Do -it -yourself organizer for linen: step -by -step instructions, best ideas, photos

Do -it -yourself organizer for linen: step -by -step instructions, best ideas, photos

Who does not know the picture - shelves in the linen cabinet or chest of drawers are littered with randomly lying underwear, among which it is not so easy to find the desired kit or a couple of socks. And the order put during general cleaning, all these neatly folded piles after a few days again turn into a heap-small.

In order to easily navigate on their shelves and not waste time searching, humanity came up with organizers that help maintain order. Of course, they can be bought - the benefit, the choice of sizes, colors, functional purpose is great. But it is much more pleasant to make it with your own hands, because this is how you can create a unique thing that will correspond to your requests.

DIY Organs

  • This is the simplest and most common version of the organized linen with your own hands. But for all its simplicity, it involves many different decisions and design options. You will need only a box of a suitable size, in which you need to adjust the side sides to the height you need and then put up inside so that you can lay out the laundry along the "vaults".

So, we arm ourselves with a cardboard box of the size suitable for you, glue, a roll of wallpaper (as an option - colored paper, bright magazine coverings, wall -mounted calendars, etc.), a ruler and a pencil and, of course, scissors. The stapler and staples for him will also not hurt.

Academician for linen with your own hands, step -by -step instructions:

  • Step 1. We measure the size of the box into which the organizer will be inserted. They will become the width, height and length of your product. It should be noted that several millimeters will be added when you paste the box, so it is better to immediately plan sizes by about a centimeter less than the size of the box. And, by the way, for a fairly large box, you can provide for the manufacture of a pair of three organizers at once.
  • Step 2. We select the box of the required size. If you don’t find one at home, you can ask in stores, often various cardboard boxes from under the goods, and a wide variety of sizes, are often thrown there.
We select the size
We select the size
  • Step 3. We start marking. We measure the height, making it approximately a centimeter less than the height of the box itself, and draw its line around the perimeter with a pencil and ruler. Now we cut off the extra cardboard with scissors or a clerical knife without throwing it away - it will serve for the internal filling of the organizer.
We measure
We measure
  • Step 4. We glue the box, giving it a beautiful appearance. By the way, the bottom needs to be pasted first, because it is it that most often will be in front of the eyes. You can also put on the bottom of the box a beautiful cardboard compatible in area.
We glue
We glue
  • Step 5. We proceed to the manufacture of organizing partitions, for which the cut edges of the box are useful. Of these, they make dividers crossing the box along and across. Decide on the width of the cells you need and block the box with beautifully pasted cardboard partitions along their borders.
Separation also glue the wallpaper
Separation also glue the wallpaper
  • Step 6. So that the partitions are stable and do not “go”, cut the grooves into them and insert one partition into another. And one more subtlety, if you glue the cardboard, leaving a small “stock” of paper, then the remaining paper millimeters can be used for additional fastening. Just glue these “tails” to the side walls of the box when installing the partition - it will stay more reliable.
Sossles for stability
Sossles for stability
  • Step 7. Our organizer is almost ready. The inserted and fixed partitions and the bottom make the entire design solid. The last stroke will be the final fixing of all cardboard walls, which are attached with a stapler or lubricated with glue and attached.
We fasten
We fasten
  • Step 8. Give your organizer time that the glue is finally dried, and now lay out the toilet objects in the order you need.
Things in the field
Things in the field

DIY plastic cup

  • Cute rounded identical cells filled with socks, golfs, traces and other “clothes” for the legs can be made of ordinary plastic glasses. There is only one lack of its lack - the placement of cups is impossible without a lot of empty space between them.
  • In order to get an organizer for linen with your own hands, in addition to plastic cups, a ruler (or centimeter), tape, scissors, nail polish, threads, as well as several tapes and an ordinary lighter, will be needed. After everything necessary for work has been prepared, you can start making an organizer from plastic cups.
Improvised materials
Improvised materials
  • Step 1. We start with the measurements of the box in which glasses will be placed to determine how many pieces in it will fit.
  • Step 2. In the glasses, you need to make small holes with scissors - this is done on the sides, withstanding the same distance. The cups that are located along the side walls of the box should not be done two, but one hole.
  • Step 3. Ribbons are about ten centimeters long (if you have long tapes - you need to cut them into short ones) at the ends - that’s why you need a lighter. The calculation is this: for one row of cups - four ribbons.
  • Step 4. Now the ribbon should be drawn through the holes and tie it with a beautiful knot, and then a bow. We repeat this procedure for each glass, receiving several solid lines of glasses.
We bind
We bind
  • Step 5. Gently tape with bilateral tape, neatly connect glasses to the box. Cover the top for eating the beauty of the product, which will emphasize the cells. Your organizer made of plastic cups made by your own hands is ready!
In each cell you can fold underwear
In each cell you can fold underwear

