Fenhel and Dill: Is this the same thing? Description and chemical composition of fennel and dill

Fenhel and Dill: Is this the same thing? Description and chemical composition of fennel and dill

Similarities and differences between fennel and dill.

On the shelves of pharmacies, there are a lot of medicinal herbs that are used to treat both children and adults. One of the most popular and inexpensive drugs that are used in folk medicine is Fennel. It is used against cough, perfectly fights with colic in infants. Many confuse him with dill. In this article we will talk about the main differences between Fenchela and Dill.

Description and chemical composition of fennel and dill

Dill - This is an annual plant that needs to be sowed every year. Seeds are very similar to fennel seeds, and the plant also refers to the umbrella family. The scent of the grass is not at all like that. It is more spicy, with notes of cloves. It differs in a brackish taste, is also used in the preparation of salads. Many confuse dill and fennel, but in fact this is not so. These are different plants that belong to one group, but they are used in the treatment of various diseases.

Dill composition:

  • Vitamin C
  • Carotene
  • Tiamine
  • Riboflavin
  • Flavonoids
  • Quercetin
  • Fat oil
  • Squirrels
  • Organic acids

Fennel Refers to the umbrella family and is perennial plants. It grows for at least two years. Basically, these plants grow for about 5 years. As a result of fruiting, seeds appear, oval, somewhat flattened, brown-gray. In its structure, the greens are very fluffy, spicy, with a pronounced anise aroma, with a sweet taste. It is regularly used to make fresh salad, as well as for seasoning the first dishes, soups and beets.

Fennel composition:

  • Annetol
  • Fenhon
  • Methylhavikol
  • A-Pinen
  • A-Fellandren
  • Qineol
  • Lemonone
  • Terpinolen
  • Citral
  • Bornilatate
  • Fixed oils
  • Organic acids
Fennel bushes
Fennel bushes

What is the difference between fennel and dill: the healing properties of plants

It is worth noting that it is the fennel seeds that are sold for the preparation of so angry dill water. Although in fact, this plant has nothing to do with dill. The fact is that many people simply confuse the seeds of fennel and dill, which are very similar to each other. But Fennel seeds are larger.

Fenhel has windbreaker properties, helps get rid of gases in the stomach, and establish digestion. In addition, it is often added to cough syrup. It is worth noting that it is the fennel seeds that are added in the manufacture of an original absinthe recipe. Thanks to this plant, the drink is distinguished by a peculiar aroma, which is very reminiscent of mint and estronon.

As for dill, he has more expressed diuretics. It is often used for kidney diseases. Giving with colic in children, as well as coughing, dill is useless, because the composition of herbs is very different.

Fenhel and dill, the same thing?

General features of plants:

  • Belong to the family of umbrella
  • Used in the preparation of the first dishes and salads
  • Bushes are visually quite similar
Dill fragrant
Dill fragrant

Differences between Fennel and Dill:

  • Dill is not used to treat cough and colic in children. Very effective for kidney diseases: pyelonephritis, cystitis, as well as diseases of the bladder. Its ability to dissolve small stones in the bladder and kidneys was discovered
  • Plant growth time. Dill - annual, fennel - perennial plant
  • Plant seeds differ, because fennel seeds are larger
  • Fenhel grows in more southern latitudes. Although it has recently been learned to cultivate in Russia. Therefore, often, in personal plots, you can find rising fennel and dill nearby. Because the plant fell in love with our latitudes
  • Fennel bush is more branched, magnificent than that of dill
  • Plants are distinguished by taste, aroma, as well as their composition

Despite a very similar appearance, fennel and dill are different plants and give dishes somewhat different taste shades, aromas. In this case, they are used in medicine to treat various diseases.

Video: Fennel and Dill

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  1. Of course not, by the way, when I was tormented by gases and bloating, my mother just advised me to eat dill and I also drank the Simeton, so I got rid of these symptoms)

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