting patterns of lilies. Therefore, we offer 2 options with different knitting basis. The first example is the movement in a circle, moving away from the center to the edges of each petal. And in the second case - each petal is knitted in a separately longitudinal way, moving on to the next in a circle.

Formation from the center
Scheme 2
Scheme 2

Video: How to make a lush flower crochet?

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