Organizer for linen from milk bags with your own hands

  • Almost every housewife in the refrigerator has a package of milk (as an option - juice). They, as a rule, go to the garbage bucket after they are empty, and in vain. From them you can make an organizer for linen or socks with your own hands. And it is not difficult to do it.
You will get this result
You will get this result
  • Step 1. Having collected several of these packages, cut the upper and lower edge from them, hoping in such a way that they are proportionate to the height of the box. The foil, which is located inside the package, must be thoroughly washed, using soap or detergent if necessary, and then also wiped and dry thoroughly.
  • Step 2. The packages must be inserted into the box, better fastening their walls with tape or stapler. Such neat storage facilities will help you always keep underwear in order and quickly find the necessary.
Fight and insert into the box
Fight and insert into the box

DIY Ordasiser with your own hands from fabric: sewing

  • Such an organizer for linen with your own hands is quite durable and practical. Among its other advantages are compactness, mobility and versatility, since it can be placed on almost any shelf.
  • To make such an organizer, you will need a strong fabric (preferably bright colors), less dense matter, which differs in color to make partitions out of it. You also need to take a synthetic winterizer and a decorative tape or kant. And, of course, all the necessary tailoring accessories: threads, needles, pencils and ruler for patterns, scissors, etc.
Beautiful result
Beautiful result
  • Step 1. From the main fabric and from a piece of synthetic winterizer, you need to cut rectangles in size, slightly smaller than the bottom of the box - so your organizer will not crumble.
  • Step 2. On the main rectangle of fabric, it is necessary to sew partitions. They are done like this: the length is equal to the base, and the width should be twice as much as the walls of the box. These blanks need to be sewn in the middle, and then folded in the seam inward, thus receiving a double partition.
  • Step 3. We pretend how many cells we need, and based on this, we draw. Draw the wall based on the number of cells that is needed.
  • Step 4. Having retreated from the edge one and a half centimeter, we begin to sew our rectangles.
We sew it
We sew it
  • Step 5. Then we make partitions that will pass across, folding matter in half. It is better to fade them, having previously turned them out.
  • Step 6. We sew all the small details with each other.
We sew the details
We sew the details
  • Step 7. Now we make side parts and also sew them to the base.
  • Step 8. It remains to decorate the upper and end part with a trough or ribbon that will give elegance and aesthetics to the product. Use such an organizer with pleasure!
Add the edging
Add the edging

DIY Ordasiser from fabric and cardboard: pattern, sewing

Would need
Would need
  • Step 1. We measure the size of the box. For example, it is 50 cm in length, 30 cm in width, and the height is 10 cm. From these sizes and calculate the pattern.
  • Step 2. We take cardboard and cut out two long stripes from it (50 cm long and 10 cm high). We make two more stripes 30 cm long. We will provide 14 cells, each - 15 cm and also need to prepare jumpers the size of the width of the cells.
  • Step 3. Now, to make the organizer beautiful, we tighten it with a cloth, which needs to be cut with stripes of 50 cm and 30 cm, adding a centimeter from each side, since the fabric will need to be bent.
You will need to glue
You will need to glue
  • Step 4. Stick strips from cardboard on fabric, leaving minor gaps to make slots.
So we will create a lattice
So we will create a lattice
  • Step 5. Separately, we will fulfill the outer part of the organizer for storing linen, and then we take the partition to the fabric, which we left from the edges, fixing it.
Organizer design
Organizer design
  • Step 6. Also, from cardboard, covered with a cloth, the bottom of the organizer is also made, which is filled on the outside. However, this element is optional if the inner surface of the box is flat.

Video Instruction: Creation of the Orgaszer for Lowel yourself

DIY Organizer for Lowel: Tips

  • Organizers for linen can be made of various material. Plastic It is best to buy, because it is difficult to make them with your own hands. Wooden It is possible to make only if there are materials and tools, which is far from in every house. But cardboard and fabric - The best option for independent manufacture, since they do not require expensive materials and open a wide scope for imagination. Only sheets of cardboard or cardboard boxes and any dense material available at hand are needed.
  • For tissue organizers Often use denim fabric, quite dense in structure. Experienced housewives advise before proceeding with the manufacture of the structure, wrap the old jeans in boiling water, thus preventing the possibility that the fabric lips.
  • Most often, organizers are installed in boxes in a horizontal position, but can be vertical (or suspended). One of these options may be a suspension basket made of fabric, made in the form of an ordinary cloth package. It can be attached to the wall on the shoulders - so you will save space on the shelves of the cabinet.
Self -manufacture
Self -manufacture
  • The suspended organ-organized basket can be made closing, sewing an ordinary button or inserting a zipper.

We will also tell you how to do it yourself:

Video: a convenient organizer for linen with your own hands

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